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PVPers that kill people questing in towns

  • VaranisArano
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    What is ironic about these posts right now is that many are going to Cyrodiil for quick and easy dailies instead of doing harder dailies in PvE zones. Then they complain when the Cyrodiil dailies become harder. Maybe the Cyrodiil dailies are as easy as they are because the devs took into account the chance of being killed by another player?

    That's exactly correct. The town dailies are incredibly easy and boring quests where the only real challenge comes,from the possi imity of facing other players...and now people want the enemy players to give them a pass?

    If you want easy, no-risk content, run the Undaunted daily with peoole who can share the quest. Don't go to Cyrodiil and whine when you face an enemy player.
  • Feanor
    ETA: And why did this get moved to dungeons, trials and arenas? Hmmm.

    Apparently for some PvP is a real trial ;)@DieAlteHexe
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Gilvoth
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    What is ironic about these posts right now is that many are going to Cyrodiil for quick and easy dailies instead of doing harder dailies in PvE zones. Then they complain when the Cyrodiil dailies become harder. Maybe the Cyrodiil dailies are as easy as they are because the devs took into account the chance of being killed by another player?

    That's exactly correct. The town dailies are incredibly easy and boring quests where the only real challenge comes,from the possi imity of facing other players...and now people want the enemy players to give them a pass?

    If you want easy, no-risk content, run the Undaunted daily with peoole who can share the quest. Don't go to Cyrodiil and whine when you face an enemy player.

    well said, and further it should be noted that those Elite PvE Players are under what seems to be the idea that they should not be killed when they Enter a PvP zone because they somehow are in a different League and a Greater and More Respected Class of People.
    and as such, we are scum if we kill them in a PvP Zone.
  • Danksta
    Why is it obvious they're not geared for PvP? I mean they are in a PvP zone so...
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • DieAlteHexe
    Feanor wrote: »
    ETA: And why did this get moved to dungeons, trials and arenas? Hmmm.

    Apparently for some PvP is a real trial ;)@DieAlteHexe

    LOL! Good one. :)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • VaranisArano
    Danksta wrote: »
    Why is it obvious they're not geared for PvP? I mean they are in a PvP zone so...

    Typically its really easy to tell they were geared for PVE...after they're dead in a couple of hits. Sorry PVE players in PVP, that's the truth. I know who you are because you were super squishy when I killed you. Sorry about that.
  • Maryanne






    And then I shan't be seen hide nor hair again in Cyro. :)

    - Shor campaign (below level 50: Kyne)
    - a.m. 6-10 (especially on weekends)
    - avoid roads, keeps, resources
    - watch zone chat + map

    It works for me very well :)
  • ZOS_MattL
    Hey there,
    We have removed several comments from this thread for being off topic and baiting. Be sure to be respectful of fellow players and to keep to the discussion at hand.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • DieAlteHexe
    Danksta wrote: »
    Why is it obvious they're not geared for PvP? I mean they are in a PvP zone so...

    Typically its really easy to tell they were geared for PVE...after they're dead in a couple of hits. Sorry PVE players in PVP, that's the truth. I know who you are because you were super squishy when I killed you. Sorry about that.

    I managed to last 3 whole shots the other day. 3! Big improvement over being one-shotted. :D
    Although, prob'ly a waste of both our times, come to think on it. :

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • DieAlteHexe
    Maryanne wrote: »






    And then I shan't be seen hide nor hair again in Cyro. :)

    - Shor campaign (below level 50: Kyne)
    - a.m. 6-10 (especially on weekends)
    - avoid roads, keeps, resources
    - watch zone chat + map

    It works for me very well :)

    Thank you. That's the usual time I go anyway and I tried to stay out of normal routes but where I'm getting smacked dead there's no avoiding it. Arrive at fishing hole, BOOOOOM, dirt nap.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Syncronaut
    Having quite a lot of fun here:
    (not showing names of cose)

    Killed to many players in one area:

    ... and this happens:

    If you play to aggresive in the area, you can expect this.
  • Samadhi
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    No point in getting upset with PvPers doing their thing in their territory. Rather grouse at ZMax for putting PvE objectives in PvP territory.

