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What annoys you most in group Dungeons?


What annoys you most in group Dungeons? 186 votes

Fake Tanks
WuffyCeruleiRedoxygenJoker99Alex_Lexfalcasternub18_ESOMirelurkaeowulfGuppethydrocynusBalticBluesligegladSnowZeniaralphylaurenLuigi_VampaVeiledCriticismSygil05DPShiroPuzzlenutsNeoealthdamiandjay24 45 votes
Sassy Healers
Celeste411WrathOfInnosJamelielPog_MahoneBeefyMrTips 5 votes
The speedrun guy
Nestorvailjohn_ESOotis67DarcyMardinIruil_ESOalainjbrennanb16_ESOSkayaqSheezabeastLoves_guarssrfrogg23Wifeaggro13AshtarisErrisxcalibur007Sorisredspecter23RandomchaosTakes-No-PrisonerEDS604GuyNamedSean 58 votes
Septimus_MagnaAuriellerosendoichinoveb17_ESOSleepREiiGN15AhPook_Is_HerestreetmagicKolachetritonyFlaminirOnebitsouleliisrascratch45CinbriReverbcode65536RebornV3xdjs0130SkinzzOeildefeu91 62 votes
That guy that posts his DPS after every fight and especially after AOE pulls
DUTCH_REAPERCHVINZZDMuehlhausenRuinhornNolaArchpaulsimonpsApheriusFloppyTouchheavenelvaLadislaoeso_nyaSlackApexPredatorESLRadagastThePinkAnel1185B1G_BoSs 16 votes
  • SpiderCultist
    people that do not know the mechanics and are not willing to understand them (or listen to your explanation)

    Edited by SpiderCultist on September 17, 2018 10:16AM
    PC | EU
    Ashlander and Mephala worshipper.
    "You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."
  • Ilithyania
    The speedrun guy
    did Vault on normal with a CP 2000 dude. bit of a Showoff. Ran off cleared everything, before the rest of us even spawned in. Free ride. :D:D

  • Soris
    The speedrun guy
    I pick the second worst after the light attack spamming guy
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • jamgrs
    The speedrun guy
    go fast
    die from going too fast
    scream at these slow noobs in your group
    ...go faster
    Edited by jamgrs on September 17, 2018 9:24AM
    Edited by jamgrs because of typos
  • Neoealth
    Fake Tanks
    Fake tanks, and fake healers. But I see mostly fake tanks in my experience.

    I had a dungeon recently where the guy was "guys I am a fake tank, but if we can't do it i will just leave" that attitude stinks imo because he is basically admitting without shame that he was too lazy to queue up like everyone else and if it does not work he is perfectly happy to leave and make his team wait AGAIN for a tank.

    I voiced my disapproval to him but he just didn't care at all.
  • FloppyTouch
    That guy that posts his DPS after every fight and especially after AOE pulls
    This is not an issue on console but I'm going with the attitude. I'm better then you look at my gold trials gear has 16k health and drops bc they are so used to being carried my 2 healers in vet trials. Then rage at the rest of the group.

  • randomkeyhits
    The speedrun guy
    Speed run guy because he never, ever, ever asks if its ok for a speed run, just zooms off into the distance.

    I prefer to stay with the group and ensure that all those adds he dragged and released back onto us get dealt with and any weaker group member doesn't get too frustrated.

    Thats if he's even halfway good, if not I just walk over his body as we go past if he's waiting for a res.
    EU PS4
  • Vicarra
    The speedrun guy
    You missed an option for "DLC dungeons being included in the vet queue"
    PAWS - Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff!

    Haakon Stormblade - Nord Illusionist, Dwemer scholar, Horse Whisperer, Bringer of Storms
  • Shawn_PT
    The fact that I have to spend a week non stop running a dungeon for that piece of equipment I have probably deconned a dozen times over but need one now to try a new build.
  • ayu_fever
    Low DPS
    i dont deal with fake tanks, sine i am the tank 9 of 10 times.
    if i dont tank, i am the healer.
    i let the fake tank or speed runner die and refuse to res him.

    what i do hate is fake dps.
    a CP11 spamming only bow light attacks has no place in veteran bloodroot forge.
    i vote to kick everytime or i bail.

