Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Vivec 2-3-19

  • Steelshiv
    Telel wrote: »

    Oh, and this one wishes to again invite all the 'good' players to come run a dumbminion toon at the time Telel runs their groups. Maybe even lead a PUG so we'll have more than two groups (and 8-25 people) on the map to fight our very vocal opponents. Opponents that truly reinvented the term 'skilled gameplay' when it comes to a three way fight with a stupidly obvious objective.


    I would run AD pug groups DAILY but they're very fickle a lot of the time. Personally, I've found that immediately leave after a single death or unavoidable wipe (even the best groups die and wipe at least once every hour)) players leave group. Ive even experienced players joining, not being satisfied with the amount of people in group and leaving...then posting in zone chat "looking for Zerg" or "looking for large group". Both of these have happened enough times that I don't run them anymore. A lot of lfgs want a free AP ride and don't want to work for it.

    But hell, I'll give running a PUG another go today. Let's see what happens.
    Edited by Steelshiv on February 7, 2019 8:07PM
  • Nutshotz
    No @crown. I would of at least tagged you in the post. Crown Zerg can mean many things. Plus if I wanted to name you, you know how I address you when I pm you sir. I always pm you if you're running grp nait!
    Edited by Nutshotz on February 7, 2019 8:49PM
  • Recremen
    Crown wrote: »
    Nutshotz wrote: »
    Go against drac no delay, a lil lag but that's on server side as expected. I like toying with them. Very good friends and players. Now go against the crown Zerg or AoTP and it's like nothing works.

    @Nutshotz I have a zerg? To my knowledge it's been about three years since I've had a zerg - or are you considering my group of 4 to be a zerg because we run more than your group of 3, and we killed you a few times?

    They didn't capitalize the c in crown, can't be about you. ;)

    Also it's your fault for having such a name!!
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Nutshotz
    Yeah nait, change your @ name
  • zyk
    Recremen wrote: »
    Also it's your fault for having such a name!!
    Live by the sword, die by the sword. It's the price he's paid for all those Crown Store jokes.
  • Crown
    Nutshotz wrote: »
    No @crown. I would of at least tagged you in the post. Crown Zerg can mean many things. Plus if I wanted to name you, you know how I address you when I pm you sir. I always pm you if you're running grp nait!

    There can be only one Crown Zerg.

    I’m travelling all week. I’ll be back zerging this weekend ;-)
    Edited by Crown on February 7, 2019 9:43PM
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • Crispen_Longbow
    Nutshotz wrote: »
    Zyk you are right on the money but I'll use sotp and I can't remember a certain guild on AD. Me and 3 other DC where farming at an resource sotp comes in prolly I'd say 8 ish wipes and the AD of I'd say 12 plus wipes us. No lag or skill delay.

    Go against drac no delay, a lil lag but that's on server side as expected. I like toying with them. Very good friends and players. Now go against the crown Zerg or AoTP and it's like nothing works.

    So yes many calculations in a small area, but that would of happened with other factors against earlier on. It's just to hard to tell right now with PTS being live but than shor would lag as well.

    The more people you have in a certain area the more lag it will produce. The more people in a certain area that render all at the same time the more extreme lag is produced. So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? Let's look at it from their perspective.
    • Their groups consist of mainly zone chat pickups, PVE players wanting to try PVP, DC & AD re-rolls that don't want to fight the lag but surf it. Basically, they are a guild of pug groups.

    Having said that, I think anyone that steps up and leads groups to try and help introduce more people to PVP is a good thing.

    It is very unrewarding to run a pug group as they get slaughtered. So to run a guild like this, people will abandon it pretty quick unless they feel a sense of accomplishment. Defend an objective, capture an objective, wipe some players etc, However, pug groups have a hard time doing any of those 3.

    So what can AoTP accomplish with just 1 of their raids of 24?

