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Datamined "Chapter III" - The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr

  • GallantGuardian
    If it’s gonna be broken up into 4 installments (dragons) My prediction is it will probably be 4 dragons total ... a world boss... a dungeon...a trial and a solo quest, hopefully repeatable... (not in this order) thst mKss Sense to me cause every type of pvp play is possible letting everyone fight a dragon theirs cavities way ... I could and M
    Probably wrong but I feel like this is how it will go...

    So I don’t find this to be hordes of dragons just a few

    Maybe something disturbed where they were hiding and they are lashing out

    I am not happy about necromancy being s class either

    I like them
    Making skills ... no having to level a character you get to just use these abilities and pick and choose the ones you want
  • _Ahala_
    Please tell me they aren’t gonna try and pull the one tree for dps, one tree for healing, one tree for tanking nonsense again like they did with warden... if they do that then Mag Necro is gonna be stupid limited in its offensive options just like Magden
  • Huyen
    And this is were I stop playing ESO. Altho I've been waiting a long time for khajiiti lands to be implemented, even if this is a dragonbreak point of view on the timeline, for me it breaks to much lore.

    Bethesda made a huge bust with fo76, and it seems tha they try to make up with a necromancer class wich doesnt make sense. Yes, everyone has asked for it, but implentation is troublesome to say the least.
    1. Its banned by the magesguild, so how would a necromancer be allowed to join after mannimarco?
    2. People are generally afraid of corpseraising, so how would questing go?

    Huge problems indeed. And no, Dragons in this Era are not canon! Every TES fan with a shred of diginity would say the same.

    Also the ongoing crownstore, while bugs from 2014 and onwards arent fixed is just downright sad.

    If (and thats the biggest if so far in my life) they mamage to make our expectations true, I'll consider comming back, but so far to me this is a desperate move from a dying gamedeveloperstudio who used to be top notch, to keep their reputation and playerbase intact.
    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh
  • OtarTheMad
    Huyen wrote: »
    And this is were I stop playing ESO. Altho I've been waiting a long time for khajiiti lands to be implemented, even if this is a dragonbreak point of view on the timeline, for me it breaks to much lore.

    Bethesda made a huge bust with fo76, and it seems tha they try to make up with a necromancer class wich doesnt make sense. Yes, everyone has asked for it, but implentation is troublesome to say the least.
    1. Its banned by the magesguild, so how would a necromancer be allowed to join after mannimarco?
    2. People are generally afraid of corpseraising, so how would questing go?

    Huge problems indeed. And no, Dragons in this Era are not canon! Every TES fan with a shred of diginity would say the same.

    Also the ongoing crownstore, while bugs from 2014 and onwards arent fixed is just downright sad.

    If (and thats the biggest if so far in my life) they mamage to make our expectations true, I'll consider comming back, but so far to me this is a desperate move from a dying gamedeveloperstudio who used to be top notch, to keep their reputation and playerbase intact.

    You need to read up on lore for this era. Dragons are everywhere. The old game “Redguard” takes place during this era and featured a dragon. Also Tiber Septim made a deal with dragons in this era. Nothing about a dragon or dragons being involved is lore breaking

    Plus Bethesda doesn’t make this game, Zenimax Studios does. Bethesda just consults so lore isn't messed up. Two different studios that happen to be owned by the same parent company.

    As for necromancy a lot of Tamriel does not like it yes but Elsweyr actually finds it okay so that fits. If this was real life you could easily manipulate your way into the Mages Guild because most necromancers know conjuration magic which is okay. So in heavy public they’d use that more.

    EDIT- I would also like to point out that if you take Necromancy by it's definition in lore (which is soul manipulation) then we already have it in the game with the Soul magic skill line.
    Edited by OtarTheMad on January 7, 2019 9:30AM
  • perogwin_ESO
    The only part that kind of surprises me about this is I didn't expect Necromancy to be added into the game till they added in Winter Reach - since the Wizards College there actually offers classes on Necromancy.

    I could care less about the Lore Breaking Aspect as long as I am having fun.

    Though I would be amused if the next Single Player ESO game makes Dragons and Necromancy officially more common, [edited to remove baiting comment]
    Edited by ZOS_RikardD on January 7, 2019 4:34PM
  • jainiadral
    I'm psyched for Elsweyr, but not for dragons or necromancy. Dragons were a giant PITA in Skyrim. After doing the main quest on my first character, I avoided the that storyline at all costs on subsequent playthroughs. I can't imagine the ZoS version will be much fun. Necromancers, from what I've seen of their in-game implementation as enemies, don't look like they'd be that engaging. But, who knows? Like everything class-related, I'll probably at least give it a test run eventually.

