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Don't Nerf curse eater

  • Vapirko
    Im curious, it says "any ally." Does that mean it can only work on one person at a time? If so thats ok. If it grants multiple targets a purge effect or if it works off passive healing thats not ok. That is a Templar class skill and it should not be available as a set. Also this, combined with Earthgore would start to look like ball groups that are nearly unkillable. This set, depending on how it performs, really needs more conditions.
    Scarpion wrote: »

    Who needs cc break when a set does it for you

    All I need to say about this set

    I withdraw my statement that it might possibly be ok. Thats some BS.
    Edited by Vapirko on January 23, 2019 3:08AM
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Im curious, it says "any ally." Does that mean it can only work on one person at a time? If so thats ok. If it grants multiple targets a purge effect thats not ok. That is a Templar class skill and it should not be available as a set.

    Only 1 person at a time. So the bigger the group the less effective it gets.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Vapirko
    Tasear wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    You´re way too narrowminded in terms of it´s application.

    Yes it would be good on a healer - you know where it´s better? When everyone in your grp uses it because that makes the grp virtually immune to any hostily effects including CC.

    You don´t seem to be particularly experienced with pvp making such a statement without considering any implications this would inevitably have.

    Fair enough but the application for healers is what I am concerned with if this set does it get adjustments.

    It does need changes but it is my hopes that this set still available have application. I saw solider aguiush turn useless and I hoping this doesn't follow sane route.

    You guys are concerned about DPS application but my concern is that healer application won't be considered if this set gets changed. This role hardly ever gets interesting sets and this is one. Sure change it but keep this in mind.

    Soldier of Anguish being deleted from the game before it went live was probably one of ZOS' better decisions. It might be useless now but thats better than it going live. We don't need more brainless sets.
  • bardx86
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    Why are you continuing to promote this set? It completely negates a sorc against anyone wearing it. Its soooo broken. Give me a set that make is so a templar can't heal when I damage them them. Something like "when you damage a target they are silenced for 2 seconds, this can occur every 2 secs. That would be balanced right?
    Edited by bardx86 on January 23, 2019 3:13AM
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    You´re way too narrowminded in terms of it´s application.

    Yes it would be good on a healer - you know where it´s better? When everyone in your grp uses it because that makes the grp virtually immune to any hostily effects including CC.

    You don´t seem to be particularly experienced with pvp making such a statement without considering any implications this would inevitably have.

    Fair enough but the application for healers is what I am concerned with if this set does it get adjustments.

    It does need changes but it is my hopes that this set still available have application. I saw solider aguiush turn useless and I hoping this doesn't follow sane route.

    You guys are concerned about DPS application but my concern is that healer application won't be considered if this set gets changed. This role hardly ever gets interesting sets and this is one. Sure change it but keep this in mind.

    Soldier of Anguish being deleted from the game before it went live was probably one of ZOS' better decisions. It might be useless now but thats better than it going live. We don't need more brainless sets.

    The funny thing is Soldier of Anguish is still bugged to proc on any direct melee damage. On PTS we found it would even proc off of the Eternal Hunt poison rune after the nerf.

    Still, the set will remain seriously niche and obscure.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • jcm2606
    What? What the ***? What the *** ***? No. God no. Jesus christ, no. Hell *** no. Take it far away, burn it alive, then resurrect with Necromancer's OP AOE resurrect, then burn it a second time for good measure.

    Even without looking at the BS that is the video @Scarpion posted, this set is the single most broken thing I've ever *** seen, completely negating two classes. Sorc? Negates a big aspect of Sorc's burst; Curse. DK? Negates all pressure a DK can put out, negates magDK's primary burst heal through Embers, negates DK's control over the fight which they crutch on because stand-your-ground has been relentlessly murdered. Templar & Warden will also have some of their pressure negated by this set. NB is the only class that really doesn't get hit by this, when you exclude snares. And that's just classes.

    A *** purge that removes 2 negative effects whenever you heal yourself, on top of restoring a small amount of magicka, with a cooldown of 2 seconds, is absurdly broken. Especially when paired with a HOT. Curse Eater paired with Rapid Regen would offer 2 purges every 2 seconds for a total of 16 purges, on top of offering 150 extra magicka recovery.