    Let's look at those 3 areas and analyze why they stack more than 1 raid.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Defending - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. Yes - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. Maybe - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Defending – 2 Raids 48 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players)
    Defending – 3 Raids of 72 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Capturing - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. Maybe - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. NO - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Capturing - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES- Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server starts to die as the battle drags on. The 2 AoTP raids can't accomplish their task quickly so it turns into faction stacks. Anyone approaching keep disconnects.
    Capturing - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Group V Group - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players) They will struggle a bit win 70% of the time.
    4. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players) They will win 40 % of the time. Depends on the raid they are fighting.
    5. NO - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm
    Group V Group - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag
    Group V Group - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. YES - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)only a few raids can make this a challenge, Lag will win out in the end.
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag)

    As you can see above, when AoTP only has 1 raid on they usually stick to PVDooring, Defending a keep or chasing down small mans. This makes sense because they are a pug guild after all. For the most part, none of those activities cause extreme lag. It will be hard for them or any pug group to keep moral up as they are very limited in what they can do. If they try more difficult things, like attacking a keep that is defending by guilds or just fighting groups, they get slaughtered. This causes moral to go down. People then will leave the group as they don't like dying to fewer numbers.

    They have a great desire to win at more objectives so to accomplish this they add another raid. As far as I'm aware AoTP is the only guild that stacks 2 raids let alone 3. They jump it up to 2 raids to make things easier for them and keep moral up.With 2 pug raids stacked this opens up more opportunities to them, but they will still struggle against the top tier guilds. Which is why they finally have to bump it up to 3 raids to handle them.

    What you will see is that AoTP now feels confident with their numbers to take on the top guilds, they will still struggle to kill them but eventually they will succeed as the lag will simple overwhelm them as will the numbers. AoTP gets a moral boost much like Saramis when he pvdoors Kingcrest.

    Unlike a faction stack that happens naturally when objectives take to long to capture or defend. The amount of players increase over time and not in one quick burst, while this still causes lag it isn't to the extreme if they arrive all at once. With 2 to 3 stack raids all of those players arrive at the same time which disconnects their opposition and causes extreme lag.

    TLDR: So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? They are a pug guild that don't have the skills to win objectives but still want to win objectives. So the only other way to accomplish that is to stack bodies. If the stacking of raids didn't cause such extreme lag this would be a valid tactic. A common theme from ZOS is, "If at first you don't succeed, bring more numbers".

    1. ZOS fix your game so they can bring more numbers.
    2. Until the game is fixed stop bringing more numbers.

    Crispen Longbow - Daggerfall Covenant (DC): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Blue VE, Khole, LoM, MO)
    Crispen Longboww - Aldmeri Dominion (AD): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - Crispen's House of Pain RIP (KP, Yellow VE, Omni)
    Crispen Longbow-EP - Ebonheart Pact (EP): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Red VE)
  • technohic
    Nutshotz wrote: »
    Zyk you are right on the money but I'll use sotp and I can't remember a certain guild on AD. Me and 3 other DC where farming at an resource sotp comes in prolly I'd say 8 ish wipes and the AD of I'd say 12 plus wipes us. No lag or skill delay.

    Go against drac no delay, a lil lag but that's on server side as expected. I like toying with them. Very good friends and players. Now go against the crown Zerg or AoTP and it's like nothing works.

    So yes many calculations in a small area, but that would of happened with other factors against earlier on. It's just to hard to tell right now with PTS being live but than shor would lag as well.

    The more people you have in a certain area the more lag it will produce. The more people in a certain area that render all at the same time the more extreme lag is produced. So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? Let's look at it from their perspective.
    • Their groups consist of mainly zone chat pickups, PVE players wanting to try PVP, DC & AD re-rolls that don't want to fight the lag but surf it. Basically, they are a guild of pug groups.

    Having said that, I think anyone that steps up and leads groups to try and help introduce more people to PVP is a good thing.

    It is very unrewarding to run a pug group as they get slaughtered. So to run a guild like this, people will abandon it pretty quick unless they feel a sense of accomplishment. Defend an objective, capture an objective, wipe some players etc, However, pug groups have a hard time doing any of those 3.

    So what can AoTP accomplish with just 1 of their raids of 24?