    Sorry, ZMax, but that (putting PvE objectives) in PvP-land is annoying. If we wanted to "taste" PvP, we would of our own volition.

    As someone who enjoys Cyrodiil content,
    particularly since they implemented town ownership via flags

    Thank you Zenimax for putting these objectives into Cyrodiil <3

    Sorry to the players who do not like it,
    but if it makes you feel any better -- did not slow any of you down by running a single pledge today
    nor got myself involved with Morrowind or Wrothgar quests
    Got 90 boxes from doing crafting writs on all my characters,
    then went and enjoyed playing around with an exp buff on my most recent character

    best thing to do is get boxes doing what you enjoy,
    rather than chase boxes that seem easiest
    then complain that it was not as easy as it seemed because the design of the content 'got in the way'

    Hope people manage to find ways to enjoy the event either way

    Eh, I was speaking in more general terms. The boxes? Don't need to go into Insta-Death Territory. Have plenty of other places to do 'em. :)

    But the achievements etc. that ZMax decided needed to be in IDT...that does irk me.

    Why do the achievements irk you exactly?

    Personally enjoy that they put achievements in game that reward different playstyles
    everyone likes when cheevos pop

    Because I don't like PvPing...or better put in my case, being someone else's "content".

    I'm glad you enjoy it, and I agree it's a good thing that there is variety but I don't like ZMax trying to "tempt" me to PvP by putting achievements (fishing, etc.) in an area where I would have to learn entirely new methods, gear etc. So, I generally don't bother but I'm thisclose to Master Angler and every stinkin' time I try to get those last few fish, GANK SQUAD arrives. :/

    Are you a strictly solo player then, if you do not like sharing in content with other players?
    Or do you only view PvP interactions through that lens?

    Err, that's an interesting way to view this. I'm having a bit of difficulty, however, equating being ganked as "sharing". To me sharing involves consent. I suppose that could be considered as a "given" if I set foot in Cyro. As I said before, I don't blame PvPers one bit for PvPing in a PvP zone. ...

    So we somewhat meet agreement here

    no one can touch me in other zones
    and people who pm me bitching about nodes
    or who troll-taunt me on world bosses
    or do stupid emotes to me in public places
    get a quick report, and carry along my way

    in Cyrodiil, only write a 'report' if a player is doing something game breaking
    and typically note that it is not my aim to see the player punished,
    but the mechanics examined for validity and potential adjustment

    in Cyrodiil, set myself to offline to disable all PMs
    people trying to talk to me behind the keyboard concerns me more than someone trying to engage in a shared game mechanic with me
    do recognize that my personal social anxiety issues are not necessarily mirrored in others that deal with such tho

    Also, have never dueled in PvE zones but like to stop and watch people who do
    and only ran battlegrounds during Midyear Mayhem to get my Crown

    battlegrounds stress me out in a manner similar to group PvE --
    Cyrodiil allows me to dance and be faceless; Battlegrounds mean my team is expecting me to play a certain way to fill my role
    ...I do blame ZMax for putting non-PvP content in a PvP zone. Floppy brought up a salient point, there's no way for someone to know whether a lone player is a sacrificial goat or just...a lone PvEr trying to get a quest done. It's when the same person keeps after you that irritates me.

    I wouldn't enter Cyro if it weren't for that one bloody achievement. I'm not opposed to PvP in general, it's just not for me.

    Bolded/Italicized is where my comprehension of your position fails
    Are you saying that people who enjoy PvE in open world PvP zones should not have been given content?

    Cyrodiil is my favourite map; has been since beta
    she lives while other zones are stagnant
    and the daily quests there have been a point of enjoyment for me -- have leveled a number of characters by doing dailies
    tho that was easier before ZOS made Fighter's Guild contracts in Cyrodiil no longer endless
    did not even previously realize they were candidates for the boxes, or would have prioritized them yesterday as it is my preferred content

    fighting off gankers adds excitement that does not exist in other zones
    hence my consenting to deal with them while doing my PvE quest objectives

    Or are you explicitly upset about the achievement requiring engagement with multiple forms of play that you do not normally like?

