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What do you wish crown store sold... but doesn't?

  • bri5
    More cowbell!
  • Defilted
    Not sure if I responded to this Crown store thread or not, but Nightmare Bear please
    XBOX Series X

  • Alexsae
    Morag Tong goggles. Also would like an update that is a little more steam punk with round lenses.
  • Silaf
    Grand Topal Hideaway!
    Sithis statue
    Skeleton pet guar
    Sanguine goat

    A way to purchase past limited time offer items by spending special tokens earned in game.
  • Lylith
    another vote for brassy assassin.

  • ArcaneBlue
    costumes that take dye VERY WELL. too many of the costumes take dyes poorly, colours turn out washed out, faded, dull. the worst offender probably is "holiday in balmora"
  • DragonHeart000
    lagrue wrote: »
    To be honest I think outside of seasonal stuff like the Snow Globe home, all the houses should be in the store, I don't see what the point is of limited timing them - it doesn't really do a good job of pressuring people to buy and it just keeps otherwise welcomed content out of people's hands. (and money out of their pockets)

    People will double down on stuff with how it is. Buy a cool house that is there now never expecting to see the one they want again or just not wanting to wait till then, then when it shows up they buy that one. It also without a doubt increases sales; people always tend to want to buy something when there is some sort of urgency put on it and the fact that it may not be back in the store for years totally is that kind of urgency.

    Also, a lot of people, myself included, like the idea of something they are buying being hard to get as it's only seldom for sale or even just once.
    @DragonHeart000 NA PC
    Guild Master For <Discontinued> a guild for collectors of discontinued items!
    Guild Discord:
  • Starlight_Knight
  • Mr_Wolfe
    Class & Alliance change tokens.
  • Banana
    A 100 ping
    Class change
    Global skill levelling, exploration,.....everything
  • SOLDIER_1stClass
    The store to actually carry everything it has had in the past. And no more of this limited time crap.

    Zeni just needs to post the crown items and keep them up permanently

  • WardenOfTheExalted
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    1. Chickens as animated furnishings for houses, so we can have dozens of them and not use up the pitifully small number of pets/mounts we're allowed per home. If they can do it with butterflies, they can do chickens, too. :)
    2. Alliance change.
    3. Class change.
    4. Those two original gray horses that they've never offered not once in the past two years, not even in crown crates. :/

    I Agree with this 100% on class and faction change. I have a EP character since late 2015 and the guild I'm in is a DC. Plus he is my main crafter and I DO NOT want to delete him. a lot of other games to my knowledge have faction and class change. ZOS need to implement this ASAP. plus I would like to have 5 more character slots so the max is 20.
  • FilteredRiddle
    • Class Change
    • Alliance Change
    • Map/Survey Bag (ESO+)
    • Furnishing Bag (ESO+)
    • Siege Bag (ESO+)
    • Advanced Banker (Guild Bank/Store access; cheaper upgrade for those with Standard Banker)
    • Advanced Merchant (Ability to Repair; cheaper upgrade for those with Standard Merchant)
    • Imperial Furnishing Pack (flags, banners)
    • Mannequin Furnishings (to store/display gear)
    • Functional Bookcase Furnishings (to store/display books)
    • Mundus Stone Furnishing Pack (all Mundus; 20% discount for bulk)
    • Sithis Statue (Large)
    • Wayshrine Furnishing
    • Advanced Training Dummies
    • Increased Personal/Bank/House Inventory Size
    • Extra Guild Slots
    • Eye Changes (blind, red, black/possessed; separate of facial hair/horns category)
    • Character Skins (normal, bizarre, magical)
    • Pet Skins (warden bear, sorcerer pets)
    • More Personalities
    Xbox One NA
    The Sentinels of Padomay
    Obsidian Guard (Social with PvX Events)

    Gamers always believe that an epic win is possible and that it's always worth trying, and trying now. Gamers don't sit around.
    - Jane McGonigal
  • Atallanta
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    1. Chickens as animated furnishings for houses, so we can have dozens of them and not use up the pitifully small number of pets/mounts we're allowed per home. If they can do it with butterflies, they can do chickens, too. :)
    2. Alliance change.
    3. Class change.
    4. Those two original gray horses that they've never offered not once in the past two years, not even in crown crates. :/

    I Agree with this 100% on class and faction change. I have a EP character since late 2015 and the guild I'm in is a DC. Plus he is my main crafter and I DO NOT want to delete him. a lot of other games to my knowledge have faction and class change. ZOS need to implement this ASAP. plus I would like to have 5 more character slots so the max is 20.

