Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PVPers that kill people questing in towns

  • VaranisArano
    Sharee wrote: »
    That's the entire damn point, Sharee. If someone is obviously trying to leave everyone else alone and not have any kind of effect on resources/goals, it is extremely jerkish to make them waste their time running away from/fighting you or getting blown up and having to take another 5-10 minutes (depending on mount speed) to travel back and continue. What did you gain by doing that? 1/12th the AP you could have done a 10-minute battleground match for? Some kind of PVP thrill by picking on the little guy that let you get the first 1-5 shots? Good job I guess?

    The ease of those PVP quests is balanced by the possibility that some enemy player will blow you up and now you have to ride 5 to 10 minutes to travel back and continue, yeah.

    We get it. You want the rewards of easy dailies in a PVP zone with none of the risks of doing dailies in PVP zone, despite the fact that those quests are only easy because of the risk of PVP. If they were PVE only, they'd be far closer in difficulty to the Undaunted daily, which you know, you could do and not face the risk of PVP at all.

    Meh, I couldn't care less about Cyro dailies. I just want to finish up an achievement line from outside of Cyro. I agree that if there are dailies that originate IN Cyro, well, they should fit the Cyro ruleset. No argument there at all.

    Anyway you put it - if ZOS placed fishing spots in Cydoriil, they purposely made PvP a part of the achievement. Its not like they forgot players could get attacked by other players while fishing.

    They did. All the achievements that involve the entire base game like Skyshards, Dolmens, and Master Angler include Cyrodiil.
  • DieAlteHexe
    CavalryPK wrote: »
    You don't really get very much AP, the person you're killing obviously will not be geared for PVP so it's under no circumstances a fair fight, and killing them serves no purpose at all.

    Why are so many people actually going to the trouble of camping quest towns and ambushing people who obviously aren't there to PVP during this event?

    [Edit to remove bait from title]

    because it is fun! first time at least. second time if they don't fight back... no fun. those I just go somewhere else.

    I like to use the /playdead if I live long enough to type it. No point in fighting back, I've no clue how to, nor any desire to. Just want my achievement and then bugger right on out of there never to darken the doors again.

    Confused the hell out of one guy by doing the /playdead. I think he was more a n00b than I am. LOL

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Sharee wrote: »
    That's the entire damn point, Sharee. If someone is obviously trying to leave everyone else alone and not have any kind of effect on resources/goals, it is extremely jerkish to make them waste their time running away from/fighting you or getting blown up and having to take another 5-10 minutes (depending on mount speed) to travel back and continue. What did you gain by doing that? 1/12th the AP you could have done a 10-minute battleground match for? Some kind of PVP thrill by picking on the little guy that let you get the first 1-5 shots? Good job I guess?

    The ease of those PVP quests is balanced by the possibility that some enemy player will blow you up and now you have to ride 5 to 10 minutes to travel back and continue, yeah.

    We get it. You want the rewards of easy dailies in a PVP zone with none of the risks of doing dailies in PVP zone, despite the fact that those quests are only easy because of the risk of PVP. If they were PVE only, they'd be far closer in difficulty to the Undaunted daily, which you know, you could do and not face the risk of PVP at all.

    Meh, I couldn't care less about Cyro dailies. I just want to finish up an achievement line from outside of Cyro. I agree that if there are dailies that originate IN Cyro, well, they should fit the Cyro ruleset. No argument there at all.

    Anyway you put it - if ZOS placed fishing spots in Cydoriil, they purposely made PvP a part of the achievement. Its not like they forgot players could get attacked by other players while fishing.

    Again, I'm aware of that. :)

    My beef is with ZMax trying to nudge PvEers into Cyro. I think that stinks since if I wanted to PvP, I could do so at any time. I don't care to be shoved into content I am uninterested in.
    It's hardly a requirement.

    In fact, during non-events, I'd argue that a new player is less likely to get blasted doing side quests than if they tried to stroll up to a keep.

    Part of the danger, the exploration, and the intrigue is being in a potentially hazardous area. The first time I truly went into Cyrodiil, and quite literally made my rounds of the map (there are lots of little Easter Eggs, if you look hard enough) it was part of the draw.

    I stumbled upon some fights here and there, and that's what pulled me in in the first place.