    That said, a land full of Khajiits? Sign me up! <3 I've wanted to spend time in Elsweyr since I spoke to my first Khajiit in Skyrim seven years ago.
  • perogwin_ESO
    Actually I found this page " " very interesting as far as info on the cultural views of Necromancers.

    I especially loved this entry


    Elsweyr is said to be relatively accommodating to necromancy. The Khajiit are said to show little if any outrage over uncovered graves, and corpses can apparently be purchased in the port of Senchal. Though corpses don't hold up well in the forests, the deserts of Elsweyr preserve corpses for centuries, allowing skilled necromancers to make use of them relatively easily. The way the bodies are buried in the deserts, under only a small cairn of stones, is also ideal for necromancers on the prowl for resources.

    So I guess if you were going to add Necromancy to the game, Elsweyr is really the best place to do it.

    Edited by perogwin_ESO on January 7, 2019 9:26AM
  • Aliyavana
    watch the final boss be some nocturnal like dissapointment
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    watch the final boss be some nocturnal like dissapointment

    I hope that is one lesson that they have learnt. We'll see.
    PC EU
  • ZigoSid
    Cool to finally see Elsweyr and I hope that we'll finally have more explanations and retcons about the Khaajit breeds. That's the only part of lore I always hated and want to be changed, having a little alfiq breeding a giant senche-raht or an Ohmes only because "olol the moons say so" is too much "WTFesque" for me ...
    Edited by ZigoSid on January 7, 2019 9:41AM
  • kinguardian
    Oooohhh elsweyr I cant wait. Pretty pleaseeee be as enchanting as summerset and full of beautiful things. Lots and lots of quests. I always wish there were more quests. Or bring a load more quests to the other areas. I just love questing :)
    And stuff to pinch like with the jewellery boxes it males beeing at thief so much more fun.
  • Shaie
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    Not only lore, but all sanity.
    I have mostly defended ESO's lore, as I find it enriching for the most part. But this update is clearly meant to please cows and whales. Because they have been asking for necromancy and Elsweyr since years and dragons would be a welcome nostalgia for them. I am fairly sure that true fans will find this rather questionable.

    Yea. I guess I'll have to wait and see how they implement it all. By the wording alone, it doesn't look good.

    I wouldn't mind too much if it was a necromancy skill line. Because 5 active abilities can hardly break immersion as much as 15 abilities can. But the very idea that they consider adding another class, where the last one was and still is a disaster and general class balance is still shocking......

    I don't see how they plan to make 3 skill lines themed around necromancy that are distinct from other classes, especially Sorcerers. Wardens have been portrayed as a support class from the beginning, but I fail to see what the appeal of Necromancers is supposed to be outside of undead pets.
    ... They are going to be everywhere like Warden bears were in the beginning, won't they? Sigh.

    Disease, Undead Magic and if they are a sload necromancer. water magic fits best.

    And this would be how they bring Pyandonea & the Maormer into the game, either via DLC or the next expansion. I was thinking the next would be Elsweyr for quite a while, until I started questing in Summerset & saw how heavily the Maormer were being pushed. Then I was on the fence, not sure which it would be but I'm glad it will be Elsweyr. I rather like having "homelands" for my characters to go quest in. As far as Dragons, I'm not as familiar with the lore as others, but from what I've been able to read it appears there are large periods of time with little history. Perhaps we (in ESO) are in one of those periods of time? Finally, regarding Necromancy, well... If you can't beat them, join them? Fight Necromancers with Necromancers? MOST fantasy games of this ilk regard Necromancy as a "Dark Art" that is at the very least, frowned upon by the majority of society & at worst, punishable by death (which is kind of ironic, right?). I'll be interested in seeing how they bring Necromancy to the game. I'm excited!
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Give me Daedric/Xivkyn companions or give me death!

    Also I really want the Necromancer costume, it looks lit 👌
  • alanmatillab16_ESO
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    Yeah, no character using the conjuration school ever conjured an undead pet right?

    The Mage's Guild bangs on constantly about not summoning Daedra but you know how that goes right?

    Don't get me wrong, I would love for having a Daedra or Undead pet out in a town treated as a crime and triggering the guards just like thieving and assassinations but can you realistically see it happening?

    ESO is I believe set centuries before any of the previous games so if you think about it you can have dragons being way more common than the Skyrim Era.