    No. Curse Eater is absurdly broken, and needs a complete *** rework. The only reason why you would defend a set like this is because you absolutely know it is absurdly broken, and plan on exploiting the fact that it is broken.
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    What? What the ***? What the *** ***? No. God no. Jesus christ, no. Hell *** no. Take it far away, burn it alive, then resurrect with Necromancer's OP AOE resurrect, then burn it a second time for good measure.

    Even without looking at the BS that is the video @Scarpion posted, this set is the single most broken thing I've ever *** seen, completely negating two classes. Sorc? Negates a big aspect of Sorc's burst; Curse. DK? Negates all pressure a DK can put out, negates magDK's primary burst heal through Embers, negates DK's control over the fight which they crutch on because stand-your-ground has been relentlessly murdered. Templar & Warden will also have some of their pressure negated by this set. NB is the only class that really doesn't get hit by this, when you exclude snares. And that's just classes.

    A *** purge that removes 2 negative effects whenever you heal yourself, on top of restoring a small amount of magicka, with a cooldown of 2 seconds, is absurdly broken. Especially when paired with a HOT. Curse Eater paired with Rapid Regen would offer 2 purges every 2 seconds for a total of 16 purges, on top of offering 150 extra magicka recovery.

    No. Curse Eater is absurdly broken, and needs a complete *** rework. The only reason why you would defend a set like this is because you absolutely know it is absurdly broken, and plan on exploiting the fact that it is broken.

    No, many people are defending the set because they have a more balanced viewpoint and think watching people scream "THE SKY IS FALLING" is just laughable.

    So, to gain the most beneficial effect of it you need to ensure it's a self heal only. Say you use mutagen for it and mr/miss random walks by to receive it. Then you have no control over said proc.

    Additionally the amount of negative effects outside of a 1v1 increases far higher than this set can purge.

    It needs tweaking a little but this is not "The aPROCalypse 2: Electric Boogaloo"

    That vid which was posted was using a single negative effect and seeing it remove, exactly as expected in a 1v1 if you hit one skill then wait 2 seconds.
    Instead of trying to create a boogeyman with raving, how about testing it yourself and drawing a conclusion based in facts?

    *insert breaking bad "Science B****" meme here*
    Edited by OneKhajiitCrimeWave on January 23, 2019 4:00AM
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Wuuffyy
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    What? What the ***? What the *** ***? No. God no. Jesus christ, no. Hell *** no. Take it far away, burn it alive, then resurrect with Necromancer's OP AOE resurrect, then burn it a second time for good measure.

    Even without looking at the BS that is the video @Scarpion posted, this set is the single most broken thing I've ever *** seen, completely negating two classes. Sorc? Negates a big aspect of Sorc's burst; Curse. DK? Negates all pressure a DK can put out, negates magDK's primary burst heal through Embers, negates DK's control over the fight which they crutch on because stand-your-ground has been relentlessly murdered. Templar & Warden will also have some of their pressure negated by this set. NB is the only class that really doesn't get hit by this, when you exclude snares. And that's just classes.

    A *** purge that removes 2 negative effects whenever you heal yourself, on top of restoring a small amount of magicka, with a cooldown of 2 seconds, is absurdly broken. Especially when paired with a HOT. Curse Eater paired with Rapid Regen would offer 2 purges every 2 seconds for a total of 16 purges, on top of offering 150 extra magicka recovery.

    No. Curse Eater is absurdly broken, and needs a complete *** rework. The only reason why you would defend a set like this is because you absolutely know it is absurdly broken, and plan on exploiting the fact that it is broken.

    No, many people are defending the set because they have a more balanced viewpoint and think watching people scream "THE SKY IS FALLING" is just laughable.

    So, to gain the most beneficial effect of it you need to ensure it's a self heal only. Say you use mutagen for it and mr/miss random walks by to receive it. Then you have no control over said proc.

    Additionally the amount of negative effects outside of a 1v1 increases far higher than this set can purge.

    It needs tweaking a little but this is not "The aPROCalypse 2: Electric Boogaloo"

    That vid which was posted was using a single negative effect and seeing it remove, exactly as expected in a 1v1 if you hit one skill then wait 2 seconds.
    Instead of trying to create a boogeyman with raving, how about testing it yourself and drawing a conclusion based in facts?

    *insert breaking bad "Science B****" meme here*

    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • Feanor

    Your call for more testing is appreciated, but you have to take into account that people here are speaking from past experience. We have argued till our mouths were bleeding on previous PTS cycles about Viper, cost poisons, Sload’s, Earthgore, and a few others only to see it go live and play a *** meta for the next three months.

