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Don't Nerf curse eater

  • Waffennacht
    I just said it on a different thread

    OP is anything that can be placed on any build and be effective

    This is that, by a lot
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • GrumpyDuckling
    I just said it on a different thread

    OP is anything that can be placed on any build and be effective

    This is that, by a lot

    Eh, are you sure you want that definition for OP? Shacklebreaker...
  • ChunkyCat
    Scarpion wrote: »

    Who needs cc break when a set does it for you

    All I need to say about this set

    Perfect! Can’t wait to use it <3
  • Waffennacht
    I just said it on a different thread

    OP is anything that can be placed on any build and be effective

    This is that, by a lot

    Eh, are you sure you want that definition for OP? Shacklebreaker...

    Well, that's "effective" yes, but (and I should have actually added) there are more efficient sets than breaker (potentially... Say like necropotence when wanting max mag...)

    But the basc idea is there lol.

    It's like getting SOO much out of SOO little
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Want it to be a healer set?

    Make it work only on other players and not yourself - healer set

    To make it not OP, up the cool down (here is where math would be important i.e. does 4 sec cool down gut it or balance it?)

    As is, way too good

    Making it on other's only would make it still problematic by your argument due to allies stacking it.

    Upping the CD will gut it. As is, if you're trying to use this set as a healer set it's already pretty bad because purging 2 effects every 2 seconds while another 20 are cast on your allies is bad.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Scarpion wrote: »

    Who needs cc break when a set does it for you

    All I need to say about this set

    Ok, now have that DK apply proper dots and repeat. and make it longer. a 3 second video does not show anything of use. a dk applying only fossilize is HIGHLY unlikely. If this was 20 seconds and scrubbing off all DK dots and breaking you free then we may have grounds for concern.

    that in that 3 second clip there was literally no dots on you shows you were simply testing 1 effect of it.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • jaws343
    And again. Everyone screaming it's OP without actually testing it.

    So here's your challenge, same as the other thread for PvP, write down your burst combo and your enchants/poisons. Then let us count the number of debuffs/snares/dots and let us see where we stand. And be honest.
    If you come back telling me you run a hardening enchant and a mag drain with no siphoner cp etc then everyone here will know you're lying or not in a position to advise on PvP.

    And to the magblade going to stop running cloak for this set please do. Makes you an easy target when you realise most specs can apply around 8 negative effects in a second 😂.

    We're talking skill procs, ground dots, snares, poisons and status effects. If it takes 4 players procs to purge you for a second and the effects can just reapply them then unless we're 1v4 then eventually they'll proc on another and you'll get melted.

    Plenty of magblades run ranged without cloak, slotting shields instead. So it isn't that crazy of a thing to do. This set just makes that easier by purging dots.
  • vgabor
    I agree that in current form is really OP. But if we want to make it a healer set and not a solo PVP set, then a solution is a simple change: "when you heal others" no effect on yourself only on others.
  • NyassaV
    mb10 wrote: »
    lmao healers?

    The problem is any normal DPS will be purging themselves every 2 seconds in PVP
    The issue here isnt healers lol

    With the amount of snares and *** that is all around only 2 purges isn't a lot. Also everyone uses 1 point in siphoner so if you were to nerf it by making it only purge 1 effect it would be largely negated because of siphoner so I largely suggest against this. Perhaps make the amount of magicka restored 125 if you have to nerf it.
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • kojou
    I say nerf it to the ground so the PvP'ers will have something else to whine about. I don't want to see 10 posts a day about how powerful this set is...

    As to the OP, Sorry, it probably seemed like a good idea to the developer at the time.

    Playing since beta...
  • Rikumaru
    Why do people want to make this set unviable for solo play, magicka solo builds are already bad open world, can't they get a bone thrown at them for once? There was a ton of good group sets added this patch lol.
    Overload rework. Power Overload now does physical damage and grants you the power of a tornado: You throw a brick at the target with a light attack, and you hammer your head into that brick with every heavy attack. We have decreased its Ultimate cost, but increased the chance that you get stuck in the animation.
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    kojou wrote: »
    I say nerf it to the ground so the PvP'ers will have something else to whine about. I don't want to see 10 posts a day about how powerful this set is...

    As to the OP, Sorry, it probably seemed like a good idea to the developer at the time.

    PvP'ers will whine about anything and everything anyway. Every update there is a "THE SKY IS FALLING OMG" scenario. sometimes warranted (Soldier of Anguish) and sometimes not.