    Am not personally an achievement-oriented player; only bother getting them all on a single character, but do not go too far out of my way to do so
    if achievements are one of your central points of enjoyment of the game, can begin to maybe comprehend where your frustration comes in,
    even if not being able to personally relate

    gave you an insightful either way,
    thank you for taking some time to try and help make your position comprehensible to me <3

    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Samadhi
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    The entitlement never ceases to amaze... Are you really asking PVPers NOT to PVP in a PVP zone?

    Not me! I'm asking that ZMax not put PvE achievements, shards etc. in Cyro. I'm not silly enough to expect to not be ganked whilst I wield the Dreaded Fishing Pole of Martyrdom. ;)

    So what are PVPers supposed to do during off-peak hours (especially in less populated campaigns)? Those quests and "PVE" objectives aren't JUST there for PVEers, y'know. ;)

    I dunno? Kill each other? :)

    Look, I'm not asking for any changes from players. It's a PvP zone, PvP happens. Think of this as a rather wistful wish that ZMax would change some of the achievements, that's it. Nothing else. Forcing people to do things, especially in a game, usually results in grumpy people. I'm not even really grumpy about it. More resigned to being ganked in order to achieve a couple goals. But I'll be damned if I'll be cheerful about it. :)

    During off-peak hours,
    or to small-scale players,
    the quest hubs provide spaces for players to congregate and engage with content
    rather than the crowds that congregate at Keeps
    different style of play; still present to appeal to Cyrodiil players

    We go and do quests where we hope to meet other players of similar mindset
    that is why Cyrodiil was given daily, repeatable PvE content at towns from launch

    but as mentioned in another post -- if your objection is more directed at the fact that achievements are tied in to accomplishing a blanket of conent
    then can recognize where issues come in -- personally got achievements and skill points with Cyrodiil shards and stuff through my general gameplay in the zone
    rather than through achievement hunting
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Samadhi
    Sharee wrote: »
    itscompton wrote: »
    I doubt you'd want a PvPer to come run a vet dungeon or trail wearing their PVP gear, you've got to dress for the occasion. It goes both ways.

    PvPers in PvE vets are so funny.

    They always queue up as tank, heal and dd. The first thing they do is yell they want this or that piece of that particular set. Then they run ahead spamming the same skill all the time, doing literally 6K DPS, dying at the first trash group unless power healed.

    And finally back to Cyridill, hiding for hours in a desolate place, waiting for a lone PvEr to gank and feel skilled and powerful.

    I am absolutely sure that those folks exist. Just like the original poster here exists to defy logic. For me, I live in PVP on one toon and run Trials daily on other toons. The overall point being..if a person wants to run content, whether PVE or PVP they should prepare for the content they are going to run. Failure to prepare on their part should not constitute a change on our parts.

    I agree (prepare for the content, it's only sensible) BUT for catching, what, 12 fish or snagging those last skyshards? I think it's a bit much to then need to gear up, possibly respec and learn the ropes for those. I consider the MA goals and (sorta) skyshards etc. to be a design flaw on ZMax's part.

    If all you want from the PvP zone is 12 fish and a couple of skyshards, then you don't really need to prepare. Sure, you might die a couple of times but why does that matter? It's not like dying costs you anything bigger than a couple of minutes of your time at worst. Just go back and get your fish. If the place is camped, go make yourself a sandwich or something and come back later. Cyrodiil does not have enough population to have every spot camped 24/7.

    I've tried, six times now, to "just go back and get my fish". Hasn't worked out very well. There's two sorcs who really think my feeble goal should not happen, plus assorted other hair-trigger players. I got tired of it and have left it for a couple weeks now. I also am finally maxed on the fishing character in all things mount so when I do get clobbered it's not as much of a hassle getting back to that one fishing node. Anyway after the current event is over, I'll be back at it. I think there are folk who camp the fishing spots. I truly do. No wonder by the time someone comes along they are desperate to clobber something.

