This ability has a weird intent. It was originally designed to be a group buff to damage, but was being used to crutch on the class not having access to more reliable burst.
It's an Xv1 mechanic, and I think it needs to be reworked. Having it scale solely from the caster's damage done isn't a Templar nerf, it's a zergling nerf.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
I don't think ZOS intended it for be a buff to group damage, but instead for solo play. Here's the developer comments from when the ability was first buffed:
"We want to see Backlash as a burst damage ability that you can use in solo PvE or PvP content. To accomplish this, we not only increased the amount of copied damage, but also doubled it in Cyrodiil. This increase in Cyrodiil was to account for both Battle Spirit and the playstyles of enemies; enemy players are much harder to hit with 5 seconds of unhindered attacks. This change should open up a lot of exciting possibilities for Templars in PvP and we’d love to hear your feedback on it."
In that regard, OP's suggestion wouldn't be out of the scope of what ZOS intended for the ability to be.
Apache_Kid wrote: »Just curious OP what class do you play?
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
I don't think ZOS intended it for be a buff to group damage, but instead for solo play. Here's the developer comments from when the ability was first buffed:
"We want to see Backlash as a burst damage ability that you can use in solo PvE or PvP content. To accomplish this, we not only increased the amount of copied damage, but also doubled it in Cyrodiil. This increase in Cyrodiil was to account for both Battle Spirit and the playstyles of enemies; enemy players are much harder to hit with 5 seconds of unhindered attacks. This change should open up a lot of exciting possibilities for Templars in PvP and we’d love to hear your feedback on it."
In that regard, OP's suggestion wouldn't be out of the scope of what ZOS intended for the ability to be.
DRAGON_KILLER_HUNTER wrote: »40k health templars and only healbots doing 6-10k unmitigated damage with this skill while not having a single damage skill on their bar is pretty broken isnt it?
DRAGON_KILLER_HUNTER wrote: »40k health templars and only healbots doing 6-10k unmitigated damage with this skill while not having a single damage skill on their bar is pretty broken isnt it?
DRAGON_KILLER_HUNTER wrote: »40k health templars and only healbots doing 6-10k unmitigated damage with this skill while not having a single damage skill on their bar is pretty broken isnt it?