Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

The line is paused

  • ssspencer33b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thru and back in-game...there is hope...hang in there!
  • devestaterdawnb14_ESO
    You guys do realize that they've had the information and site up for a few days and have been saying, "go here and set up your account". I'm in the same boat as everyone else, I have "the line is paused" up on my screen too but I mostly blame myself for not taking care of it sooner.

    But LOL at all the people saying they should be able to handle it. The Queue-it was actually a good idea when considering that trying to get everyone on all at once would probably crash the site. I just wish I knew more about that company and if the line really is paused. Maybe they aren't up to this task either.

    In the meantime, I'll find something else to do. But go ahead and rage on as if your life is meaningless unless you're playing a video game.

    Yeah but here is my problem with it. I used the same card to purchase that I am going to use to pay the sub. I even used the save info option yet I still cant login. What more do I have to enter? So ya I am pissed, and to add to that they have posted nothing on the problem.
  • jaimelindigub17_ESO
    Yeah I saw the post as well, didn't think they'd completely lock us out though.
  • JonathanJeweet
    I say let us all rejoice at the popularity of ESO, I'd rather queue to set up subscription, than breeze through it and log back into a dead game.....REJOICE!!

    Really, you wouldn't rather be playing solo than waiting in a queue to pay money?
  • Debts2bpaid
    Why should we have to sign up for a sub plan right away in the first place. I bought my game and with it a month of game time, and after that month was going to decide if I wanted to shell out the sub fee but now having them force me to commit to doing it is frustrating as hell
  • titanfall
    does anyone know if we have to pay now i thought we got a free month with buying the game
  • ZOS_AlanG
    We are aware of the current log-in issues, and are currently working on getting them fixed.
    Forum Rules | Promoting Constructive Discussion | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Help Site

    I’ve moved to a new position and I am no longer active on this forum. For assistance, please check the resources linked above
    Staff Post
  • Entuza
    Mennox wrote: »
    Red wrote: »
    This is a joke. Any company with even basic IT competence can have sufficient capacity ready for a flood of users if they know exactly how many users it will be and when it will occur.

    It's not like they didn't know exactly how many copies have been sold and how many of them have subscribed so far.

    Not necessary, they may know the size of the user base but there may be many factors in play which may cause an influx at one giving point. Plus, why buy servers that will always have 40-50% capacity space which is not used, when you can let it reach the capacity and then increase to your requirements (thus saving money). There will be a lot of variables at play which make it difficult to forecast.

    Heaven forbid they use Amazon Web Services or Azure or any other cloud service to augment their server capacity for the first 30 days without incurring actual capital expenditure.
  • Bloodmonarch
    Not going to sub for this kind of service

    That's one less in the queue then..
  • Rainingblood
    1st world problems.
    Phoebe Anderson
  • Bloodmonarch
    I say let us all rejoice at the popularity of ESO, I'd rather queue to set up subscription, than breeze through it and log back into a dead game.....REJOICE!!

    Really, you wouldn't rather be playing solo than waiting in a queue to pay money?

    no..I'd rather be waiting in a queue to pay money to play a damn good 'MMO'

  • thilog
    Mennox wrote: »
    Red wrote: »
    This is a joke. Any company with even basic IT competence can have sufficient capacity ready for a flood of users if they know exactly how many users it will be and when it will occur.

    It's not like they didn't know exactly how many copies have been sold and how many of them have subscribed so far.

    Not necessary, they may know the size of the user base but there may be many factors in play which may cause an influx at one giving point. Plus, why buy servers that will always have 40-50% capacity space which is not used, when you can let it reach the capacity and then increase to your requirements (thus saving money). There will be a lot of variables at play which make it difficult to forecast.

    That is outdated thinking. We no longer have to actually buy servers when we want temporary additional resources - there is a reason cloud computing is so popular.

    Yep, cloud based systems make ddosing much easier.. that's the reason why they are so popular.

