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Why do most pve players hate pvp?

  • leothedino
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Caitsith wrote: »
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.

    pretty much it. Despite what the evidence is and what the devs say.. I tend to put them in the same category as flat-earthers and creationists.

    I'm just glad the forums have titles. That way when the xth-hundreth 'NERF THIS CLASS BECAUSE I DIED TO IT IN PVP' thread comes along, I can sigh and try to ignore it. Won't tell a word of a lie, if they released a PVP-less build/server, I would travel to it instantly to avoid anymore of my class from being destroyed by obnoxious loud and fog-horn voiced children.
    Edited by leothedino on March 31, 2018 10:39PM
  • Strider__Roshin
    The players that find PvE too easy reside in that realm. And due to this a lot of PvE players get their teeth kicked in when they encounter these players.

    With that said if you're really good at Maelstrom arena there's a good chance you'll do well at PvP, and the opposite is true.
  • TequilaFire
    leothedino wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Caitsith wrote: »
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.

    pretty much it. Despite what the evidence is and what the devs say.. I tend to put them in the same category as flat-earthers and creationists.

    I'm just glad the forums have titles. That way when the xth-hundreth 'NERF THIS CLASS BECAUSE I DIED TO IT IN PVP' thread comes along, I can sigh and try to ignore it. Won't tell a word of a lie, if they released a PVP-less build/server, I would travel to it instantly to avoid anymore of my class from being destroyed by obnoxious loud and fog-horn voiced children.

    Another non toxic comment.
    Devs balance classes not PvP players.
  • Hurbster
    I don't hate pvp, I just don't want anything to do with it and I'm sure many people who just pvp feel the same way about pve.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
    MajBludd wrote: »
    But in ncaa basketball, you have very good players.
    Each picked to play at that level. So, they worked to get to level of competion.

    Then you have high school players. Just starting or relatively new. Through a little work and effort they too can be at the same level as the ncaa players.

    Sort of like new pvp players and those that worked for their meta gear, etc.

    No... not at all....

    an experienced player has skills, physical training etc... and certainly at ncaa level there are some serious mismatches in those... but that does not equate to just getting better mechanical advantages.

    In the MMO, the player can have better plan, better more practiced rotation etc... even more coordination with teammates... all of that compares directly with the ncaa teams...

    But unless you are certain teams from new englad, you all play with the same equipment.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Aesthier
    It's not that I don't enjoy PvP it is the massive "GAP" between my skill, gear, and resources compared to the amount of skill, gear, and resources my opponent has.

    I am not calling for my opponents to be "handicapped" let's face it a lot of those people have played for years to develop their skill, and build the resources needed to make the required gear farmable.

    What I am saying is that it is frustrating to try and develop the skill or resources required when you pop in and get one shot.

    You can't develop your skills in Cyrodil if you only have time to press a single button before death. (You could duel I suppose).

    Again I don't think it would be fair to take away anything from those who have dedicated so much time to it, but for me, it simply makes PvP unattractive when you spend more time running on a stupid horse and dying than fighting.
  • SirFilip
    Spells and all sorts of attacks coming left right and centre. So much going on I don't know who or what attacked me. And with so much people it doesn't feel like I make any impact, any difference.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    Why do predominantly PvE players hate PvP?
    As someone who comes from WoW, it's basically the same reason there, and pretty much in any MMO.
    Even if you're one of the best at PvP, you die...alot.
    PvE players don't like that...don't know how to deal with it.

    This is the real reason there are so many nerf cries on the forums. People blame PvP'ers but most of the hardcore or "PvP-only" people I talk to don't want continual nerfs to game mechanics.

    So its really these PvE Primadonnas that come to PvP in all gold divines gear. Get rekt, then run to the forums and cry for nerfs. Sometimes ZOS listens, then other PvE Primadonnas complain that PvP got their skills nerfed.

