Maintenance for the week of June 17:
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Let's discuss Cloak

  • Drdeath20
    idk wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    iALEXi wrote: »
    Why not make cloak the same as mist form? For what I see now, is that cloak is a free ticket out of death with the abuse of people using trollking and heals during the cloak. Mist form also gets no healing so why not.

    It is also not a free ticket out of death as the counters are easy to use for anyone that has bothered to learn to use them.

    And those counters are easily countered by shadow image , roll dodge etc for any nightblade that bothered to learn to use them.

    It's so easy to counter cloak counters it's almost laughable people are still coming with that argument about how easily counterable cloak is. Some of those counters are so easy to counter that calling them soft counters is overstatement. Good stamblades dont give a damm about those counters.

    I mean yes occasionally You can die to it especially when attacked by multiple opponents but that can be said literally about any ability in the game. Combined with other skills/sets cloak IS a free ticket out of death.

    This is a very inaccurate statement. So much is seems to be grasping at straws.

    I will just start with the first incorrect statement. To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth. It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players. Most players don’t seem to try to learn how to counter.

    I know this because it’s me of the two classes I PvP on the most is a NB. Fee even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    "I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters..."

    Says it all
    Edited by Drdeath20 on December 31, 2018 2:41AM
  • Heimpai
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    I have no problem with cloak. But NB damage and CC needs some serious nerf. Very serious . 35K dps within 2 seconds is ridiculous . NB can have builds up to 7K+ weapon or spell damage ,

    PVP- I play magblade and I don't believe this claim. Show screenshots of this please.

    Do you need build for NB 7K+ spell damage ? You can shot anyone in 2 seconds. Because you are always invisible , no attack you . Even then escape with shadow image after kill, then another , then another. Many are running this build in BGs and duals. Last dueling tournament in EU mageblage is no1 who have similar kind of build .

    My build is more or less similar with infused jewelry. Thing is only NB can do it . No other magic classes . You cannot escape and one get shot easily in other classes. Assassin will hit like 35K+ . NBs always have guaranteed crit. Dont buff up crit.

    Bomb all the cyrodil. Even emperor cannot survive this *** when many people around. Bomber builds this is ridiculous. Dont worry ZOs wont nerf it. I promise. The R word *** need it as EP should win all alliance wars. Instead they will nerf sorcs until no one in AD plays the game.

    That’s not a magblade
  • idk
    nckg84 wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    iALEXi wrote: »
    Why not make cloak the same as mist form? For what I see now, is that cloak is a free ticket out of death with the abuse of people using trollking and heals during the cloak. Mist form also gets no healing so why not.

    It is also not a free ticket out of death as the counters are easy to use for anyone that has bothered to learn to use them.

    And those counters are easily countered by shadow image , roll dodge etc for any nightblade that bothered to learn to use them.

    It's so easy to counter cloak counters it's almost laughable people are still coming with that argument about how easily counterable cloak is. Some of those counters are so easy to counter that calling them soft counters is overstatement. Good stamblades dont give a damm about those counters.

    I mean yes occasionally You can die to it especially when attacked by multiple opponents but that can be said literally about any ability in the game. Combined with other skills/sets cloak IS a free ticket out of death.

    This is a very inaccurate statement. So much is seems to be grasping at straws.

    I will just start with the first incorrect statement. To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth. It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players. Most players don’t seem to try to learn how to counter.

    I know this because it’s me of the two classes I PvP on the most is a NB. Fee even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    What You said have no sense.

    To be fair, the person I quoted made no sense because their statement was not accurate.

    They tried to claim that NBs had counters to the counters which is just plain false. That simplifies the response you had trouble with.

    Smack on some well fitted gear and roll dodge around going into cloak. On your bow bar you get the speed buff. Good luck finding him.

    That would only be because the person attacking the NB failed to pull them out of cloak to begin with and it really comes down to other tactics were used.

    The person I quoted made the odd comment that shadow image is somehow a counter to being pulled out of stealth. A useless skill in that situation unless the NB already set it up before hand. In that case the issue is not in any measure stealth. It is shadow image, a very situational skill.

    After all, I am not saying it is easy to pull a character out of stealth. It takes develooping the skill to know when and how to use whatever counter one chooses. After that it is much easier and fun.
    Edited by idk on December 31, 2018 3:49AM
  • Kikke
    Jaxaxo wrote: »
    Aedrion wrote: »
    Since only a select few people are actually producing arguments - for which you have my thanks :) - to back up their claims and it seems hard to pinpoint whether or not cloak is too strong, let me ask another question.

    A challenge, if you will.