    i am really not elitist, but i dont have 4 hours to do 1 dungeon that should take 30 minutes.
    my time is worth more than that investment of frustration that WILL fail anyway.
    PS4 NA

    all characters are members of the ebonheart pact master race

    main character:
    Rebekah Straight-Fire, breton templar healer: THE FATEBRINGER (dungeons, trials, pvp)
    —MERIDIA’S LUSTRANT— 1100+CP; alliance rank 21 (major grade 1); Rebekah is the most devoted and loyal follower of the lady of infinite energies and the highest ascendant of meridia’s purified legion and was forged from meridia’s brilliant radiance of purity.

    other meta toons-
    Alexa Straight-Fire, breton warden healer: THE ALCHEMIST (dungeons, trials)
    Sasha Straight-Fire, nord dragonknight tank: THE UNBREAKABLE (dungeons, trials)
    Freyja Straight-Fire, nord warden tank: THE ICEBERG (dungeons, trials)
    Ororo Straight-Fire, dark elf magsorc: THE SHOCKWAVE (dungeons, trials)
    Michonne Straight-Fire, redguard stamDK: THE EVISCERATOR (dungeons, trials)

    just for fun toons-
    Rhea Straight-Fire, wood elf warden stam healer: THE RANGER
    Shiva Straight-Fire, high elf warden ice mage: THE CRYOMANCER
    Morgana Straight-Fire, dark elf necromancer solo play: THE DEATHSINGER
    Lucille Straight-Fire, dark elf nightblade solo play: THE VOIDWALKER
    Diana Straight-Fire, nord templar tank: THE CLERIC
    Falsetto Straight-Fire, orc stamsorc werewolf: THE THUNDERHOWL
  • WuffyCerulei
    Fake Tanks
    Fake tanks, especially in vet dungeons. That's why I usually queue with a real tank to not worry.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • Slack
    That guy that posts his DPS after every fight and especially after AOE pulls
    It's mostly garbage dps nobody even cares about.

    Though, that speed run dude that wants to skip everything even when there is people in group who need the quest also ranks high in the *** list
    Edited by Slack on September 17, 2018 10:19AM
    PC EU
    Betty Breeze - Magwarden
    Hunts S'hitblades - Stamplar
    Aschavi - Magplar
  • code65536
    Low DPS
    Fake DPS is worse than fake tank.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • FlyingSwan
    Low DPS
    Had the most odd team member in a run the other day. I was levelling my Warden tank, I think level 40 or so but 780CP and has all the usual S&B tanking skills plus some Warden damage skills to help clear trash, plus some self heals, when a random normal dungeon popped. I started taunting etc. and this player pipes up with, "I can heal AND tank if you need it", everyone ignores him. He then starts asking me why I am using the Screaming Cliff Racer instead of the Shalks for damage, I explain I am levelling the char and skill lines, but as it's an easy-mode dungeon I can't see an issue. He suddenly pipes up with, "screenshotted for griefplay, thank you!!!"

    Just to be clear, I ask him who is griefing who, no response. I then decide that I can't be arsed to play with someone in the team like this, and besides, my wife is preparing a rather nice lunch, so I leave the group.

    I then get a PM, "You loser! Leaving is not an option, reported! You will be baned (sic) in two weeks most!!!!!"

    So, whilst I find fake tanks and fake DPS as annoying as the next person, it's the random nutcases that really get me!
  • ArchMikem
    The people who vote to kick you for no apparent reason.

    I'm still salty over that even though I know I shouldn't be, but seriously I wasn't doing a single thing wrong! And I get randomly kicked just before the final boss when I was pretty much carrying them through on a horribly made character.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Sheezabeast
    The speedrun guy
    The speed run dude that is also a fake tank.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • seherrons
    The speedrun guy
    I chose to vote for the speed run guy, but really for me it's a toss up between both that and the fake tank for what annoys me the most. Like someone else said, the speed run guy almost never asks, and I'm getting tired of being in a dungeon where said guy shoots off and leaves the rest of the group to deal with the trash mobs he leaves behind (and in the instance of the pledge I ran yesterday, the healer up and went off with him and left the DDs for dead - even better when we all wiped on a mini-boss because the mobs decided they wanted to up and join in and we were left overwhelmed).

    I think it would just make things a little easier, not to mention it'd just be plain decency for someone to say upfront that they want to do a speed run at the very beginning. Saves a whole lot of time and confusion later on when people start running around not knowing what's going on.

    Then the fake tanks.

