Chaos Ball. Fix it.

pls fix it (you all know what i mean). every chaos ball on this map makes this mode mostly boring and useless of all modes existed.

  • VaranisArano
    Maybe I'm just ignorant, but no, I don't know what you mean and the picture isn't terribly helpful. Is the problem that players can get up the second story where others can't reach them?
  • REdream90
    There is a small hole in the corner. If you look closely to the box right bottom. I played BG a lot. And all purpose in Chaos Ball on this map is too reach this corner a fast as you can.
  • VaranisArano
    Why? Does it mean that other players can't hit you or something?
  • REdream90
    Yes. Try it or atleast you can check. You will get what i mean.
    Edited by REdream90 on November 18, 2017 9:55PM
  • VaranisArano
    That seems pretty broken. Have you done an in-game report to ZOS? The last time I had to report an exploit, I used both the Submit Feedback option and the Ask For Help option. Using Ask For Help will get you an email in about a day or so, usually standard boilerplate stuff, but if you reply to the email Support is usally pretty helpful. I like to use Ask For Help, because then I can suggest that Support forward the exploit on to the team that can deal with it.
  • Taylor_MB
    Maybe I'm missing the exploit or whatever, but....

    The few times I've vs'd teams who try to camp this spot it just ends badly for them. It forces their whole team to take Oblivion AoE damage from the ball plus all the damage you are putting on them.
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  • Mihael
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Maybe I'm missing the exploit or whatever, but....

    The few times I've vs'd teams who try to camp this spot it just ends badly for them. It forces their whole team to take Oblivion AoE damage from the ball plus all the damage you are putting on them.
    If you do it right there is a way to get behind the boxes to where it’s super hard to get hit and most people trying to attack go through the wall had this happen to me before
  • Thogard
    It’s never been a problem for me... AFAIK anyone who goes back into that spot behind the wall gets stuck back there and is an easy target..: much better to kite around the portals Imo
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


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