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Curse Eater Really Strong

  • Mayrael
    First I want to see how OP is this set, vids etc. then we can talk about nerfs.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Kadoin
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Lets be honest this set can only be extremly strong in 1v1 against someone with not much of negative effects but if we're calling to nerf 1v1 set that provides too much defense in duel then why nobody was crying about blessed of meridia ?

    It's not a matter of negative effects, it's a matter of what type of negative effects. Something like a magsorc is going to suffer hard because it's only real purgeable is it's primary burst skill. Something like Mag DK could care less because you constantly have 50 effects on you anyways.

    Well then like I said where is the blessed of meridia nerf train ? It basically makes enemy non existamt 50% of a time which is far stronger then cleansing 2 negative effects.

    The 2-4pc are significantly worse for most builds, slightly harder proc condition. Tbh I'd rather have 5 seconds to get my full burst off than have to try and burst someone without curse.

    I think You would quicky change Your mind after few dueling sessions against people in blessed.

    Why are you dueling people with specific setups that make them not die? It's not like you can just slap eater or meridia onto any build without consiquences. Your burst power takes a massive hit.

    But it won't matter in a ball group or zerg ...It also won't matter much in CP and with proc sets. Then again, what really does matter in that situation?
    Cooldown to 4/5s and removing the magicka return should kinda be enough tbh. But we know zos, it will come live with a 300 mag regen value, and procing every 2s removing 4 negative effects.

    If they did that it would be less useful on live where it shaves off 1-2 sec or more of almost every debuff in the game.
    Edited by Kadoin on January 22, 2019 9:45AM
  • Derra
    Sharee wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    What really stands out is the ease to proc it. People are running Viper these days again because of that - it’s an easy to proc free damage that comes with no downsides even if it’s not a DoT.

    It’s the same here. The set is easy to proc in a short cooldown. Given how expensive purging is I’d also say the set is quite strong.

    The ease to proc it is there to match the ease at which debuffs are applied to you.

    Think about it this way: how many debuffs do you apply per second? If it is more than one, this sets ability to cleanse will be overwhelmed. And you always apply at least 1 debuff per second if you have siphoner. And thats just 1v1.

    The set is strong compared to purging yes, but that's only because purge is so bad. I mean, i havent seen it used outside of a dedicated purge spammer in a ballgroup like, ever.

    This just showcases you don´t know how the effect and purge system works - it´s first come first serve. Which means debuffs get cleansed depending on how long they have been applied.

    Does siphoner help? yes a tiny bit - but not much as the set will prioritize every other effect before removing it again. This means you do precisely NOT apply 1 debuff by default per second - atleast not one that affects how the set removes your other more important debuffs/dots.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • FrancisCrawford
    zaria wrote: »
    Nice an new meta healer set :)
    Has SPC weapons and jewelery so jut has to farm this in normal.
    And yes this one has some fear it will be nerfed

    Yeah. If it's a PvP problem then please address that by making certain things unpurgeable, so that we get to have this in PvE.
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    There's still tonnes of people acting like this is going to be a major PvP issue. In small scale when outnumbered the amound of debuffs/dots applied will make the set very limiting.

    The fact that it's 1 person per 2 seconds for 2 effects makes it so it's very limiting in PvP. You'll want a specific self heal to run this.

    Also, how much do you give up to run this in PvP? I heard stamblades talking about using it earlier.... so which set do you drop? If you're full burst are you dropping a damage set for this? If you run BP are you dropping that to run this?

    In zergs guess what, the amount they can cleanse is very limited from this because of the 1 person per 2 seconds limit. Is the entire zerg going to run it? Lol no.

    Say you're in a 24 player zerg (again extreme example but best highlights this) which has 4 healers (usually run 3-4 in such groups but let's say 4) and you encounter another group defending a keep from you. You set the ram up and let the siege begin.

    So there's a DK who puts eruption/caltrops down on you for the snare (1 and reapplies every second so removal is pointless), a warden throws down corrupting pollen for the defile (2), the oils rain down (3), scattershots (4), and ballistae/trebs pelt you with cold fire (5) and regular fire (6).

    So every person on that ram has immediately 6 automatically reapplying debuffs. Standard groups run between 6 and 10 players on a ram.
    So at best case scenario with just those very common siege elements there's 36 debuffs a second in that ram group.

    This is WITHOUT all the snipes, cripples, fractures, siphoner, poison procs, enchant procs.

    So you have 2 healers running it and earthgore combined. So every 2 seconds they scrub off debuffs that instantly reapply as it gives no immunity, just removal. Earthgore removes 1 ground based effect if the health gets low enough for the proc, usually Caltrops. Instantly the player who threw them notices the lack of damage numbers and throws them again.