    If you are DC on PC/NA, could arrange to come fishing with you
    not always the best at PvP, but willing to even the odds a bit + more people at a node increases rare fish spawn still doesn't it?
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • DieAlteHexe
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    No point in getting upset with PvPers doing their thing in their territory. Rather grouse at ZMax for putting PvE objectives in PvP territory.

    Sorry, ZMax, but that (putting PvE objectives) in PvP-land is annoying. If we wanted to "taste" PvP, we would of our own volition.

    As someone who enjoys Cyrodiil content,
    particularly since they implemented town ownership via flags

    Thank you Zenimax for putting these objectives into Cyrodiil <3

    Sorry to the players who do not like it,
    but if it makes you feel any better -- did not slow any of you down by running a single pledge today
    nor got myself involved with Morrowind or Wrothgar quests
    Got 90 boxes from doing crafting writs on all my characters,
    then went and enjoyed playing around with an exp buff on my most recent character

    best thing to do is get boxes doing what you enjoy,
    rather than chase boxes that seem easiest
    then complain that it was not as easy as it seemed because the design of the content 'got in the way'

    Hope people manage to find ways to enjoy the event either way

    Eh, I was speaking in more general terms. The boxes? Don't need to go into Insta-Death Territory. Have plenty of other places to do 'em. :)

    But the achievements etc. that ZMax decided needed to be in IDT...that does irk me.

    Why do the achievements irk you exactly?

    Personally enjoy that they put achievements in game that reward different playstyles
    everyone likes when cheevos pop

    Because I don't like PvPing...or better put in my case, being someone else's "content".

    I'm glad you enjoy it, and I agree it's a good thing that there is variety but I don't like ZMax trying to "tempt" me to PvP by putting achievements (fishing, etc.) in an area where I would have to learn entirely new methods, gear etc. So, I generally don't bother but I'm thisclose to Master Angler and every stinkin' time I try to get those last few fish, GANK SQUAD arrives. :/

    Are you a strictly solo player then, if you do not like sharing in content with other players?
    Or do you only view PvP interactions through that lens?

    Err, that's an interesting way to view this. I'm having a bit of difficulty, however, equating being ganked as "sharing". To me sharing involves consent. I suppose that could be considered as a "given" if I set foot in Cyro. As I said before, I don't blame PvPers one bit for PvPing in a PvP zone. ...

    So we somewhat meet agreement here

    no one can touch me in other zones
    and people who pm me bitching about nodes
    or who troll-taunt me on world bosses
    or do stupid emotes to me in public places
    get a quick report, and carry along my way

    If that's what you feel the need to do, sure.

    in Cyrodiil, only write a 'report' if a player is doing something game breaking
    and typically note that it is not my aim to see the player punished,
    but the mechanics examined for validity and potential adjustment

    Can't comment. Never live long enough to see anything other than death reviews or whatever they're called.

    in Cyrodiil, set myself to offline to disable all PMs
    people trying to talk to me behind the keyboard concerns me more than someone trying to engage in a shared game mechanic with me
    do recognize that my personal social anxiety issues are not necessarily mirrored in others that deal with such tho

    Okay? I don't talk much in-game either but I don't disable PMs in case someone needs me or has a reason to talk to me. I can always excuse myself or just log.

    Also, have never dueled in PvE zones but like to stop and watch people who do
    and only ran battlegrounds during Midyear Mayhem to get my Crown

    Sometimes I'll watch over in Alik'r. Some pretty ferocious duels there. Amazing how good some folks are.

    battlegrounds stress me out in a manner similar to group PvE --
    Cyrodiil allows me to dance and be faceless; Battlegrounds mean my team is expecting me to play a certain way to fill my role

    Haven't tried 'em yet, well once but connectivity issues dumped me so can't comment.
    ...I do blame ZMax for putting non-PvP content in a PvP zone. Floppy brought up a salient point, there's no way for someone to know whether a lone player is a sacrificial goat or just...a lone PvEr trying to get a quest done. It's when the same person keeps after you that irritates me.