    Being part of a cloud system, setting it up, firewalling it all, is expensive, for a single user, getting into this setup is $$ thousands per month, if you want to run your own minecraft server for example.. setting up the system to run an entire game.. even more expensive, thus is makes sense to only expand the system, when it is full. Most people charge for current capacity, if you buy space for 50k players and only 10k are logging in, you're still paying for 50k.

    Just because it would help you, the single user, does not mean it is a workable solution.

  • jaimelindigub17_ESO
    Anyone else notice the staff copy and paste with NO relevant information minus the word log-in?
  • kcolasaccob14_ESO
    Death nail. They where not ready. Unacceptable. I paid very good money for this and I am NOT rich. Had to save every dime.
    And somehow I think you'll survive having to wait a bit to play on a Sunday morning. Being rich or poor makes no difference, wait out the queue, play when it's ready and go forward in life just like everyone else.

  • GreasedLizard
    Did I miss this message on the launcher about having to give CC info in order to play still? Been on headstart for a while now + 2 days of live. This could easily have been staggered and not via locking people out.

    Perhaps this is their 'fix' for gold spammer accounts. Obviously codes were generated without the sites paying any money.

    And in-game announcement would have been best. They don't use those or GMs ?
    Edited by GreasedLizard on April 6, 2014 1:18PM
  • Bloodmonarch
    55 minutes a few minutes 6 minutes
  • Osi
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    We are aware of the current log-in issues, and are currently working on getting them fixed.
    Thank you for the official-ish update.

  • jaimelindigub17_ESO
    Thats ok, this is what my queue screen is saying - Expected arrival time on the website: 9:40 AM You can access the website in: 47 minutes - at 20 after the hour, i think thats going to put me about 27 minutes after the fact xD
  • thilog
    Btw.. If you leave the queue.. everyone else gets in faster. My original time of 1 hour has now dropped to 10mins. Due to people leaving the queue.. so thankyou.. for doing so.
  • thilog
    Aingael wrote: »
    Has anybody had any luck getting through? The game seems to believe that my password is incorrect also. It is not! and I also have 100 in front and a paused line. I echo what Kataleena said. I had one afternoon this week to play it, which is now and I cannot get in. I am close to cancelling my account.

    Incidentally.. you cannot cancel your account, if you cannot log into it. Thus you must queue.
  • titanfall
    just btw not sure what happened but im still in line and i logged and am playing the game
  • kdcsm914b14a_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    25 more minutes for me :( Ya know..I'm mad and all wanted to play some eso before working all day but every game and company has it's hiccups at start. I can honestly say this is the best mmo i've played in years. Since my days back in UO..ahh memories. The only thing that gets me is having to setup your sub before the end of the 30 days free game time. That's a no no. But in the end I will wait patiently because I do love this game and see myself playing it for some years to come.
  • blisstick
    Osi wrote: »
    Understand completely. I had my thesis defense on Friday... But I did log in on Wednesday and saw the launcher telling everyone to sign up for sub plan. It perhaps wasn't understood or given the time of day to read, but it wasn't unexpected or unwarned either.
    I hadn't been able to log in all week, since Monday anyway. I suppose I could have paid closer attention to the fine print. Lucky ducks logged in with low population while the rest of us quacks are sitting in line! :)

    Sure, sure MMO launch issues, surprise surprise. But there are many of us who are very invested in the Elder Scrolls story line from the beginning and are just so excited this is finally out!

    Time to make coffee and take a little stroll in the garden. Don't want to stress myself over this as it's not the end of the world.
  • jaimelindigub17_ESO
    HA they actually listened! We can get in game :D
  • Moon449
    So i just logged into the game and haven't added my game code yet
  • koala288
    u no need to add subcription if u already have Game Time Remaining

    You have 30 days of game time remaining. in ur account
    the problem is now is the login server down i think
  • koala288
    now they already fix the login server i can login now
  • GreasedLizard
    They lifted lock on accounts now.
  • abunyasha
    Its not really an issue as such, there are clearly many thousands, maybe 100's of thousands trying to set up an account, all at the same time.

    Didnt they knew it? That thousands will try to set up an account at the same time if they block accs at the same time?
  • reignfyre
    I can access the website in one hour. thanks
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