    No, it was other PvE'ers that got your skills nerfed because they couldn't handle the fact that their "perfect" build and preferred PvE playstyle got them rekt in Cyrodiil.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on March 31, 2018 11:43PM
  • Skua
    To be honest I just don't feel any desire to compete with other people in a you vs me kind of way. I enjoy pvp ok when it is things like taking keeps or acting as a healer in a group. But with actual fighting I am more likely to just halfheartedly tap buttons until they kill me, or sometimes I can't even muster that much enthusiasm and will just play dead or dance or something until someone gets annoyed and kills me.
  • SirrBacon
    Soul Shriven
    I'm not very good at pvp at all but I've still come to enjoy it. When other players kill me (even if it's a gank), obviously I'm not happy but I know they beat me because they have a better understanding of the game. The only thing that frustrates me is how long it usually takes to get back to the action.
  • Banana
    To quote Homer Simpson "If somethings hard to do then its not worth doing".
    I tried it in the early days. Ride for hours then get rolled in a couple seconds then do it all over again. No thanks
  • temjiu
    To be clear, I don't hate PvP. As stated before, that is an extremist comment meant to draw out extremist responses. but the OP asked a question, and I gave a summarization of what Most PvE players do feel when it comes to frustration with PvP.

    I honestly think that we should move away from the toxic question in the OP, and instead think proactively. The question we really should be discussing is,

    "How can we resolve the issues between PvP and PvE?"

    As someone stated earlier, 'tis the clash between the two archetypes that causes the drama, not the elements themselves. WE SIMPLY NEED TO FULLY SEPARATE PVP AND PVE. skill lines, gear...the whole works. There should be equal opportunity to get the necessary gear and equipment in each archetype. no forcing a PvE player to run PvP to get skill lines that benefit them in a PvE scenario. No forcing PvP players to run PvE content they may not enjoy solely so they can get certain gear sets or jewelry.

    SKill sets would be completely separate and isolated, so players wouldn't feel forced to run something they don't like. they won't be able to...the skills wouldn't be available in that mode. balance would be doable on both sides, with neither impacting the other. This would resolve most the issues.
    Edited by temjiu on April 1, 2018 12:34AM
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
  • ArchMikem
    Wow, not even a day old and already has 8 pages. Hot topic huh.

    PvP is the land of gameplay where, if you don't play a certain way, you're going to get rekt and you won't get anything done. Your enjoyment of the game will cease and you'll leave cyrodiil in a bad attitude.

    PvPlayers are also some of the loudest on the Forums. Whenever a new update brings a new skill or a new Monster Set, it's the PvPlayers that come out of the woodwork to find some way those things will be bad for them, and will thus demand a nerf. Most times those nerfs end up absolutely ruining the skills or sets for PvE players. All so PvPlayers can be happy. Even though that in itself is a giant farce. PvPlayers being happy...

    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • rustic_potato
    As someone who plays both. The reasoning I hear from most players is the high learning curve to become competent. A PVEer who doesnt do PVP will mostly be worse than a PVEer who is also competent in PVP. Increases awareness and ability to adapt and change according to what is required. If you look at the top players in the best PVE raiding guilds they all are top tier PVPers too.
    I play how I want to.

  • Betsararie
    You have to be good to do it. Many people have now told me that I am one of the best in this game, and it is a complement that I wholeheartedly accept.

    To put it simply, PVP requires more skill which is why you don't see as many people doing it. If they were good, they would stick around, but they aren't successful at it. Thus, naturally they do not like it. The answer to this question is rather obvious
  • DieAlteHexe
    As someone who plays both. The reasoning I hear from most players is the high learning curve to become competent. A PVEer who doesnt do PVP will mostly be worse than a PVEer who is also competent in PVP. Increases awareness and ability to adapt and change according to what is required. If you look at the top players in the best PVE raiding guilds they all are top tier PVPers too.

    This makes sense. It takes a certain mentality, a drive, a desire to be "the best" which pertains to either "side" of the equation.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Hurbster
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    Why do predominantly PvE players hate PvP?
    As someone who comes from WoW, it's basically the same reason there, and pretty much in any MMO.
    Even if you're one of the best at PvP, you die...alot.
    PvE players don't like that...don't know how to deal with it.

    This is the real reason there are so many nerf cries on the forums. People blame PvP'ers but most of the hardcore or "PvP-only" people I talk to don't want continual nerfs to game mechanics.

    So its really these PvE Primadonnas that come to PvP in all gold divines gear. Get rekt, then run to the forums and cry for nerfs. Sometimes ZOS listens, then other PvE Primadonnas complain that PvP got their skills nerfed.

