Lieblingsjunge wrote: »
Not exactly sure what you're referring to, but if you're referring to the BG where we ended up in a team: The only reason I could survive was Sanct's DK. The constant stacked HoTs is what made us survive in there. When I can fight along Sanct, who's running healing ward / rapid reg, saves me more times than I can count. Similar for him with HtD and my rapid reg. (Since they stack, obviously). And that BG we were fighting mainly tanky potatoes(If you recall, max score was like 370 or so, with the other teams having ~90 max. because they were just tanks). So there was never any real damage threat anyway.
In CP, running what I run, I can easily tank 4 people. There's no way I can do that in no-cp. The CP just enables everything by such an insane amount.
CP makes the tanks immortal. No-cp still has tanks, but they can eventually be worn down. Which isn't the case for cp.
imredneckson wrote: »
So what you're saying is it can't be that they know their class very well or that they are a skilled player they must be an exploiter. These guys are skilled players that can tank zergs and best part is THEY ARE NOT EXPLOITERS.
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »
If you can't you ain't a good tank
Gotta love this community, rather than actually take the time to learn the game you would rather report someone for exploiting. I wish we could report the reporters!
Those videos are old and unrelated to the issue.
It is a bit shame that instead of trying to find the reason for the issue, you choose to stray from the topic.
I understand you love trolling, have this and be on your merry way:
I wish the community would report the different exploits they find in-game instead of abusing everything and then covering up everything/saying there are no exploits.
But then it will be a perfect world
Learning the game mechanics and being a good tank is not an exploit.
I too would love a perfect world, but you're not going to get that by wrongly reporting people for exploiting. I agree that true legitimate exploits should be dealt with a suspension, but I also think that anyone who encourages people to wrongly report people should also have their account suspended.
There is always going to be cheese in this game, unfortunately that's their tactic to sell dlc's so it's best to accept it or move on.
All wrong. These are nightblades with 70k health and the new cloak morph that you are seeing and yes, they cannot be killed by any means with the abilities they have at hand.
Malamar1229 wrote: »I bet he hit like a truck too...
Since update 19 I have noticed many occasions in which player tanks in PVP got to near immortal state(PC EU Vivec).
20+ players were not able to kill a tank, several times even when using siege against him.
The tank just blocked all damage and used the psijic skill line ability meditate while taking damage.
The players did interrupt the meditate.
While meditate is powerful this is not the main issue and something(set/passive ability/other) is bugged/broken.
It wasn't just one occasion/one player, there were several players exploiting it.
I believe there is a broken set and/or abilities that should be fixed.
Hist bark used to give 100% dodge chance until ZOS fixed it, maybe now there is other set which provide great boost to tanks.
If you noticed it too, please report the exploiters to ZOS and if you know what sets and/or broken abilities they were using, report it too.
No player should be able to hold off 20+ players forever, something is clearly broken.
RaddlemanNumber7 wrote: »
They didn't kill anyone that I saw. Seemed satisfied to be getting everyone's attention.
Befoul is bugged and not working, defile has been nerfed, it goes a long into making quite a few builds viable again. This goes to show that they were massively overtuned and has me wish Befoul never gets fixed.
As for 20 players being unable to kill a single person, it says more about the 20 players than the solo one. I have not seen a single tank survive the focused fire of more than 3 actually good players.
You do realise you survived for 10 mins also, so he couldn’t kill you either. If you gear for max survival, you kill nothing. The enemy are thick if they beat on you.
All wrong. These are nightblades with 70k health and the new cloak morph that you are seeing and yes, they cannot be killed by any means with the abilities they have at hand.
Dark Cloak for 31% of max HP stamina heal, Spiked Bone Shield for 32% of max HP DS which returns damage to the attackers (and combined with hardening enchant on an infused weapon makes your Infernal Guardian set aoe nuke attackers nonstop), Resolving Vigor, and then hit your werwolf ulti for access to a 70% of max HP magicka heal and six target Fear. High HP Nightblades should never die.... ever.
DuskMarine wrote: »
long as your a dk and you lock a nightblade down they stand zero chance against you.
But the premise of the thread is not NB beating DK, it's about unkillable tanks. Any build that sacrifices damage for HP won't win many fights.
You are not getting the point.
Enter Cyrodiil 1 single time and watch your allied forces movements. They will ALWAYS focus on what they see. if there is an enemy, they will chase them and try to kill them forever. This way, those tanks can be the greatest weapon on the battlefield, as they can deny all reinforcements to a keep and even win every siege fight to their alliance.
Tanks are, the strongest role in ESO and this is not only proven by this scenario, but also in any battleground objective. The art is, that in order to win, you must not even kill your enemies yourself.
The amount of tankiness that can be achieve in this game has been completely over the top since its release and it's getting worse and worse every patch. And these are just the full turtle tanks.
Any Stamina build can be almost immortal, while still one shotting you.
Since update 19 I have noticed many occasions in which player tanks in PVP got to near immortal state(PC EU Vivec).
20+ players were not able to kill a tank, several times even when using siege against him.
The tank just blocked all damage and used the psijic skill line ability meditate while taking damage.
The players did interrupt the meditate.
While meditate is powerful this is not the main issue and something(set/passive ability/other) is bugged/broken.
It wasn't just one occasion/one player, there were several players exploiting it.
I believe there is a broken set and/or abilities that should be fixed.
Hist bark used to give 100% dodge chance until ZOS fixed it, maybe now there is other set which provide great boost to tanks.
If you noticed it too, please report the exploiters to ZOS and if you know what sets and/or broken abilities they were using, report it too.
No player should be able to hold off 20+ players forever, something is clearly broken.
Azuramoonstar wrote: »
why use the term "broken" when it best to say "over powered"? I started to see that since playing Overwatch when people think it is over powered they use the term broken.
to me broken would indicate not usable, or under powered.
It's just a stack health nb build. New cloak, drain meditate, argonian, etc etc
The idea that 20/30 people deserve to kill someone is entitled and zergish. Just ignore as they aren't doing any damage.