    Give me the name of another skill in ESO that offers the consistent protection, control, and combat potency that cloak does.
    A skill that offers at least as many or more benefits than those I listed in the first post.

    If that skill is another NB skill, you lose at life so don't pick from those lines.

    Of course not the level of cloak, which imo should be nerfed somehow, but still, imo pretty close.

    Deflects 2 ranged projectiles against immune against any direct attack.....

    Hmmmmmmmmm. I want the latter....
    Cleared Trials:
    - vAA HM - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS HM - vCR HM -

    "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and a lot of bitching."
    -Someone said it, I guess.
  • Juhasow
    Cloak is not the issue per se. Stamblade and few sets are. It's stamblade that needs direct tuning down not whole class. Only after nerfing stamblade balancing nightblade as a class can be possible otherwise if underperforming features of magblade will be buffed there will be risk stamblade will get buffed even further by the procces and if nightblade as a class will get nerfed there is a risk magblade will recive way to drastic hit while stamblade will be perfectly fine.
  • Knootewoot

    - It break on everything.
    - Everyone and their mother(in-law) runs detection potions (PC-EU at least)
    - Gap closers just nullify cloak because if spammed they keep coming at ya even when cloaked (might have to do with lag though)

    I seen vids "OMG 1 vs X magblade kilaahHaxor!!@#!" but somehow nobody in that X team use detection potions/snares or gapclosers. It's rigged i tell ya, RIIIGGGGGEEEEDDDDD

    Cloak is NOT OP.

    All issues in PvP (balance issues, OP skills etc) are nothing compared to the lag. Stop asking for nerfs, flood the forums with lag issus.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Trancestor
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.
  • HankTwo
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.

    I also think cloak needs to be changed somehow, but this would be too much of a nerf.
    PC EU
    Stam DK, Magden, Magplar, Stamcro, Hybrid Sorc, Magblade & Mag DK
  • Juhasow
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.

    Disabling DoT immunity would basically mean disabling cloak and considering that everyone currently have DoT of some type that would mean cloak would stop to exist. Completly destroying ability is not how balance should be done.

    When it comes to DoTs what I find unfair and in need of a change is fact that nightblade can still deal dmg from DoTs and keep negative debuffs on enemies while safely sitting in cloak and regaining health plus resources when enemy needs to spend their resources to deal with DoTs and debuffs nightblade applied on them. It creates sometimes some radiculous situations like when nightblade wearing viper+master dual wield+sheer venom+skoria or similar memes applies rending slashes then swaps to poison injection plus optionally shoots draining shot and then vanishes in cloak just to giggle while watching as enemy struggle to survive and i many cases dies.

    It's pretty insane that class with such high burst dmg potential can also keep high DoT dmg pressure so easily. If anything with DoTs would have to be changed I wouid preffer removing the DoTs that nb applied on enemmy the moment he uses cloak.
    Edited by Juhasow on December 31, 2018 12:07PM
  • Trancestor
    HankTwo wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.

    I also think cloak needs to be changed somehow, but this would be too much of a nerf.

    Well that would bring Stamblades more in line with the rest of the other classes, just seems weird to you maybe because everyone is so used to them being at the top for so long now. As OP said, no other skill in the game comes close to offering the amount of things that Cloak does. Stamblades would still have the best kit out of the classes only they would have to spec a bit more into damage mitigation like everyone else, about magblades..well the good magblades that i see never rely on or spam cloak, the trash ones who keep poking at you and go back hiding right away when they fail do.

    @Juhasow what do you mean it will not exist? If sloads can proc on cloak and not decloak you then zos can do the same with other dots.
    Edited by Trancestor on December 31, 2018 12:06PM
  • Ragnaroek93
    Can I get more healing and more mitigation in return to not get toasted by AoE and Overwhelming Surge in return which Vigor is far too weak to outheal?
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Trancestor
    Can I get more healing and more mitigation in return to not get toasted by AoE and Overwhelming Surge in return which Vigor is far too weak to outheal?

    Cloak is useless in that case anyway
  • Juhasow
    Trancestor wrote: »
    HankTwo wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.

    I also think cloak needs to be changed somehow, but this would be too much of a nerf.

    @Juhasow what do you mean it will not exist? If sloads can proc on cloak and not decloak you then zos can do the same with other dots.

    What do You mean by "DoT immunity" then ? Current cloak DoT immunity means that all DoT ticks are surpassed when nightblade is in cloak but when he leaves cloak those ticks again start to deal dmg if DoT timer not expired. Disabling that would mean You want DoT to deal dmg to nb in cloak which means he is getting revealed from cloak by DoT ticks. Also Your description of Sload is not how Sload works.

