Maintenance for the week of June 10:
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Cyrodiil's End: You win Zos

  • valeriiya
    *EDIT: I wanted everyone to note his sarcastic comment and eye roll, this isn't the first time he's done this and everyone got worked up over Gina's joke so why not him?*
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:
    Edited by valeriiya on January 2, 2019 4:32PM
  • BaylorCorvette
    It's amazing how horrible Vivec performance is. My group usually plays in Shor, but we've been going over to Vivec the last couple of weeks due to Shor being completely dead. During prime time Vivec is a massive dumpster fire and I do not understand how people Home that campaign. Especially when Shor is so empty and has flawless performance even when there are 30-40 people in a small area. More guilds really need to come over to Shor, I think they would really enjoy the performance. The only down side is it will require participation from all factions, because right now a good 8 man group can nearly flip the map, so if a full raid from a single faction comes over the map will be dead in 45 minutes.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
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  • Jakx
    valeriiya wrote: »
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:

    This is painfully ironic given how Steam users are regularly prevented from playing the game. This thread isnt about the game being dead, quite the opposite. Its how, just like steam users suffer, this game keeps milking the cash without fixing the issues such as Cyrodiil performance.

    I'm glad the game might be pulling in people jumping ship from other failing MMO's right now. Thats great in fact! However, you'd think they would want to address infrastructure issues head on then so people who try ESO coming from a game like WoW(for all its content faults at least it runs well for what it does) wont decide to quit ESO too.

    A healthy game wouldnt completely ignore glaring server issues.
    Joined September 2013
  • Durham
    Im not sure why they do not split the pop between shore and vevic ... Tear up the 7 day campaign and make it the same as Vevic and reduce the pop cap on Vevic ... To me thats the simple solution.... 7 day should only be event servers this is a no brainer change that should have went down months ago.... WHY !!!!

    Another solution that could help is increase magicka/stam consumption when spamming the same ability over and over.... We all complain about spammers why not fix it ....

    Another solution that could help is set max group at 12 ... There is no need for anyone to run more then that... yes a guild could run 2 .. however this could help a little ... Agin Cyrodil cant handle these huge groups why promote it ?

    If the playerbase could experience some the smaller larger scale fights with no lag like 4v 4, 6 v 6 , 12 v 12 or even 24 v 24 they would love the PVP aspect of the game ... But it simply cant handle the 40 v 40 on multiple points throughout Cyrodil .... Smaller scale fights are fun... for those of you saying BG's for 4v4 many people do not like bg's simple because they are no CP.. They also do not like them for many other reasons ...

    Part of the problem is the playerbase who play certian ways ... However this is also more so the fault of ZOS they could nerf the lag causing zerg groups ...

    This game is a great game with so many positive aspects however it could also be a cult classic in PVP if the performance could be increased... With Camelot on the horizon many PVP'ers and yes PVE'rs will try that out .. I hope ZOS can figure out what to do before there is a total collapse of the PVP community .....

    Edited by Durham on January 2, 2019 4:41PM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • ZOS_RogerJ
    Just a friendly reminder to keep the thread on-topic, civil, and constructive. While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and it's community as a whole.
    Edited by ZOS_RogerJ on January 2, 2019 4:34PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Jakx wrote: »
    Cyrodiil server performance is at an all time low.

    Performance has real issues right now, but this is simply not true.

    Remember when entire assets (keeps, etc.) wouldn't load?
    Remember when you couldn't use transitus in a group without crashing?
    Remember when ANY gap closer had a 50/50 chance to plunge you deep into checkerboard hell?
    Remember right after lighting patch when it was, really, literally unplayable?
    Remember when every other loadscreen was infinite?
    Remember the 2 weeks when ENEMY PLAYERS could fail to render, leading to bizarre invisaduels?
    Remember when a raid could crash the server--literally take down the server and kick everyone--by spamming springs at a gate?

