Update on Grouping Issues, Mysterious Reward Boxes & Maintenance Announcement

  • 85flyingbrick_ESO
    Sadly, this is becoming the norm.

  • malchior
    So sad. So stop giving away prizes etc and pay new hires to fix your issues ZO$.
  • Mothball888
    My bank list is fubared. can't see any items, so can't withdraw deposit. My quests all say "unknown". Group still isn't working. Guild chat still dropping.
    xbox na.
  • Shortbigbrat
    Soul Shriven
    For some reason my son said, if you do not reclick ready check after your que says "forming" then wait it will put you inside. However all of the group needs to wait. I could not get in but once today as like yesterday very frustrated with event.
  • Slyjinxy
    After ready check I get "someone declined invite" This just started for me at about 11:15 eastern. PS4 NA. Trying a different toon. I also tried grouping with some guildmates and joining failed.
  • boombazookajd
    waitwhat wrote: »
    Just no more. Nothing new please.

    Literally the worst request. ever

    Things break...that's the reality of life. They're dealing with it. They've admitted that they were overwhelmed with the response to the dungeon event. Conversely, we could be on here complaining that we can't find a group to even run a dungeon with.

    We'll all survive.

    Drathus Delenu- Dunmer magDk: Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Stormproof, Peak Scaler, Clockwork Confounder, Orderly, Master Wizard, Cloudrest Hero, Undaunted, Dragonstar Arena Champion
    Thoronir Rolston- Breton petsorc: Stormproof
    Zaakazha-Redguard stamblade: Boethia's Scythe, Clockwork Confounder, Maelstrom Arena Champion, Dragonstar Arena Champion

    Justinius Maximus Decimus- Altmer magblade
    Agronak gro'Mashul- Orc DK Tank
    Valerya Hawkcroft- Breton healer
    Zaaka- Imperial stamDK/crafter

    XB1 NA
  • mesmerizedish
    NA, PC, been trying to queue with a group of four for twenty minutes. Every single time, it says someone has declined.
  • stuff12002
    I’d be curious to see if there is even an update/announcement from ZOS, until Monday. It baffles me that they performed emerg maintenance, the forums are blowing up about how the maintenance did not work, yet; they remain silent. #10millionstories about players who can’t even queue.
    Edited by stuff12002 on December 2, 2017 4:45AM
  • Tan9oSuccka
    This "fix" did not fix anything. The Activity Finder is still broken.

    Yes. Still broke, PS4 NA.

    Even with 4 people.
    Of course I like steak. I'm a Nord, aren't I?
    -Berj Stoneheart
  • xiaiceyan
    The system is still broken, it worked for a bit before 8:00pm us central time. Then its down again. Cannot form group and port to dungeon. PC NA
  • MinarasLaure
    Yay! Another maintenance on Australia prime time incoming!
    I'll never be able to fully experience zos new events.
    Out of a week, I'll prolly be able to play 3 days lol.
  • Deathpunkin
    I'm hoping.. but doubting they'll compensate us some way for all this dungeon downtime.

    I think 1 box for each character, each day the dungeon finder doesn't work.
    I mean, what about the people who can only play certain times of day...
    and during those times, they can't get dungeons?
    So they're getting royally screwed out of this event because of it.
  • stuff12002
    I’m going to start using their marketing and use the #10millionstories and #ESO tag on twitter/Facebook to share the word about how poorly this event and the ZOS response has been executed, so far. Perhaps if enuf folks did, they may react more expeditiously to not only fix the issues at hand but also address their customer base directly, instead of ignoring them (read: subscribers).
  • Rittings

    I'll give you mine....

    I purchased an MMO that has been dogged with bugs, lag and issues from day 1. Rather than fix any of them, they added more content and enticed more players to swamp up the bugs even more.

    Now we are at a situation whereby they have a broken dungeon finder because it's under the strain of too many players - and what do they do to fix it? They offer a free ESO weekend to add MORE players to the problem.

    Please do not EVER become firefighters... because I know you'd rock up with a flamethrower... or 10.
  • Eyesinthedrk
    So how does this work? I got four charicters that can’t get a box because the queue can’t handle prime time.

    Do I send in a ticket to get them later? Or should I just give myself the kiss this’s emote and call it a night?
  • timmayyyboy
    So how does this work? I got four charicters that can’t get a box because the queue can’t handle prime time.