    Let's look at those 3 areas and analyze why they stack more than 1 raid.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Defending - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. Yes - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. Maybe - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Defending – 2 Raids 48 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players)
    Defending – 3 Raids of 72 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Capturing - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. Maybe - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. NO - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Capturing - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES- Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server starts to die as the battle drags on. The 2 AoTP raids can't accomplish their task quickly so it turns into faction stacks. Anyone approaching keep disconnects.
    Capturing - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Group V Group - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players) They will struggle a bit win 70% of the time.
    4. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players) They will win 40 % of the time. Depends on the raid they are fighting.
    5. NO - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm
    Group V Group - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag
    Group V Group - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. YES - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)only a few raids can make this a challenge, Lag will win out in the end.
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag)

    As you can see above, when AoTP only has 1 raid on they usually stick to PVDooring, Defending a keep or chasing down small mans. This makes sense because they are a pug guild after all. For the most part, none of those activities cause extreme lag. It will be hard for them or any pug group to keep moral up as they are very limited in what they can do. If they try more difficult things, like attacking a keep that is defending by guilds or just fighting groups, they get slaughtered. This causes moral to go down. People then will leave the group as they don't like dying to fewer numbers.

    They have a great desire to win at more objectives so to accomplish this they add another raid. As far as I'm aware AoTP is the only guild that stacks 2 raids let alone 3. They jump it up to 2 raids to make things easier for them and keep moral up.With 2 pug raids stacked this opens up more opportunities to them, but they will still struggle against the top tier guilds. Which is why they finally have to bump it up to 3 raids to handle them.

    What you will see is that AoTP now feels confident with their numbers to take on the top guilds, they will still struggle to kill them but eventually they will succeed as the lag will simple overwhelm them as will the numbers. AoTP gets a moral boost much like Saramis when he pvdoors Kingcrest.

    Unlike a faction stack that happens naturally when objectives take to long to capture or defend. The amount of players increase over time and not in one quick burst, while this still causes lag it isn't to the extreme if they arrive all at once. With 2 to 3 stack raids all of those players arrive at the same time which disconnects their opposition and causes extreme lag.

    TLDR: So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? They are a pug guild that don't have the skills to win objectives but still want to win objectives. So the only other way to accomplish that is to stack bodies. If the stacking of raids didn't cause such extreme lag this would be a valid tactic. A common theme from ZOS is, "If at first you don't succeed, bring more numbers".

    1. ZOS fix your game so they can bring more numbers.
    2. Until the game is fixed stop bringing more numbers.

    That was a really long way to go to say "Cause they're bad and need 3 raids which is fine but servers cant handle it."
    Edited by technohic on February 7, 2019 11:19PM
  • Ixtyr
    technohic wrote: »
    Nutshotz wrote: »
    Zyk you are right on the money but I'll use sotp and I can't remember a certain guild on AD. Me and 3 other DC where farming at an resource sotp comes in prolly I'd say 8 ish wipes and the AD of I'd say 12 plus wipes us. No lag or skill delay.

    Go against drac no delay, a lil lag but that's on server side as expected. I like toying with them. Very good friends and players. Now go against the crown Zerg or AoTP and it's like nothing works.

    So yes many calculations in a small area, but that would of happened with other factors against earlier on. It's just to hard to tell right now with PTS being live but than shor would lag as well.

    The more people you have in a certain area the more lag it will produce. The more people in a certain area that render all at the same time the more extreme lag is produced. So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? Let's look at it from their perspective.
    • Their groups consist of mainly zone chat pickups, PVE players wanting to try PVP, DC & AD re-rolls that don't want to fight the lag but surf it. Basically, they are a guild of pug groups.

    Having said that, I think anyone that steps up and leads groups to try and help introduce more people to PVP is a good thing.

    It is very unrewarding to run a pug group as they get slaughtered. So to run a guild like this, people will abandon it pretty quick unless they feel a sense of accomplishment. Defend an objective, capture an objective, wipe some players etc, However, pug groups have a hard time doing any of those 3.

    So what can AoTP accomplish with just 1 of their raids of 24?

    Let's look at those 3 areas and analyze why they stack more than 1 raid.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Defending - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. Yes - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. Maybe - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Defending – 2 Raids 48 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players)
    Defending – 3 Raids of 72 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Capturing - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. Maybe - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. NO - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Capturing - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES- Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server starts to die as the battle drags on. The 2 AoTP raids can't accomplish their task quickly so it turns into faction stacks. Anyone approaching keep disconnects.
    Capturing - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Group V Group - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players) They will struggle a bit win 70% of the time.
    4. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players) They will win 40 % of the time. Depends on the raid they are fighting.
    5. NO - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm
    Group V Group - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag
    Group V Group - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. YES - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)only a few raids can make this a challenge, Lag will win out in the end.
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag)

    As you can see above, when AoTP only has 1 raid on they usually stick to PVDooring, Defending a keep or chasing down small mans. This makes sense because they are a pug guild after all. For the most part, none of those activities cause extreme lag. It will be hard for them or any pug group to keep moral up as they are very limited in what they can do. If they try more difficult things, like attacking a keep that is defending by guilds or just fighting groups, they get slaughtered. This causes moral to go down. People then will leave the group as they don't like dying to fewer numbers.