    Like, yeah, it's pretty bad. But even the general lag isn't the worst it's ever been. I'm all for keeping ZOS's feet to the fire and pushing for improvements, but seriously, the hyperbole about performance is unnecessary and unhelpful, imo.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Kilnerdyne
    This thread has been ignored. Thank you for playing Elder Scrolls Online.

    Please use the Crown Store on your way out.
  • Jakx
    Durham wrote: »
    Im not sure why they do not split the pop between shore and vevic ... Tear up the 7 day campaign and make it the same as Vevic and reduce the pop cap on Vevic ... To me thats the simple solution.... 7 day should only be event servers this is a no brainer change that should have went down months ago.... WHY !!!!

    Another solution that could help is increase magicka/stam consumption when spamming the same ability over and over.... We all complain about spammers why not fix it ....

    Another solution that could help is set max group at 12 ... There is no need for anyone to run more then that... yes a guild could run 2 .. however this could help a little ... Agin Cyrodil cant handle these huge groups why promote it ?

    If the playerbase could experience some the smaller larger scale fights with no lag like 4v 4, 6 v 6 , 12 v 12 or even 24 v 24 they would love the PVP aspect of the game ... But it simply cant handle the 40 v 40 on multiple points throughout Cyrodil .... Smaller scale fights are fun... for those of you saying BG's for 4v4 many people do not like bg's simple because they are no CP.. They also do not like them for many other reasons ...

    Part of the problem is the playerbase who play certian ways ... However this is also more so the fault of ZOS they could nerf the lag causing zerg groups ...

    This game is a great game with so many positive aspects however it could also be a cult classic in PVP if the performance could be increased... With Camelot on the horizon many PVP'ers and yes PVE'rs will try that out .. I hope ZOS can figure out what to do before there is a total collapse of the PVP community .....

    I at least have to agree that Shor being a 7 day campaign that doesn't reward the 50 transmute stones serves virtually no purpose. I get that the thread is about the server performance and I guess this can be tangentially related but its amazing how there is such stagnation on any PvP changes. It seems it would be in ZOS' interest if they cant/unwilling to invest resources into server performance to attempt to give incentive for the population to spread out. I suppose they tried that when they added towns, vicious death, aoe caps, and whatever else. I also understand that we used to have a ton more campaigns that were ghost towns. Now we're virtually down to 1 1/2 campaigns with any people. Why did the popularity drop out I wonder? (server performance) Trying to create a Vivec #2 by giving some incentives, either forcefully with lower pop cap or by starting a new server and giving like 10% AP boost if you home the new Vivec for a week or something. I think there are ways that don't involve server engineering to alleviate some issues but I'd much prefer actual fixes.
    Edited by Jakx on January 2, 2019 5:13PM
    Joined September 2013
  • Nutshotz
    I agree with everyone in this thread. The performance has been horrible. After coming back from almost a 10 month break I was hoping for at least a bit of performance jump in pvp only to find out that it has gotten 5x worse than it was almost a year ago. To find out more nerfs to class and skills no balance, cash shop is still pumping out new items and don't forget the same mounts but different color schemes. Like really put that effort into performance instead of into cosmetics.
  • Rezzinu
    Tried playing last night on Vivec and was DC'd four times while tying to load. Eventually got in, ported to a keep and was DC'd again. Attempted one last time before I called it quits for the night, got in, joined the group, ported, then ran to a keep under attack and was DC'd once again.

    Gave up after 6 DC's in one night/one hour.
    Edited by Rezzinu on January 2, 2019 6:55PM
  • ccmedaddy
    valeriiya wrote: »
    *EDIT: I wanted everyone to note his sarcastic comment and eye roll, this isn't the first time he's done this and everyone got worked up over Gina's joke so why not him?*
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:
    This is a ZOS dev literally saying 'we're getting rich with crown sales so screw all those who complain about this game'.