    Not everyone starts as a PvP'er, and there are those that have no real intention of ever really going there. Then something happens, and it starts to grow on you.

    I wouldn't go into dungeons and trials if there was not some hint of danger and skill requirement.

    Cyro is the very same way. IMO, the side towns provide the perfect introduction in that regard. The hit the nail on the head, in fact.

    The final two skyshards of the other two Alliances are the best. There isn't a much better feeling than to know you are knee deep behind enemy lines about as far as you can be.

    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on April 9, 2018 5:33PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • DieAlteHexe
    Sharee wrote: »
    That's the entire damn point, Sharee. If someone is obviously trying to leave everyone else alone and not have any kind of effect on resources/goals, it is extremely jerkish to make them waste their time running away from/fighting you or getting blown up and having to take another 5-10 minutes (depending on mount speed) to travel back and continue. What did you gain by doing that? 1/12th the AP you could have done a 10-minute battleground match for? Some kind of PVP thrill by picking on the little guy that let you get the first 1-5 shots? Good job I guess?

    The ease of those PVP quests is balanced by the possibility that some enemy player will blow you up and now you have to ride 5 to 10 minutes to travel back and continue, yeah.

    We get it. You want the rewards of easy dailies in a PVP zone with none of the risks of doing dailies in PVP zone, despite the fact that those quests are only easy because of the risk of PVP. If they were PVE only, they'd be far closer in difficulty to the Undaunted daily, which you know, you could do and not face the risk of PVP at all.

    Meh, I couldn't care less about Cyro dailies. I just want to finish up an achievement line from outside of Cyro. I agree that if there are dailies that originate IN Cyro, well, they should fit the Cyro ruleset. No argument there at all.

    Anyway you put it - if ZOS placed fishing spots in Cydoriil, they purposely made PvP a part of the achievement. Its not like they forgot players could get attacked by other players while fishing.

    Again, I'm aware of that. :)

    My beef is with ZMax trying to nudge PvEers into Cyro. I think that stinks since if I wanted to PvP, I could do so at any time. I don't care to be shoved into content I am uninterested in.
    It's hardly a requirement.

    In fact, during non-events, I'd argue that a new player is less likely to get blasted doing side quests than if they tried to stroll up to a keep.

    Part of the danger, the exploration, and the intrigue is being in a potentially hazardous area. The first time I truly went into Cyrodiil, and quite literally made my rounds of the map (there are lots of little Easter Eggs, if you look hard enough) it was part of the draw.

    I stumbled upon some fights here and there, and that's what pulled me in in the first place.

    Not everyone starts as a PvP'er, and there are those that have no real intention of ever really going there. Then something happens, and it starts to grow on you.

    I wouldn't go into dungeons and trials if there was not some hint of danger and skill requirement.

    Cyro is the very same way. IMO, the side towns provide the perfect introduction in that regard. The hit the nail on the head, in fact.

    The final two skyshards of the other two Alliances are the best. There isn't a much better feeling than to know you are knee deep behind enemy lines about as far as you can be.

    It *IS* a requirement for the MA achievement.

    I've been gaming since 1997 (UO) and I do not need to be tantalised to know I don't care to PvP. Now, that tactic probably works on others but gimme a break here. From level 10 onward there are all sorts of nudges to get folk aware of PvP.

    See, it's no thrill to me to be "knee deep behind enemy lines", it's an annoyance because, I know, I know hard to believe, but I just don't care to PvP. :)

    So, it won't grow on me, nothing will change, I'll just be grumpy with ZMax for trying to con me into doing something in a game where they tout "play it your way". :)

    Except when....

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Interesting thing here, you don't have to PvP to hit all those places (The gates have to be open, but you don't have to be the one to open them). You can proceed with caution and still acquire everything, without ever engaging a single player if you remain aware.

    Again, my first tour of the map took a while. I did it, partially because I wanted to know what the territory was like beforehand, should I ever become involved in a fight.

    It was a whole other zone to explore.

    So, you can have it both ways. You can hate PvP and still get your achievement. It's no different than trying to stealth past mobs - the difference being, the AI is a hell of a lot more resilient.