    They have a great desire to win at more objectives so to accomplish this they add another raid. As far as I'm aware AoTP is the only guild that stacks 2 raids let alone 3. They jump it up to 2 raids to make things easier for them and keep moral up.With 2 pug raids stacked this opens up more opportunities to them, but they will still struggle against the top tier guilds. Which is why they finally have to bump it up to 3 raids to handle them.

    What you will see is that AoTP now feels confident with their numbers to take on the top guilds, they will still struggle to kill them but eventually they will succeed as the lag will simple overwhelm them as will the numbers. AoTP gets a moral boost much like Saramis when he pvdoors Kingcrest.

    Unlike a faction stack that happens naturally when objectives take to long to capture or defend. The amount of players increase over time and not in one quick burst, while this still causes lag it isn't to the extreme if they arrive all at once. With 2 to 3 stack raids all of those players arrive at the same time which disconnects their opposition and causes extreme lag.

    TLDR: So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? They are a pug guild that don't have the skills to win objectives but still want to win objectives. So the only other way to accomplish that is to stack bodies. If the stacking of raids didn't cause such extreme lag this would be a valid tactic. A common theme from ZOS is, "If at first you don't succeed, bring more numbers".

    1. ZOS fix your game so they can bring more numbers.
    2. Until the game is fixed stop bringing more numbers.

    That was a really long way to go to say "Cause they're bad and need 3 raids which is fine but servers cant handle it."

    Crispen is a nice guy though, he wouldn't ever say such a thing.
    Edited by Ixtyr on February 8, 2019 12:27AM
    Ixtyr Falavir - Bosmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Reya Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
    Kaylin Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
    Alyna Falavir - Dunmer Dragonknight - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aernah Falavir - Altmer Templar - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aranis Falavir - Bosmer Sorcerer - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerin Falavir - Bosmer Warden - Daggerfall Covenant
    Rhys Falavir - Orc Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
    Rhiannon Falavir - Altmer Templar - Aldmeri Dominion
    Nenara Falavir - Argonian Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    Neera Falavir - Orc Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    The Ska'vyn Exchange - Guild Master
    Vehemence - Officer
    Nightfighters - Member
    Ømni - Guild Master (Retired)
    Moderator of /r/elderscrollsonline
  • Ruckly

    Arrius(the 1st keep he was found in that day) was not breached for hours prior to finding him there. But, if there is even a tiny tiny chance that is what he did & waited for hours & hours to try for the scroll in Arrius, then ok.
    BUT in between the time he was at Arrius & the time he was found inside BRK & took the scroll from there, BRK was never breached.

    Well then maybe they cheated I was stating a possible scenario. Right now DC is 2 bars going into prime-time. The score is so bad I don't think anyone cares. Disconnect on approach seems only overcome by PvD and counter lag which doesn't make for good zone generalship because it doesn't encourage any kind of engaging battle.
  • technohic
    Ixtyr wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Nutshotz wrote: »
    Zyk you are right on the money but I'll use sotp and I can't remember a certain guild on AD. Me and 3 other DC where farming at an resource sotp comes in prolly I'd say 8 ish wipes and the AD of I'd say 12 plus wipes us. No lag or skill delay.

    Go against drac no delay, a lil lag but that's on server side as expected. I like toying with them. Very good friends and players. Now go against the crown Zerg or AoTP and it's like nothing works.

    So yes many calculations in a small area, but that would of happened with other factors against earlier on. It's just to hard to tell right now with PTS being live but than shor would lag as well.

    The more people you have in a certain area the more lag it will produce. The more people in a certain area that render all at the same time the more extreme lag is produced. So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? Let's look at it from their perspective.
    • Their groups consist of mainly zone chat pickups, PVE players wanting to try PVP, DC & AD re-rolls that don't want to fight the lag but surf it. Basically, they are a guild of pug groups.