    I also think you’re undervaluing the power purging 2 effects provides - it’s true there may be 6 debuff left in some cases, but you’re also getting rid of 2 debuffs for free. You’re getting a benefit for what you’re doing anyway, and with a regen perk on top. I think that’s a tad too much.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • jcm2606
    EDIT: The math here is wrong, multiply Curse Eater's removed effects by 2 to get the actual amount removed.

    To quote myself in the other thread,
    Purges that are on such a fast automatic trigger should not exist. End of. It cannot be compared to other sets.

    Wyrd Tree? 5 negative effects every 15 seconds. In that same 15 second period, Curse Eater could remove 7 effects, beating Wyrd Tree in how many effects it can remove. Additionally, since Wyrd Tree only removes effects every 15 seconds, there's opportunity to burst your opponent down before it has a chance to proc. Curse Eater? Every 2 seconds, 2 effects are being removed. Imagine that on a DOT-heavy build.

    Stendarr's Embrace? 5 negative effects every 30 seconds. Same amount of effects as Wyrd Tree, double the cooldown, so the amount of effects Curse Eater could remove doubles to 15. Same story here, too. An opportunity to burst your opponent down before it has a chance to proc.

    Either the condition needs to be seriously reworked to not make it so damn easy to proc, or the cooldown needs to go way the hell up. 2 effects every 2 seconds is absurdly broken, and it's insane that people are defending it.
    Edited by jcm2606 on January 23, 2019 9:57AM
  • ak_pvp
    Pelican wrote: »
    Just so you guys know what curse eater does.
    It auto breaks almost ALL CCs for you, without you having to spend any stamina and giving you cc immunity.
    2 abilities purged every 2 seconds is way too much, the cooldown needs to be nerfed to 6 or 8 seconds at least

    Again, all you are doing is simply applying the cc on its own or with 1 burning. Now as a mag sorc you may not have more.

    This is like me hitting only embers on a magplar and claiming ritual of retribution is broken because it cleanses it and the snare.

    When it's breaking people free of fossilize instantly when a mag or stam DK has loaded them up with with dots, snares etc. Then i'll consider it broken.

    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    If you knew what you were on about, you'd realize you won't be able to load them up. Two seconds, two dots, two purges. You won't get anywhere. Even the auto snare from warmth would be quickly removed because let's be real, you' d run out of resources much faster than them because all they need is a hot.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • ak_pvp
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Healers are already ridiculously strong in PvP and have access to a host of borderline op sets. Out of all the stuff that needs to be buffed in PvP, healers are at the bottom of the list.

    If Curse Eater goes live as is, every mag player and their dog will be running this in PvP. The 5p is so strong that it'll be even worth it to run for stam builds.

    And does this matter? Your sacrificing recov for this. This is clearly for small scale and solo. Benefitting the people hit with the cancer the hardest, the most.

    Good luck killing anyone running this set on an effect using build.
    Magsorc. Fury/curse, about 2/3 of your main combo gone. Reach's dot and cc too.
    DK: embers morphs, engulfing morphs, burning/poisoned, off balance, roots and ccs and maim etc all removed very near as fast as you apply them, at near no cost.
    Templars: vamp bane, potl morphs, eclipse.
    Nightblade: cripple,

    General stam:rending bleed/snare, axe bleed. Dawnbreaker's dot. Poison injection, whatever
    Blah blah list goes on.

    The only real build that can kill something with pure burst alone is a Stan nightblade. And even then poison injection or bleed builds are a thing.

    If you don't think everyone will run this set for near immortality 1v1 you are laughably wrong and the only way to overcome it on dot builds is to have more people to overwhelm them.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • jcm2606
    Okay. I *** up my math. This is so much worse. I forgot it removed 2 effects per proc when I did the math, so it's actually twice as effective, about. If we compare Curse Eater to the two other purge sets, Wyrd's Tree and Stendarr's Embrace,

    Curse Eater within the same 15 second cooldown of Wyrd Tree can remove 14 effects (2 / 15 = 7.5, round down to 7 since we're working with integers, 7 * 2 = 14). 14 > 5.

    Curse Eater within the same 30 second cooldown of Stendarr's Embrace can remove 30 effects (2 / 30 = 15, don't need to round down since it is an integer, 15 * 2 = 30). 30 > 5.