    I'd dare say stealth avoidance is made with people like you in mind. That can be its own reward, with avoiding PvP being its very purpose.
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on April 9, 2018 5:55PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • DieAlteHexe
    Interesting thing here, you don't have to PvP to hit all those places (The gates have to be open, but you don't have to be the one to open them). You can proceed with caution and still acquire everything, without ever engaging a single player if you remain aware.

    Again, my first tour of the map took a while. I did it, partially because I wanted to know what the territory was like beforehand, should I ever become involved in a fight.

    It was a whole other zone to explore.

    So, you can have it both ways. You can hate PvP and still get your achievement. It's no different than trying to stealth past mobs - the difference being, the AI is a hell of a lot more resilient.

    I'd dare say stealth avoidance is made with people like you in mind. That can be its own reward, with avoiding PvP being its very purpose.

    Yes, I know but I wasn't thinking I needed stealth (aside from obviously the very base one everyone has which, apprently, is worth doodly squat).

    I haven't tried in a couple weeks, got tired of the gankage, the gate not being open, the not-so-nice folk (y'know, the ones who after bravely taking me down then proceed to be rather rude about it).

    I guess I could respec and take some points in stealth but mainly I get had at the actual fishing holes. There really are folk that hang out there or near there and well, I don't last long.

    I'll get there eventually but I reserve the right to think it's a shoddy ploy on ZMax's part. Plenty of other opportunities to "introduce" people to PvP, as opposed to forcing the issue. :)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • NyassaV
    I get plenty of AP for it. I tend to spare you for a few minutes of the first time I kill you so you can gain worth again. Unless you tryb and attack me then I kill you again, and again, and again, and again... Until I finish the dailies or have something else to do
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • GimpyPorcupine
    Remember in "Saving Private Ryan" when they let that German go, and he skewered the Jewish guy (can't remember his name) later on.

    Well, that's why we kill you.
    8-hr/day casual gamer on Xbox NA. 20 Characters, all DC, all Level 50. +2200CP
  • DoctorESO
    BTW, Cyrodiil quests are the least developed from a story perspective. "Take this item and bring it here. Because." Perhaps intentionally, so that people who don't like to PvP or quest in a PvP environment are not missing out on any lore content.
  • MattT1988
    Remember in "Saving Private Ryan" when they let that German go, and he skewered the Jewish guy (can't remember his name) later on.

    Well, that's why we kill you.

    Actually that wasn’t the same guy. They look similar, but it’s not him.
  • Slick_007

    So, it won't grow on me, nothing will change, I'll just be grumpy with ZMax for trying to con me into doing something in a game where they tout "play it your way". :)

    before you complain yet again about not being able to 'play it your way' why dont you post the rest of that blurb instead of cherry picking the single line to suit your argument.
  • Skander
    How it feel going to npc towns in cyrodill these days
    I meme, but my memes are so truthful they hurt
    -Elder Nightblades Online
    Want competitive pvp while being outnumbered? Tough luck, the devs clearly said you have to die in those situations
  • Morgha_Kul
    Chelo wrote: »
    It’s fun!
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    It really is hehe
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    It really is hehe



    These responses illustrate one reason why I don't PvP. To me, going out of your way to kill a guy who can't fight back is just griefing.

    That said, I do understand that the zone IS a PvP zone, and one should expect to be engaged in PvP. That's why I don't go there. I imagine I will eventually, and when I do I will expect to get attacked, probably by 30 guys ganking anyone they see, or by some max level twinked out guy who will kill me off in one or two attacks while I can't fight back. I don't get how that's fun for anyone, but that's what I expect from PvP in most games.

    I wonder if a way can be found to get around this... perhaps a device of some sort that renders you temporarily immune to other players while only letting you group or communicate with other immune players. That would let people go collect the shards, do quests and so forth, without needing to restart them every 3 minutes.
    Edited by Morgha_Kul on April 10, 2018 9:02AM
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • bongtokin420insd16
    lol i cant believe this is still going. So, im gonna share a funny story.

    I was up in Bruma Vivec this weekend, on my Yellow, having a good old time trying to do Bruma AD style. Well, aside from the blues ganking in the Chapel, things were manageable. Then the Dolmen went active, and i thought, how fun. We had just killed the last boss when a blue zerg showed and wiped the red and Yellow that had taken the dolmen. The kicker: I was able to respawn before they flipped the flag, but i did not get the chest. And it was my last Cyro one to get lol. They of course wiped me again and i respawned back home south, never again to venture to the frozen north.

