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Why do most pve players hate pvp?

So, why is pvp so bad for the game?
  • DieAlteHexe
    I don't hate PvP. I just know my limits and abilities. I suck. No ifs ands or buts about it. As such, it's no fun at all. The only reason then for me to PvP would be to provide content for someone else and, well, sorry, not going to do that. :)

    Unless they want to pay my sub. B)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • mb10
    I think it's because the opponent has a brain lol

    PVP is just not about button mashing a rotation and moving out of the red circle.

    It has way more depth combat wise, your surroundings are super important, knowing every class' strengths and weaknesses and imo building your *own* build that caters for your playstyle.

    So it's not just dps numbers or whatever. There isn't an optimal number you need to be good, you need skill to be good and knowledge of different play styles.

    I do both and imo PVE is so much easier
  • Wrubius_Coronaria
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.
  • Vapirko
    It’s the steepest learning curve in the game by far. You walk in to pvp in the wrong gear and you’ll get dropped in two hits easy. It also doesn’t play like PvE at all, if you try the same tactics and fighting style youll die super quick. A lot of people try it once and just get super discouraged. You also have to be able to not mind the naturally more toxic, high strung and competitive environment.
  • Tasear
    High learning curve and lack of diverse activities to name a few issues.
    Edited by Tasear on March 31, 2018 9:44PM
  • DieAlteHexe
    Caitsith wrote: »
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.

    "Several"? :)

    Whole lot more than "several".

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Vhozek
    No reason to go to PvP.
    PvE is already a boring chore with how easy overworld is and how 9 year olds are beating veteran content while ignoring most of the game's mechanics.
    PvP is that same thing except you walk through empty spaces before getting to anything.
    𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆, 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝘀. 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴.
  • phileunderx2
    Because as soon as I am a little ways from the zerg there are a hundred dudes waiting to plummel me to death. Somehow they know I am easy ap
  • MajBludd
    I think some blame pvp for nerfs, not all. I think others just didn't give it enough time.

    Saw a guy in Cyro get upset and leave because he could rek mobs in pve but couldn't hurt anybody in pvp. Tried to explain a few things to him and he just raged and left.

  • MajBludd
    @phileunderx2, lol they are always waiting for the stragglers. That has happened and still happens to me.
  • TelvanniWizard
    Lag and gankers.
  • blacksghost
    Just dislike the concept of player hitting other players. That simple.
    Everything will be alright in the end, if its not alright its not the end.
  • Everstorm
    Caitsith wrote: »
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.

    I don't blame the community but after playing MMOs for almost 18 years I've pretty much come to the conclusion that PvE and PvP simply don't mix well in one game. Keeping classes, skills and gear balanced for one side is hard enough, for both sides at the same time is a nightmare. Devs insisting on adding both to a game simply set themselves up for failure and all the backlash from the community that comes with it.
  • MajBludd
    Lag can be annoying. I don't get much of it unless I'm in vivec and it's the last empl keep defense.

    Gankers, they are going to get you. It's gonna happen. Embrace it, be ready for it and wear gear with high resists.
  • VaranisArano
    Because I was horribly, terribly afraid and knew I would be absolutely no good at it.

    At least, that was why I hated it when I was a PVE only player. It probably didn't help that this was my first experience with an MMO and PVP.

    I started to PVP gradually and eventually learned I didn't hate it, as I got better at it and it wasn't just riding around to die in a couple seconds. The learning curve kind of sucks, but its a lot better with a group. I still remember the Midyear Mayhem festival last year. I'd logged onto Shor before there were any organized groups so I wound up in charge of an LFG group by virtue of being the only person with an idea where to go. Halfway through us conquering the emp ring, id picked up a full raid of mostly inexperienced PVE players who'd been having no luck on their own but were finally getting to experience being effective in PVP. As several of them said in agreement, "PVP is fun with an army!"