    You people are literally defending a set that is 2.8x more effective than Wyrd Tree, 6x more effective than Stendarr's Embrace, when looking at a single player, assuming perfect uptime of both Wyrd and Stendarr, which actually works even more into Curse Eater's favour, since Curse Eater is braindead easy to proc, and can literally be kept continuously proccing by stacking HOT's throughout a fight.

    Tell me again how this set isn't absurdly broken?
  • Juhasow
    If the nerf will happen then in 1st place it should be a nerf so healers wouldnt be able to use that set and purge effects passively from allies. From reading Your previous comment in many other threads I get a feeling that for You @Tasear any buff to healers is good and needed but this is not how balance works. Healers in PvP are strong as they are right now some may even say healers are slightly too strong. Healing in PvP doesnt need any buffs.

    Edited by Juhasow on January 23, 2019 9:55AM
  • jcm2606
    Juhasow wrote: »
    If the nerf will happen then in 1st place it should be a nerf so healers wouldnt be able to use that set and purge effects passively from allies. Healing in PvP is strong as it is right now and it doesnt need any buffs. I dont get this 1v1 argument people are still bringing up. If that set will destroy 1v1 then what about blessed of meridia set ? I would say in 1v1 blessed is even stronger because it negates literally everything . Curse eater may need a rework but I am affaraid that with current level of QQ it'll be nerfed to the ground and turned into completly useless another garbage set while the general idea behind that set is actually hitting one of the pain points PvP recently is facing which is overall amount of negative effects people are brainlesly able to apply. People just scream NERF NERF but do not bring anything constructive of what nerf it should be they just want this set to be completly removed which will cause PvP facing same issues it's facing currently for the next few months.

    The cooldown absolutely needs to be raised for how braindead easy it is to proc. Amount of effects it can purge and the cooldown is not all there is to balancing this set. As it stands, if you have any HOT's in your build (ie, the vast *** majority of builds, nigh all of them), you can keep 100% uptime on this set. 2 effects purged every 2 seconds. How the hell do you think this is fine?

    Either raise the cooldown to something much longer to bring it in line with how braindead easy the proc condition is, or make the proc condition much stricter so people can't just keep a HOT going to keep 100% uptime.

    EDIT: Also, I said it in the other thread, an absurdly broken purge set is not the solution to snares. It is a very poorly balanced bandaid fix that trades one major issue for a myriad of other issues, some major, some minor. The entire movement system needs a rework, that's the solution.
    Edited by jcm2606 on January 23, 2019 9:50AM
  • ChunkyCat
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Okay. I *** up my math. This is so much worse. I forgot it removed 2 effects per proc when I did the math, so it's actually twice as effective, about. If we compare Curse Eater to the two other purge sets, Wyrd's Tree and Stendarr's Embrace,

    Curse Eater within the same 15 second cooldown of Wyrd Tree can remove 14 effects (2 / 15 = 7.5, round down to 7 since we're working with integers, 7 * 2 = 14). 14 > 5.

    Curse Eater within the same 30 second cooldown of Stendarr's Embrace can remove 30 effects (2 / 30 = 15, don't need to round down since it is an integer, 15 * 2 = 30). 30 > 5.

    You people are literally defending a set that is 2.8x more effective than Wyrd Tree, 6x more effective than Stendarr's Embrace, when looking at a single player, assuming perfect uptime of both Wyrd and Stendarr, which actually works even more into Curse Eater's favour, since Curse Eater is braindead easy to proc, and can literally be kept continuously proccing by stacking HOT's throughout a fight.

    Tell me again how this set isn't absurdly broken?

    In all fairness, does anyone actually use Wyrd Tree or Stendar? I’m guessin no, because they’re not very good. So you’re saying a good set is overpowered when compared to a garbage set.

    That’s like saying Hundings Rage is overpowered when compared to the Blade of Woe set.
    Edited by ChunkyCat on January 23, 2019 9:52AM
  • Aedrion
    Same old, same old.

    Broken, overpowered set is introduced.
    Every noob who needs another crutch comes to defend it.