    Edited by Juhasow on December 31, 2018 12:21PM
  • Trancestor
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    HankTwo wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.

    I also think cloak needs to be changed somehow, but this would be too much of a nerf.

    @Juhasow what do you mean it will not exist? If sloads can proc on cloak and not decloak you then zos can do the same with other dots.

    What do You mean by "DoT immunity" then ? Current cloak DoT immunity means that all DoT ticks are surpassed when nightblade is in cloak but when he leaves cloak those ticks again start to deal dmg if DoT timer not expired. Disabling that would mean You want DoT to deal dmg to nb in cloak which means he is getting revealed from cloak by DoT ticks. Also Your description of Sload is not how Sload works.

    Make it so dots dont decloak you then?
  • Juhasow
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    HankTwo wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.

    I also think cloak needs to be changed somehow, but this would be too much of a nerf.

    @Juhasow what do you mean it will not exist? If sloads can proc on cloak and not decloak you then zos can do the same with other dots.

    What do You mean by "DoT immunity" then ? Current cloak DoT immunity means that all DoT ticks are surpassed when nightblade is in cloak but when he leaves cloak those ticks again start to deal dmg if DoT timer not expired. Disabling that would mean You want DoT to deal dmg to nb in cloak which means he is getting revealed from cloak by DoT ticks. Also Your description of Sload is not how Sload works.

    Make it so dots dont decloak you then?

    They dont currently so what would Your change do ? You want DoTs to deal dmg but not decloak target ? You know this is not how things in this game works ?
    Edited by Juhasow on December 31, 2018 12:40PM
  • Trancestor
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    HankTwo wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Disable health recovery and dot immunity while in cloak, after being revealed by an aoe skill add a 1 second cooldown in which you cant recast cloak. Bad NB's will cry and threaten to quit the game good NB's will adapt but it has to be done.

    I also think cloak needs to be changed somehow, but this would be too much of a nerf.

    @Juhasow what do you mean it will not exist? If sloads can proc on cloak and not decloak you then zos can do the same with other dots.

    What do You mean by "DoT immunity" then ? Current cloak DoT immunity means that all DoT ticks are surpassed when nightblade is in cloak but when he leaves cloak those ticks again start to deal dmg if DoT timer not expired. Disabling that would mean You want DoT to deal dmg to nb in cloak which means he is getting revealed from cloak by DoT ticks. Also Your description of Sload is not how Sload works.

    Make it so dots dont decloak you then?

    They dont currently so what would Your change do ? You want DoTs to deal dmg but not decloak target ? You know this is not how things in this game works ?
    Who said so? Is it impossible to program cloak to not be disabled from dots damaging you?
    Edited by Trancestor on December 31, 2018 1:09PM
  • WacArnold
    Magblade does not have a burst heal so being able to take cover for a second helps our hots. This is gonna come back and screw magblade and stam will be fine. Sounds like this thread should be focused on stamblade since 90% is about stam. Be sure to leave magblade and our cloak out of the discussion.

    Plus nightblade promotes solo play nerf cloak then all we have is zergs, tanks and lag.
    Edited by WacArnold on December 31, 2018 2:33PM
    Xbox One - North American - Ebonheart Pact
    Anti-Pop Lv 50 Magicka Nightblade Dark Elf
    WacArnold Lv 50 Magicka Templar Argonian
  • Xvorg
    Jeezye wrote: »
    To be honest cloak only got so insanely potent when it was changed to suppress dot damage. After that, cloak became the ultimate defensive tool, negating incoming direct attacks as well as dot damage while allowing repositioning and healing. Heck even momentum could be cast (and still can?) while in cloak. Imo cloak should either suppress healing in the same manner it suppresses damage, or allow dots to take effect while invisible.

    This is coming from a magblade main since beta, who doesn't even use the skill.


    Cloak had a PURGE!!! After some whinners came to the forum, the purge was taken away but it was NEVER supposed to be broken by DoTs, that was one of the biggest bugs EVER in this game.

    Please, avoid spreading half truths.
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Xvorg
    idk wrote: »
    Beside cloak being nerfed to where it does not cleans the DoTs away it also has a counter.

    OP conveniently complains about the counter I have found great success with, magelight. It is great pulling a NB out of stealth and killing them. Heck, most of the time they do not know how to react.

    Also, radiant significantly increases survival when attacked by that same NB when they are in stealth (or any ganker) so it is not as limited as OP wants to make it out to be. Not to mention OP did not go through all counters. Probably the ones they thought were easiest to belittle.