    Your best case in that situation is that your 2 healers remove 16 of the 36 effects and 4 of them get instantly reapplied with the 12 dots soaked by 2 Earthgores (corrupting pollen and caltrops each on the 6 players) being rethrown.

    So keep saying that 2 debuff cleanse will be OP, but until you run a full scenario through to count effects and show how effective/ineffective it is for groups and small scale alike it's all wild gestures shouting the sky is falling and most people will not see your argument.

    Currently mag sorcs have the best argument in 1v1. The second more people are added to both sides then the argumentstarts to become null and void.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • brandonv516
    People won't be happy until this set is as terrible as Wyrd Tree. God forbid light armor users have a decent competitive set.
  • ATomiX96
    ATomiX96 wrote: »
    this set is so broken that every stam will run it instead of other sources of snare removal, imagine how good this set is on stam warden with all their hots/heals + vigor + rally (no need for momentum anymore).
    nerf to 5 seconds maybe.

    Yes please give up your stam set for this so you cant kill me anymore. Seriously all you meta stam wardens and nbs should start using your brains.

    Do you realize that stamwardens already were running sets like transmutation or cyrodiils crest on backbar?
    Fury alone provides more than enough damage to farm zergsurfers like you.
    Edited by ATomiX96 on January 22, 2019 12:47PM
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    And of course as soon as the patch notes hit, everyone took down their gold Curse Eater jewelry and put it back up at 100K+ before I could get ahead of the curve, and they waited until after the event to post the patch notes so people couldn't stock up on the rings with all the free AP.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • ATomiX96
    And of course as soon as the patch notes hit, everyone took down their gold Curse Eater jewelry and put it back up at 100K+ before I could get ahead of the curve, and they waited until after the event to post the patch notes so people couldn't stock up on the rings with all the free AP.

    Its week 1 (day 1 technically) of PTS and people are already complaining, so there is about a 90% chance that this set will be nerfed into being useless again.
    Edited by ATomiX96 on January 22, 2019 1:42PM
  • FrankonPC
    bardx86 wrote: »
    Make curse not purgeable. Dam this is busted.

    Then you would have to rename the set.

    In all seriousness though, this set is really strong
  • Stibbons
    Templar will be really limited dps wise. 0 dots on every pvp speck.
  • Waffennacht
    This is absolutely powerful.

    Passive purge?

    Costs you 0 GCDs to remove what costs your opponent 2 GCDs to perform
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Sharee
    This is absolutely powerful.

    Passive purge?

    Costs you 0 GCDs to remove what costs your opponent 2 GCDs to perform

    Maybe if you are spamming light attacks.

    Potential for 1 GCD: Stampede+LA = snare, merciless charge DOT, poison DOT, another poison DOT, poisoned status effect, axebleed, siphoner, viper... 8 statuses, and im sure i missed some.
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    It's an entire 5pc, with a fairly weak 4pc. It's almost completely useless versus a build that don't rely on DOTS.

    Show me a build where it´s almost completely useless against. The only class where i might want to use another set against might be a stamina warden.
    But even against those it has great value as it will remove CC, defile, maim, snares and armorpierce.

    I don´t think people can wrap their head around how strong this is at the moment - they have to ask themselves a question: Is someone that can´t die and is spamming alliance war purge for you personally every 2s useful/op? Because that´s essentially what it comes down to.

    That's not an argument. Show me a build against which hunding's rage is useless. Does that make hunding's rage broken op?

    Ofc the argument is literally this: it´s the equivalent of someone using alliance war purge on you every 2s when you have a hot active.
    To achieve the same effect i´d not only have to use 50% of my gcds on that but also spend ~4500 magica every 2s.

    It´s not even remotely in the same ballpark of your strawman argument around hundings rage.

    Technically it's more like having someone using alliance war purge's purge only (not the resistance to debuffs) every 2 seconds, unless one of your allies takes the debuff, then you have to wait 2 seconds to see if you get it, or the guy standing next to you.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Having had hours long discussions about this set, there have been two situations which this set is potentially overperforming. There are caveats to each situation, which I will also outline.
    1. One person is fighting one or more people, and one enemy is wearing this set. If they are running a debuff/DoT specc'ed build (i.e. Curse for sorc), it is an oppressive set as it negates that one person's damage. Granted, this means that person is not running another set such as a) a proc set; b) another healing set; c) some other damage component, all of which would be oppressive as well
    2. A larger group of players (say 10) all convince each other to run a heal and this set (note that it would have to be active on both bars and could not be backbarred in this instance). This means they would all be co-purging each other, which could be oppressive as it would be difficult to build up DoTs/debuffs on them. This means that they would be dropping another set, likely a damage set that would result in them losing a significant amount of outgoing damage. Also, these groups often have dedicated purgers anyways, and this would only be stacking on top of this.