  • Juhasow
    I dont get this 1v1 argument people are still bringing up. If that set will destroy 1v1 then what about blessed of meridia set ? I would say in 1v1 blessed is even stronger because it negates literally everything . Curse eater may need a rework but I am affaraid that with current level of QQ it'll be nerfed to the ground and turned into completly useless another garbage set while the general idea behind that set is actually hitting one of the pain points PvP recently is facing which is overall amount of negative effects people are brainlesly able to apply. People just scream NERF NERF but do not bring anything constructive of what nerf it should be they just want this set to be completly removed which will cause PvP facing same issues it's facing currently for the next few months.
  • Juhasow
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Okay. I *** up my math. This is so much worse. I forgot it removed 2 effects per proc when I did the math, so it's actually twice as effective, about. If we compare Curse Eater to the two other purge sets, Wyrd's Tree and Stendarr's Embrace,

    Curse Eater within the same 15 second cooldown of Wyrd Tree can remove 14 effects (2 / 15 = 7.5, round down to 7 since we're working with integers, 7 * 2 = 14). 14 > 5.

    Curse Eater within the same 30 second cooldown of Stendarr's Embrace can remove 30 effects (2 / 30 = 15, don't need to round down since it is an integer, 15 * 2 = 30). 30 > 5.

    You people are literally defending a set that is 2.8x more effective than Wyrd Tree, 6x more effective than Stendarr's Embrace, when looking at a single player, assuming perfect uptime of both Wyrd and Stendarr, which actually works even more into Curse Eater's favour, since Curse Eater is braindead easy to proc, and can literally be kept continuously proccing by stacking HOT's throughout a fight.

    Tell me again how this set isn't absurdly broken?

    I mean math like that can be done for many other sets when You compare meta set from that category to garbage set.Saying "it's so many times stronger then something else" is not bringing much to the discussion.
  • Tryxus
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Okay. I *** up my math. This is so much worse. I forgot it removed 2 effects per proc when I did the math, so it's actually twice as effective, about. If we compare Curse Eater to the two other purge sets, Wyrd's Tree and Stendarr's Embrace,

    Curse Eater within the same 15 second cooldown of Wyrd Tree can remove 14 effects (2 / 15 = 7.5, round down to 7 since we're working with integers, 7 * 2 = 14). 14 > 5.

    Curse Eater within the same 30 second cooldown of Stendarr's Embrace can remove 30 effects (2 / 30 = 15, don't need to round down since it is an integer, 15 * 2 = 30). 30 > 5.

    You people are literally defending a set that is 2.8x more effective than Wyrd Tree, 6x more effective than Stendarr's Embrace, when looking at a single player, assuming perfect uptime of both Wyrd and Stendarr, which actually works even more into Curse Eater's favour, since Curse Eater is braindead easy to proc, and can literally be kept continuously proccing by stacking HOT's throughout a fight.

    Tell me again how this set isn't absurdly broken?

    In all fairness, does anyone actually use Wyrd Tree or Stendar? I’m guessin no, because they’re not very good. So you’re saying a good set is overpowered when compared to a garbage set.

    That’s like saying Hundings Rage is overpowered when compared to the Blade of Woe set.

    Wyrd Tree is actually a bit of a hidden gem. It's really strong on a NB (both Mag and Stam) when it's backbarred with Cloak, and it's also good on a DK with Wings or a Warden with Shimmering + Netch

    Wyrd Tree is balanced however, due to having a sufficient cooldown. New Curse Eater however, is not
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • Neloth
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    If this set goes live as it is, I have a small request to you. Since I will use it on all my mag and stam chars, I will have:

    - personal “purge everything dangerous”
    - decent mag sustain
    - decent self heals (see you later, defile)
    - snare removal
    - Decent dmg (from 2 other dmg sets)

    The request is, could you NEVER queue to BGs as a healer? I don’t want to have you in my team, u’re a waste of a group slot. Ill take anything, even stamblade sniper instead of you, since at least he could do dmg, and you provide, hm, nothing?

    Or ZoS, please, give us a BG kick from group tool, so we could get more useful teammates

  • Derra
    Tasear wrote: »
    Templar skill isn't expensive in the slightess.

    You know - even if you are on agenda you should avoid making statements that can be exposed as false/biased in the blink of an eye.
    Cleansing Ritual has a basecost of 4320 magica.