    And yes, I used to hate NBs being able to stealth until I learned how to approach pulling them out of stealth. A bit part is figuring out how most players react when they go into stealth. After that you will get most of them. With how easy, and fun, I find this i am surprised to see these threads anymore.


    If you endure the first attack, you can easily kill the NB unless it is one of the good ones
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • NuarBlack
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    To be honest cloak only got so insanely potent when it was changed to suppress dot damage. After that, cloak became the ultimate defensive tool, negating incoming direct attacks as well as dot damage while allowing repositioning and healing. Heck even momentum could be cast (and still can?) while in cloak. Imo cloak should either suppress healing in the same manner it suppresses damage, or allow dots to take effect while invisible.

    This is coming from a magblade main since beta, who doesn't even use the skill.


    Cloak had a PURGE!!! After some whinners came to the forum, the purge was taken away but it was NEVER supposed to be broken by DoTs, that was one of the biggest bugs EVER in this game.

    Please, avoid spreading half truths.

    So you respond with an outright lie? Dots were supposed to prevent cloak back in the day, hence the morph with a purge as an option. Then they tried to make them not break cloak and broke cloak for a while when they tried to make aoe the primary means of preventing cloak. Now whether which is more OP is debatable but to claim dots were never supposed to break cloak is not factually correct. Especially cause ZoS was all over the place back in the day with their "rules." Standardization is fairly recent.
  • Xvorg
    Aedrion wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Aedrion wrote: »
    Since only a select few people are actually producing arguments - for which you have my thanks :) - to back up their claims and it seems hard to pinpoint whether or not cloak is too strong, let me ask another question.

    A challenge, if you will.

    Give me the name of another skill in ESO that offers the consistent protection, control, and combat potency that cloak does.
    A skill that offers at least as many or more benefits than those I listed in the first post.

    If that skill is another NB skill, you lose at life so don't pick from those lines.

    Mage light, either morph (radiant is better for this discussion though). It is great for pulling NBs out of stealth and keeping them out.


    Magelight increases your maximum magicka by 7% (with the passive) and magicka regen by 2%
    Alternatively, it'll dampen damage of a blow dealt from sneak for the other morph.

    It grants Major Prophecy, increasing crit chance by 10%

    Upon use, it reveals hidden opponents within 6 meters.

    After use, your first light attack deals 20% more damage.

    That is not gamechanging at all.
    Potent yes. But this skill won't turn the tide in any fight. It's nowhere near as strong as cloak.

    That's Inner Light

    he means Radiant Magelight
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Xvorg
    NuarBlack wrote: »
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    To be honest cloak only got so insanely potent when it was changed to suppress dot damage. After that, cloak became the ultimate defensive tool, negating incoming direct attacks as well as dot damage while allowing repositioning and healing. Heck even momentum could be cast (and still can?) while in cloak. Imo cloak should either suppress healing in the same manner it suppresses damage, or allow dots to take effect while invisible.

    This is coming from a magblade main since beta, who doesn't even use the skill.


    Cloak had a PURGE!!! After some whinners came to the forum, the purge was taken away but it was NEVER supposed to be broken by DoTs, that was one of the biggest bugs EVER in this game.

    Please, avoid spreading half truths.

    So you respond with an outright lie? Dots were supposed to prevent cloak back in the day, hence the morph with a purge as an option. Then they tried to make them not break cloak and broke cloak for a while when they tried to make aoe the primary means of preventing cloak. Now whether which is more OP is debatable but to claim dots were never supposed to break cloak is not factually correct. Especially cause ZoS was all over the place back in the day with their "rules." Standardization is fairly recent.

    And who used Shadowy Disguise when it was broken by DoTs? It was a bad skill, just like Molten Whip.
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
    Can I get more healing and more mitigation in return to not get toasted by AoE and Overwhelming Surge in return which Vigor is far too weak to outheal?

    Logically, the answer is yes.

    Will ZoS do it if they indeed nerf Cloak?
    Maybe. it can go either way.
  • Aedrion
    idk wrote: »

    This is a very inaccurate statement. So much is seems to be grasping at straws.

    I will just start with the first incorrect statement. To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth. It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players. Most players don’t seem to try to learn how to counter.

    I know this because it’s me of the two classes I PvP on the most is a NB. Fee even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    This is such a beautiful comment, you don't even know.
    Let's dissect this.

    "To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth."