    ESO: 2E 583
    Redguard: 2E864
    Battlespire: 3E172
    Arena: 3E399
    Daggerfall: 3E405
    Morrowind: 3E427
    Oblivion: 3E433
    Skyrim: 4E201

    Quote from The Dragon War by Torhal Bjorik (lorebook found in Skyrim)

    "The war was long and bloody. The dragon priests were overthrown and dragons were slaughtered in large numbers. The surviving dragons scattered, choosing to live in remote places away from men. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. They built the dragon mounds, entombing the remains of dragons that fell in the war. They believed that one day the dragons would rise again and reward the faithful."

    This was long before ESO but clearly Dragons, and their followers, still exist.

    Edited by alanmatillab16_ESO on January 7, 2019 10:24AM
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Can we get a new race too? All we have now are four. Yes FOUR. All the Humans are just different ethnicities of the same race. All Elves are just different ethnicities of the same race. Honestly it makes for boring race choices when they mostly all look the same.

    How about playable Daedra? Have some break off from Oblivion. Give them customization that includes demon and insect aspects to make them look less like a plain human variant.
    How did I miss this- I’d honestly love to be a Dremora wandering around nirn
  • Faulgor
    Hm. Now that we know what the next chapter is about, I see more connections with Murkmire, namely with the Honor Guard in Black Rose Prison. If we get to see Akaviri in Rimmen and elsewhere, maybe the yet unreleased Akaviri Honor Guard style will be available with the new chapter as well.

    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    What strikes me is that

    Dragons + Elsweyr + Necromancy

    sounds so weird. I mean Dragons in Elsweyr? Why? Getting a tan or what? And then Necromancy?

    Right now we lack almost every bit of information but it sounds like a really weird cocktail of ingredients to work in the end. I have to agree with @Dracane on this except for the Elsweyr part. Dragons and Necromancy very much sound like the most obvious choice to generate cash, just Skyrim as a new zone would have brought more to that table.

    If they are reptiles it makes a lot of sense actually with them beeing cold blooded and all^^
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Gnozo
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Hm. Now that we know what the next chapter is about, I see more connections with Murkmire, namely with the Honor Guard in Black Rose Prison. If we get to see Akaviri in Rimmen and elsewhere, maybe the yet unreleased Akaviri Honor Guard style will be available with the new chapter as well.


    I really like honor guard heavy and hope it will come soon....
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    What strikes me is that

    Dragons + Elsweyr + Necromancy

    sounds so weird. I mean Dragons in Elsweyr? Why? Getting a tan or what? And then Necromancy?

    Right now we lack almost every bit of information but it sounds like a really weird cocktail of ingredients to work in the end. I have to agree with @Dracane on this except for the Elsweyr part. Dragons and Necromancy very much sound like the most obvious choice to generate cash, just Skyrim as a new zone would have brought more to that table.

    I'm just gonna wait for more details. Hoping the "Dragons" part is very few dragons as end of quest or dungeon bosses. There just aren't that many dragons around at this time for a horde of dragons to make any sense. Also having them in Elsweyr seems really odd.

    Makes a lot of sense. If you were a dragon presumably a reptile even a magic one witch can generate its own heat (that costs energy just like us humans we need much higher energy to "heat our systems".
    So it's much more logical for a reptile to prefer warm places
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Elsonso
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    ESO is I believe set centuries before any of the previous games so if you think about it you can have dragons being way more common than the Skyrim Era.

    ESO: 2E 583
    Redguard: 2E864
    Battlespire: 3E172
    Arena: 3E399
    Daggerfall: 3E405
    Morrowind: 3E427
    Oblivion: 3E433
    Skyrim: 4E201

    Quote from The Dragon War by Torhal Bjorik (lorebook found in Skyrim)

    "The war was long and bloody. The dragon priests were overthrown and dragons were slaughtered in large numbers. The surviving dragons scattered, choosing to live in remote places away from men. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. They built the dragon mounds, entombing the remains of dragons that fell in the war. They believed that one day the dragons would rise again and reward the faithful."

    This was long before ESO but clearly Dragons, and their followers, still exist.

    Building on this...

    The dragons of Tamriel are gone through the culmination of events long before those of ESO, so the number of dragons flitting about from ESO through until Skyrim should be relatively stable and constant. ZOS is free to create a few named dragons that no one has ever heard of, or use any of the dragons we know are alive right now.

    Of course, if there are dragons about, there are dragon born running around, too. Obviously, there are Dragonguard around, as well. They have to come from somewhere when Tiber Septim needs them.

    I would not expect to find dragons, dragonborn, and Dragonguard under every rock in Elsewyr just because ZOS wants dragons. It is the first chapter in the arc, after all.

    Probably the most exciting thing about this direction we are starting is that we might go to Akavir. There may still be dragons there. I doubt ZOS has the resources to mount a decent expedition to go there, but it is still an exciting thought.