    While I disagree that either of these scenarios makes this set broken (a good healer will never let his allies get 1vXed, and you are sacrificing a significant amount to use this set en masse), here are some proposed solutions that may make this set less oppressive.
    1. Make the set have a cooldown based on each ally. I would then buff the magicka return for this set's 5-piece. i.e. "When you heal yourself or an ally, remove two negative effects from them. If a negative effect was removed this way, your target restores 1000 Magicka. This effect can occur every 2 seconds, and can only occur on each ally every 10 seconds." (This would make it not worth stacking, as your allies would be on an internal clock where they could not purge from this set again. Additionally, it would make it so someone fighting 1v1 would have to reapply two debuffs every 10 seconds, which makes this set not even that good).
    2. Make the set purge only major/minor debuffs on allies. This would make it less oppressive, as skills that incorporate DoTs/snares/etc. would not be adversely impacted (which is what most people are upset about). It would make the set valuable still, but not in a way that hinder's incoming damage as severely.

    I believe the set would be used, but not oppressive, in either of the above situations. I honestly think that the first change is actually pretty weak still, as it puts it on a similar level as Stendarr's Embrace, which no one uses.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Another potential suggestion list:
    1. Limit the condition further so the ally has to be below a certain health threshold (say 75%). The set may need to be increased in efficiency as a result.
    2. Make the set only proc on actively healing said ally. Thus, no purge effect on HoTs, you have to be actively trying to help said player. Would help reduce effectiveness of stacking the set, as larger groups would likely only run it en masse if they just had to run rapid regen.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Glory wrote: »
    *] A larger group of players (say 10) all convince each other to run a heal and this set (note that it would have to be active on both bars and could not be backbarred in this instance). This means they would all be co-purging each other, which could be oppressive as it would be difficult to build up DoTs/debuffs on them. This means that they would be dropping another set, likely a damage set that would result in them losing a significant amount of outgoing damage. Also, these groups often have dedicated purgers anyways, and this would only be stacking on top of this.

    I don't know if saying 10+ players all running the same set is a situation worth bringing up to determine if a set is balanced or not. Couldn't we say the same thing about a set like Vicious Death? If all 10 members run that set, then every kill by the member of the group is going to create a high damage AOE proc explosion. Would VD then be considered too strong?
    Edited by GrumpyDuckling on January 22, 2019 4:25PM
  • Scarpion

    All I need to say on the matter tbh
    SDk & MSorc.
  • Waffennacht
    Sharee wrote: »
    This is absolutely powerful.

    Passive purge?

    Costs you 0 GCDs to remove what costs your opponent 2 GCDs to perform

    Maybe if you are spamming light attacks.

    Potential for 1 GCD: Stampede+LA = snare, merciless charge DOT, poison DOT, another poison DOT, poisoned status effect, axebleed, siphoner, viper... 8 statuses, and im sure i missed some.

    But let's just analyze your costs: Viper, MA, poisons (20% chance right?) Axe bleed (16%?)

    You are relying on 2 sets, proc chances and poisons.

    I just have to run 1 set and any passive healing
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • zyk
    I really want to like this set. I think the purge mechanic should be more accessible than it is. But this set is clearly broken in its current state.
  • Trancestor
    Scarpion wrote: »

    All I need to say on the matter tbh

    Not saying the set isn't OP but it cleansing a CC is probably a bug.
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    Glory wrote: »
    *] A larger group of players (say 10) all convince each other to run a heal and this set (note that it would have to be active on both bars and could not be backbarred in this instance). This means they would all be co-purging each other, which could be oppressive as it would be difficult to build up DoTs/debuffs on them. This means that they would be dropping another set, likely a damage set that would result in them losing a significant amount of outgoing damage. Also, these groups often have dedicated purgers anyways, and this would only be stacking on top of this.

    I don't know if saying 10+ players all running the same set is a situation worth bringing up to determine if a set is balanced or not. Couldn't we say the same thing about a set like Vicious Death? If all 10 members run that set, then every kill by the member of the group is going to create a high damage AOE proc explosion. Would VD then be considered too strong?

    I personally agree. I'm more concerned about running into people running 10 Auroran lightnings than 10 people running this set.

    But somehow we've come to a situation where a 2 second, 2 debuff on one person cleanse is gamebreaking in a meta where snares/defiles/roots/debuffs/bleeds/DoTs are extraordinarily prevalent :shrug:
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • mursie
    finally - was looking for a good easy way to proc my steadfast on non-Templar / warden classes. thanks Zos!!
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • ZOS_Mika
    We have recently removed some unnecessary and baiting comments. It is perfectly fine to have a difference of opinion, but please keep in mind that name calling, insults, and baiting are inappropriate and do not promote a constructive discussion. Thank you for your understanding.
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  • thankyourat
    For my style of PvP I usually have 5 or more negative effects on me basically 100% of the time so while this set is nice between the snares, debuffs, and dots it's not going to be anywhere near a 100% purge for solo players. As for groups I don't see any change to how a solo player would fight them because they always have a Templar spamming purge anyway. The only time I see this set being really strong is 1v1 and strong against dual weild players who don't have a spammable and rely on bleeds for majority of their damage.