    This shows you probably don't use this and might not know how this skill should be used to counter people trying to reveal you. I've seen plenty of good NB's use it to troll people 1VX so let me go over it. You plant it while you run and get chased by people using AoE or revealing skills. Hurricane, Steel Tornado, Permafrost. Then after ~5 seconds you use it and teleport backwards, then instantly cloak and move sideways. The opponent will take 1 second to realise you probably teleported and will turn around to look. By that time, you are cloaked, potentially even unreachable if you use ledges. They'll run toward you but take 4-5 seconds to do so. By which time you've recovered and can re-engage.

    It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth

    This only proves my point. Cloak is so strong that people both don't expect to be pulled out and that when they do, they freak out because they didn't think they'd need a backup-plan. A backup plan like Shadow Image, by the way. It's true though, most of the time, when I do pull a NB out of cloak with Hurricane, they panic because they assumed their one-button god-skill would save them. It reveals that without their crutch to carry them, they have nothing else. They never learned to walk without it, so they die like lemmings.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players.

    Again, admitting that NB's don't care about counters. Because the counters are insufficient, maybe? A bad NB might get pulled out of cloak by a potion, hurricane, steel tornado, magelight, maybe. Not always. A good one, exactly like you said, doesn't care. They just re-cloak or use Shadow Image to escape. You call that 'outsmarting' but it just proves that Nb's can counter the counters, which is something you claimed they couldn't.

    Few even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    You attribute their failure to pull you out of cloak to them being poor players. It's hard to try and argue here that what you're seeing is not your own superiors skills but a very powerful class skill in action against players whom - without an absolute counter to that skill - can't fight it effectively. It is proven however because this is true for fighting nearly all NB's. Even a noobblade can escape a fight unless he's fighting a whole group or facing a particularly adept player. NB's of all stripes can take massive risks and survive when no other class could. One can deduct then that it's not so much a matter of l33t skills and more a matter of a very powerful crutch being used.

    Still, based on the assumption that you are a better than average player, I'll make another argument and note here that you just admitted that people who don't run specific skills can't hope to fight you and that even when they do, most still struggle. A telltale sign of a crutch in the hands of a decent player. I've seen it before on friends ingame. Skilled players using NB's crutch become nearly unkillable.

    I re-iterate: There is no skill in ESO - wings was mentioned as a close second and I'll admit that it's legit very powerful but nowhere near cloak - that acts as a crutch for a whole playstyle as strong as cloak.

    Find me one and I'll delete my whole post and replace it with NB praise.
    Edited by Aedrion on December 31, 2018 3:40PM
    Aedrion wrote: »
    idk wrote: »

    This is a very inaccurate statement. So much is seems to be grasping at straws.

    I will just start with the first incorrect statement. To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth. It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players. Most players don’t seem to try to learn how to counter.

    I know this because it’s me of the two classes I PvP on the most is a NB. Fee even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    This is such a beautiful comment, you don't even know.
    Let's dissect this.

    "To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth."

    This shows you probably don't use this and might not know how this skill should be used to counter people trying to reveal you. I've seen plenty of good NB's use it to troll people 1VX so let me go over it. You plant it while you run and get chased by people using AoE or revealing skills. Hurricane, Steel Tornado, Permafrost. Then after ~5 seconds you use it and teleport backwards, then instantly cloak and move sideways. The opponent will take 1 second to realise you probably teleported and will turn around to look. By that time, you are cloaked, potentially even unreachable if you use ledges. They'll run toward you but take 4-5 seconds to do so. By which time you've recovered and can re-engage.

    It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth

    This only proves my point. Cloak is so strong that people both don't expect to be pulled out and that when they do, they freak out because they didn't think they'd need a backup-plan. A backup plan like Shadow Image, by the way. It's true though, most of the time, when I do pull a NB out of cloak with Hurricane, they panic because they assumed their one-button god-skill would save them. It reveals that without their crutch to carry them, they have nothing else. They never learned to walk without it, so they die like lemmings.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players.

    Again, admitting that NB's don't care about counters. Because the counters are insufficient, maybe? A bad NB might get pulled out of cloak by a potion, hurricane, steel tornado, magelight, maybe. Not always. A good one, exactly like you said, doesn't care. They just re-cloak or use Shadow Image to escape. You call that 'outsmarting' but it just proves that Nb's can counter the counters, which is something you claimed they couldn't.

    Few even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    You attribute their failure to pull you out of cloak to them being poor players. It's hard to try and argue here that what you're seeing is not your own superiors skills but a very powerful class skill in action against players whom - without an absolute counter to that skill - can't fight it effectively. It is proven however because this is true for fighting nearly all NB's. Even a noobblade can escape a fight unless he's fighting a whole group or facing a particularly adept player. NB's of all stripes can take massive risks and survive when no other class could. One can deduct then that it's not so much a matter of l33t skills and more a matter of a very powerful crutch being used.