    I'll always remember someone in my guild, a big PvP'er when they introduced Vicious Death telling me they had to nerf it as there would be "zergs of vamp sorcs using it with Proxy Det and Devouring Swarm"..... safe to say that in that patch i found a grand total of 4 sorcs trying that setup, and most died before the det went off.

    So all we do is provide evidence one way or the other for the sets in question and hope it's all sorted either way.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • ll_Rev
    kojou wrote: »
    I say nerf it to the ground so the PvP'ers will have something else to whine about. I don't want to see 10 posts a day about how powerful this set is...

    As to the OP, Sorry, it probably seemed like a good idea to the developer at the time.

    PvP'ers will whine about anything and everything anyway. Every update there is a "THE SKY IS FALLING OMG" scenario. sometimes warranted (Soldier of Anguish) and sometimes not.

    I'll always remember someone in my guild, a big PvP'er when they introduced Vicious Death telling me they had to nerf it as there would be "zergs of vamp sorcs using it with Proxy Det and Devouring Swarm"..... safe to say that in that patch i found a grand total of 4 sorcs trying that setup, and most died before the det went off.

    So all we do is provide evidence one way or the other for the sets in question and hope it's all sorted either way.

    I mean a lot of people were using it when it first came out. Mag nb more so than other mag classes.
  • lassitershawn
    NyassaV wrote: »
    mb10 wrote: »
    lmao healers?

    The problem is any normal DPS will be purging themselves every 2 seconds in PVP
    The issue here isnt healers lol

    With the amount of snares and *** that is all around only 2 purges isn't a lot. Also everyone uses 1 point in siphoner so if you were to nerf it by making it only purge 1 effect it would be largely negated because of siphoner so I largely suggest against this. Perhaps make the amount of magicka restored 125 if you have to nerf it.

    Siphoner is very low on the purge priority, so are snares. The problem comes from small scale situations where it prioritizes removing things like curse and DoTs. In a 1v1 with a realistic sorc build you will NOT land a curse against someone using this set and a HoT. Not sure why it is getting rid of CCs but that seems broken as well. People keep bringing up siphoner but it isn't going to do *** if its at the bottom of purge priority.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • BaylorCorvette
    Scarpion wrote: »

    Who needs cc break when a set does it for you

    All I need to say about this set

    lmfaoooo. What is this nonsense!?
    Edited by BaylorCorvette on January 22, 2019 7:13PM
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • MaxwellC
    Yeah no after seeing what it just did with a hard CC this set can GTFO. Like seriously the set can most likely be used with a HoT thus = CCs being useless which negates all counter-play to magicka builds.

    This set would also render any negative affects useless if your HoT is active so again this is amazingly OP. This set also removes the use of skills like purge and templars version of it too so again it's redundant to say the least.
    不動の Steadfast - Unwavering
    XBL Gamer Tag - Maxwell
    XB1 Maxwell Crystal - NA DC CP 800+ Redguard Stamina DK
    XB1 Max Crystal - NA DC CP 800+ Brenton Magicka DK
    PC Maxwell-Crystal - NA DC - CP 200+ Brenton Magicka DK 「Retired」
    Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
    Coined by Maxwel
  • ToRelax
    Scarpion wrote: »

    Who needs cc break when a set does it for you

    All I need to say about this set

    Ok, now have that DK apply proper dots and repeat. and make it longer. a 3 second video does not show anything of use. a dk applying only fossilize is HIGHLY unlikely. If this was 20 seconds and scrubbing off all DK dots and breaking you free then we may have grounds for concern.

    that in that 3 second clip there was literally no dots on you shows you were simply testing 1 effect of it.

    I don't think you understand just how overpowered instant free cc break is, as well as purging delayed burst like Curse and Backlash. You don't even need to have every little effect purged, just messing with those two at any point during a build-up is going to ruin the entire combo.

    It would still be a very strong set if it worked on just direct heals with a cooldown of ~5 seconds. As it is, it's a no brainer to use on any magicka build.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • Pelican
    Just so you guys know what curse eater does.
    It auto breaks almost ALL CCs for you, without you having to spend any stamina and giving you cc immunity.
    2 abilities purged every 2 seconds is way too much, the cooldown needs to be nerfed to 6 or 8 seconds at least
    Edited by Pelican on January 22, 2019 7:37PM
    PC NA - EP Solo PvP Player
  • lassitershawn
    Pelican wrote: »
    Just so you guys know what curse eater does.