    Having said that, I think anyone that steps up and leads groups to try and help introduce more people to PVP is a good thing.

    It is very unrewarding to run a pug group as they get slaughtered. So to run a guild like this, people will abandon it pretty quick unless they feel a sense of accomplishment. Defend an objective, capture an objective, wipe some players etc, However, pug groups have a hard time doing any of those 3.

    So what can AoTP accomplish with just 1 of their raids of 24?

    Let's look at those 3 areas and analyze why they stack more than 1 raid.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Defending - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. Yes - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. Maybe - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Defending – 2 Raids 48 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. NO - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players)
    Defending – 3 Raids of 72 people
    1. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 ungrouped Players)
    2. YES - Defend a keep against (8-16 ungrouped players)
    3. YES - Defend a keep against (16-30 ungrouped players)
    4. YES - Defend a keep against (1-8 organized group players)
    5. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    6. YES - Defend a keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    7. Maybe - Defend a keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Capturing - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. Maybe - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. NO - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    Capturing - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES- Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. NO - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server starts to die as the battle drags on. The 2 AoTP raids can't accomplish their task quickly so it turns into faction stacks. Anyone approaching keep disconnects.
    Capturing - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - PVdoor an empty keep
    2. YES - Capture a defended keep (1- 8 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    3. YES - Capture a defended keep (8 - 16 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    4. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (1-8 players)
    5. YES - Capture a defended keep (16 - 30 ungrouped defenders) Solos
    6. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (8-16 players)
    7. YES - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (16-30 players)
    8. Maybe - Capture a defended keep against an organized group of (30-60 players) - Server dies anyone approaching keep disconnects.

    Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Hard.

    Group V Group - 1 Raid 24 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players) They will struggle a bit win 70% of the time.
    4. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players) They will win 40 % of the time. Depends on the raid they are fighting.
    5. NO - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm
    Group V Group - 2 Raid 48 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. Maybe - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag
    Group V Group - 3 Raid 72 people
    1. YES - Kill solos
    2. YES - Kill small man groups of (1–4 players)
    3. YES - Kill Small man groups of (4-8 players)
    4. YES - Kill organized raids of (8–12 players)
    5. YES - Kill organized raids of (14–24 players)only a few raids can make this a challenge, Lag will win out in the end.
    6. NO - Setup a 2 way Faction farm (No one shows up to avoid the lag)

    As you can see above, when AoTP only has 1 raid on they usually stick to PVDooring, Defending a keep or chasing down small mans. This makes sense because they are a pug guild after all. For the most part, none of those activities cause extreme lag. It will be hard for them or any pug group to keep moral up as they are very limited in what they can do. If they try more difficult things, like attacking a keep that is defending by guilds or just fighting groups, they get slaughtered. This causes moral to go down. People then will leave the group as they don't like dying to fewer numbers.

    They have a great desire to win at more objectives so to accomplish this they add another raid. As far as I'm aware AoTP is the only guild that stacks 2 raids let alone 3. They jump it up to 2 raids to make things easier for them and keep moral up.With 2 pug raids stacked this opens up more opportunities to them, but they will still struggle against the top tier guilds. Which is why they finally have to bump it up to 3 raids to handle them.

    What you will see is that AoTP now feels confident with their numbers to take on the top guilds, they will still struggle to kill them but eventually they will succeed as the lag will simple overwhelm them as will the numbers. AoTP gets a moral boost much like Saramis when he pvdoors Kingcrest.

    Unlike a faction stack that happens naturally when objectives take to long to capture or defend. The amount of players increase over time and not in one quick burst, while this still causes lag it isn't to the extreme if they arrive all at once. With 2 to 3 stack raids all of those players arrive at the same time which disconnects their opposition and causes extreme lag.

    TLDR: So why does AoTP feel they need to stack raids? They are a pug guild that don't have the skills to win objectives but still want to win objectives. So the only other way to accomplish that is to stack bodies. If the stacking of raids didn't cause such extreme lag this would be a valid tactic. A common theme from ZOS is, "If at first you don't succeed, bring more numbers".

    1. ZOS fix your game so they can bring more numbers.
    2. Until the game is fixed stop bringing more numbers.

    That was a really long way to go to say "Cause they're bad and need 3 raids which is fine but servers cant handle it."