    Still, based on the assumption that you are a better than average player, I'll make another argument and note here that you just admitted that people who don't run specific skills can't hope to fight you and that even when they do, most still struggle. A telltale sign of a crutch in the hands of a decent player. I've seen it before on friends ingame. Skilled players using NB's crutch become nearly unkillable.

    I re-iterate: There is no skill in ESO - wings was mentioned as a close second and I'll admit that it's legit very powerful but nowhere near cloak - that acts as a crutch for a whole playstyle as strong as cloak.

    Find me one and I'll delete my whole post and replace it with NB praise.


    Counter argument. Remove stacking streak cost, give templars back major mending and reduce cost of purify and reduce cost of wings and have it grant bot snare immunity and Major Expedition. If nightblades get to keep their crutch, every class should have one. People already don't die in PvP these days anyways. So lets just fully embrace ZoS' approach of not balancing anything properly.
  • Drdeath20
    A single cloak is not the issue. Its everything else that makes cloak OP.

    Cloak, dodge roll, cloak, random miss, dodge roll, break LOS, cloak, teleport shade, fear, dodge roll, dodge roll, cloak
  • Xvorg
    IAVITNI wrote: »
    Aedrion wrote: »
    idk wrote: »

    This is a very inaccurate statement. So much is seems to be grasping at straws.

    I will just start with the first incorrect statement. To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth. It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players. Most players don’t seem to try to learn how to counter.

    I know this because it’s me of the two classes I PvP on the most is a NB. Fee even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    This is such a beautiful comment, you don't even know.
    Let's dissect this.

    "To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth."

    This shows you probably don't use this and might not know how this skill should be used to counter people trying to reveal you. I've seen plenty of good NB's use it to troll people 1VX so let me go over it. You plant it while you run and get chased by people using AoE or revealing skills. Hurricane, Steel Tornado, Permafrost. Then after ~5 seconds you use it and teleport backwards, then instantly cloak and move sideways. The opponent will take 1 second to realise you probably teleported and will turn around to look. By that time, you are cloaked, potentially even unreachable if you use ledges. They'll run toward you but take 4-5 seconds to do so. By which time you've recovered and can re-engage.

    It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth

    This only proves my point. Cloak is so strong that people both don't expect to be pulled out and that when they do, they freak out because they didn't think they'd need a backup-plan. A backup plan like Shadow Image, by the way. It's true though, most of the time, when I do pull a NB out of cloak with Hurricane, they panic because they assumed their one-button god-skill would save them. It reveals that without their crutch to carry them, they have nothing else. They never learned to walk without it, so they die like lemmings.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players.

    Again, admitting that NB's don't care about counters. Because the counters are insufficient, maybe? A bad NB might get pulled out of cloak by a potion, hurricane, steel tornado, magelight, maybe. Not always. A good one, exactly like you said, doesn't care. They just re-cloak or use Shadow Image to escape. You call that 'outsmarting' but it just proves that Nb's can counter the counters, which is something you claimed they couldn't.

    Few even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    You attribute their failure to pull you out of cloak to them being poor players. It's hard to try and argue here that what you're seeing is not your own superiors skills but a very powerful class skill in action against players whom - without an absolute counter to that skill - can't fight it effectively. It is proven however because this is true for fighting nearly all NB's. Even a noobblade can escape a fight unless he's fighting a whole group or facing a particularly adept player. NB's of all stripes can take massive risks and survive when no other class could. One can deduct then that it's not so much a matter of l33t skills and more a matter of a very powerful crutch being used.

    Still, based on the assumption that you are a better than average player, I'll make another argument and note here that you just admitted that people who don't run specific skills can't hope to fight you and that even when they do, most still struggle. A telltale sign of a crutch in the hands of a decent player. I've seen it before on friends ingame. Skilled players using NB's crutch become nearly unkillable.

    I re-iterate: There is no skill in ESO - wings was mentioned as a close second and I'll admit that it's legit very powerful but nowhere near cloak - that acts as a crutch for a whole playstyle as strong as cloak.

    Find me one and I'll delete my whole post and replace it with NB praise.


    Counter argument. Remove stacking streak cost, give templars back major mending and reduce cost of purify and reduce cost of wings and have it grant bot snare immunity and Major Expedition. If nightblades get to keep their crutch, every class should have one. People already don't die in PvP these days anyways. So lets just fully embrace ZoS' approach of not balancing anything properly.