    Had a PUG in nCoS the other week - a tank and myself joined when the others were up to Velidreth and the first thing the tank says is "I'm not a real tank, pls kick me." The group leader tried to initiate a vote kick but sadly it didn't pass. We ended up clearing, thankfully, but it was still annoying nevertheless. At least he was honest about it, though. I'll give him kudos for that at least.
    borderlinesakura on PS4 EU | CP780+

    My Fancy Freedom Fighters:
    • Silaena Arethi | DPS | Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight | EP
    • Raharri | DPS | Khajiit Stamina Warden | AD
    • Jinala at-Azeth | DPS | Redguard Stamina Nightblade | DC
    • Andur Revas | DPS | Dark Elf Magicka Sorcerer | EP
    • Marianne Chauvry | Healer | Breton Magicka Templar | DC
    • Adrian Attius | Tank | Imperial Stamina Warden | DC
  • rosendoichinoveb17_ESO
    Low DPS
    Low DPS, and people moving the boss in groups without a real tank.

    But the main problem is ZOS.

    The only reason people are queuing with randoms, with fake tank positions, and doing speed runs is because the daily rewards of doing a random dungeon.

    I would personally prefer to play as a fake tank to clear a normal dungeon solo in 10 minutes than have the change to go in with an actual tank and waste 30+ minutes with clearing only the first boss.
    Edited by rosendoichinoveb17_ESO on September 17, 2018 11:10AM
  • Runschei
    Fake Tanks
    People not knowing how to read. I explain said mechanics in all Scandinavian languages, English, German and sometimes I will go to the extreme and get Italian translate too. but it seems like they can't read chat no matter what you do and they keep dying to stupid mechanics. 900cp my butt.
  • mocap
    Low DPS
    speedrun guy usually has nice DPS and survivability, he knows mechanics, knows shortcuts.
  • Radox0
    Low DPS
    Alternate between the 3 roles having now made alts for each and to be honest they are all frustrating one way or another. Least frustrating though is speedrun as they are usually half competent.

    Fake tank can also be a pain, but fortunately not come across them too often in Vetran and in most normal its a non-issue as I can self heal and shield as needed.

    Low DPS is a pain though if I am in the other roles, just makes things slow and take ages. More so when spamming something like force pulse between heals is causing me to do 55% of group DPS (run earlier today)
  • LadyLethalla
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • AcadianPaladin
    The speedrun guy
    As a healer, I will bring up the rear, so any speedrunners get no heals.

    That said, in pugs, I 'get' why sometimes the tank charges well ahead - in a pug it is often the only way for the tank to grab initial aggro and get the fight started on his terms. I have noticed that commonly. In a coordinated group, the tank gets buffed up then everyone holds while he gets the fight started. In a pug though, his next best choice is to simply charge in and hope to get things going before everyone else shows up.

    I like pugging on my healer. Hate pugging on my tank.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Gargath
    Please make the ultimate option - all of the above.
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    The speedrun guy
    could only put one but most annoy me, fake roles, the guy who tries to do the dungeon in a min, and peeps bragging
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • sudaki_eso
    Fake Tanks
    Fake tanks in vet, dont mind them in normal, closely followed by the speedrun guys. low dps only make the fight last longer, not a big deal in my book.
    Edited by sudaki_eso on September 17, 2018 11:21AM
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • SydneyGrey
    The speedrun guy
    The speedrun guy in normal dungeons. Normals dungeons are where people are trying to do the quests. Speedrun guy has no consideration for anyone else, and doesn't care if people are able to complete the quest or not.
  • Jaimeh
    Fake Tanks
    It depends on which role I'm playing, but usually it's fake tanking that bothers me the most. I don't mind the speed run guy as long as they don't die when they charge ahead, and I'm trying to compensate for low dps by slotting some damage skills if I'm on a non-DD character. Most of all though it's when I'm queueing for a random normal, and I get a DLC dungeon for which the rest of the group doesn't know mechanics, and don't give a heads up even when asked. It's fine not knowing mechanics, we all have to learn somewhere, but at least please say so, and then I can explain the need-to-know stuff, so the instance won't take double the time to complete.
  • John_Falstaff
    The speedrun guy
    Speed runner doesn't always know the mechanics; I've sometimes watched how, with comical effect, the runner shoots forward, dies and then, on occasion, blames the rest of the group.

    On another hand, I had a decent run in normal Fang Lair where tank said upfront she's not one (magsorc, I think she was, and rather high CP), and even apologized for not having taunt skill, but honestly was trying to keep up by taunting with frost staff and surviving. That's something I like.
  • Puzzlenuts
    Fake Tanks
    Fake tanks especially for vet. Get tired of running for my life in a boss fight. The speedy run ahead guys I just let them go ahead to die. No reason to try and keep up.
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