    I wouldn't enter Cyro if it weren't for that one bloody achievement. I'm not opposed to PvP in general, it's just not for me.

    Bolded/Italicized is where my comprehension of your position fails
    Are you saying that people who enjoy PvE in open world PvP zones should not have been given content?

    Uhm, no. I blame ZMax for putting content in a PvP zone that has nothing to do with PvP, or doesn't need to. Not sure where you came up with that?

    Cyrodiil is my favourite map; has been since beta
    she lives while other zones are stagnant
    and the daily quests there have been a point of enjoyment for me -- have leveled a number of characters by doing dailies
    tho that was easier before ZOS made Fighter's Guild contracts in Cyrodiil no longer endless
    did not even previously realize they were candidates for the boxes, or would have prioritized them yesterday as it is my preferred content

    Well, glad you've got a home then. Just not my sort of neighbourhood. :)

    fighting off gankers adds excitement that does not exist in other zones
    hence my consenting to deal with them while doing my PvE quest objectives

    I don't need excitement or challenge in a game. My RL presents quite enough challenge. I game to relax and indulge in some escapism.

    Or are you explicitly upset about the achievement requiring engagement with multiple forms of play that you do not normally like?

    That's pretty much it. I cannot think of a reason aside from ZMax "nudging" for (in this example) the fishing to need to be in Cyro. And I only dislike ONE form of play. PvP and even "dislike" is too strong a word. Disinterested is far more apropos.

    Am not personally an achievement-oriented player; only bother getting them all on a single character, but do not go too far out of my way to do so
    if achievements are one of your central points of enjoyment of the game, can begin to maybe comprehend where your frustration comes in,
    even if not being able to personally relate

    I'm an explorer, achievement hunter, quester and crafter. Combat is something I don't mind but it is (aside from quests) not even in the top 3 reasons I play MMOs.

    gave you an insightful either way,
    thank you for taking some time to try and help make your position comprehensible to me <3


    My pleasure. I really think if people can rationally and civilly discuss these things we'd, as a community, be better off. Stuff like the OP just stirs up trouble and starts the verbal battles all over again. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • DieAlteHexe
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    itscompton wrote: »
    I doubt you'd want a PvPer to come run a vet dungeon or trail wearing their PVP gear, you've got to dress for the occasion. It goes both ways.

    PvPers in PvE vets are so funny.

    They always queue up as tank, heal and dd. The first thing they do is yell they want this or that piece of that particular set. Then they run ahead spamming the same skill all the time, doing literally 6K DPS, dying at the first trash group unless power healed.

    And finally back to Cyridill, hiding for hours in a desolate place, waiting for a lone PvEr to gank and feel skilled and powerful.

    I am absolutely sure that those folks exist. Just like the original poster here exists to defy logic. For me, I live in PVP on one toon and run Trials daily on other toons. The overall point being..if a person wants to run content, whether PVE or PVP they should prepare for the content they are going to run. Failure to prepare on their part should not constitute a change on our parts.

    I agree (prepare for the content, it's only sensible) BUT for catching, what, 12 fish or snagging those last skyshards? I think it's a bit much to then need to gear up, possibly respec and learn the ropes for those. I consider the MA goals and (sorta) skyshards etc. to be a design flaw on ZMax's part.

    If all you want from the PvP zone is 12 fish and a couple of skyshards, then you don't really need to prepare. Sure, you might die a couple of times but why does that matter? It's not like dying costs you anything bigger than a couple of minutes of your time at worst. Just go back and get your fish. If the place is camped, go make yourself a sandwich or something and come back later. Cyrodiil does not have enough population to have every spot camped 24/7.

    I've tried, six times now, to "just go back and get my fish". Hasn't worked out very well. There's two sorcs who really think my feeble goal should not happen, plus assorted other hair-trigger players. I got tired of it and have left it for a couple weeks now. I also am finally maxed on the fishing character in all things mount so when I do get clobbered it's not as much of a hassle getting back to that one fishing node. Anyway after the current event is over, I'll be back at it. I think there are folk who camp the fishing spots. I truly do. No wonder by the time someone comes along they are desperate to clobber something.