    Crispen is a nice guy though, he wouldn't ever say such a thing.

    Haha fair enough.

    And to be clear, I have thrown some hate their way but there are players I know I cannot beat straight up and will fall back to group, and that's not much different so I can understand if it's a means to succeed with numbers. I also can see if they want to just set a record for a large "army" in an online game. I just am irritated in how it impacts the game performance to where even on the other side of the map, abilities won't work. Not entirely their fault but they have to realize what they've doing
  • WuffyCerulei
    DC farts around with and pvdoors EP and AD home keeps so much, they get what’s coming.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • Telel
    Today's Telel pug never got past five people. Most of the time it was just the three. The entire time they were being led by a person the 'good' players on the griff side of things insist is the worst lead ever.

    They still took objectives and managed to win a few fights. At least until a organized group would show up and run them over in a tide of 'skillfull play.

    Which was all streamed if anyone wish to check the veracity of it all.

    Afterwards please let khajiit know why his betters need so many more people to do what this one is expected to with accomplish with four. Oh, and also explain why this makes the humbly sleek one a worse player.

    Also good to see the blue side of the red team choosing to go for brindle again while EP has emp, one of their scrolls, and is pop locked. Surely certain someone's will mention that when they make their next youtube video.

    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • Ruckly
    DC farts around with and pvdoors EP and AD home keeps so much, they get what’s coming.

    EP keeps are dog ***. DC does not need to break wind around EP keeps. You want to talk about breaking wind you talk about lag bombing. No one needs to discuss that to know which way the wind is blowing.
  • technohic
    Telel wrote: »
    Today's Telel pug never got past five people. Most of the time it was just the three. The entire time they were being led by a person the 'good' players on the griff side of things insist is the worst lead ever.

    They still took objectives and managed to win a few fights. At least until a organized group would show up and run them over in a tide of 'skillfull play.

    Which was all streamed if anyone wish to check the veracity of it all.

    Afterwards please let khajiit know why his betters need so many more people to do what this one is expected to with accomplish with four. Oh, and also explain why this makes the humbly sleek one a worse player.

    Also good to see the blue side of the red team choosing to go for brindle again while EP has emp, one of their scrolls, and is pop locked. Surely certain someone's will mention that when they make their next youtube video.


    You are delusional with your DC and EP teaming up. I mean, this was just 10 minutes ago and the pop has been like that since 8 pm EST at least

    Me getting ready to leave the gate of Southern highrock


    Why? Oh yeah...


    News alert! All 3 factions each have to deal with 2. Some of us have more to work with than others.
  • Heimpai
    technohic wrote: »
    Telel wrote: »
    Today's Telel pug never got past five people. Most of the time it was just the three. The entire time they were being led by a person the 'good' players on the griff side of things insist is the worst lead ever.

    They still took objectives and managed to win a few fights. At least until a organized group would show up and run them over in a tide of 'skillfull play.

    Which was all streamed if anyone wish to check the veracity of it all.

    Afterwards please let khajiit know why his betters need so many more people to do what this one is expected to with accomplish with four. Oh, and also explain why this makes the humbly sleek one a worse player.

    Also good to see the blue side of the red team choosing to go for brindle again while EP has emp, one of their scrolls, and is pop locked. Surely certain someone's will mention that when they make their next youtube video.


    You are delusional with your DC and EP teaming up. I mean, this was just 10 minutes ago and the pop has been like that since 8 pm EST at least

    Me getting ready to leave the gate of Southern highrock


    Why? Oh yeah...


    News alert! All 3 factions each have to deal with 2. Some of us have more to work with than others.

    Well EP did take AD‘s scroll instead of gating dc since you guys had lower pop (this morning) if it were up to me you woulda been gated as repayment for your night crew having no problem gating the 3 EP that were on
  • technohic
    Heimpai wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    Telel wrote: »
    Today's Telel pug never got past five people. Most of the time it was just the three. The entire time they were being led by a person the 'good' players on the griff side of things insist is the worst lead ever.

    They still took objectives and managed to win a few fights. At least until a organized group would show up and run them over in a tide of 'skillfull play.

    Which was all streamed if anyone wish to check the veracity of it all.

