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Don't Nerf curse eater

  • Vapirko
    d3adpain wrote: »
    dOnT nErf iT pLeaSe
    like wtf that set broken as f***

    This isn’t a great reason to consider your point. You also agree that snares, dot builds, and defile is OP so... which is it?

    @Wolf_Watching so what yyoure saying is, because there’s already a bunch of OP stuff in the game, might as well introduce more? Wtf lol, I hate when people do this. That person is well within their rights to call all of this stuff OP and it is. And those of us who don’t jump on all the broken *** so we can win a fight would rather keep new OP *** out of the game while we continue to fight for balance to what is already available. The only people who argue for sets like this to go live are people who crutch off the broken aspects of this game, plain and simple.
  • Vapirko
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kadoin wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    And you pay for that with one of you two 5-piece set bonuses. You sacrifice half your 5-piece bonuses for something that will help you very little as soon as you are attacked by more than one enemy. Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs. Face a low slash build that applies maim+snare every second, along with siphoner and possibly 2x DOT poison, and suddenly removing one debuff per second isn't all that hot. I should know, i once replaced extended ritual with ritual of retribution on my stamplar and quickly dropped it like hot potato once i realized 2-effect cleanse is almost nothing in everyday cyrodiil(as opposed to staged duels).

    Yeah but templar purge has to be actively used whereas this set does it automatically for the duration of a single mutagen/RR.

    What i was telling you is that from my experience as a templar playing in cyrodiil(NOT dueling), two removed effects is too weak, even if removed once every second and not once every two seconds. You will simply be swamped with so many status effect during typical cyrodiil gameplay that two effects removed become insignificant, you won't remove what needs removed, and next second its all back. You simply need to run the 5-effect purge for the effect to become noticeable. Therefore, under these conditions, a set that removes 2 effects every 2 seconds, even if by itself, is not nearly as good as people make it out to be. (And remember it is not "free", you paid for it by sacrificing some other 5-piece bonus).

    This is ridiculous in a 1v1 for anyone and shuts down builds that don't have access to a large amount of applicable effects.

    That's basically the same thing i said in the post you were replying to: "Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs."

    Really? I don't know about you, but it means that I can have auto-protection against stun and defile and not have to cast extended ritual/ritual of retribution on my templars constantly....

    ...That means I will literally be invincible on a breech ...

    Try the following.

    Respec from extended ritual to ritual of retribution.
    Limit yourself to only casting it once per 2 seconds.
    Go stand on a breach.

    See how well you do. I already know.

    1, You will have 15 debuffs on you in a heartbeat.
    2, You will remove two, leaving 13 on you.
    3, You wait 2 seconds, and now have 28 debuffs on you.
    4, You remove two, leaving 26 on you.
    5, You die.

    Thats how useful this "broken set" will be on anyone thinking they can don it and stand on a "breech".

    Except that extended ritual costs 4.3k magicka and requires that you use it when really needed not on auto cast every two seconds to drain your magicka. This set would actually negate the need to slot that skill at all and gives one of the best skills in the game to any magicka users for free. And not only that but it doesn’t even require any of your group to even press the synergy button. Plus if it’s so useless as you say then why do you care if it gets nerfed? Actually a better analogy would be to make extended ritual free cost and it auto casts every two seconds? Does that sound okay to you? But then you also argue that snipe isn’t an issue so...
    Edited by Vapirko on January 25, 2019 4:23AM
  • Silver_Strider
    Honestly I'm fine with this set as it currently is.
    I got Double DoT poisons, Rending Slash with it's DoT + Snare, PI, Fear w/Minor Maim + another snare, Incap w/Defile; you would need to be a Templar with Cleansing Ritual and this set just to negate half that with any degree of success that people talking about this set being OP on its own is funny.
    Argonian forever
  • Jabassa
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

  • Jabassa
    Cool down just needs to be increased to 20s or so
  • Vildebill
    Pelican wrote: »
    Just so you guys know what curse eater does.
    It auto breaks almost ALL CCs for you, without you having to spend any stamina and giving you cc immunity.
    2 abilities purged every 2 seconds is way too much, the cooldown needs to be nerfed to 6 or 8 seconds at least

    EU PC
  • Qbiken
    kojou wrote: »
    I say nerf it to the ground so the PvP'ers will have something else to whine about. I don't want to see 10 posts a day about how powerful this set is...

    As to the OP, Sorry, it probably seemed like a good idea to the developer at the time.

    PvP'ers will whine about anything and everything anyway. Every update there is a "THE SKY IS FALLING OMG" scenario. sometimes warranted (Soldier of Anguish) and sometimes not.

    I'll always remember someone in my guild, a big PvP'er when they introduced Vicious Death telling me they had to nerf it as there would be "zergs of vamp sorcs using it with Proxy Det and Devouring Swarm"..... safe to say that in that patch i found a grand total of 4 sorcs trying that setup, and most died before the det went off.