    People is complaining about the weakest possibkle version of Cloak... let's bring back cloak with purge for one week and we will see how everyone begs for this version of cloak
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • idk
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    iALEXi wrote: »
    Why not make cloak the same as mist form? For what I see now, is that cloak is a free ticket out of death with the abuse of people using trollking and heals during the cloak. Mist form also gets no healing so why not.

    It is also not a free ticket out of death as the counters are easy to use for anyone that has bothered to learn to use them.

    And those counters are easily countered by shadow image , roll dodge etc for any nightblade that bothered to learn to use them.

    It's so easy to counter cloak counters it's almost laughable people are still coming with that argument about how easily counterable cloak is. Some of those counters are so easy to counter that calling them soft counters is overstatement. Good stamblades dont give a damm about those counters.

    I mean yes occasionally You can die to it especially when attacked by multiple opponents but that can be said literally about any ability in the game. Combined with other skills/sets cloak IS a free ticket out of death.

    This is a very inaccurate statement. So much is seems to be grasping at straws.

    I will just start with the first incorrect statement. To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth. It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players. Most players don’t seem to try to learn how to counter.

    I know this because it’s me of the two classes I PvP on the most is a NB. Fee even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    "I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters..."

    Says it all

    Very true. Mostly because the skilled NB probably does need to worry about the skill of most players in being able to pull them out of stealth.

    TBH, I play both side of the fence. I enjoy pawning a NB trying to stealth to escape of trying to pick players off that are attacking or defending a keep. But I also enjoy toying with player who do not know what to do when faced with a NB using
    Aedrion wrote: »
    idk wrote: »

    This is a very inaccurate statement. So much is seems to be grasping at straws.

    I will just start with the first incorrect statement. To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth. It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players. Most players don’t seem to try to learn how to counter.

    I know this because it’s me of the two classes I PvP on the most is a NB. Fee even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    This is such a beautiful comment, you don't even know.
    Let's dissect this.

    "To use shadow image as a counter to being pulled out of stealth one would have to set it up to start with which is extremely unlikely since few players try to pull them it of stealth."

    This shows you probably don't use this and might not know how this skill should be used to counter people trying to reveal you. I've seen plenty of good NB's use it to troll people 1VX so let me go over it. You plant it while you run and get chased by people using AoE or revealing skills. Hurricane, Steel Tornado, Permafrost. Then after ~5 seconds you use it and teleport backwards, then instantly cloak and move sideways. The opponent will take 1 second to realise you probably teleported and will turn around to look. By that time, you are cloaked, potentially even unreachable if you use ledges. They'll run toward you but take 4-5 seconds to do so. By which time you've recovered and can re-engage.

    It’s why NBs usually freak out when they are pulled out of stealth

    This only proves my point. Cloak is so strong that people both don't expect to be pulled out and that when they do, they freak out because they didn't think they'd need a backup-plan. A backup plan like Shadow Image, by the way. It's true though, most of the time, when I do pull a NB out of cloak with Hurricane, they panic because they assumed their one-button god-skill would save them. It reveals that without their crutch to carry them, they have nothing else. They never learned to walk without it, so they die like lemmings.

    I can only agree that a good NB isn’t so concerned about the counters but it’s because they can outsmart most players.

    Again, admitting that NB's don't care about counters. Because the counters are insufficient, maybe? A bad NB might get pulled out of cloak by a potion, hurricane, steel tornado, magelight, maybe. Not always. A good one, exactly like you said, doesn't care. They just re-cloak or use Shadow Image to escape. You call that 'outsmarting' but it just proves that Nb's can counter the counters, which is something you claimed they couldn't.

    Few even try and when they do it’s laughable. Skills should not be nerfed because some players lack skill.

    You attribute their failure to pull you out of cloak to them being poor players. It's hard to try and argue here that what you're seeing is not your own superiors skills but a very powerful class skill in action against players whom - without an absolute counter to that skill - can't fight it effectively. It is proven however because this is true for fighting nearly all NB's. Even a noobblade can escape a fight unless he's fighting a whole group or facing a particularly adept player. NB's of all stripes can take massive risks and survive when no other class could. One can deduct then that it's not so much a matter of l33t skills and more a matter of a very powerful crutch being used.

    Still, based on the assumption that you are a better than average player, I'll make another argument and note here that you just admitted that people who don't run specific skills can't hope to fight you and that even when they do, most still struggle. A telltale sign of a crutch in the hands of a decent player. I've seen it before on friends ingame. Skilled players using NB's crutch become nearly unkillable.

    I re-iterate: There is no skill in ESO - wings was mentioned as a close second and I'll admit that it's legit very powerful but nowhere near cloak - that acts as a crutch for a whole playstyle as strong as cloak.