    Do I send in a ticket to get them later? Or should I just give myself the kiss this’s emote and call it a night?

    exactly this. i have only limited time to play just as im sure alot of people on this game do.
  • Rittings
    14 Toons myself... can't even get half of them through.
  • stuff12002
    in case Zenimax Online somehow forgot, this is the correct response for your customers,

    ““Fixing these problems required us to take the megaservers offline, costing players time in the game,” said ZeniMax Online. “In recognition of this experience and to show our gratitude to everyone who supported the launch, we are giving an additional five days of included game time to every ESO player who set up an active account prior to 8pm EDT Thursday May 1st and who are currently enjoying their 30 days of included game time.””

  • gabormezo
    Last evening around 9-10 PM UTC, BG queue was broken too. It said someone declined in an infinite loop. If I managed to leave the queue and reentered, nothing changed. If I relogged and quequed again, there was a chance to get in, it succeeded two times in a hour. But if I had no luck the freaking declined infinite loop arrived, and I funked.

    This issue present since that unnecessary decline feature introduced, but it seems queing service load triggers it way more frequently. There should be a race condition in the process. I suggest that you should make it simpler, drop that decline feature, test and fix a way more simpler workflow. And if it works even in overloaded, you might consider to reintroduce the decline feature. But there should be an unbreakable version that is ready to roll back for.

    Edit: PC EU
    Edited by gabormezo on December 2, 2017 9:08AM
  • malchior
    They can't say they're overwhelmed when they boast they've had 10 million players played their game. What a pitiful excuse.
    waitwhat wrote: »
    Just no more. Nothing new please.

    Literally the worst request. ever

    Things break...that's the reality of life. They're dealing with it. They've admitted that they were overwhelmed with the response to the dungeon event. Conversely, we could be on here complaining that we can't find a group to even run a dungeon with.

    We'll all survive.

  • SydneyGrey
    I'm on PC/NA server.
    I wasn't having an issue with grouping until tonight (Friday night), then it started bugging out for me, too. I queued for a random, and got the message that someone declined the invitation. It kept happening over and over, nine times until I gave up. I switched characters to see if that would make a difference, but of course it didn't.
    It happened during prime time in the evening, when the server would be the busiest. When I played earlier in the day (less people on the server), I didn't have any issues.
    Edited by SydneyGrey on December 2, 2017 8:48AM
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    This event is RIP
  • Tasear
    Noticed that it cause group finder to bug if someone picks all 3 roles. We sat in queue for 7 mins with a tank and healer in group. Had them select 1 icon and it was instance.

  • Mettaricana
    Gaterbug30 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Activity finder isn’t working. Another night of no rewards. Please update on when this is getting fixed and compensation for no rewards
    On 10 toons.
    Slyjinxy wrote: »
    After ready check I get "someone declined invite" This just started for me at about 11:15 eastern. PS4 NA. Trying a different toon. I also tried grouping with some guildmates and joining failed.

    Same for me told we get some fix at 6am yesterday literally did nothing
  • Mettaricana
    Tasear wrote: »
    Noticed that it cause group finder to bug if someone picks all 3 roles. We sat in queue for 7 mins with a tank and healer in group. Had them select 1 icon and it was instance.


    Interesting but also cant force players to select one role
  • Loc2262
    Things break...that's the reality of life. They're dealing with it. They've admitted that they were overwhelmed with the response to the dungeon event.

    Sure, things like that can happen. Thing is, it happens with nearly every event Zenimax does. They should have learned by now and be prepared.

    I guess best would be they give every account which at least once tried to get into an LFG during these days one crate per day per character, and call the event done. Given the abysmal drop rates of the really interesting stuff they'd not really "lose" anything either. ;)

    Edited by Loc2262 on December 2, 2017 2:36PM
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • Eyesinthedrk
    We tried it all ways. With one dedicated role each, also With everyone picking all three. Staying in queue to ride it out, resetting queue for a fresh start, passing crown and trying it all over again.

    During light tragic time there is like a 10% you’ll have a problem. During peak traffic time there is a 1% chance you won’t.
  • MinarasLaure
    I'm surprised no one from zos team is posting in here yet.
    We had an emergency maint. for this very issue, they took servers down claiming they had the fix.
    They didnt.
    Not a word about extending the event, not a word about a possible fix not...a single word, actually.
  • BuffyLynn
    I was still unable to complete a random daily yesterday. Waited in que for nearly 2 hours before myself and the person I had grouped with called it quits. I'm not impressed. This event is a huge flop.
  • Apache_Kid
    Are people on Xbox still experiencing infinite ready checks in group finder? Would like to know before I attempt to spend anytime even logging on.
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