    Damn you blue... :P hahahahahahahahahaha
    Kaz_Wastelander PS4NA
  • Skander
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    Chelo wrote: »
    It’s fun!
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    It really is hehe
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    It really is hehe



    These responses illustrate one reason why I don't PvP. To me, going out of your way to kill a guy who can't fight back is just griefing.

    That said, I do understand that the zone IS a PvP zone, and one should expect to be engaged in PvP. That's why I don't go there. I imagine I will eventually, and when I do I will expect to get attacked, probably by 30 guys ganking anyone they see, or by some max level twinked out guy who will kill me off in one or two attacks while I can't fight back. I don't get how that's fun for anyone, but that's what I expect from PvP in most games.

    I wonder if a way can be found to get around this... perhaps a device of some sort that renders you temporarily immune to other players while only letting you group or communicate with other immune players. That would let people go collect the shards, do quests and so forth, without needing to restart them every 3 minutes.

    You would have fun in EVE online
    I meme, but my memes are so truthful they hurt
    -Elder Nightblades Online
    Want competitive pvp while being outnumbered? Tough luck, the devs clearly said you have to die in those situations
  • Sharee
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    That said, I do understand that the zone IS a PvP zone, and one should expect to be engaged in PvP. That's why I don't go there. I imagine I will eventually, and when I do I will expect to get attacked, probably by 30 guys ganking anyone they see, or by some max level twinked out guy who will kill me off in one or two attacks while I can't fight back. I don't get how that's fun for anyone, but that's what I expect from PvP in most games.

    Its certainly possible, but Cyrodiil is big. There are all kinds of players, both on your side and the enemies, some "twinked out", some more of your type. You are just as likely to get run over by 30 as doing the running-over with 30 of your buddies. There's really a wide variety of skill levels all over the place.

    If you go there, stick to a friendly "zerg", cap some keeps, get some kills against players who don't know what they are doing, get your clock cleaned by those who do - you won't be any worse off than the majority (including yours truly).

    If you lose the defeatist attitude, there's fun to be had for everyone in cyro, regardless of their skill level. And you can be a valuable asset to your side, even if all you do is spam rapid regen and shoot sieges.
  • DieAlteHexe
    Slick_007 wrote: »

    So, it won't grow on me, nothing will change, I'll just be grumpy with ZMax for trying to con me into doing something in a game where they tout "play it your way". :)

    before you complain yet again about not being able to 'play it your way' why dont you post the rest of that blurb instead of cherry picking the single line to suit your argument.

    Sorry? I'm not sure what you mean?

    To clarify, I was being grumpy that I couldn't have my way and not have to deal with Cyro. Or maybe sarcastic/snide is a better term.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Morgha_Kul
    Sharee wrote: »
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    That said, I do understand that the zone IS a PvP zone, and one should expect to be engaged in PvP. That's why I don't go there. I imagine I will eventually, and when I do I will expect to get attacked, probably by 30 guys ganking anyone they see, or by some max level twinked out guy who will kill me off in one or two attacks while I can't fight back. I don't get how that's fun for anyone, but that's what I expect from PvP in most games.

    Its certainly possible, but Cyrodiil is big. There are all kinds of players, both on your side and the enemies, some "twinked out", some more of your type. You are just as likely to get run over by 30 as doing the running-over with 30 of your buddies. There's really a wide variety of skill levels all over the place.

    If you go there, stick to a friendly "zerg", cap some keeps, get some kills against players who don't know what they are doing, get your clock cleaned by those who do - you won't be any worse off than the majority (including yours truly).

    If you lose the defeatist attitude, there's fun to be had for everyone in cyro, regardless of their skill level. And you can be a valuable asset to your side, even if all you do is spam rapid regen and shoot sieges.

    That's not a defeatist attitude, that's the voice of experience. Every time... EVERY time I have gone into Cyrodiil, it's been alone (I only play alone) in order to look for skyshards or lorebooks or what have you, and every single time I've been run over by large gangs of enemy players, any ONE of which would almost instantly kill me anyway.

