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Don't Nerf curse eater

  • jaws343
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Okay. I *** up my math. This is so much worse. I forgot it removed 2 effects per proc when I did the math, so it's actually twice as effective, about. If we compare Curse Eater to the two other purge sets, Wyrd's Tree and Stendarr's Embrace,

    Curse Eater within the same 15 second cooldown of Wyrd Tree can remove 14 effects (2 / 15 = 7.5, round down to 7 since we're working with integers, 7 * 2 = 14). 14 > 5.

    Curse Eater within the same 30 second cooldown of Stendarr's Embrace can remove 30 effects (2 / 30 = 15, don't need to round down since it is an integer, 15 * 2 = 30). 30 > 5.

    You people are literally defending a set that is 2.8x more effective than Wyrd Tree, 6x more effective than Stendarr's Embrace, when looking at a single player, assuming perfect uptime of both Wyrd and Stendarr, which actually works even more into Curse Eater's favour, since Curse Eater is braindead easy to proc, and can literally be kept continuously proccing by stacking HOT's throughout a fight.

    Tell me again how this set isn't absurdly broken?

    I'll even add to that. You pair this with Steadfast Hero and get 50% uptime on Major Protection. So the Dots that aren't purged have a 30% damage reduction since Steadfast is going to proc constantly on cooldown. I guarantee I will be running the combo if this set stays as is.
  • Valykc
    It’s broken
  • Fiktius
    And again, people keep talking about the "broken" nature of this set. And yet no video exists so far that i know of demonstrating all this.
    As stated i feel it needs tweaking (see previous posts) but videos with literally no information on how broken it is to give as proof do not highlight its need for changes.

    Show us something REAL. NOT cleansing 1 negative effect, wait, repeat.

    Show us a stamDK fight where they're throwing dots, bleeds, snares, double dot poisons etc and you're not at any risk.
    If you can show that then by all means then we can talk about big old sweeping nerfs or adjustments.
    Show us a spin to win Warden bursting in with that big old burst combo and you shrugging off the fracture, dots, poisons snares etc.

    So far every person i've said this to has gone back to screaming "IT'S OP" but again won't provide any hard facts.

    I am NOT saying it doesn't need adjusting but having literally ZERO evidence won't get that changed.
    The reason we got Soldier of Anguish changed last patch was because there were videos ACTUALLY showing how broken it was and rep support to back it.

    Again, EVIDENCE, not THEORETICAL or Screaming like the sky is falling.

    People in general do not like changes nor anything which counters their current way to play. Anything which goes against their way to play, they rather burn the counter with fire.
    Also not many bother to actually prove their points by providing actual valid video footage like you said, but that's understandable: unfortunately many rather whine very loud in hope to get developers destroy the set within coming patches and make the set to sit with the same stage with Wyrd Tree and Stendarr set: almost never used.

    HOWEVER before people start flipping tables for what I wrote above, I also want to say what I think about the set itself:
    I truly want to see this set tweaked, but still keep full potential for using this set on solo PvP set up. I do not want to make this set as "healer only set" and remove the part which let me to self apply the purge on myself with the set. I'm not carrying pocket healers across Cyrodiil, so if this set becomes "healer only - set", the set becomes garbage to me and many other solo players. Though I agree with the argument which states that the set provides a bit too much sustain. Personally I wouldn't mind if some 2-4 item piece bonuses would be changed to something else and give for example some max stamina and max HP instead. I would be perfectly fine with that. Even if the magicka return after the cleanse effect would vanish, I wouldn't mind much about that.
    ALSO I think that the set should not remove any stuns. Stuns are important part of PvP gameplay and IMO set should not purge stuns and auto-break free you out by any circumstances. I don't know if this is intended for the set or not, but I think this functions deserves second look from developers.
    And last but not least: the cooldown itself. 2 negative effects every 2 seconds is a bit too frequent cleansing. I think it would be fine if the cooldown would be made double and become 2 negative effects every 4 seconds. (Or even 5 - 6 seconds if needed, but longer it goes from that, less useful the set becomes.)
    This set definitely deserve some slight tweaking, but it would be very pity if the set becomes trash tier set before it even goes live.
    Edited by Fiktius on January 23, 2019 3:36PM
  • Ocelot9x
    The set is good but not game breaking. Of course, it counter dot builds but it’s not a bad thing lol
    I just hope that cc purging is not intended and it’s fine.
  • pieratsos
    Checkmath wrote: »
    The problem with this set is, that it is more effective, when less players are involved. On a solo player it is the most efficient, meanwhile in a group, where the purges will be divided between the whole group, the set gets weak.
    Currently the set isnt even really strong as a healer set, since the effects are split and therefore one individual rarely sees any benefit, meanwhile the solo player sees constant effects.

