Hello fellow ESO-players
Yes, this again. But don't worry, I'm not going to scream from the rooftops about how cloak needs to be nerfed into the ground and all NB's should be free kills. I understand that cloak is the key class skill for NB's and that any tampering with it, changes the class' gameplay fundamentally.
However, since this has happened for the iconic skills of all other classes, forcing them to adapt, I feel an argument-based discussion about Cloak is required.
I will present my arguments in a comprehensive manner below and would ask that in defending your stance, whatever it might be, you do the same. Please refrain from making blanket statements with no arguments to back them up. Such statements have no value in a discussion.
So, on with it. I think that cloak currently offers too much potency rolled into one skill when compared to similar skills used by the other classes. Below I will list everything cloak offers you.
Cloak offers immediate invisibility. In PvE this isn't very powerful, in PvP, stealth is very potent. It permits you to move without another player being able to predict where you'll reappear. It gives you control over positioning in a fight, as well as the opening move.
Cloak acts like a magicka dodge-roll. Any attack thrown against you just before cloak is negated entirely. But contrary to dodge-roll, during cloak, no attacks can be made against you since you cannot be targetted. It is thus more potent than dodge-roll by far.
Cloak suppresses all active DoTs on you for its duration. Any dots, be it something minor as the ticks from Flame Reach or something huge like the ticks from Dawnbreakers are also completely negated. This permits one to wait out the duration of some potent DoTs like the DB ticks (5 seconds) and effectively half its damage. It also prevents other effects that Dots provide such as Skoria procs and possibly healing for the attacker.
Cloak increases you weapon and spell damage by 10% for your next attack. Given how this next attack will crit and possibly stun, this is very potent. A surprise attack from stealth for example will apply debuffs, stun and crit all at once at +10% weapon damage.
Cloak assures that next attack will also be a critical strike. Meaning any sets that synergise with on demand crits (Caluurion for example) will be very potent since this ability will proc when you choose. It also permits one to choose to crit with skills like Incap strike or Assassins Will, dealing immense damage on demand.
Slotting cloak increases your max HP by 4% due to the passive.
Cloak can be recast while in stealth, for no added cost, without breaking stealth. Other powerful skills or moves that mitigate tons of damage like Streak and Dodge-roll have an addative cost upon use within a short span after using it. This makes sense, as spamming streak and dodge-roll with impunity would be too strong. Cloak doesn't have this. It can be cast - even by stamina users – multiple times in a row.
Cloak permits full HP regen. Yes, this is part of its power since many a NB pairs Troll King with cloak to permit those few seconds to essentially nearly reset their HP without an opponent being able to stop it. Compare this to Mist Form, where HP regen is halted.
Cloak, finally, is such a blanket immunity to nearly all attacks that NB's can and do build for full damage because they don't need to have much inherent protection. Whenever they are losing a fight, cloak can – in most cases but not all – give them perfect protection for a few seconds and permit them to re-engage.
This list, I hope, demonstrates how potent cloak is compared to some other iconic skills. I am aware there are counters. In fact, I have one with Hurricane. There's also magelight but honestly, slotting Radiant Magelight just to avoid NB's cloak leaves you with a dead skill in any other scenario. And there's potions, but that's a 45 second cooldown and a consumable to boot. It leaves you with a mostly useless potion otherwise. If anything, these specific sacrifices made to counter just one skill only prove how potent that skill is.
In effect, the only true counter to cloak that doesn't hamper your effectiveness in combat in general is AoE but even then, seeing a dodge or miss with an AoE skill on a NB using cloak is not unheard of.
Does cloak need to be nerfed into the ground? Hell no. Many of these elements are fine and make the class awesome to play. Cloak deserves a spot on your bars and people should indeed have to learn how to deal with it. But that does not change the fact that it offers you a huge amount of benefits all rolled into one button.
Thus, I would recommend one of two changes related to its use so that cloak falls in line with other similar skills.
Tweak healing while in cloak or reduce healing taken while in cloak significantly. This would offset the ability to use cloak to reset a fight consistently. A milder version would be suspending health regen while cloaked. So that the NB can still use vigour and rally before vanishing, but has to actively use those skills before deciding to vanish instead of waiting for a Troll king proc and then cloak.
Change DoT damage mitigation while in cloak so that Nb's still need to get purged and healed and should avoid letting an opponent hit them with too many DoTs at once. DoTs could still be mitigated but maybe by 50% only, or 30%. This would prevent cloak being the ultimate invulnerability skill.
I understand this is a controversial debate and one that seems to lay bare that cloak is essential to a NB's kit. But it's simply not right that most classes need to compromise and balance their kit while one class doesn't. There's a reason this is a returning pain-point and I'm hoping that a debate surrounding this skill can be had without it devolving into a mudball fight. Even if your memento's tell you otherwise.
Cheers for any opinions.