    This actually confirms all my worst suspicions about ZOS's "vision" for this game. Really reconsidering my sub at this point.
  • Jakx
    ZOS: I see that you have a PvP event planned. I read about increased communication with the players. Here's your chance to address concerns.

    How do you plan on dealing with the increased population's when current population levels have severe server issues and its basically unplayable? What are you doing on the back end to make sure this is not another Undaunted Event scenario? Surely you don't want a repeat of that so I am here to ask you officially what is being done to ameliorate the current issues that will only be exacerbated by even more people joining in the fray? Your events are a chance to showcase your game, I cant envision you want this event to be marred by lag and other performance issues.

    Thank you.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_RobGarrett
    Joined September 2013
  • Seraphayel
    ccmedaddy wrote: »
    This actually confirms all my worst suspicions about ZOS's "vision" for this game. Really reconsidering my sub at this point.

    Honestly, what vision?
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Jakx
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    ccmedaddy wrote: »
    This actually confirms all my worst suspicions about ZOS's "vision" for this game. Really reconsidering my sub at this point.

    Honestly, what vision?

    Hoping we get one as promised.
    Joined September 2013
  • pitboiii
    I got this clip last week and thought i'd share.

    In this clip i run into roebeck (sure alot of players here), i try to pull a couple of players into the stair well for some action, i get hit by draining shot and then my character gets locked, i cant roll dodge cant weapon swap, if you look to the left at 0.26 you can see players attacking me but im not at the spot where they are.
  • billp_ESO
    I doubt they can actually fix it. It's a problem with the game engine.

    If they have $1 to invest in the game development, where should they put it?

    - game engine -- huge endeavor with questionable results.
    - crown store -- easy work with huge returns.
    - DLC -- pretty easy, good returns.
  • ZarkingFrued
    ZOS_RogerJ wrote: »
    Just a friendly reminder to keep the thread on-topic, civil, and constructive. While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and it's community as a whole.

    Totally agree, please pass on our frustrations to the dev's, and let them know that all we want from ESO in 2019 is decent Cyrodiil performance, not more DLCs and Chapters :). Better performance=more players= more money and quality of life for the game.
    Edited by ZarkingFrued on January 3, 2019 6:48PM
  • JadonSky
    ZOS_RogerJ wrote: »
    Just a friendly reminder to keep the thread on-topic, civil, and constructive. While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and it's community as a whole.

    Wow I was really excited when I noticed a dev commented on this subject. Only to realize that they were just telling everyone to stop voicing their frustration...

  • valeriiya
    JadonSky wrote: »
    ZOS_RogerJ wrote: »
    Just a friendly reminder to keep the thread on-topic, civil, and constructive. While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and it's community as a whole.

    Wow I was really excited when I noticed a dev commented on this subject. Only to realize that they were just telling everyone to stop voicing their frustration...

    it's the new and improved communication system that Gina mentioned!
    ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
    Hi everyone. First of all, you aren't wrong. We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse.

  • Suddwrath
    valeriiya wrote: »
    [ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
    Hi everyone. First of all, you aren't wrong. We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse.[/i]

    That's the part that really irks me. Gina comes out and apologizes for a lack of communication, and admits that there wasn't an excuse. But then two months later nothing has changed.

    But then she makes the 99MB joke, and Rich makes a sarcastic comment.

    ZOS is out of touch with their own game and its community. At this point it just seems like ZOS is a bunch of friends (who started off on the QA team) who now hang out in a studio under the masquerade of a gaming company.

    How does a Community Manager apologize for a lack of communication, but then doesn't improve said communication? It doesn't make any sense.
    Edited by Suddwrath on January 3, 2019 8:22PM
  • JackDaniell
    valeriiya wrote: »
    *EDIT: I wanted everyone to note his sarcastic comment and eye roll, this isn't the first time he's done this and everyone got worked up over Gina's joke so why not him?*
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:
    ccmedaddy wrote: »
    valeriiya wrote: »
    *EDIT: I wanted everyone to note his sarcastic comment and eye roll, this isn't the first time he's done this and everyone got worked up over Gina's joke so why not him?*
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:
    This is a ZOS dev literally saying 'we're getting rich with crown sales so screw all those who complain about this game'.

