Well that wasn’t really a 1vX clip, sure you killed a few people but then you ran away from the fight and didn’t finish it.
It actually proves the point that 1vXing is harder then group play, because a true 1vXer would have stayed and tried to finish it off rather then run around the tower and just end it.
Huh? It comes down to experience for me. I'm not going to waste time doing math or rabbling all the differing things between supporting and smallscaling. I have 5 years of eso PvP experience as a rapid spamming support healer and as a smallscaling templar/sorcerer, I think it speaks for something. I can objectively say that not only is being a support in a large raid easy, just being in a large raid is way easier - especially now considering there's minimal competitive large scale PvP in eso compared to before. I'm pretty sure that we completely disagree on most things regarding this considering your first post on this thread, so I doubt a debate on this will change any minds. I just wanted to share my thoughts since I saw many players confidently comparing playstyles they are ironically inexperienced with.
Clip was cut because of length. I did stay to finish the fight with those who stayed as well. Also I dont understand how that proves any point even if you do just consider that running away. The point would be that I'm not a true 1vXer, but that says nothing about group play.
Yeah when I said "We also checked the amount of people who damaged us at the end of that engagement and it was between 70 and 75 if I recall correctly.", thats what I was referring to.
I suggest to anyone interested to go check it out, very useful addon.
ShadowProc wrote: »Also why do you cap your raids at 12 to 16? I believe I could dig up some quotes of some of you saying to challenge yourselves. By your logic it is equally difficult in a raid of 16 or 24 or solo.
ShadowProc wrote: »
Bump. Was hoping for an answer?
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
The question has been answered multiple times in the past. Feel free to refer to those answers whilst you are digging through the history of my comments.
@Glory I'm not going to disagree that people inflate numbers but I don't think it's unique to large groups either. If you want to see 70+ players together just play on a night that AotP plays and we fight them or whenever AD or DC pugs and guilds faction stack. I can't speak for other groups but I appreciate the kind words about us
ShadowProc wrote: »
I didn’t dig through anything. I know why and others cap at smaller numbers. Same reason some cap at 4, 2, or 1. It gets more challenging.
Your right though. Maybe the question answered itself.