    This makes places it in the in #3 in terms of most expensive class- and weaponskills. #1 is healing ritual, #2 is shared by various spells like steadfast ward, annulment, rushed ceremony, etc.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • biggda76
    Not like healers in PvP are strong af already
  • Rake
    This set is too strong atm on PTS.
  • MaxJrFTW
    Juhasow wrote: »
    I dont get this 1v1 argument people are still bringing up. If that set will destroy 1v1 then what about blessed of meridia set ? I would say in 1v1 blessed is even stronger because it negates literally everything . Curse eater may need a rework but I am affaraid that with current level of QQ it'll be nerfed to the ground and turned into completly useless another garbage set while the general idea behind that set is actually hitting one of the pain points PvP recently is facing which is overall amount of negative effects people are brainlesly able to apply. People just scream NERF NERF but do not bring anything constructive of what nerf it should be they just want this set to be completly removed which will cause PvP facing same issues it's facing currently for the next few months.

    Blessed Meridia has a 33% chance to proc, the effect lasts 5 seconds, and has a 10 second cooldown. If blessed meridia is so good, then why almost nobody uses it? I've seen maybe 2 or 3 people using it in months.

    If this goes live i know i'll be using it with my magplar, jabs or mutagen will proc it automatically depending what build i'm using. It's a broken set, it will shut down magdks, mag sorcs, take a huge chunk of damage away from templars because power of the light and purifying light will never go off, and everyone will be worse off because every class uses dots. Even stamina builds will be forced to run it.

    If they want it to keep a similar effect, it has to be 1 cleanse every 3 seconds, or 2 every 6 seconds. Even then it would still be a very strong set.
    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • Rake
    Meridia is for cowards
  • amir412
    Its funny how the "1 vs xers" want this set to go live,
    I wonder how loud u guys will cry when one of the x's will use this set.
    PC | EU | AD |Stam Dk named "-Saidden"| 1700 CP|
    "..A world without fire. Ashen one, is this truly thy wish?.."

  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Okay. I *** up my math. This is so much worse. I forgot it removed 2 effects per proc when I did the math, so it's actually twice as effective, about. If we compare Curse Eater to the two other purge sets, Wyrd's Tree and Stendarr's Embrace,

    Curse Eater within the same 15 second cooldown of Wyrd Tree can remove 14 effects (2 / 15 = 7.5, round down to 7 since we're working with integers, 7 * 2 = 14). 14 > 5.

    Curse Eater within the same 30 second cooldown of Stendarr's Embrace can remove 30 effects (2 / 30 = 15, don't need to round down since it is an integer, 15 * 2 = 30). 30 > 5.

    You people are literally defending a set that is 2.8x more effective than Wyrd Tree, 6x more effective than Stendarr's Embrace, when looking at a single player, assuming perfect uptime of both Wyrd and Stendarr, which actually works even more into Curse Eater's favour, since Curse Eater is braindead easy to proc, and can literally be kept continuously proccing by stacking HOT's throughout a fight.

    Tell me again how this set isn't absurdly broken?

    So your method of defining something as broken is against sets which are highlt niche, underpowered or underused.

    By that same logic like 75% of the meta needs nerfing. "OMG BONE PIRATE IS LIKE ALMOST TWICE AS EFFECTIVE FOR SUSTAIN AS ANY OTHER SET! TELL ME IT ISN'T BROKEN." See the point?

    And again, people keep talking about the "broken" nature of this set. And yet no video exists so far that i know of demonstrating all this.
    As stated i feel it needs tweaking (see previous posts) but videos with literally no information on how broken it is to give as proof do not highlight its need for changes.

    Show us something REAL. NOT cleansing 1 negative effect, wait, repeat.

    Show us a stamDK fight where they're throwing dots, bleeds, snares, double dot poisons etc and you're not at any risk.
    If you can show that then by all means then we can talk about big old sweeping nerfs or adjustments.
    Show us a spin to win Warden bursting in with that big old burst combo and you shrugging off the fracture, dots, poisons snares etc.

    So far every person i've said this to has gone back to screaming "IT'S OP" but again won't provide any hard facts.

    I am NOT saying it doesn't need adjusting but having literally ZERO evidence won't get that changed.
    The reason we got Soldier of Anguish changed last patch was because there were videos ACTUALLY showing how broken it was and rep support to back it.

    Again, EVIDENCE, not THEORETICAL or Screaming like the sky is falling.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Juhasow
    amir412 wrote: »
    Its funny how the "1 vs xers" want this set to go live,
    I wonder how loud u guys will cry when one of the x's will use this set.

    1vX is actually where this set will get weaker the higher X will be. 2 s&b stam dk's with heroic slash can basically make this set worthless
  • d3adpain
    dOnT nErf iT pLeaSe
    like wtf that set broken as f***
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