    If you are DC on PC/NA, could arrange to come fishing with you
    not always the best at PvP, but willing to even the odds a bit + more people at a node increases rare fish spawn still doesn't it?

    You are a sweetheart. :) Unfortunately for me, PC/EU. I've just had a whinge in one of my guilds and there are two others working on MA as well. We're trying to jolly one and other into being lunatics and rampaging (with frequent dirt naps) through Cyro to get this done and finished. We'll see if it pans out. :) Aye, more people increase the odds indeed. Thank you for the offer, truly. I appreciate it!

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Stridig
    I love this thread. I was uninvited to a trial group for being a MagDK. Because I guess we are not good enough. Welcome to Cyrodiil! Watch out for all those terrible MagDK's.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • FrancisCrawford
    I have exactly one proud PvP moment to my credit -- when I was attacked while turning in a quest and won the fight.

    Admittedly, this was before the ultimate cap was cut from 1000 to 500, and I think I used over 800 points of ultimate before I won.
  • Dapper Dinosaur
    Dapper Dinosaur
    This topic really blew up while I was asleep. I'll see if I can address everything.

    1 "Why are you there if you hate pvp/just go do the other pve dailies"

    Because these quests are significantly faster to complete (IF other people leave you alone) than any overworld daily except crafting writs. This is why it's such a jerkish thing to do to kill people that are only there to do these, and why those people are there to do these. Do you think we come to cyrodiil to do these just so we can die to other players? Use your little PVPer brain for a minute. You can complete 10 quests in a town in half an hour or 3 overworld dailies in half an hour. Which one gives more boxes, by a LANDSLIDE?

    2. "Ask for it to stop/ask for help" Nobody I've ever messaged from another alliance has bothered to message me back no matter how nicely I ask for them to leave me alone. They know exactly what they are doing, and because they're MLG L33T PR0 PVPers, they do not care. As for asking for help, nobody actually comes to the towns to help drive the enemy out unless it serves a PVP goal.

    3. "Towns are an important respawn point sometimes" I'm literally trying to complete them in Shor and Kyne. This is not a valid point.

    4. "This is a PVP zone, what do you expect" I expect the PVPers to not go out of their way to attack people that are not trying to be involved in the PVP. You have keeps and resources to attack, why are you going to Cheydinhal? Because you're a massive jerk, that's why.
    Edited by Dapper Dinosaur on April 5, 2018 8:37PM
  • Dapper Dinosaur
    Dapper Dinosaur
    Also Zenimax, way to go killing my topic. This topic does not belong in "dungeons, trials and arenas", as it pertains to Cyrodiil and ethics.
  • Slick_007

    no, Drake belongs to EP no matter how you try to spin it and try to talk smak about it.
    Drake is an EP Home Keep. and that includes cropsford.

    drake is, but the towns are not balanced for the factions. take a line across the 4 keeps between drake, dragonclaw and brindle
    2 towns lie within the AD zone and no towns within the other 2 factions. bruma is in the middle section.
    Edited by Slick_007 on April 5, 2018 11:43PM
  • Maphusail
    OMG! Players killing players in PVP zone! That's impossible!
    Man, once you entered pvp zone, be ready to take all the risks of your decision. Here players are fighting against players and if you want to do quests be ready to defend yourself. You may not enter and you won't get wiped, it's quite fair.

    You want to speak about what is fair and what is not, so I tell you that from pvper's point of view you're doing a bad thing when you come with hordes of your friends pvers in pvp zone and just ruin pvp gameplay by creating lags.

    In the end, wiping pvers it's not about ethics, it' about free AP.
  • DoctorESO
  • DoctorESO
  • Aurielle

    4. "This is a PVP zone, what do you expect" I expect the PVPers to not go out of their way to attack people that are not trying to be involved in the PVP. You have keeps and resources to attack, why are you going to Cheydinhal? Because you're a massive jerk, that's why.

