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  • Sasyk
    I'm really glad there isn't little kids in this game. Some of the repetitive npc dialogue is really annoying. Now imagine what ones drive you a little nuts and attach it to a child's voice. No thx.
    Sasyk Ik-ce - Spacey Ricochet - Swaggette - Andrea Ik-ce - Avari Lebe - Rubi Malone - Amaryllis Fox - Sergeant Moxy - Moon Unit Zoey - Retro Betty - Emmanuelle Sinclair
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  • CapnPhoton
    Eweroun wrote: »
    The reproduction in ESO stopped the moment ZOS stopped styling female armor... How could we or NPC's be attracted to those females when the female beauty is totally ignored?? ... ;)
    (ow, I'm so going to be screwed for kicking against some holy houses :p )

    Attraction is more than just being able to see someone's figure, at least for those beyond high school...
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • zsusensei
    Soul Shriven
    Still dont understand in a medieval like fantasy game why havent ANY children in towns... I want Orphanage, childrens ..with for his or her toy or mommy etc.. it would be nice... We can marry each other .. i want children not because im sims and otome fan :D
  • PocketNova
    Thread necro much.

    On the subject of the year old thread, it'd be nice to see kids in game.
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  • ThePrinceOfBargains
    Please no kids. Not unless we can brutally murder them like everyone else. We already have immortal guards that constantly talk trash and we can do nothing about it. Last thing we need is immortal little pudgy-faced brats to do the same in whiny, annoying voices.
  • dan958
    Now that you've mentioned it, I realised that I've never even noticed that there are no children. It would be nice to see children added to the game, running around the cities and playing. It will make the cities feel more alive.

    Make it so you cannot attack them though, rather than them being unkillable.
    Edited by dan958 on July 19, 2017 9:00AM
    @dan958 - PC/EU - Dannuin - Nightblade - Bosmer - CP982 - For the Queen!
  • Rahotu
    there's this bosmer with a flute.......
  • MornaBaine
    carljokl wrote: »
    Well there has been a lot of lively discussion provoked by this. I thought the topic would have come up before, so much so I searched the form for "Children" before posting this discussion. The only results that I could see were references to the name of a quest.

    Actually this topic has come up several times since launch. ZOS never gives a serious answer and just ignores it.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • SantieClaws
    No kittens. So Khajiit she wonders what cradles this one can craft they are for yes?

    Maybe the many pet nix hounds like to sleep in superior comfort perhaps?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
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    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • jaschacasadiob16_ESO
    dan958 wrote: »
    Now that you've mentioned it, I realised that I've never even noticed that there are no children
    That's because you keep watching Breton girls...

    Anyway kids would make feel the game way more immersive. And of course, having the chance to adopt them even more.

    This could totally open up new possibilities in terms of crown store. A lot of people would definitely pay to buy their kids clothes, personalities and so on.
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  • ZOS_Bill
    This thread has gotten long in the tooth as it's a year old, and for that reason we are locking it as a necro. Feel free to start a new thread about this if you wish to.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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