    Afterwards please let khajiit know why his betters need so many more people to do what this one is expected to with accomplish with four. Oh, and also explain why this makes the humbly sleek one a worse player.

    Also good to see the blue side of the red team choosing to go for brindle again while EP has emp, one of their scrolls, and is pop locked. Surely certain someone's will mention that when they make their next youtube video.


    You are delusional with your DC and EP teaming up. I mean, this was just 10 minutes ago and the pop has been like that since 8 pm EST at least

    Me getting ready to leave the gate of Southern highrock


    Why? Oh yeah...


    News alert! All 3 factions each have to deal with 2. Some of us have more to work with than others.

    Well EP did take AD‘s scroll instead of gating dc since you guys had lower pop (this morning) if it were up to me you woulda been gated as repayment for your night crew having no problem gating the 3 EP that were on

    I have as little sympathy for the DC doing it over night if its the same way and they came complaining about being double teamed while doing it. Whats worse, is I am starting to believe people when they say that there is faction flipping to the winning side.
  • frozywozy

    Edited by frozywozy on February 8, 2019 10:51AM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • antihero727
    They had pugs yes but I seen their discord last night with 57 in the pvp channel. I am giving them a few people as a buffer for afk but still 2 full raids.

    frozywozy wrote: »

    Doesn’t sound so tinfoil hat or over exaggerated now does it. I believe I wrote that on a Tuesday. This is why I avoid weekend or prime time like the plague.
    Edited by antihero727 on February 8, 2019 11:12AM
    Veldrn-AD Magica Sorc
    Bizarro Veldrn-AD Stam Sorc
    Antiherro-AD Stam DK
    Antihero-AD Magplar
    Aww Crit-AD Magblade
    AD Since PC beta
    On A lag free vacation
    for the near and far future
  • TBois
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Looks like your getting emp again. AD and DC will have the pleasure of trying to get back their scrolls and dethrone with either AotP and a Drac emp or you'll be riding the AotP zerg. Server performance will be *** especially when EP is trurtling Chal. Sounds like a weekend of BGs for me.
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD

  • Eirella
    frozywozy wrote: »


    That's just disgusting. This is one of the reasons why I log in less and less these days.
    (PC/NA) - | @Eirella - formerly @jinxgames | CP 1000+ | Mainly PvPer (EP) | Haxus
  • zyk
    TBois wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Looks like your getting emp again. AD and DC will have the pleasure of trying to get back their scrolls and dethrone with either AotP and a Drac emp or you'll be riding the AotP zerg. Server performance will be *** especially when EP is trurtling Chal. Sounds like a weekend of BGs for me.

    AD may go down in history as the most casual faction on PC/NA, but EP will surely be remembered as the trashiest.
  • technohic
    Yeah, you all didn't even have to investigate much to hear that. This is what they posted in this thread yesterday and deleted.
    We only stacked together at Arrius when AD stacked their entire faction there along with a DC raid. In the future on Tuesday nights, expect to see us stacking together more all night long and splitting AD up as it's needed when AD stacks together. Tuesday nights have the potential for us to break 100+ members in raid for the first time ever as our current record is 86 on a Wednesday night.
    Edited by Ahtu on February 6, 2019 10:51AM
  • frozywozy
    TBois wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Looks like your getting emp again. AD and DC will have the pleasure of trying to get back their scrolls and dethrone with either AotP and a Drac emp or you'll be riding the AotP zerg. Server performance will be *** especially when EP is trurtling Chal. Sounds like a weekend of BGs for me.

    Yeah I really need to learn one of these days to get away from Cyrodiil when I get emp and let the other factions dethrone me instead of stacking on top of my faction defending the last emp keep.

    This is most likely what people like you would do without a doubt.

    Thank you for your insight.
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • zyk
    Edited by zyk on February 9, 2019 7:05AM
  • technohic
    frozywozy wrote: »
    TBois wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Looks like your getting emp again. AD and DC will have the pleasure of trying to get back their scrolls and dethrone with either AotP and a Drac emp or you'll be riding the AotP zerg. Server performance will be *** especially when EP is trurtling Chal. Sounds like a weekend of BGs for me.

    Yeah I really need to learn one of these days to get away from Cyrodiil when I get emp and let the other factions dethrone me instead of stacking on top of my faction defending the last emp keep.

    This is most likely what people like you would do without a doubt.