    Find me one and I'll delete my whole post and replace it with NB praise.

    LOL. I do know how to use it but the comment I replied to said it was a counter, which it is not and you did not actually suggest otherwise. It is clearly situational at best and anyone actually familiar with the skills use would agree.

    Second, your argument that NBs freak out when they are pulled out of cloak because it is so strong they do not expect to be pulled out is so false it is not even funny. It is because most players lack in skillful play that they do not expect to be pulled out of cloak. Though I do agree that it is more beneficial to the premise of this thread to spin it otherwise.

    I will stop there since the post starts off so grasping at straws that there does not seem to be a reason to continue reading what I quoted.
    Edited by idk on December 31, 2018 4:51PM
  • Aedrion
    idk wrote: »

    LOL. I do know how to use it but the comment I replied to said it was a counter, which it is not and you did not actually suggest otherwise. It is clearly situational at best and anyone actually familiar with the skills use would agree.

    Second, your argument that NBs freak out when they are pulled out of cloak because it is so strong they do not expect to be pulled out is so false it is not even funny. It is because most players lack in skillful play that they do not expect to be pulled out of cloak. Though I do agree that it is more beneficial to the premise of this thread to spin it otherwise.

    I will stop there since the post starts off so grasping at straws.

    It's not a counter and I didn't suggest otherwise?

    NB's freak out when they are uncloaked and their lack of skill is revealed but that doesn't mean cloak acts as a crutch?

    Grasping at straws?

    I understand though. You will defend this forever because you are afraid it's true and that ZoS will come in as usual, drunk and confused, wielding the nerfhammer like an angry nord and bash stamblade into the ground.

    You see my pointing out that this skill is overtuned as an attack on your skill because it sounds like I'm implying that this is also carrying you. Thus defending the skill equates defending yourself from my personal attacks.

    Here's the thing though. You might well be ten times better than me. Maybe you'll beat me in your underpants with a broken bottle. I don't mind if you're better than me. I do mind when skills are far too strong for far too long.

    And I don't want NB's to be nerfed into the ground, I want to be able to concede defeat to a good NB without having first gotten him to 10% hp four times, only to see cloak reset the fight and save him over and over.

    I once fought a NB that didn't even use use cloak. Really good player, fight lasted very long. I slipped up and he beat me. That is how duels should go.

  • idk
    Aedrion wrote: »
    idk wrote: »

    LOL. I do know how to use it but the comment I replied to said it was a counter, which it is not and you did not actually suggest otherwise. It is clearly situational at best and anyone actually familiar with the skills use would agree.

    Second, your argument that NBs freak out when they are pulled out of cloak because it is so strong they do not expect to be pulled out is so false it is not even funny. It is because most players lack in skillful play that they do not expect to be pulled out of cloak. Though I do agree that it is more beneficial to the premise of this thread to spin it otherwise.

    I will stop there since the post starts off so grasping at straws.

    It's not a counter and I didn't suggest otherwise?

    NB's freak out when they are uncloaked and their lack of skill is revealed but that doesn't mean cloak acts as a crutch?

    Grasping at straws?

    I understand though. You will defend this forever because you are afraid it's true and that ZoS will come in as usual, drunk and confused, wielding the nerfhammer like an angry nord and bash stamblade into the ground.

    You see my pointing out that this skill is overtuned as an attack on your skill because it sounds like I'm implying that this is also carrying you. Thus defending the skill equates defending yourself from my personal attacks.

    Here's the thing though. You might well be ten times better than me. Maybe you'll beat me in your underpants with a broken bottle. I don't mind if you're better than me. I do mind when skills are far too strong for far too long.

    And I don't want NB's to be nerfed into the ground, I want to be able to concede defeat to a good NB without having first gotten him to 10% hp four times, only to see cloak reset the fight and save him over and over.

    I once fought a NB that didn't even use use cloak. Really good player, fight lasted very long. I slipped up and he beat me. That is how duels should go.

    No offense to your good judgement but you would not have created this thread if you were not interested in the skill being nerfed. This is made clear that you open saying how potent the skill is and with this most recent comment you are claiming it is overtuned. Both seem to be carefully chosen words.

    It is also irrelevant if you fought a NB that never used cloak in the fight. Means nothing in any way and certainly is immaterial to the discussion.

    So you can spin it all you want but it is clear you want cloak nerfed to the ground. There is no doubt there. I find your entire argument to be entertaining since I find it pretty easy to pull NBs out of cloak. So much it I laugh at those who are challenged. Yes, I know you have spun this to mean the skill is over-tuned.
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