    I've really got NO interest in PvP of any kind, so sticking to some other group of players and participating in a zerg or whatever you choose to call it is really not of interest to me either.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • Sharee
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    That said, I do understand that the zone IS a PvP zone, and one should expect to be engaged in PvP. That's why I don't go there. I imagine I will eventually, and when I do I will expect to get attacked, probably by 30 guys ganking anyone they see, or by some max level twinked out guy who will kill me off in one or two attacks while I can't fight back. I don't get how that's fun for anyone, but that's what I expect from PvP in most games.

    Its certainly possible, but Cyrodiil is big. There are all kinds of players, both on your side and the enemies, some "twinked out", some more of your type. You are just as likely to get run over by 30 as doing the running-over with 30 of your buddies. There's really a wide variety of skill levels all over the place.

    If you go there, stick to a friendly "zerg", cap some keeps, get some kills against players who don't know what they are doing, get your clock cleaned by those who do - you won't be any worse off than the majority (including yours truly).

    If you lose the defeatist attitude, there's fun to be had for everyone in cyro, regardless of their skill level. And you can be a valuable asset to your side, even if all you do is spam rapid regen and shoot sieges.

    That's not a defeatist attitude, that's the voice of experience. Every time... EVERY time I have gone into Cyrodiil, it's been alone (I only play alone) in order to look for skyshards or lorebooks or what have you, and every single time I've been run over by large gangs of enemy players, any ONE of which would almost instantly kill me anyway.

    I've really got NO interest in PvP of any kind, so sticking to some other group of players and participating in a zerg or whatever you choose to call it is really not of interest to me either.

    *shrug* your loss. I know a couple of people who thought the same as you did, then discovered how fun it can be.

    But - no judgements here. To everyone his own.
  • iGuavaTH
    I'm a PVEer and even I fight questers in Cyrodiil. That's what Cyrodiil is here for. The thrill not knowing if an enemy is around when turning in a quest is a nice change to the safety in the rest of Tamriel.

    Living on the edge is good for us sometimes. Spice up your life .
  • Syncronaut
    Know the Mutant; Kill the Mutant.
  • VaranisArano
    Slick_007 wrote: »

    So, it won't grow on me, nothing will change, I'll just be grumpy with ZMax for trying to con me into doing something in a game where they tout "play it your way". :)

    before you complain yet again about not being able to 'play it your way' why dont you post the rest of that blurb instead of cherry picking the single line to suit your argument.

    You mean this one?

  • NeroBad
    True in a PVP zone it is no surprise that I get killed sometimes. True PVErs go for Cyro because if one gets killed only 2-3 times it is about 3 times faster then PVE dailies (or more depending on quest sharers, because without them you will have hard time to get to even 20).

    Gankers allowed to be ganking in Shor where most of the people do NOT PVP related achievements. Shor's ganker population is much-much lower without this event. So let be honest these gankers come for the easy kills (AP advise its more efficient to go for Vivec or Sotha Sil and lfg so it not about AP), if others say they come for a nice chance for a surprise great duel or battle, then why not go for Vivec or Sotha Sil where people more likely prepared for PVP battle in towns.

    Im allowed to think that most of this people (especially those who sneak in indoor quest giver room) are like playing the bully,. Maybe because they are bullied in their real life, maybe they express their real life behaviour.

    The drop rate for Worm Cult is abismal, altough it is only a periodical Motif. In PVE I think it would take 10-18 hours to get 112 boxes (I have 4 chracters and 2 are very low level to do anything but writs). I have a daywork, and a family, but I like gaming and achievements. So it is a very time comsuming achievement and one only has 12 days to complete it (maybe one year later another 12), so I really appreciate those who don't kill my not so great PVE builded characters when I'm questing in a PVP campaign which is mostly populated by PVE players.
  • vamp_emily
    I feel bad.. I was at Viastarus afk and i came back as AD was coming towards me. So I did what i was trained to do.. Kill him. The sad thing is , it was too late when I am in kill mode and he looked like a quester jumping up and down begging me not to kill him. All he had to do is fight back because I was on my crafter with barely in skills.