    So for myself, who was so much a PVE player that I came to Cyrodiil for the Master Angler fish...
    1. I was afraid and had never done PVP, ever.
    2. PVP has a long learning curve where new, ungrouped players are very ineffective

    I was lucky enough to find a good group to follow and then a good PVP guild, and now I PVP regularly. So a welcoming atmosphere and good PUG-grabbing groups makes a big difference for players starting out in PVP.
  • notyuu
    simple, the average experience in PvP for a PvE player goes a little something like this#
    "is that another player? yep...go lets do th- *dead* ...what just happened?"
  • Armatesz
    I've talked to some players and some just plain do not like to kill other players but to play alongside them. I as well don't like killing players but am used to the finer points of pvp.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • MajBludd
    @VaranisArano, I can relate to what you are saying. I had the same experience when I started.
  • Kel
    I love both. Battlegrounds have been extremely fun and rewarding. Not just in crystals, but stuffing my guild bank full of gear for others to use.

    Why do predominantly PvE players hate PvP?
    As someone who comes from WoW, it's basically the same reason there, and pretty much in any MMO.
    Even if you're one of the best at PvP, you die...alot.
    PvE players don't like that...don't know how to deal with it. They are used to hard mode no death speed runs. It's a hard concept to deal with doing all the right things and still maybe getting caught out.
    And I think some of it comes from gear. You slay trials in your op, bis gear and think that will cut it against other players. Surely having all my gold divines gear will destroy the other faction/team! When it doesn't work out, they get salty.
    But most players in my guild admit it's the dying constantly that puts them off PvP. Can't come to terms with it. In thier mind, it's the worst possible thing. It still sucks in PvP, but it comes for everyone. But once you understand death and PvP goes hand in hand, a world of fun opens up, and drives you to get better at it.
  • DieAlteHexe
    MajBludd wrote: »
    I think some blame pvp for nerfs, not all. I think others just didn't give it enough time.

    Saw a guy in Cyro get upset and leave because he could rek mobs in pve but couldn't hurt anybody in pvp. Tried to explain a few things to him and he just raged and left.

    Since 1999 enough time? :D

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • MajBludd
    @DieAlteHexe I'd say you did, lol
  • Easily_Lost
    I don't hate PvP. I just know my limits and abilities. I suck. No ifs ands or buts about it. As such, it's no fun at all. The only reason then for me to PvP would be to provide content for someone else and, well, sorry, not going to do that. :)

    Unless they want to pay my sub. B)
    ^^ This is me ^^ LOL

    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Biro123
    Caitsith wrote: »
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.

    pretty much it. Despite what the evidence is and what the devs say.. I tend to put them in the same category as flat-earthers and creationists.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    In some ways it is simple. Players do not like to die and in PvP even if you are good you die and depending on where you are, you die a lot.
  • Mayrael
    mb10 wrote: »
    I think it's because the opponent has a brain lol

    PVP is just not about button mashing a rotation and moving out of the red circle.

    It has way more depth combat wise, your surroundings are super important, knowing every class' strengths and weaknesses and imo building your *own* build that caters for your playstyle.

    So it's not just dps numbers or whatever. There isn't an optimal number you need to be good, you need skill to be good and knowledge of different play styles.

    I do both and imo PVE is so much easier

    Simply this. PvP is much deeper than PvE, is much more unpredictable, you may fight for the same keep 1000 times and there won't be 2 exactly the same fights (unless there's no players so taking a keep from NPC's is always the same) ;)
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • MajBludd
    You do die in pvp. It happens, but you can rez.

    It might be extremely off putting to some, but I've met a lot of good people by being killed by them. Talked to them and they were more than willing to give me advice.
    Edited by MajBludd on March 31, 2018 12:22PM
  • LukosCreyden
    Pvp and pve are completely different beasts. They require different skill-sets in regards to the character and the player. In many ways, pvp and pve are very different games. Indeed, a lot of pvp'ers dislike pve, so it works both ways.

    There are many amongst us who enjoy both, though. For example, I have a magicka and stamina build for pve and the same for pvp. I am not overly skilled at pvp (only just really started getting in to it) but i enjoy it just as much as i do pve
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • terrordactyl1971
    Pvp in this game only works for the 720s with elite gear and builds. For everyone else its horrible
  • MajBludd
    Not true, I've gone to vivec on under 50 characters and have done decent with 500cps
    Edited by MajBludd on March 31, 2018 12:27PM
  • MajBludd
    And most of my gear is crafted sets. Except for jewelry
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