    Thank you for your insight.

    @frozywozy I am curious since groups like Drac are built to take on huge numbers; if you were on a different faction than this group shooting for a quadruple raid; would you be able to take them out? I guess I am asking what are the limits/what would it take to do anything against something like this.
  • frozywozy
    technohic wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »
    TBois wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Looks like your getting emp again. AD and DC will have the pleasure of trying to get back their scrolls and dethrone with either AotP and a Drac emp or you'll be riding the AotP zerg. Server performance will be *** especially when EP is trurtling Chal. Sounds like a weekend of BGs for me.

    Yeah I really need to learn one of these days to get away from Cyrodiil when I get emp and let the other factions dethrone me instead of stacking on top of my faction defending the last emp keep.

    This is most likely what people like you would do without a doubt.

    Thank you for your insight.

    @frozywozy I am curious since groups like Drac are built to take on huge numbers; if you were on a different faction than this group shooting for a quadruple raid; would you be able to take them out? I guess I am asking what are the limits/what would it take to do anything against something like this.

    We have been playing AD every Sunday (most likely will tonight) specifically to fight them.
    When performances are not too bad we usually do great. Most of the time it's trash so we are very limited.

    Personally, I don't really care to wipe over and over because of lag.

    What matters is that we monopolize 4raids for hours with 12-16 of us at the same place while the rest of the AD and DC factions push EP all the way to Arrius and make them lose the whole map as a result.

    Hopefuly someday people will realize that it's much more productive and efficient to spread your raids and hit multiple objectives at once. You gain territory, and also improve as a group / player when you run with less numbers.
    Edited by frozywozy on February 8, 2019 4:08PM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • TBois
    frozywozy wrote: »
    TBois wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Looks like your getting emp again. AD and DC will have the pleasure of trying to get back their scrolls and dethrone with either AotP and a Drac emp or you'll be riding the AotP zerg. Server performance will be *** especially when EP is trurtling Chal. Sounds like a weekend of BGs for me.

    Yeah I really need to learn one of these days to get away from Cyrodiil when I get emp and let the other factions dethrone me instead of stacking on top of my faction defending the last emp keep.

    This is most likely what people like you would do without a doubt.

    Thank you for your insight.

    You do you. I'm just stating facts.

    Edit: well maybe not facts but just what I believe is likely to happen
    Edited by TBois on February 8, 2019 4:14PM
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD

  • _Crow
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Hey! That's my message I sent in our discord last night! 😃 What's funny is that @frozywozy cries and is obsessed with us, but he zerg surfs us every time he is trying to defend EMP ❤️
    GM: Army of the Pact
    Loves War almost as much as Tbagging
    -Crow, Mag DK
    -Murder of Crows, Stam Warden
  • technohic
    frozywozy wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »
    TBois wrote: »
    frozywozy wrote: »


    Looks like your getting emp again. AD and DC will have the pleasure of trying to get back their scrolls and dethrone with either AotP and a Drac emp or you'll be riding the AotP zerg. Server performance will be *** especially when EP is trurtling Chal. Sounds like a weekend of BGs for me.

    Yeah I really need to learn one of these days to get away from Cyrodiil when I get emp and let the other factions dethrone me instead of stacking on top of my faction defending the last emp keep.

    This is most likely what people like you would do without a doubt.

    Thank you for your insight.

    @frozywozy I am curious since groups like Drac are built to take on huge numbers; if you were on a different faction than this group shooting for a quadruple raid; would you be able to take them out? I guess I am asking what are the limits/what would it take to do anything against something like this.

    We have been playing AD every Sunday (most likely will tonight) specifically to fight them.
    When performances are not too bad we usually do great. Most of the time it's trash so we are very limited.

    Personally, I don't really care to wipe over and over because of lag.

    What matters is that we monopolize 4raids for hours with 12-16 of us at the same place while the rest of the AD and DC factions push EP all the way to Arrius and make them lose the whole map as a result.

    Hopefuly someday people will realize that it's much more productive and efficient to spread your raids and hit multiple objectives at once. You gain territory, and also improve as a group / player when you run with less numbers.

    I was wondering about that as I have seen your AD group running and have noticed DC then seeming to actually do something. The annoying part is, just having that group on the server causes the lag to hit everywhere. I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to keep wiping to that.

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