    To really make this set any better for healers, but less strong for the solo player, the cooldown needs to be increased and bound to each individual instead of intern. An example would be 2 negative effects all 5 seconds cleansed for every healing target. In that case, the solo player isnt OP anymore through constant purging, since the set only cleanses 2 effects all 5 seconds. But a healer would see great use of it, since he can cleanse 2 negat5ve effects all 5 seconds on every friendly player.

    That would be even more OP than the current version. You are making things even worse. You have 2-3 people running this in a PVP raid and coupled with a few purges here and there they can literally make an entire raid of 24 people immune to prety much every debuff in the game while also giving them sustain.

    The problem isnt that it is more effective when less players are involved. Giving solo/small scale players a nice set to deal with numbers isnt a problem. Its a good thing. The problem is that its effects are just too strong considering how easy it is to use it.
  • Jaxaxo
    Ocelot9x wrote: »
    The set is good but not game breaking. Of course, it counter dot builds but it’s not a bad thing lol
    I just hope that cc purging is not intended and it’s fine.

    It is, that's how purgebots works in raid groups, they basically break free for u if u dont have more effects on u :trollface:
    Forum War - pro AC side

    EU PC Azura Star/Sotha Sil/Bahlokdaan/Ravenwatch
    Triggered Tryhards / Aetherius Art / LND / DC-PD

    DC - Frostitute magden
    AD - Pees-under-Trees magden
    DC - Lemme Dark Deal stamsorc
    EP - Lemme Dark Déal stamsorc
  • Wuuffyy
    d3adpain wrote: »
    dOnT nErf iT pLeaSe
    like wtf that set broken as f***

    This isn’t a great reason to consider your point. You also agree that snares, dot builds, and defile is OP so... which is it?
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • IzzyStardust
    It needs adjustment - definitely
    Edited by IzzyStardust on January 23, 2019 8:29PM
  • _Salty_
    I would run this set on any class stam or mag. It's too powerful to not use it. It's the best defensive set in the game.
    Psn l---Salty---l

    Patiently waiting to make a Stankcromancer.
  • Scarpion

    Another example courest of pelican and malm, it is purging the rune cage before it is even lands. People can argue that it becomes stronger in a 1v1 scenario and weaker the higher the numbers but when every single person is running this set with a hot it will not matter, and if it goes to live everyone should run this set because of how stupidly broken it is.
    SDk & MSorc.
  • Valykc
    The only people who are saying this set is ok, are ones sitting at their keyboards with their Troll Face on planning to abuse a broken *** set. They probably ran sloads when it was busted, or viper/widowmaker when that was busted; or they are PvE heroes that have no clue how a set like this will ruin PvP completely.



    I decided to add more to this to bring in some valid arguments. Dragonknights, what is the class identity, DAMAGE OVER TIME . In PvP Dragonknights, especially MagDKs lack enough burst to finish players off. StamDKs at least have execute skills in their weapon lines, MagDKs have nothing, except Skoria (If you even can count that as their "execute", it is just a naid to their burst). Anyway, MagDKs rely on Burning Embers for Damage and a Heal. Do you know what curse eater does... removes the skill completely. Engulfing? Nope, no 10% extra damage for you! Even the Skoria proc, that happens from Damage over Time, how's that gonna happen when the DoTs are being purged immediately.

    What is the effective strategy for fighting Zergs? "Well Seige helps!".. Oh yeah, you're right. Meatbags, Oils, Scattershots, Fire Balllistas, etc. apply a debuff/Dot/etc... guess what.. NEGATED completely from CURSE EATER.

    Tank players burning your sieges, immobilizing you, stunning you for their friends... how do you deal with them? snares, stuns, defiles. Also cured by Curse Eater. Templar Healbots, same problem.