    So all we do is provide evidence one way or the other for the sets in question and hope it's all sorted either way.

    You might want to check your memory.

    Vicious death was pure bs when it came out, and it still isn't a healthy set to this day.

    Reason VD was insanely good from start was because:
    - Back then procsets could crit
    - The explosion/VD proc had higher range (if I remember correctly)
    - If you died from a VD proc it would proc another VD (ZOS changed that so that a death from VD won´t proc another VD)

    VD is fine as it is in it´s current state.
  • Feanor
    Honestly I'm fine with this set as it currently is.
    I got Double DoT poisons, Rending Slash with it's DoT + Snare, PI, Fear w/Minor Maim + another snare, Incap w/Defile; you would need to be a Templar with Cleansing Ritual and this set just to negate half that with any degree of success that people talking about this set being OP on its own is funny.

    Well there is always that one guy who declares something is “fine” because it doesn’t affect his particular play style. Not every spec can load up on DoTs and debuffs. Notably magicka characters are at a disadvantage, with Sorc being the extreme.

    “Sload’s is fine, I have 50k HP anyway.”
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Wuuffyy
    kojou wrote: »
    I say nerf it to the ground so the PvP'ers will have something else to whine about. I don't want to see 10 posts a day about how powerful this set is...

    As to the OP, Sorry, it probably seemed like a good idea to the developer at the time.

    PvP'ers will whine about anything and everything anyway. Every update there is a "THE SKY IS FALLING OMG" scenario. sometimes warranted (Soldier of Anguish) and sometimes not.

    I'll always remember someone in my guild, a big PvP'er when they introduced Vicious Death telling me they had to nerf it as there would be "zergs of vamp sorcs using it with Proxy Det and Devouring Swarm"..... safe to say that in that patch i found a grand total of 4 sorcs trying that setup, and most died before the det went off.

    So all we do is provide evidence one way or the other for the sets in question and hope it's all sorted either way.

    You might want to check your memory.

    Vicious death was pure bs when it came out, and it still isn't a healthy set to this day.

    VD was bad because within the same patch zos gave everyone proxy det after being warned. But no, people on the forum encouraged it with things like “Now everyone is on the same playing field” and “You’re just complaining because you’ll no longer have the advantage “. That patch alone was one of the worst patches and if anything it showed how bias the community can be when it comes to what they view as “op”. Plus, exposed how people only “care” about progression when it aligns with how they play or what they already have gained.

    As a result hardly anyone uses proxy det or VD.

    People still use it but only to bomb.
    I saw the video of it preventing Rune Cage. Yes clearly that is broken and hard CC needs to be an exception to this set.

    That will be fixed. Now it's just a matter of how they change the timers, which will get changed for sure.

    2 effects every 2 seconds is terrible in duels, especially against some classes. Of course the game doesn't get balanced from duels alone.

    It should not require a Restoration staff though, that's silly.

    It should not only apply to allies nor only apply to the user.

    It should not stack meaning there needs to be two cooldowns - the activation of the skill itself and an individual cooldown for the players it applies to.

    I don't want the set broken and I don't want it useless so please take all of this into consideration. While I still feel my words will get lost, they are here nonetheless.

    Right. It shouldn't break CC. Maybe if it did 4 negative effects every 5/6 seconds (1-2 more second/ w more effects at once). If it did this then at the least you could reapply negative effects easily before next purge and also retain it's identity as getting rid of crazy snares, defiles, etc.
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • pieratsos
    Honestly I'm fine with this set as it currently is.
    I got Double DoT poisons, Rending Slash with it's DoT + Snare, PI, Fear w/Minor Maim + another snare, Incap w/Defile; you would need to be a Templar with Cleansing Ritual and this set just to negate half that with any degree of success that people talking about this set being OP on its own is funny.

    The only funny thing about this whole situation is the people who actually say that a set that literally cc breaks for you is fine.
  • pieratsos
    Feanor wrote: »
    Honestly I'm fine with this set as it currently is.
    I got Double DoT poisons, Rending Slash with it's DoT + Snare, PI, Fear w/Minor Maim + another snare, Incap w/Defile; you would need to be a Templar with Cleansing Ritual and this set just to negate half that with any degree of success that people talking about this set being OP on its own is funny.

    Well there is always that one guy who declares something is “fine” because it doesn’t affect his particular play style. Not every spec can load up on DoTs and debuffs. Notably magicka characters are at a disadvantage, with Sorc being the extreme.

    “Sload’s is fine, I have 50k HP anyway.”

    Actually it does affect his play style as well. He just doesnt know it yet.
  • bardx86
    It's crazy. Why does Zos always try to fix their mistakes with a dam proc set?
  • Hearts_Wake
    Wrong. This set needs adjustment. This set is a lazy button that you don’t have to press.

    This set should be a utility set for classes that don’t have a purge but not be so easily accessed that it literally voids the use of extended ritual.
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