    Oooo no, as I type this I see AD riding around me. I want to let them live but I can't, I must kill them all. :)

    Update: they killed me :)

    Edited by vamp_emily on April 10, 2018 1:11PM

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • TheOldPopster
    So I'm a PVPer. For all the PVEers complaining here does this mean that if I go farming in, say, Craglorn, I can post in chat "I'm a PVPer just here farming for a few mats. Please don't run ahead of me and take them all" you will go away and leave me the near proximity nodes?
  • VaranisArano
    NeroBad wrote: »
    True in a PVP zone it is no surprise that I get killed sometimes. True PVErs go for Cyro because if one gets killed only 2-3 times it is about 3 times faster then PVE dailies (or more depending on quest sharers, because without them you will have hard time to get to even 20).

    Gankers allowed to be ganking in Shor where most of the people do NOT PVP related achievements. Shor's ganker population is much-much lower without this event. So let be honest these gankers come for the easy kills (AP advise its more efficient to go for Vivec or Sotha Sil and lfg so it not about AP), if others say they come for a nice chance for a surprise great duel or battle, then why not go for Vivec or Sotha Sil where people more likely prepared for PVP battle in towns.

    Im allowed to think that most of this people (especially those who sneak in indoor quest giver room) are like playing the bully,. Maybe because they are bullied in their real life, maybe they express their real life behaviour.

    The drop rate for Worm Cult is abismal, altough it is only a periodical Motif. In PVE I think it would take 10-18 hours to get 112 boxes (I have 4 chracters and 2 are very low level to do anything but writs). I have a daywork, and a family, but I like gaming and achievements. So it is a very time comsuming achievement and one only has 12 days to complete it (maybe one year later another 12), so I really appreciate those who don't kill my not so great PVE builded characters when I'm questing in a PVP campaign which is mostly populated by PVE players.

    Yes, people who gank other players in a PVP zone, especially a PVP campaign that everyone knows is practically empty of PVP and really just used by questers, are either bullies or bullied IRL.

    Seriously? Its a PVP zone. Shor is a PVP campaign, not a safe haven for questers. Ganking is a well known and common PVP playstyle.

    Why the heck do PVEers expect to be exempt from PVP when they come to a PVP zone? Its Player vs Player. Are you not a Player?
  • vamp_emily
    So I'm a PVPer. For all the PVEers complaining here does this mean that if I go farming in, say, Craglorn, I can post in chat "I'm a PVPer just here farming for a few mats. Please don't run ahead of me and take them all" you will go away and leave me the near proximity nodes?

    That won't work. I own a mansion in Upper Craglorn and I tell the pve'rs to quit farming on my land. They don't listen.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • NeroBad
    NeroBad wrote: »
    True in a PVP zone it is no surprise that I get killed sometimes. True PVErs go for Cyro because if one gets killed only 2-3 times it is about 3 times faster then PVE dailies (or more depending on quest sharers, because without them you will have hard time to get to even 20).

    Gankers allowed to be ganking in Shor where most of the people do NOT PVP related achievements. Shor's ganker population is much-much lower without this event. So let be honest these gankers come for the easy kills (AP advise its more efficient to go for Vivec or Sotha Sil and lfg so it not about AP), if others say they come for a nice chance for a surprise great duel or battle, then why not go for Vivec or Sotha Sil where people more likely prepared for PVP battle in towns.

    Im allowed to think that most of this people (especially those who sneak in indoor quest giver room) are like playing the bully,. Maybe because they are bullied in their real life, maybe they express their real life behaviour.

    The drop rate for Worm Cult is abismal, altough it is only a periodical Motif. In PVE I think it would take 10-18 hours to get 112 boxes (I have 4 chracters and 2 are very low level to do anything but writs). I have a daywork, and a family, but I like gaming and achievements. So it is a very time comsuming achievement and one only has 12 days to complete it (maybe one year later another 12), so I really appreciate those who don't kill my not so great PVE builded characters when I'm questing in a PVP campaign which is mostly populated by PVE players.

    Yes, people who gank other players in a PVP zone, especially a PVP campaign that everyone knows is practically empty of PVP and really just used by questers, are either bullies or bullied IRL.

    Seriously? Its a PVP zone. Shor is a PVP campaign, not a safe haven for questers. Ganking is a well known and common PVP playstyle.