    Classes that place a skill on a target. Power of the Light, Curse, Total Dark, Mark Target, Swarm, etc. Pretty much every class right? All these skills would be purged. Classes that need a skill like Elemental Drain to sustain and do damage.. Curse Eater says **** that.

    You can think of so many scenarios... this set can not go live the way it is. It will bury DKs at the very least. And I'm a MagSorc, I hate fighting DKs, but I don't want the class to get destroyed because of a broken set.
    Edited by Valykc on January 23, 2019 10:27PM
  • ChunkyCat
    Fiktius wrote: »
    And again, people keep talking about the "broken" nature of this set. And yet no video exists so far that i know of demonstrating all this.
    As stated i feel it needs tweaking (see previous posts) but videos with literally no information on how broken it is to give as proof do not highlight its need for changes.

    Show us something REAL. NOT cleansing 1 negative effect, wait, repeat.

    Show us a stamDK fight where they're throwing dots, bleeds, snares, double dot poisons etc and you're not at any risk.
    If you can show that then by all means then we can talk about big old sweeping nerfs or adjustments.
    Show us a spin to win Warden bursting in with that big old burst combo and you shrugging off the fracture, dots, poisons snares etc.

    So far every person i've said this to has gone back to screaming "IT'S OP" but again won't provide any hard facts.

    I am NOT saying it doesn't need adjusting but having literally ZERO evidence won't get that changed.
    The reason we got Soldier of Anguish changed last patch was because there were videos ACTUALLY showing how broken it was and rep support to back it.

    Again, EVIDENCE, not THEORETICAL or Screaming like the sky is falling.

    People in general do not like changes nor anything which counters their current way to play. Anything which goes against their way to play, they rather burn the counter with fire.
    Also not many bother to actually prove their points by providing actual valid video footage like you said, but that's understandable: unfortunately many rather whine very loud in hope to get developers destroy the set within coming patches and make the set to sit with the same stage with Wyrd Tree and Stendarr set: almost never used.

    HOWEVER before people start flipping tables for what I wrote above, I also want to say what I think about the set itself:
    I truly want to see this set tweaked, but still keep full potential for using this set on solo PvP set up. I do not want to make this set as "healer only set" and remove the part which let me to self apply the purge on myself with the set. I'm not carrying pocket healers across Cyrodiil, so if this set becomes "healer only - set", the set becomes garbage to me and many other solo players. Though I agree with the argument which states that the set provides a bit too much sustain. Personally I wouldn't mind if some 2-4 item piece bonuses would be changed to something else and give for example some max stamina and max HP instead. I would be perfectly fine with that. Even if the magicka return after the cleanse effect would vanish, I wouldn't mind much about that.
    ALSO I think that the set should not remove any stuns. Stuns are important part of PvP gameplay and IMO set should not purge stuns and auto-break free you out by any circumstances. I don't know if this is intended for the set or not, but I think this functions deserves second look from developers.
    And last but not least: the cooldown itself. 2 negative effects every 2 seconds is a bit too frequent cleansing. I think it would be fine if the cooldown would be made double and become 2 negative effects every 4 seconds. (Or even 5 - 6 seconds if needed, but longer it goes from that, less useful the set becomes.)
    This set definitely deserve some slight tweaking, but it would be very pity if the set becomes trash tier set before it even goes live.

    Pretty spot on; and I main a StamSorc dot build.

    At this point, ZoS should note that if they try to introduce any new sets that are slightly better than any established Meta, then the forums will just erupt with the cries of a thousand scruffy looking Nerf herders.
  • Jakx
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    Or consider its effect on overall game balance and be objective? This is objectively broken in the pvp realm and cannot go live as it is. No reason to argue right now because they said theyre changing it. Hopefully with some sense.
    Joined September 2013
  • jaws343
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Fiktius wrote: »
    And again, people keep talking about the "broken" nature of this set. And yet no video exists so far that i know of demonstrating all this.
    As stated i feel it needs tweaking (see previous posts) but videos with literally no information on how broken it is to give as proof do not highlight its need for changes.

    Show us something REAL. NOT cleansing 1 negative effect, wait, repeat.

    Show us a stamDK fight where they're throwing dots, bleeds, snares, double dot poisons etc and you're not at any risk.
    If you can show that then by all means then we can talk about big old sweeping nerfs or adjustments.
    Show us a spin to win Warden bursting in with that big old burst combo and you shrugging off the fracture, dots, poisons snares etc.