    Edited by Elsonso on January 7, 2019 10:54AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • MarrazzMist
    Wheeeeee, I knew it! This cat’s getting crazy.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    ESO is I believe set centuries before any of the previous games so if you think about it you can have dragons being way more common than the Skyrim Era.

    ESO: 2E 583
    Redguard: 2E864
    Battlespire: 3E172
    Arena: 3E399
    Daggerfall: 3E405
    Morrowind: 3E427
    Oblivion: 3E433
    Skyrim: 4E201

    Quote from The Dragon War by Torhal Bjorik (lorebook found in Skyrim)

    "The war was long and bloody. The dragon priests were overthrown and dragons were slaughtered in large numbers. The surviving dragons scattered, choosing to live in remote places away from men. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. They built the dragon mounds, entombing the remains of dragons that fell in the war. They believed that one day the dragons would rise again and reward the faithful."

    This was long before ESO but clearly Dragons, and their followers, still exist.

    Building on this...

    The dragons of Tamriel are gone through the culmination of events long before those of ESO, so the number of dragons flitting about from ESO through until Skyrim should be relatively stable and constant. ZOS is free to create a few named dragons that no one has ever heard of, or use any of the dragons we know are alive right now.

    Of course, if there are dragons about, there are dragon born running around, too. Obviously, there are Dragonguard around, as well. They have to come from somewhere when Tiber Septim needs them.

    I would not expect to find dragons, dragonborn, and Dragonguard under every rock in Elsewyr just because ZOS wants dragons. It is the first chapter in the arc, after all.

    Probably the most exciting thing about this direction we are starting is that we might go to Akavir. There may still be dragons there. I doubt ZOS has the resources to mount a decent expedition to go there, but it is still an exciting thought.

    If this is the start of a new 3 year story arc involving Dragons then I would expect it to climax in Skyrim in 2021 for that 10 year anniversary. Just saying.
    PC EU
  • BIackHand
  • Elsonso
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    ESO is I believe set centuries before any of the previous games so if you think about it you can have dragons being way more common than the Skyrim Era.

    ESO: 2E 583
    Redguard: 2E864
    Battlespire: 3E172
    Arena: 3E399
    Daggerfall: 3E405
    Morrowind: 3E427
    Oblivion: 3E433
    Skyrim: 4E201

    Quote from The Dragon War by Torhal Bjorik (lorebook found in Skyrim)

    "The war was long and bloody. The dragon priests were overthrown and dragons were slaughtered in large numbers. The surviving dragons scattered, choosing to live in remote places away from men. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. They built the dragon mounds, entombing the remains of dragons that fell in the war. They believed that one day the dragons would rise again and reward the faithful."

    This was long before ESO but clearly Dragons, and their followers, still exist.

    Building on this...

    The dragons of Tamriel are gone through the culmination of events long before those of ESO, so the number of dragons flitting about from ESO through until Skyrim should be relatively stable and constant. ZOS is free to create a few named dragons that no one has ever heard of, or use any of the dragons we know are alive right now.

    Of course, if there are dragons about, there are dragon born running around, too. Obviously, there are Dragonguard around, as well. They have to come from somewhere when Tiber Septim needs them.

    I would not expect to find dragons, dragonborn, and Dragonguard under every rock in Elsewyr just because ZOS wants dragons. It is the first chapter in the arc, after all.

    Probably the most exciting thing about this direction we are starting is that we might go to Akavir. There may still be dragons there. I doubt ZOS has the resources to mount a decent expedition to go there, but it is still an exciting thought.

    If this is the start of a new 3 year story arc involving Dragons then I would expect it to climax in Skyrim in 2021 for that 10 year anniversary. Just saying.

    What evidence do we have that this is a 3 year arc?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • JJBoomer
    i am super excited about this! regardless of lore!
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    What strikes me is that

    Dragons + Elsweyr + Necromancy

    sounds so weird. I mean Dragons in Elsweyr? Why? Getting a tan or what? And then Necromancy?

    Right now we lack almost every bit of information but it sounds like a really weird cocktail of ingredients to work in the end. I have to agree with @Dracane on this except for the Elsweyr part. Dragons and Necromancy very much sound like the most obvious choice to generate cash, just Skyrim as a new zone would have brought more to that table.

    I'm just gonna wait for more details. Hoping the "Dragons" part is very few dragons as end of quest or dungeon bosses. There just aren't that many dragons around at this time for a horde of dragons to make any sense. Also having them in Elsweyr seems really odd.

    And thats why the lore never found them!
    Who would think of seaching elsweyr for dragon?
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    There goes what was left of lore and logic. :D Real Dragons in ESO, which never happened and which was confirmed by ZoS to never happen. And undead chilling in all major towns and social hubs.

    Glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I mean eso has been playing fast and loose with the lore since inception, but this is truly jumping the shark and disregarding all lore entirely.

    Not only lore, but all sanity.
    I have mostly defended ESO's lore, as I find it enriching for the most part. But this update is clearly meant to please cows and whales. Because they have been asking for necromancy and Elsweyr since years and dragons would be a welcome nostalgia for them. I am fairly sure that true fans will find this rather questionable.

    Yea. I guess I'll have to wait and see how they implement it all. By the wording alone, it doesn't look good.

    I wouldn't mind too much if it was a necromancy skill line. Because 5 active abilities can hardly break immersion as much as 15 abilities can. But the very idea that they consider adding another class, where the last one was and still is a disaster and general class balance is still shocking......

    I don't see how they plan to make 3 skill lines themed around necromancy that are distinct from other classes, especially Sorcerers. Wardens have been portrayed as a support class from the beginning, but I fail to see what the appeal of Necromancers is supposed to be outside of undead pets.
    ... They are going to be everywhere like Warden bears were in the beginning, won't they? Sigh.

    I want a running skeleton that charge to my enemy and then explode
  • Seraphayel
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    What strikes me is that

    Dragons + Elsweyr + Necromancy

    sounds so weird. I mean Dragons in Elsweyr? Why? Getting a tan or what? And then Necromancy?

    Right now we lack almost every bit of information but it sounds like a really weird cocktail of ingredients to work in the end. I have to agree with @Dracane on this except for the Elsweyr part. Dragons and Necromancy very much sound like the most obvious choice to generate cash, just Skyrim as a new zone would have brought more to that table.

    I'm just gonna wait for more details. Hoping the "Dragons" part is very few dragons as end of quest or dungeon bosses. There just aren't that many dragons around at this time for a horde of dragons to make any sense. Also having them in Elsweyr seems really odd.

    And thats why the lore never found them!
    Who would think of seaching elsweyr for dragon?

    Actually it's quite clever. Nobody would expect Dragons in Elsweyr and all of the Elsweyr residents that travel Tamriel and tell others about "Hey mate, there are Dragons in Elsweyr!" will get laughed at with "Mate, less Skooma next time...".
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • bharathitman
    Huyen wrote: »
    And this is were I stop playing ESO. Altho I've been waiting a long time for khajiiti lands to be implemented, even if this is a dragonbreak point of view on the timeline, for me it breaks to much lore.

    Bethesda made a huge bust with fo76, and it seems tha they try to make up with a necromancer class wich doesnt make sense. Yes, everyone has asked for it, but implentation is troublesome to say the least.
    1. Its banned by the magesguild, so how would a necromancer be allowed to join after mannimarco?
    2. People are generally afraid of corpseraising, so how would questing go?

    Huge problems indeed. And no, Dragons in this Era are not canon! Every TES fan with a shred of diginity would say the same.

    Also the ongoing crownstore, while bugs from 2014 and onwards arent fixed is just downright sad.

    If (and thats the biggest if so far in my life) they mamage to make our expectations true, I'll consider comming back, but so far to me this is a desperate move from a dying gamedeveloperstudio who used to be top notch, to keep their reputation and playerbase intact.

    Yea, I am pretty sure that ZOS will read this and cancel the next chapter. Change is common in an MMO and new lore has to be created every now and then to keep the engines moving. It's not like they are trying to wonk the real human history, they are just filling in the blanks for a fictional world's prequel story. There is no single source of historical truth in the TES series, no compendium as such, nothing can be held sacrosanct
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Woeler wrote: »
    Woeler wrote: »
    Saturnana wrote: »
    Considering the specific wording in the game files, I don't think we'll be getting a new class but rather a new skill line.

    I think that would make more sense indeed. Otherwise they would have to make 3 skill lines based on necromancy somehow. Seems a bit too much.

    It does seem a bit much. If their were no sorcerer in this game already, eh, I could maybe see it then. But not with the classes we have now. Just not enough there to make a full class. Could be wrong though.

    I would love to see this skillline integrated in the current class/roles. Tanks with undeads? Nice.

    Something we could have had with spellcrafting, but the call for a new class was apparently stronger.

    I don't really see how this is a good decision on ZOS' part, a new class is useless to all of my existing 15 characters.
    Yes, maybe they'll grant us a new char slot like they did with the Warden, but even so, it doesn't strike me as fun to have to abandon the characters you've played for years to experience new features.

    And for me its exactly what i find fun about a new class
    More character more stuff to do
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