    To run this set though you will basically have to give up either a damage set or a defensive set. Giving up a damage set will leave you with very little damage and giving up a defensive set will open you up to burst builds that don't rely on dots to get kills like stamdens. So I would hold off on the nerfs until we actually see how the set plays in cyrodiil.
  • Kadoin
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Scarpion wrote: »

    All I need to say on the matter tbh

    Not saying the set isn't OP but it cleansing a CC is probably a bug.

    Not really, Stendarr works quite similar to that. CC's can be auto-cleansed (including stun) on live with Stendarr set, but not Wyrd. I think I mentioned that before on the forums somewhere...hm...

    No one probably cared or noticed because of the cooldown though :D
  • Playnice
    Why is everyone overreacting so much with curse-eater? Templar can cleanse 2.5x as many negative effects every second. Love how everyone is calling for massive nerfs before even testing.
    Playing ESO since Feb 2015 / TES fan since 2002
    Main alliance: Ebonheart Pact
  • lassitershawn
    Playnice wrote: »
    Why is everyone overreacting so much with curse-eater? Templar can cleanse 2.5x as many negative effects every second. Love how everyone is calling for massive nerfs before even testing.

    Because in small scale it is one of the strongest defensive sets you can have + sustain. Targets stronger debuffs higher in the purge priority like curse (in a 1v1 a regular sorc build cannot get curse off vs someone using this set and a hot) and DoTs, NOT weak debuffs like siphoner that some people misleadingly say will eat procs. Removing 1 debuff/s any way you think about it is strong regardless. Also apparently auto-CC breaks for some reason. Also good 2-4 set bonuses.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • Playnice
    Sharee wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    It purges 2 things every 2 seconds, anyone who's been hit by piercing mark or the like knows that has a lot of individual things that each need to be purged, sets like wyrd tree and stendarr already exist and purge 5 debuffs a proc (with wyrd having a 15s cooldown and stendarr having a 30s cooldown per target) and those didn't end the world. Only way this could be overpowered is if someone is using this solo, but even then the number of purgable effects they would be facing would still likely outpace it by a lot.

    My stamplar can confirm. Im running the 5-effect cleanse because 2 effects cleansed often felt like nothing. Even with the 5-effect version i often need to cleanse multiple times to get rid of the whole row of debuffs usually spanning my screen from left to right.

    It will be a good counter however to those who just rely on 1-2 powerful effects on their target to do their killing for them.

    Please, the set basically makes you immune to magsorcs and crazy strong against anyone using DoTs. It takes no skill to use because it works on HoTs. Not only that but it will essentially proc on CD and has magicka recovery baked in as well so the 5pc serves a double purpose. The 2, 3, 4pc bonuses are strong as well.

    Not to sound like a smartass but sometimes magplar cleansing 5 negative effects at once does not even clear a root or disabling effect. That's because you have a buttload of negative effects on you during combat and you're removing other crap first.
    Playing ESO since Feb 2015 / TES fan since 2002
    Main alliance: Ebonheart Pact
  • lassitershawn
    Playnice wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    It purges 2 things every 2 seconds, anyone who's been hit by piercing mark or the like knows that has a lot of individual things that each need to be purged, sets like wyrd tree and stendarr already exist and purge 5 debuffs a proc (with wyrd having a 15s cooldown and stendarr having a 30s cooldown per target) and those didn't end the world. Only way this could be overpowered is if someone is using this solo, but even then the number of purgable effects they would be facing would still likely outpace it by a lot.

    My stamplar can confirm. Im running the 5-effect cleanse because 2 effects cleansed often felt like nothing. Even with the 5-effect version i often need to cleanse multiple times to get rid of the whole row of debuffs usually spanning my screen from left to right.

    It will be a good counter however to those who just rely on 1-2 powerful effects on their target to do their killing for them.

    Please, the set basically makes you immune to magsorcs and crazy strong against anyone using DoTs. It takes no skill to use because it works on HoTs. Not only that but it will essentially proc on CD and has magicka recovery baked in as well so the 5pc serves a double purpose. The 2, 3, 4pc bonuses are strong as well.

    Not to sound like a smartass but sometimes magplar cleansing 5 negative effects at once does not even clear a root or disabling effect. That's because you have a buttload of negative effects on you during combat and you're removing other crap first.

    Snares are low on the purge priority, near the bottom after dots and status and the like.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
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