    So far every person i've said this to has gone back to screaming "IT'S OP" but again won't provide any hard facts.

    I am NOT saying it doesn't need adjusting but having literally ZERO evidence won't get that changed.
    The reason we got Soldier of Anguish changed last patch was because there were videos ACTUALLY showing how broken it was and rep support to back it.

    Again, EVIDENCE, not THEORETICAL or Screaming like the sky is falling.

    People in general do not like changes nor anything which counters their current way to play. Anything which goes against their way to play, they rather burn the counter with fire.
    Also not many bother to actually prove their points by providing actual valid video footage like you said, but that's understandable: unfortunately many rather whine very loud in hope to get developers destroy the set within coming patches and make the set to sit with the same stage with Wyrd Tree and Stendarr set: almost never used.

    HOWEVER before people start flipping tables for what I wrote above, I also want to say what I think about the set itself:
    I truly want to see this set tweaked, but still keep full potential for using this set on solo PvP set up. I do not want to make this set as "healer only set" and remove the part which let me to self apply the purge on myself with the set. I'm not carrying pocket healers across Cyrodiil, so if this set becomes "healer only - set", the set becomes garbage to me and many other solo players. Though I agree with the argument which states that the set provides a bit too much sustain. Personally I wouldn't mind if some 2-4 item piece bonuses would be changed to something else and give for example some max stamina and max HP instead. I would be perfectly fine with that. Even if the magicka return after the cleanse effect would vanish, I wouldn't mind much about that.
    ALSO I think that the set should not remove any stuns. Stuns are important part of PvP gameplay and IMO set should not purge stuns and auto-break free you out by any circumstances. I don't know if this is intended for the set or not, but I think this functions deserves second look from developers.
    And last but not least: the cooldown itself. 2 negative effects every 2 seconds is a bit too frequent cleansing. I think it would be fine if the cooldown would be made double and become 2 negative effects every 4 seconds. (Or even 5 - 6 seconds if needed, but longer it goes from that, less useful the set becomes.)
    This set definitely deserve some slight tweaking, but it would be very pity if the set becomes trash tier set before it even goes live.

    Pretty spot on; and I main a StamSorc dot build.

    At this point, ZoS should note that if they try to introduce any new sets that are slightly better than any established Meta, then the forums will just erupt with the cries of a thousand scruffy looking Nerf herders.

    This isn't a slightly better set. This is a set that purges 20 effects over the course of a 20 second Mutagen, and returns 1500 magicka during that time. Compared to the 50K magika that would be spent if you used efficient Purge 10 times to purge 20 effects, I would say that at a cost of 600 net magicka, this set is severely overperforming.

    Not to mention, while you are hitting Purge those 10 times over 20 seconds, you are barely doing anything else. And with this set, you cast 1 skill and then can cast anything else for this duration without having to spam 1 skill over and over again.
  • Sharee
    jaws343 wrote: »
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Fiktius wrote: »
    And again, people keep talking about the "broken" nature of this set. And yet no video exists so far that i know of demonstrating all this.
    As stated i feel it needs tweaking (see previous posts) but videos with literally no information on how broken it is to give as proof do not highlight its need for changes.

    Show us something REAL. NOT cleansing 1 negative effect, wait, repeat.

    Show us a stamDK fight where they're throwing dots, bleeds, snares, double dot poisons etc and you're not at any risk.
    If you can show that then by all means then we can talk about big old sweeping nerfs or adjustments.
    Show us a spin to win Warden bursting in with that big old burst combo and you shrugging off the fracture, dots, poisons snares etc.

    So far every person i've said this to has gone back to screaming "IT'S OP" but again won't provide any hard facts.

    I am NOT saying it doesn't need adjusting but having literally ZERO evidence won't get that changed.
    The reason we got Soldier of Anguish changed last patch was because there were videos ACTUALLY showing how broken it was and rep support to back it.

    Again, EVIDENCE, not THEORETICAL or Screaming like the sky is falling.

    People in general do not like changes nor anything which counters their current way to play. Anything which goes against their way to play, they rather burn the counter with fire.
    Also not many bother to actually prove their points by providing actual valid video footage like you said, but that's understandable: unfortunately many rather whine very loud in hope to get developers destroy the set within coming patches and make the set to sit with the same stage with Wyrd Tree and Stendarr set: almost never used.

