:thumbs up:
That’s what we like to see
Maybe more tactics and guild separation/multiple attacks will come from it.
Yeah trash nerf honestly. So now we all get to be in the mud with all the ridiculous snares
Welcome to Murkmire for everybody else. I love how the arguement raid style players make is that “oh no now we have to individually build for and actually invest into mobility”
Like that’s the point. I’m sure the actually good guilds will adapt. But it is so entitled to think one playstyle should be allowed to operate under a different rule set and standards than literally everybody else.
Welcome to Murkmire for everybody else. I love how the arguement raid style players make is that “oh no now we have to individually build for and actually invest into mobility”
Like that’s the point. I’m sure the actually good guilds will adapt. But it is so entitled to think one playstyle should be allowed to operate under a different rule set and standards than literally everybody else.
I think movement should be reworked completely. You’re right... ball groups will now suffer what EVERYONE has to suffer. And that is zos’s laziness and refusal to adddress the ridiculous snare and root meta. Now this patch we will all equally endure the sheer horror of how stupidly broken snares and roots are.
I see plenty, the day of 1vXing is far gone. People are just filing up in zergs and running others down, while causing the very lag they so hate. Its pathetic.
I see plenty, the day of 1vXing is far gone. People are just filing up in zergs and running others down, while causing the very lag they so hate. Its pathetic.
The days of siege ambush are upon you. Quit whining get like 3 buddies and go lay some ambushes. Quick! Before the rest of the "can't think outside of the box" gang cries to Zeni so loud they take away your fun. Where are all the box canyons in Cyrodiil? How do you get a gang of pugs to follow you into a blind spot? I have never seen so many fools cry when someone hands them a gift on a silver platter. Yes, a pug can fire a siege weapon. So can you, do you think you can do it better?
siege is boring to me, so i'll still cry about it
Perfect. You can be the bait then. Stand over there by that rock and /cry.
Welcome to Murkmire for everybody else. I love how the arguement raid style players make is that “oh no now we have to individually build for and actually invest into mobility”
Like that’s the point. I’m sure the actually good guilds will adapt. But it is so entitled to think one playstyle should be allowed to operate under a different rule set and standards than literally everybody else.
Has anyone seen any since rapids nerf? If so how hilarious has it been to watch them move amidst the time stops/roots?
The age of siege and dragon disruptor are upon us.
usmcjdking wrote: »@Rin_Senya coldfire fragged me like 3 times last night in the midst of me massacring tower potatoes.
How does anyone think this is a bad idea? If you want to go RP a God go to Riften. I'm here to demolish as many people as possible and then get sent back to the Stone Age violently.
DivineFirstYOLO wrote: »
Blasphemy! The time has come, execute order 66 @Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO , go show em disbelievers how it's done.
Lord_Sando wrote: »"Not all classes are created equal for each task and nor should they be. If you're a dps in raid it's inefficient to build for self heals, players who are actually specced into that will simply do a better job at it so the logic is let them do that. It's a you perfect your job, I'll perfect mine scenario, not a lets both do each other jobs at a sub par outcome."every one else has to be well rounded. Zerglings should have to choose too.
After the nerf to speed and nerfs to both rapids and rouge pots, we aren't going to see any changes to snares/speed in the way you are hoping.
You will need to adapt now.
Welcome to Murkmire for everybody else. I love how the arguement raid style players make is that “oh no now we have to individually build for and actually invest into mobility”
Like that’s the point. I’m sure the actually good guilds will adapt. But it is so entitled to think one playstyle should be allowed to operate under a different rule set and standards than literally everybody else.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Personally I would rather remove the Murkmire nerf for smallscale and keep the group utility role but I guess some people prefer the *** for tat route.
The point is raids were already going to quite a great level to provide this buff, which, lets not forget, was already being removed every second. It was a completely unique and dedicated role and for me that's a shame that the diversity of that role is now no longer available.
It would be like tanking being removed from PVE because people think raids dps and healers need to handle their own mitigation. Can you imagine the rage should dps players have to buff with their own magicka steal or provide their own orbs for resource management.
There should be advantages of playing as a group imo. Just because people go to solo or 3 man a trial (for the added challenge) don't have those advantages you haven't convinced me that groups also shouldn't have them so far ^^
Clearly they aren’t gonna revert Murkmire, so for sake of balance things had to be evened out. First of all, to equate a rapids spammer to a tank in PvE is a ludicrous comparison and an insult to both PvPers and PvErs. Now to address your points of substance.
Of course there should be advantages to being in a group. Are you suggesting that without a rapids monkey there are none? Groups get copious amounts of cross support, dedicated healers, coordinated ultis from dedicated dps specs, the freedom to utilize sets and builds that those without the safety net of group support cannot viably run, and the advantage of sheer numbers. That’s plenty of advantages. Furthermore I also agree and support the idea of build and role diversity. But even though we agree on these points, you still haven’t convinced me that rapids- an ability that allowed one player spamming one skill to provide both root/snare immunity AND expedition to an entire group- was balanced. Do you realize to what lengths everyone else has to go to get either of these buffs, let alone both? Put simply, rapids gave organized ball groups far too much of an advantage over everyone else.
So sure, groups should have some advantages (which they naturally get as a function of being grouped) and build/role diversity is a good thing. But neither of these concepts are mutually exclusive with the fact that rapids in its former state was overtuned.
Clearly they aren’t gonna revert Murkmire, so for sake of balance things had to be evened out. First of all, to equate a rapids spammer to a tank in PvE is a ludicrous comparison and an insult to both PvPers and PvErs. Now to address your points of substance.
Of course there should be advantages to being in a group. Are you suggesting that without a rapids monkey there are none? Groups get copious amounts of cross support, dedicated healers, coordinated ultis from dedicated dps specs, the freedom to utilize sets and builds that those without the safety net of group support cannot viably run, and the advantage of sheer numbers. That’s plenty of advantages. Furthermore I also agree and support the idea of build and role diversity. But even though we agree on these points, you still haven’t convinced me that rapids- an ability that allowed one player spamming one skill to provide both root/snare immunity AND expedition to an entire group- was balanced. Do you realize to what lengths everyone else has to go to get either of these buffs, let alone both? Put simply, rapids gave organized ball groups far too much of an advantage over everyone else.
So sure, groups should have some advantages (which they naturally get as a function of being grouped) and build/role diversity is a good thing. But neither of these concepts are mutually exclusive with the fact that rapids in its former state was overtuned.