    No, it was other PvE'ers that got your skills nerfed because they couldn't handle the fact that their "perfect" build and preferred PvE playstyle got them rekt in Cyrodiil.

    Also, stuff like this attitude is another reason why I don't want anything to do with PvP.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • DocDova
    I am a minding my own business kindaa guy, Playing old School RPGs with lot of new stuff. PvE of ESO is just something I want. I go to imperial city for PvE quests, Exploration and tri-stat rune and I get ganked by group at very first quest. There were daedra bullying citizens of IC city (Whom I was beating for good reason) and They decided to attack innocent little me, Multiple times without any provocation if I might add. What kind of self respecting RPG players attack innocent do gooder bystanders ?

    It's not that I never played competitive games, I was always best among my frens in good old Tekken. But I like to do it when offending parties are within my Arm's Reach B) Only So they can see the disappointment on my innocent little face. :'(

    Anyways Soon Forced PvP activities in Cyrodiil and IC would be history with PvE only instance. B)
  • ZeroXFF
    Because I like working with others, not against them.

    Also you have to distinguish between pure PvP like BGs and hybrid zones like Cyrodiil and Imperial City. Pure PvP is much less of a problem because all participants actually want to do it. But when all I want are those damn Tel Var Stones, but get ganked by some coward who knows his only chance of getting any wins in PvP is to pick out PvE players already fighting 5+ elite mobs and a crowd of smaller ones, I can't imagine anyone not hating PvP in that moment, can you?
  • DanteYoda
    As a customer that hates PvP with a passion

    Toxic communities PvP draws is number 1
    The pointlessness of PvP running around ganking gets old super fast for me
    The unbalanced game play PvP promotes with Newbs vs Veterans
    The griefers..
    Edited by DanteYoda on April 1, 2018 5:07AM
  • ryh
    Hate lags. Everything else I can handle.
  • Kali_Despoine
    Because pvp builds do not work in pve just like pve builds do not work in pvp. Get out of dungeon group finder pvp builds u suck and make it a horrid experience
    Edited by Kali_Despoine on April 1, 2018 5:10AM
  • MajBludd
    Ty for the responses
    Edited by MajBludd on April 1, 2018 5:12AM
  • MTijhuis
    I don't like the toxicity in PVP, but neither in Pve.

    In Pve the toxic people run with their own guilds and team, so they are easy avoidable.

    However in PvP avoiding toxic people is way more difficult. It starts with zone chat, then you have zergs killing players that are by themself. It's easy AP I get that part, but tea bagging them and calling them names afterwards. Is that necessary? If you are in a zerg 9 out of 10 people are screaming and yelling. Every has a ***** build. Is it really necessary to use a sickness in that context? And finally when you kill the wrong player, you get death treaths.

    So I try to avoid pvp as much as possible. I only go in if a need tel var or ap.
  • kyle.wilson
    Caitsith wrote: »
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.

    "Several"? :)

    Whole lot more than "several".

    A lot of the nerfs that hit PVE hard were meant to hit PVE hard. When groups are getting damage high enough to avoid mechanics in vet trials, then we have an issue.

    Its all part of ZOS's desire to "lower the ceiling and raise the floor" of DPS.
  • Integral1900
    Pvp whining took away the part of wrecking blow that launched baddies into the air, spoilt my fun
  • AceRetriever
    With PvP I have to drop lore and personality for pure efficiency, and that's always a big no for me.
  • Dojohoda
    I think it's the dying part of PVP that turns off some players.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Grimm13
    PVP is not my first choice of play style but I have tried it in ESO. Found that the system performance detected from the experience. Also found it puzzling why at times some opponents I faced I would get stop motion lag while others I would not.

    The biggest nail in the coffin was the PVP community itself. Tried at many different times in the day, different servers and different alliances had very close to the same experience in all. This being the lack of grouping in what is suppose to be coordinated large scale assaults. It is very much a good ole' boys network to the feel as new players to PVP are made to be feel as if they are frozen out of the main play. When you have no idea where to go, what the objective is, or where support is then the PVP is no fun. This makes many players say screw it and leave.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

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