    HOWEVER before people start flipping tables for what I wrote above, I also want to say what I think about the set itself:
    I truly want to see this set tweaked, but still keep full potential for using this set on solo PvP set up. I do not want to make this set as "healer only set" and remove the part which let me to self apply the purge on myself with the set. I'm not carrying pocket healers across Cyrodiil, so if this set becomes "healer only - set", the set becomes garbage to me and many other solo players. Though I agree with the argument which states that the set provides a bit too much sustain. Personally I wouldn't mind if some 2-4 item piece bonuses would be changed to something else and give for example some max stamina and max HP instead. I would be perfectly fine with that. Even if the magicka return after the cleanse effect would vanish, I wouldn't mind much about that.
    ALSO I think that the set should not remove any stuns. Stuns are important part of PvP gameplay and IMO set should not purge stuns and auto-break free you out by any circumstances. I don't know if this is intended for the set or not, but I think this functions deserves second look from developers.
    And last but not least: the cooldown itself. 2 negative effects every 2 seconds is a bit too frequent cleansing. I think it would be fine if the cooldown would be made double and become 2 negative effects every 4 seconds. (Or even 5 - 6 seconds if needed, but longer it goes from that, less useful the set becomes.)
    This set definitely deserve some slight tweaking, but it would be very pity if the set becomes trash tier set before it even goes live.

    Pretty spot on; and I main a StamSorc dot build.

    At this point, ZoS should note that if they try to introduce any new sets that are slightly better than any established Meta, then the forums will just erupt with the cries of a thousand scruffy looking Nerf herders.

    This isn't a slightly better set. This is a set that purges 20 effects over the course of a 20 second Mutagen, and returns 1500 magicka during that time. Compared to the 50K magika that would be spent if you used efficient Purge 10 times to purge 20 effects, I would say that at a cost of 600 net magicka, this set is severely overperforming.

    Anything would be overperforming when compared to an ability that is just plain bad. Same goes for comparing it to other sets which have similar functionality but are so bad virtually no-one uses them. Its better than wyrd tree? No ***, i saw wyrd tree live exactly once in my whole TESO career.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Not to mention, while you are hitting Purge those 10 times over 20 seconds, you are barely doing anything else. And with this set, you cast 1 skill and then can cast anything else for this duration without having to spam 1 skill over and over again.

    And you pay for that with one of you two 5-piece set bonuses. You sacrifice half your 5-piece bonuses for something that will help you very little as soon as you are attacked by more than one enemy. Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs. Face a low slash build that applies maim+snare every second, along with siphoner and possibly 2x DOT poison, and suddenly removing one debuff per second isn't all that hot. I should know, i once replaced extended ritual with ritual of retribution on my stamplar and quickly dropped it like hot potato once i realized 2-effect cleanse is almost nothing in everyday cyrodiil(as opposed to staged duels).
    Edited by Sharee on January 23, 2019 11:04PM
  • WreckfulAbandon
    Sharee wrote: »
    And you pay for that with one of you two 5-piece set bonuses. You sacrifice half your 5-piece bonuses for something that will help you very little as soon as you are attacked by more than one enemy. Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs. Face a low slash build that applies maim+snare every second, along with siphoner and possibly 2x DOT poison, and suddenly removing one debuff per second isn't all that hot. I should know, i once replaced extended ritual with ritual of retribution on my stamplar and quickly dropped it like hot potato once i realized 2-effect cleanse is almost nothing in everyday cyrodiil(as opposed to staged duels).

    Yeah but templar purge has to be actively used whereas this set does it automatically for the duration of a single mutagen/RR. That's incredibly strong even for a 5 pc set. It's worse than Earthgore which at least can only proc every 30 sec. Just another overtuned proc set. This is ridiculous in a 1v1 for anyone and shuts down builds that don't have access to a large amount of applicable effects. Forces a sorc to run a few more DoTs so they can get their Curses to connect. Templars have to find a way to keep PoTL/PL on. Not everyone applies a ton of effects each GCD. Maybe ZOS should remove Siphoner and free snares from a ton of abilities?