    This actually confirms all my worst suspicions about ZOS's "vision" for this game. Really reconsidering my sub at this point.

    A disconnect between game devs and the playerbase. This post from Rich makes me loose respect for the devs when they literaly joke at thier own players legitimate concerns and problems.
    Edited by JackDaniell on January 3, 2019 11:47PM
    Ebonheart Templar
  • Jakx
    valeriiya wrote: »
    *EDIT: I wanted everyone to note his sarcastic comment and eye roll, this isn't the first time he's done this and everyone got worked up over Gina's joke so why not him?*
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:
    ccmedaddy wrote: »
    valeriiya wrote: »
    *EDIT: I wanted everyone to note his sarcastic comment and eye roll, this isn't the first time he's done this and everyone got worked up over Gina's joke so why not him?*
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:
    This is a ZOS dev literally saying 'we're getting rich with crown sales so screw all those who complain about this game'.

    This actually confirms all my worst suspicions about ZOS's "vision" for this game. Really reconsidering my sub at this point.

    A disconnect between game devs and the playerbase. This post from Rich makes me loose respect for the devs when they literaly joke at thier own players legitimate concerns and problems.

    I agree, the ironic part is that is in reference to Steam sales which is basically robbery with how many issues Steam users have on a regular basis. Good for the game for making money but where is it being invested if not into server performance upgrades.
    Joined September 2013
  • zyk
    A disconnect between game devs and the playerbase. This post from Rich makes me loose respect for the devs when they literaly joke at thier own players legitimate concerns and problems.
    Yeah, it's very disappointing. I think these guys are a lost cause. That may have been obvious for years, but I hate to give up on things; unlike ZOS.
  • trowlk
    This month will be crucial for Elder Scrolls Online Future. (Or at least for me)
    Additionally, we will not hold another in-game event that requires the Activity Finder until we are 100% confident that the tool can support it. Stay tuned for details on that.
    In recent months, however, we’ve recognized that we’ve been so focused on “the next update” that we haven’t had much time to consider and flesh out what the next year+ of combat updates should look like. We often see posts on the forums requesting further context on balance changes, and asking how they fit into a larger plan and vision for combat. While we do have a backlog of improvements identified for the game, it’s clear we could do a better job of answering those kinds of inquiries, both for the player community and ourselves.

    Either they bring us an amazing game update along with a smooth Midyear Mayhem performance, or we get disappointed and annoyed for the issues that had been stacking since the game release.

    Big gaming companies such as Blizzard and Bethesda had a rough end of the year with their games (WoW and Fallout76). I really hope this New Life festival gives them the chance to start anew, specially ZOS's ESO.

  • Gariele
    I've accepted they just dont care anymore about Cyros real issues. Its a cash out to fix thing and the only worry they have is whats going to bring in money. Just how the minority of the playerbase is treated /shrug
    Winter Rose Autumn Rose Summer Rose Pacific Rose Midnight Rose
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  • mb10
    valeriiya wrote: »
    *EDIT: I wanted everyone to note his sarcastic comment and eye roll, this isn't the first time he's done this and everyone got worked up over Gina's joke so why not him?*
    Here's how much they really care when they're done writing newsletters:

    The fact that he addressed that means he was seeking validation and wants to believe the game isn’t dead or dying.

    We all know it is and it’s inevitable now
  • eso_lags
    <div style="width:100%;height:0px;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.250%;"><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;overflow:hidden;"></iframe></div>
    Jakx wrote: »
    Cyrodiil server performance is at an all time low.

    Performance has real issues right now, but this is simply not true.

