Presenting the very uniquely named MagDK build:
~~~ Firestarter ~~~ TM (C)
- super creative name, no stealsies!
Outnumbered Gameplay - CWC
Outnumbered Gameplay - DnB
Outnumbered Gameplay - DnB vid #2
Valkyn Skoria
Wizard's Riposte (4 body)
Rattlecage (1 body)
Statsheet from no-CP Cyrodiil with alliance Emperorship HP bonus:
*there is a unique Rattlecage charged lightening staff drop from Grothdarr named "Despair" - would be better then Maelstrom
Class Discussion
(focusing on what strengths I chose to build around)Offensive Healing
Offensive heals are by far one of the strongest types of abilities in the game, and this build takes full advantage of them.
Power Lash
Definitely a contender for the most unique skill in the game. The bonus damage and superb healing remains un-nerfed because of the off-balance condition attached to it. In a standard MagDK setup PL is proc'd from Fossilize'ing + FL, or Talons + FL when target is CC immune. This build adds a charged lightening staff with a shock enchant and Wall of Elements for additional off-balance. This works by:
1) Shock attacks have a chance to proc concussed (its status effect which applies minor vulnerability increasing targets damage taken by 8%)
2) Charged trait increases this chance by 220% and destruction staff passive by 100%
3) Shock weapon enchant has a base chance to apply of 20%, the above modifiers take this to 84% (in the video I said guaranteed, correct value is 84%)
4) Blockade of Storms (as an AoE DoT) has a base chance to apply of 1%, the above modifiers take this to 4.2%
5) Blockade of Storms automatically sets concussed enemies off-balance
All of the above culminates in a very high minor vulnerability and off-balance uptime which means almost constant bonus damage and healing from Flame Lash, greatly increasing the offensive pressure and survivability of the build.
Burning Embers
Can stack on infinite opponents providing an amazing burst heal when expired, reapplied or purged. Heals for percentage of damage done, so heal is diminished if removed early or target is a mist form junky.
Devouring Swarm (not a class skill)
Decent AoE damage to pressure all those around you whilst keeping you alive in a zerg for its duration.
Damage Over Time Skills
Magicka Dragonknights have a solid array of class based DoT's with easy access to Reach and Entropy if the build requires. As such Valkyn Skoria works amazingly to proc from the DoT's and to add burst damage.
Engulfing Flames
Increases targets damage taken from flame abilities (which any MagDK build would be using a significant amount of) and it's an AoE DoT that sticks to the players, so kiting won't help them avoid the damage. Proc's Warmth passive snaring enemies by 30%, keeping them within your reach. Can be tricky to use if you play with high ping.
Flames of Oblivion
Passively grants Major Prophecy, so always benefiting you even if you don't get a chance to activate. Unique burst style DoT only ticking every 5 seconds, useful to line your other burst up with. Proc's Warmth passive snaring enemies by 30%, keeping them within your reach.
Burning Talons
Soft CC for when target(s) have immunity, use to proc Power Lash, decent damage.
Volatile Armour
Major resistance buffs, alright damage and gives 12% healing received through the Burning Heart passive.
Burning Embersas aboveUtility Skills
Only using 2 pure utility skills on this build, but they both serve very important survivability functions.
Dragon Fire Scales
Getting hit by someone outside your range whilst already engaged in melee combat? Just wing it! Stun your opponent, pop wings, wait as long as you can to reflect the greatest amount of projectiles, then use
Ferocious Leap!
Elusive Mist
This is your only repositioning tool as a MagDK. With 75% damage reduction and major expedition it does its job effectively, but especially when playing in no-CP you have to be mindful of the halted magicka regeneration, line of sight quickly.
I've achieved the most success through building around high off-balance uptime and utilising a large array of DoT abilities. To accomplish this I chose Rattlecage to free up a skill slot and Wizard's Riposte to remain tanky whilst getting the important cost reduction of light armour to offset the prohibitively high cost of DK's skills. Valkyn Skoria was chosen for its effectiveness with many DoT abilities. This build does sacrifice raw stats for utility and flexibility.
- Tay