    A lot of builds are going to be collateral or necessitate a huge amount of counterplay/building to get around a simple 5 pc set here if it doesnt get adjusted.
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • MaxJrFTW
    Anyone defending this set simply lacks basic understanding of how pvp works in this game. Then there's the ones like ChunkyCat who is a known user of broken sets.

    This set will passively cleanse 2 effects every 2 seconds. Things like Mutagen and Rally will ensure that it procs on cooldown 100% of the time. Meaning that every dot, debuff, negative effect of an kind will becone null. Purifying light and Power of the light, essential abilities to the templar class, will never go off because it takes 6 seconds to explode and curse eater cleanses every 2 seconds. Daedric Curse, yet again another essential ability for sorcerers, will never go off. DOTs will be cleansed immediately, etc.

    The set will break the game. It won't be used just by healers. It will be used by everybody engaging in any pvp actitivity, stamina or magicka, damage dealer, tank, healer. It is too strong to pass up.
    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • ChunkyCat
    I’m a known user of broken sets? GTFoutta here. LoL

    Ya’ll just proving my point. If ZoS introduces anything new that’s, in anyway, better than currently established Metas, then come cry for nerfs on the forums (and insult anyone who disagrees with you.)
  • Tasear
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    I’m a known user of broken sets? GTFoutta here. LoL

    Ya’ll just proving my point. If ZoS introduces anything new that’s, in anyway, better than currently established Metas, then come cry for nerfs on the forums (and insult anyone who disagrees with you.)

    ^ yep

    I don't know how anyone can think insulting someone makes your statement more profound
    Edited by Tasear on January 24, 2019 3:09AM
  • MaxJrFTW
    Tasear wrote: »
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    I’m a known user of broken sets? GTFoutta here. LoL

    Ya’ll just proving my point. If ZoS introduces anything new that’s, in anyway, better than currently established Metas, then come cry for nerfs on the forums (and insult anyone who disagrees with you.)

    ^ yep

    I don't know how anyone can think insulting someone makes your statement more profound

    Stating a fact isn't an insult. Last patch he was using Viper, Sloads, Skoria, and 3 swift. He represents everything that is wrong with pvp in this game.

    The fact that you don't understand the impact this set would have in the game, makes it obvious that you were never fit to be a class rep in the 1st place. You don't even understand how game you play works.
    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • ChunkyCat
    It’s ridiculous that I even have to defend my actions, but I know if I say nothing, then perception will become reality.

    I stopped using Viper when it was changed to a DoT. I stopped using Sloads when it changed to a projectile.

    Anyone who tells you they did not use Viper when it was the meta is lying to you.

    Anyone who tells you they did not use Sload when it was introduced was just angry at dying from it.

    New sets are introduced. Sustain is nerfed. Shields are nerfed. “xYz” is nerfed. Whatever you want to call it, ZoS mixes things up every year.

    And with every added change (or nerf) the people who don’t want the change will come to the forums and cry about all of the “game breaking” second and third order effects of those changes.

    ^ Then there’s the jerks who want to insult you for disagreeing with them, or for just beating them in game.
  • templesus
  • bardx86
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    It’s ridiculous that I even have to defend my actions, but I know if I say nothing, then perception will become reality.

    I stopped using Viper when it was changed to a DoT. I stopped using Sloads when it changed to a projectile.

    Anyone who tells you they did not use Viper when it was the meta is lying to you.

    Anyone who tells you they did not use Sload when it was introduced was just angry at dying from it.

    New sets are introduced. Sustain is nerfed. Shields are nerfed. “xYz” is nerfed. Whatever you want to call it, ZoS mixes things up every year.

    And with every added change (or nerf) the people who don’t want the change will come to the forums and cry about all of the “game breaking” second and third order effects of those changes.

    ^ Then there’s the jerks who want to insult you for disagreeing with them, or for just beating them in game.

    So you stoped using OP sets when they where nerfed? BTW I've never used a proc set, they are for skill-less players. I don't need them. Sad anyone would want a crutch like this set, imo its more fun to test my skill vs other skilled players not a proc set.
    Edited by bardx86 on January 24, 2019 5:29AM
  • ChunkyCat
  • Sharee
    Sharee wrote: »
    And you pay for that with one of you two 5-piece set bonuses. You sacrifice half your 5-piece bonuses for something that will help you very little as soon as you are attacked by more than one enemy. Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs. Face a low slash build that applies maim+snare every second, along with siphoner and possibly 2x DOT poison, and suddenly removing one debuff per second isn't all that hot. I should know, i once replaced extended ritual with ritual of retribution on my stamplar and quickly dropped it like hot potato once i realized 2-effect cleanse is almost nothing in everyday cyrodiil(as opposed to staged duels).