    Remember when entire assets (keeps, etc.) wouldn't load?
    Remember when you couldn't use transitus in a group without crashing?
    Remember when ANY gap closer had a 50/50 chance to plunge you deep into checkerboard hell?
    Remember right after lighting patch when it was, really, literally unplayable?
    Remember when every other loadscreen was infinite?
    Remember the 2 weeks when ENEMY PLAYERS could fail to render, leading to bizarre invisaduels?

    Remember when a raid could crash the server--literally take down the server and kick everyone--by spamming springs at a gate?

    Like, yeah, it's pretty bad. But even the general lag isn't the worst it's ever been. I'm all for keeping ZOS's feet to the fire and pushing for improvements, but seriously, the hyperbole about performance is unnecessary and unhelpful, imo.

    Some of these things still happen and on top of that there are new issues.

    Remember when a keep flipped and one alliance, in and around the keep, ends up in a 5-30 second load screen and everyone wipes? Still happening.

    Remember when more than 30 players group up in one spot and bar swap and skills suddenly have a massive delay? That still happens and its worse depending on the amount of players around. I linked a video somewhere in this thread of this happening to me.

    Health desyncs, snipe glitching or desyncs, cc break issues.. I mean the list goes on and on. There are so many issues in cyrodil right now. And the "general lag" is the worst its ever been, at least in the last 2 or 3 years. It doesnt matter if it was worse at the beginning of the game. Earlier on in the game there were plenty of points when performance was waaaay better...

    Right now performance is so damn bad. Vivec on xbox na is so unplayable most of the time. You cant bar swap, you cant cast skills without multiple tries or massive delays. Its just awful and as a small scale player it ruins the game. And the worst part is that zos ignores it. Very rarely we will see a comment on it, very rarely, but nothing ever changes.

    But this issue isnt specific to cyrodil. This is a game issue. Its just because cyrodil is the place where people end up in massive groups of players casting skills and fighting.

    Im not sure if this is true, but reading guild chat today and speaking with a few people in game i heard about something that happened in craglorn. Apparently someone got hundreds of people to go into craglorn for some reason. People in one of my guilds were complaining because it was so bad they couldnt go into craglorn without crashing or having extreme lag.

    I didnt see it myself but i saw a fair amount of people complaining about it. Regardless, it makes sense to me. The issues are from the server. When a lot of people ball up, hundreds, the game is nearly unplayable. But this is what cyrodil was supposed to be, and what it used to be. Unfortunately it only gets worse every update and zos either cant or wont do anything about it.
  • usmcjdking
    The only logical explanation for the declining performance is that the actual product performance isn't well understood at Zenimax Media. I would bet a pretty penny that their entire operations section is under the impression that ESO is a phenomenal game because of what is reported as active clientele and revenue.

    I'mma go ahead and send them a letter and a video so they can see the dumpster fire of product performance they have.
  • Mayrael
    mb10 wrote: »
    I still roam the forums sometimes but i myself quit because of the PVP performance and awful balancing. Killing playstyles and diversity with constant nerfs.

    When in groups large or small, the performance is just awful. The made Cyrodiil for big battles but it has never been the case for ESO unfortunately.
    I don’t think it ever will be too...

    The same. Performance, buged and not working skills, I'm here in hope it will get better but I think it will be the end eventually.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • zyk
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    The only logical explanation for the declining performance is that the actual product performance isn't well understood at Zenimax Media. I would bet a pretty penny that their entire operations section is under the impression that ESO is a phenomenal game because of what is reported as active clientele and revenue.

    I'mma go ahead and send them a letter and a video so they can see the dumpster fire of product performance they have.
    It's more likely Zenimax Media is the root of the problem. They have a reputation for both buggy games and allowing major issues to go unresolved going back to the 90s when they were just Bethesda.

    IMO they are happy for ESO to be a TES dress up/housing game and casual episodic single player online RPG with basic 12 player raids and PVP. Cyrodiil does not fit in with the rest of those pieces.

    I think that internally, the decision was made to put Cyrodiil on life support years ago and Zenimax Media either made that decision or agreed to the plan that included it.
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