    Why the heck do PVEers expect to be exempt from PVP when they come to a PVP zone? Its Player vs Player. Are you not a Player?

    I'm not expecting but I hope for an Understanding, because Worm Cult has a very low drop rate, and I (and many others) have work on weekdays.
    I hope that many will drop this behaviour atleast during the event because of sympathy.

    There are many I think who don't gank now altough they are gankers, and for them Thank you!

    PS: I said the bully theory about the ones who gank in Shor campaign in towns, especially during this event. I know its not a safe haven, but I have hard time understanding someone who likes to kill players who are no match for them (at least 80% of them), camp around places where they can found many of these PVE players(who are there for great time saving) and refuse if they called a bully (or similar expression). Then tell me why not gank in Vivec or Sotha Sil?
    Edited by NeroBad on April 10, 2018 1:56PM
  • TheOldPopster
    NeroBad wrote: »
    NeroBad wrote: »
    I have hard time understanding someone who likes to kill players who are no match for them (at least 80% of them), camp around places where they can found many of these PVE players(who are there for great time saving)

    Let me help you understand. What you apparently fail to appreciate is that in Cyrodiil, you ARE an AP resource node to be harvested. I ignore all campaigns except Vivec but understand that there are those who want to farm in the lighter populated campaigns for AP who, like you, are probably "there for great time saving." Why are you more entitled to do your 'time saving" farming than is the similarly inclined AP farmer?

    Fact is, there are "safe" dailies in Wrothgar, Clockwork, Hews Bane, Gold Coast, Mages, Thieves and Undaunted guilds, Craglorn. Go to any of them and you will be absolutely entitled to be safe from other players.
  • DieAlteHexe
    NeroBad wrote: »
    NeroBad wrote: »
    True in a PVP zone it is no surprise that I get killed sometimes. True PVErs go for Cyro because if one gets killed only 2-3 times it is about 3 times faster then PVE dailies (or more depending on quest sharers, because without them you will have hard time to get to even 20).

    Gankers allowed to be ganking in Shor where most of the people do NOT PVP related achievements. Shor's ganker population is much-much lower without this event. So let be honest these gankers come for the easy kills (AP advise its more efficient to go for Vivec or Sotha Sil and lfg so it not about AP), if others say they come for a nice chance for a surprise great duel or battle, then why not go for Vivec or Sotha Sil where people more likely prepared for PVP battle in towns.

    Im allowed to think that most of this people (especially those who sneak in indoor quest giver room) are like playing the bully,. Maybe because they are bullied in their real life, maybe they express their real life behaviour.

    The drop rate for Worm Cult is abismal, altough it is only a periodical Motif. In PVE I think it would take 10-18 hours to get 112 boxes (I have 4 chracters and 2 are very low level to do anything but writs). I have a daywork, and a family, but I like gaming and achievements. So it is a very time comsuming achievement and one only has 12 days to complete it (maybe one year later another 12), so I really appreciate those who don't kill my not so great PVE builded characters when I'm questing in a PVP campaign which is mostly populated by PVE players.

    Yes, people who gank other players in a PVP zone, especially a PVP campaign that everyone knows is practically empty of PVP and really just used by questers, are either bullies or bullied IRL.

    Seriously? Its a PVP zone. Shor is a PVP campaign, not a safe haven for questers. Ganking is a well known and common PVP playstyle.

    Why the heck do PVEers expect to be exempt from PVP when they come to a PVP zone? Its Player vs Player. Are you not a Player?

    I'm not expecting but I hope for an Understanding, because Worm Cult has a very low drop rate, and I (and many others) have work on weekdays.
    I hope that many will drop this behaviour atleast during the event because of sympathy.

    There are many I think who don't gank now altough they are gankers, and for them Thank you!

    PS: I said the bully theory about the ones who gank in Shor campaign in towns, especially during this event. I know its not a safe haven, but I have hard time understanding someone who likes to kill players who are no match for them (at least 80% of them), camp around places where they can found many of these PVE players(who are there for great time saving) and refuse if they called a bully (or similar expression). Then tell me why not gank in Vivec or Sotha Sil?

    That's the bit I don't get either so maybe I need to be enlightened. How much AP I guess it is do you get for clobbering someone? I have no idea...

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
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