    Yeah but templar purge has to be actively used whereas this set does it automatically for the duration of a single mutagen/RR.

    What i was telling you is that from my experience as a templar playing in cyrodiil(NOT dueling), two removed effects is too weak, even if removed once every second and not once every two seconds. You will simply be swamped with so many status effect during typical cyrodiil gameplay that two effects removed become insignificant, you won't remove what needs removed, and next second its all back. You simply need to run the 5-effect purge for the effect to become noticeable. Therefore, under these conditions, a set that removes 2 effects every 2 seconds, even if by itself, is not nearly as good as people make it out to be. (And remember it is not "free", you paid for it by sacrificing some other 5-piece bonus).

    This is ridiculous in a 1v1 for anyone and shuts down builds that don't have access to a large amount of applicable effects.

    That's basically the same thing i said in the post you were replying to: "Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs."

  • pieratsos
    Tasear wrote: »
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    I’m a known user of broken sets? GTFoutta here. LoL

    Ya’ll just proving my point. If ZoS introduces anything new that’s, in anyway, better than currently established Metas, then come cry for nerfs on the forums (and insult anyone who disagrees with you.)

    ^ yep

    I don't know how anyone can think insulting someone makes your statement more profound

    If you actually don't understand how this set is OP then I have no idea how you even made it into the class rep program in the first place.
  • Feanor
    We’re at a stage where players just call abusing broken stuff a „meta“ to disguise it. PvP has degraded into a contest where everyone tries to ride the most broken stuff for the longest time possible.

    I don’t care if this set goes live or not. The discussion however - much like ones in the past about other sets - sadly Highlight what’s wrong with this game. Devs that seem to be not thorough when designing and players that are willing to abuse every thing they can.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • pieratsos
    Sharee wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    And you pay for that with one of you two 5-piece set bonuses. You sacrifice half your 5-piece bonuses for something that will help you very little as soon as you are attacked by more than one enemy. Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs. Face a low slash build that applies maim+snare every second, along with siphoner and possibly 2x DOT poison, and suddenly removing one debuff per second isn't all that hot. I should know, i once replaced extended ritual with ritual of retribution on my stamplar and quickly dropped it like hot potato once i realized 2-effect cleanse is almost nothing in everyday cyrodiil(as opposed to staged duels).

    Yeah but templar purge has to be actively used whereas this set does it automatically for the duration of a single mutagen/RR.

    What i was telling you is that from my experience as a templar playing in cyrodiil(NOT dueling), two removed effects is too weak, even if removed once every second and not once every two seconds. You will simply be swamped with so many status effect during typical cyrodiil gameplay that two effects removed become insignificant, you won't remove what needs removed, and next second its all back. You simply need to run the 5-effect purge for the effect to become noticeable. Therefore, under these conditions, a set that removes 2 effects every 2 seconds, even if by itself, is not nearly as good as people make it out to be. (And remember it is not "free", you paid for it by sacrificing some other 5-piece bonus).

    This is ridiculous in a 1v1 for anyone and shuts down builds that don't have access to a large amount of applicable effects.

    That's basically the same thing i said in the post you were replying to: "Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs."

    Yes, removing 5 effects is better than removing 2 effects. This is common sense. That doesn't mean that removing 2 effects isn't that good. Especially when it's passively removing those effects while giving u sustain on top of it.

    Also, just because u will be drowned in debuffs and it won't always remove all of them it doesn't mean that it's not that good. If anything, that's why this set is too good. Because you always have debuffs on you. Hell, it even cc breaks for you.
  • Kadoin
    Sharee wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    And you pay for that with one of you two 5-piece set bonuses. You sacrifice half your 5-piece bonuses for something that will help you very little as soon as you are attacked by more than one enemy. Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs. Face a low slash build that applies maim+snare every second, along with siphoner and possibly 2x DOT poison, and suddenly removing one debuff per second isn't all that hot. I should know, i once replaced extended ritual with ritual of retribution on my stamplar and quickly dropped it like hot potato once i realized 2-effect cleanse is almost nothing in everyday cyrodiil(as opposed to staged duels).