    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • ccmedaddy
    Pelican wrote: »
    Just so you guys know what curse eater does.
    It auto breaks almost ALL CCs for you, without you having to spend any stamina and giving you cc immunity.
    2 abilities purged every 2 seconds is way too much, the cooldown needs to be nerfed to 6 or 8 seconds at least
    omg I can't stop laughing this set is so broken lmao
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Pelican wrote: »
    Just so you guys know what curse eater does.
    It auto breaks almost ALL CCs for you, without you having to spend any stamina and giving you cc immunity.
    2 abilities purged every 2 seconds is way too much, the cooldown needs to be nerfed to 6 or 8 seconds at least

    Again, all you are doing is simply applying the cc on its own or with 1 burning. Now as a mag sorc you may not have more.

    This is like me hitting only embers on a magplar and claiming ritual of retribution is broken because it cleanses it and the snare.

    When it's breaking people free of fossilize instantly when a mag or stam DK has loaded them up with with dots, snares etc. Then i'll consider it broken.

    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • jaws343
    ccmedaddy wrote: »
    Pelican wrote: »
    Just so you guys know what curse eater does.
    It auto breaks almost ALL CCs for you, without you having to spend any stamina and giving you cc immunity.
    2 abilities purged every 2 seconds is way too much, the cooldown needs to be nerfed to 6 or 8 seconds at least
    omg I can't stop laughing this set is so broken lmao

    Pair it with Steadfast Hero and get 50% uptime on Major Protection.
  • Galarthor
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    Are you a Zergling by any chance?
    Edited by Galarthor on January 22, 2019 8:09PM
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Galarthor wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    Are you a Zergling by any chance?

    Think that is an irrelevant question because this set favors solo and small groups. Not zergers.
  • ToRelax
    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    Well, yes... we are willfully trying to get something nerfed.
    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    There isn't more to show because you don't get random Cyrodiil encounters on PTS. We can compare it to other sets and using Purge on Live, which is what we do. And Curse Eater comes out so far ahead it's not even funny.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • DeadlyRecluse
    The cc break effect is the funniest thing I've ever seen. That sorc standing back up after the dawnbreaker...

    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Galarthor wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    Are you a Zergling by any chance?

    Apparently someone here doesn't know it's weaker in bigger groups #FacePalm
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Wuuffyy
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    I agree with you. It's honestly like this people want bleeds to be undefeated so they can whine about them and get a whole playstyle nerfed. We would all be fine with this set even if it procced on cooldown, here is why. One person in the matter of 2 seconds can and will put 6 debuffs on you (needs 6 seconds to be removed) and then another person makes 12 in 2 seconds. It is easily defeated.
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    ToRelax wrote: »
    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    Well, yes... we are willfully trying to get something nerfed.
    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    There isn't more to show because you don't get random Cyrodiil encounters on PTS. We can compare it to other sets and using Purge on Live, which is what we do. And Curse Eater comes out so far ahead it's not even funny.

    So it's apparent that none of you have thought "hmmmm..... a stam Dk throwing down caltrops and dotting up a player wearing it might ACTUALLY be a better test than spamming a single stun" lol.

    How many times in cyro is the only debuff on your bar a stun? You have ground based dots that reapply every second with snares (ritual, caltrops, eruption etc), you have bleeds, you have poisons, burning, defiles and other dots.

    Showing a single cast negative effect being removed means literally zero, and if that is your Cyro tactic then you're either a potato or a zerger. Show us something REAL. not single stuns and OMG LUL IT'S BROKE THEM FREE MEGA LUL BROKEN
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • jaws343
    Tasear wrote: »
    With all the threads curse eater is OP. I wanted one to say it will be great set for healers in pvp and pve. So if changes must be made please consider application that this set has on healers.

    I agree with you. It's honestly like this people want bleeds to be undefeated so they can whine about them and get a whole playstyle nerfed. We would all be fine with this set even if it procced on cooldown, here is why. One person in the matter of 2 seconds can and will put 6 debuffs on you (needs 6 seconds to be removed) and then another person makes 12 in 2 seconds. It is easily defeated.

    But, if you aren't wearing this set, you are eating those debuffs. But wearing this set will remove 2 of them, which means you have 2 less debuffs to deal with. 10 instead of 12 and you have CC immunity most likely. It is strong. How is that so hard to understand?
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