    You do realize, right, that people PVP in quest areas in the hopes of initiating small-scale fights? Not everyone enjoys zerging. Those quests aren't there for YOU, the PVE-er. Most MMOs with PVP zones have repeatable quests in said zones. Quests are good for downtime, as they give you something to do and increase the odds of running into another player. Some of the best 1v1 fights I ever had in LOTRO were at the quest hubs on the PvMP maps.

    There may be SOME people who camp quest areas looking for easy PVE-er kills, but please don't paint everyone with the same brush. We're not all jerks.
  • monktoasty
    As I have no right to complain that pvp lacks attention and updates and content all the while killing everyone who comes over mercilessly thus sending them out of cyrodil never to return or care

    Since Trammell in uo was world pvp has been dead for the most part because people can't resist killing noobs over and over again and their mounts aND doing it until the person quit.

    Now here we are pvpers so hungry to.kill skilless noobs for the lolz of it all then come to the forum begging for more pvp options

    If pvp was more inviting to a larger casual player base than it would get more attention in games

    In my opini9n pvp should be removed altogether as it is the biggest detriment to the majority of players who do not care about pvp. It only ruins the balance for pvers and takes up precious land and server load that could be used for the majority to enjoy instead of giving an overall whiney minority a voice on how our skill balance should be
    Edited by monktoasty on April 7, 2018 5:03PM
  • ErMurazor
    There are many dailies in pve zones. If u cant handle pvp dont go there.
  • Dapper Dinosaur
    Dapper Dinosaur
    I will also add something that I'm not sure if I covered before, but it's not like I'm queueing into Vivec to try to do these. WHen I was on my new warden I was going to the sub-50 campaign and on all of my other characters I was going to either the 7-day or the non-champ.

    This would be much less of an issue if Zenimax hadn't killed all of the servers. If they had left some of the other ones up, there would be more options for us to try and complete these in peace.
  • Sharee
    I will also add something that I'm not sure if I covered before, but it's not like I'm queueing into Vivec to try to do these. WHen I was on my new warden I was going to the sub-50 campaign and on all of my other characters I was going to either the 7-day or the non-champ.

    This would be much less of an issue if Zenimax hadn't killed all of the servers. If they had left some of the other ones up, there would be more options for us to try and complete these in peace.

    I am not sure the possibility of completing Cyrodiil quests "in peace" is what Zenimax wants tho. Conflict between players is the whole point of the zone.

    And i believe the quests there, their difficulty, their rewards, are balanced around the fact that the challenge in doing them mainly comes from enemy players. I mean, where else can you do a standard-reward repeatable quest in 30 seconds?
  • Syncronaut
    monktoasty wrote: »
    As I have no right to complain that pvp lacks attention and updates and content all the while killing everyone who comes over mercilessly thus sending them out of cyrodil never to return or care

    Since Trammell in uo was world pvp has been dead for the most part because people can't resist killing noobs over and over again and their mounts aND doing it until the person quit.

    Now here we are pvpers so hungry to.kill skilless noobs for the lolz of it all then come to the forum begging for more pvp options

    If pvp was more inviting to a larger casual player base than it would get more attention in games

    In my opini9n pvp should be removed altogether as it is the biggest detriment to the majority of players who do not care about pvp. It only ruins the balance for pvers and takes up precious land and server load that could be used for the majority to enjoy instead of giving an overall whiney minority a voice on how our skill balance should be

    In my option it needs to get updated:
    *Blobs aka zerg pvp all moving in same direction are a problem in cyrodil (that kills all the fun). I wish we could use horses to run them over. Bomber players are usless on moving targets.
    *There is no posible way to scale the enemy walls and it should be posiblity as it makes a new tactic.
    *Game needs bombs to be placed near walls (with a risk of blowing up)
    *There should be more daily quest in cyrodil, not just in towns

    Old map (oblivion):

    Eso one:

    There are quite a few areas that could still be used for questing, as they are only used as land to pass over and some landmarks with monsters are never used due to that.
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