    Yeah but templar purge has to be actively used whereas this set does it automatically for the duration of a single mutagen/RR.

    What i was telling you is that from my experience as a templar playing in cyrodiil(NOT dueling), two removed effects is too weak, even if removed once every second and not once every two seconds. You will simply be swamped with so many status effect during typical cyrodiil gameplay that two effects removed become insignificant, you won't remove what needs removed, and next second its all back. You simply need to run the 5-effect purge for the effect to become noticeable. Therefore, under these conditions, a set that removes 2 effects every 2 seconds, even if by itself, is not nearly as good as people make it out to be. (And remember it is not "free", you paid for it by sacrificing some other 5-piece bonus).

    This is ridiculous in a 1v1 for anyone and shuts down builds that don't have access to a large amount of applicable effects.

    That's basically the same thing i said in the post you were replying to: "Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs."

    Really? I don't know about you, but it means that I can have auto-protection against stun and defile and not have to cast extended ritual/ritual of retribution on my templars constantly. Combine that with my mutagen that heals ~10K-12K when it reliably crits, the fact that I use a resto staff + ice staff, the fact that I use a hybrid and have 24K+ stam, the fact that curse-eater returns mag back, and templar rune returns either mag or stam. That means I will literally be invincible on a breech and CC anyone that goes through better than I do right now on live. It also means that with that mag return and my mag regen, I'll be able to permablock in light armor.

    Now you can pretend that is not the case with others defending this set, but let it go live. I will make it the case on PC NA and PC EU and start generating some whining.

    I don't want templar rune nerfed down the line because of stupid set like healing ward was gutted for blackrose staff. I don't want ice staff nerfed because of a stupid set either. So I'm going to make sure I call broken sets out when I see them because I'm tired of getting nerfed so some fools "bads" can crutch on sets.

    EDIT for language
    Edited by Kadoin on January 24, 2019 8:14AM
  • Sharee
    Kadoin wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    And you pay for that with one of you two 5-piece set bonuses. You sacrifice half your 5-piece bonuses for something that will help you very little as soon as you are attacked by more than one enemy. Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs. Face a low slash build that applies maim+snare every second, along with siphoner and possibly 2x DOT poison, and suddenly removing one debuff per second isn't all that hot. I should know, i once replaced extended ritual with ritual of retribution on my stamplar and quickly dropped it like hot potato once i realized 2-effect cleanse is almost nothing in everyday cyrodiil(as opposed to staged duels).

    Yeah but templar purge has to be actively used whereas this set does it automatically for the duration of a single mutagen/RR.

    What i was telling you is that from my experience as a templar playing in cyrodiil(NOT dueling), two removed effects is too weak, even if removed once every second and not once every two seconds. You will simply be swamped with so many status effect during typical cyrodiil gameplay that two effects removed become insignificant, you won't remove what needs removed, and next second its all back. You simply need to run the 5-effect purge for the effect to become noticeable. Therefore, under these conditions, a set that removes 2 effects every 2 seconds, even if by itself, is not nearly as good as people make it out to be. (And remember it is not "free", you paid for it by sacrificing some other 5-piece bonus).

    This is ridiculous in a 1v1 for anyone and shuts down builds that don't have access to a large amount of applicable effects.

    That's basically the same thing i said in the post you were replying to: "Its only useful in duels, and then only against builds that only apply a few debuffs."

    Really? I don't know about you, but it means that I can have auto-protection against stun and defile and not have to cast extended ritual/ritual of retribution on my templars constantly....

    ...That means I will literally be invincible on a breech ...

    Try the following.

    Respec from extended ritual to ritual of retribution.
    Limit yourself to only casting it once per 2 seconds.
    Go stand on a breach.

    See how well you do. I already know.

    1, You will have 15 debuffs on you in a heartbeat.
    2, You will remove two, leaving 13 on you.
    3, You wait 2 seconds, and now have 28 debuffs on you.
    4, You remove two, leaving 26 on you.
    5, You die.

    Thats how useful this "broken set" will be on anyone thinking they can don it and stand on a "breech".
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