    I agree! I always thought we should have a special quest like « alliance betrayal » to change the faction :D

    Would be so cool^^
  • mrfrontman
    Edited by mrfrontman on March 4, 2019 7:08PM
  • Silaf
    Skeletons pets for our incoming necromancers!
  • wishlist14
    Necklaces...I love the psijic order one it's awesome. It would be nice to have the jewelry we wear separate to the outfit. I mean we have earings right?
    Also I want a pet monkey that is not ugly like the jester festival one.😂..which I bought btw lol cause I wanted a monkey. Why did you have to make him so dam ugly? I think the monkeys are one the cutest animals in Tamriel and I can never go back and play Beta which i had no idea was on back in the day so i missed out. I regret missing out on beta till the day I die since im a huge eso fan. I played Tes the the xbox games and i just got arena via steam ahich I hope to play soon just dont have time atm.
    So if we could please have like a chocolate brown monkey so it doesn't look like the beta monkey. So as not to offend beta players that Lord it over all of us mere foolish mortals that missed out 😜😛😛😛

    Pet monkeys
    Tiaras ( sparkly ones)
    Hair dyes
    Handbags would be cool or backpacks we can wear as accessories
    More eye glasses and monacles
    Ovens for our homes
    Potbelly stove from morrowind
    Red summerset trees
    Blacksmithing forge for our homes with fire afcourse
    Chicken coops
    Cadwell's crafting corner as a house...It's the spectres eye crafting place in coldharbour...its got lots of piles of books, a rope bridge, broken furniture and looks like a great place to rp a vagrant asassin on the run. That place has great atmosphers and it would be a privillage to live in a place where the great Cadwell himself has lived. He's one of my favourite characters.

    Edited by wishlist14 on March 5, 2019 7:24AM
  • WitchyWarrior
    Whatever it is that makes people run weird? A personality?
    But I want the it to be exactly like the NPC's that run away after they see you murder someone.
    OMG I murder people in front of others just to see them run away like that.
    I would actually buy something in the crown store other than crates.
  • wishlist14
    Whatever it is that makes people run weird? A personality?
    But I want the it to be exactly like the NPC's that run away after they see you murder someone.
    OMG I murder people in front of others just to see them run away like that.
    I would actually buy something in the crown store other than crates.

    That's the jester personality you can already get it once the jesters festivl starts this monthl
  • Amphithoe
    1. Higher Furniture Budget
    2. Change Class Token
    3. Mortals Mask Skin for Vampires
    4. Customizable Personalities
    5. Invisible Armor/Weapon Style (so you can hide for example pauldrons)
    6. Change Hair Colours from Collectibles
    7. More Hair Colours
    8. More Hair Styles
    9. More Skins
    Guildmaster: School of Julianos
  • Shawn_PT
    Gimme a wiggly tongue accessory, damn it. I can make my characters into snake men with these scaly skins, they only need the tongue :tongue: The mounts have them! Why can't we? Also good for Argonians I suppose.
  • tntpop
    Change Hair Color sucks that we cant...ridiculous!!!
  • Banana
    Character copy to another slot
    Class change
  • ghastley
    Silaf wrote: »
    Skeletons pets for our incoming necromancers!

    How about skeletal Banker and Merchant? Wearing the same outfits, maybe?
  • skrvbb10rd
    A full-sized mammoth mount

    "get out of my swamp!" - Get-Out-My-Swamp, 2018.
  • Thannazzar
    An invisible staff motif page model that allows me to throw staff attacks with my bare hands rather than forcing me to use a stick!
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Class change tokens :trollface:
  • Silaf
    A beehive furnishing skematic.
    non reskinned items
  • Kamara
    1. All those great senche and wolf mounts I keep seeing that I never see in crates or in the store. (I'm new)

    2. Mounts that are actually plain in basic form and fancy based on skill. Literally a mount with just saddle and reins for when you like the mounts but not the wonky armor. lol Or... mount armor dye!!!

    3. All those great costumes I see that are not in the store or crates anymore.

    4. I keep trying to win a Doomwolf on Twitch streams. Go easy on me and make it available again. lol Also, Doomwolf pet to match.

    5. Hair dye!!!!!!!!! Omg...

    6. Adornment dye!!!!!!! Omg... why can't we have silver adornments with black hair???? Tying the color together was a weird idea.

    7. Khajiit tails!!! Seriously, the Khajiit's tail is like an overly long plain rope that just looks odd. I don't know what they were thinking. Make shorter tails, bushy tails, bobtail cosmetics! If Elsweyr is about Khajiit then this one thinks Khajiit should be spoiled!

    8. Another Alinor type house. I don't want a tiny room. I don't want a townhouse in the city. I want an Alinor cottage with a garden!
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