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Aggro for Werewolf

Hi, I'm playing as Werewolf and it's skill tree is awesome, but I believe there is one think missing and it's aggro. As I'm a tank, I would really appreciate adding this skill, because now turning into lycantrope during group rally make taking damage on myself impossible. I think the best option would be nerfing one of Roar's morf (first one is more preferable) into Derisive/Taunting Roar that will not fear enemy, but taunt them instead. What do you think about this?
  • Rinmaethodain
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.
  • KwarcPL
    Maybe you're right, but am I asking for too much? One morph, that's all. Then lycantrophy would be great booth for DPS and tanks.
  • Voxicity
    KwarcPL wrote: »
    Maybe you're right, but am I asking for too much? One morph, that's all. Then lycantrophy would be great booth for DPS and tanks.

    Give them a 12 target BoL while you're at it.
  • br0steen
    Add a taunt to werewolf and watch the werewolfs wearing tremorscale invade cyrodiil and then all of a sudden werewolf will be wayyyy too OP because everybody sees it on their death recaps.

    I say go for it!
  • Tasear
    You can taunt and use morph for like 14 secs then toggle out if you like
  • KochDerDamonen
    Fun fact for you:

    Tormentor set from Banished Cells, applies taunt and defense debuffs on use of a gapcloser (pounce), set bonuses work while in werewolf form ;)
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • usmcjdking
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.

    Werewolf is for nothing.
  • wolfdoggie_ESO
    I always thought it'd be nice if there were alternate morphs for Tanks/Healers... like Hircine's Fortitude's morph making it a group aoe heal for Werewolf healers and Ferocious Roar being a taunt for Tank Werewolves as those morphs aren't as useful for DPS.
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.

    Everything is for DPS. Low DPS Tanks and Healers are boring/unproductive in stuff like Vet dungeons. Don't overthink the role too much~ it'll ruin the game.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.
    And that's a bad decision by ZOS. Most of the passives lend themselves VERY well to tanking. The ONLY thing needed to make this viable is making a taunt available in Werewolf form.

    Hell, just making the Tormentor set work with Pounce would fix it up nicely.
  • Dragath
    Fun fact for you:

    Tormentor set from Banished Cells, applies taunt and defense debuffs on use of a gapcloser (pounce), set bonuses work while in werewolf form ;)

    last time players tested that, it didnt work.
    response from ZOS was, Pounce is considered a "Rush", not a "Charge" Ability.
    Tormentor applies the taunt to "Charge" Abilities, but not to "Rush" Abilities.
    I'm not sure if this is still accurate, because in one of the latest notes, they changed Pounce to apply the Charge Snare.
  • wolfdoggie_ESO
    Isn't a charge a rush and a rush a charge? Whys there a difference? .-.
  • max_only
    There is already a thread on this topic sharing the first page with this one...
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • idk
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.

    Exactly. Even if they changed a morph to a taunt it would be a bad tank. There are no skills to support tanking as a WW and in WW form the tank would lose all skills that support him/her and the group.
  • Dragath
    Isn't a charge a rush and a rush a charge? Whys there a difference? .-.

    i really can't tell you where they internally draw the line.
    i think the NB Teleport is also considered a "Rush".
    Might have something to do with terrain interaction.
  • KwarcPL
    And that's a bad decision by ZOS. Most of the passives lend themselves VERY well to tanking. The ONLY thing needed to make this viable is making a taunt available in Werewolf form.

    That's so true... a lot of perks are really deffensive (increase physical resistance, improve stamina recovery, heal or prolong boost). I believe it's very tanky, but without taunt it's less useful during rally in a group.
    max_only wrote: »
    There is already a thread on this topic sharing the first page with this one...

    Link would be quite useful ;)
    Edited by KwarcPL on April 29, 2017 10:51PM
  • Doctordarkspawn
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.

    Werewolf is for nothing.

    Wrong, werewolf is for PVP, and nothing else.
  • DocFrost72
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.

    Is that why they get 10k resistance bonuses for transforming? Or how about more stam return for heavy attacks? What about that passive that let's them stay in WW form longer if they are being hit, or giving the whole group major brutality?

    Those sound like useful qualities for a tank, to me.

    @OP, sadly, I think the reason werewolf tanking won't exist is because of what @br0steen highlighted. Don't even get me started on how simple it would be to fix tremorscale, though...

    Sincerely, a sad tauntless puppy.
  • KwarcPL
    Wrong, werewolf is for PVP, and nothing else.

    Oh yes, 17 comments and 18 opinion on what WW is good for :D I believe it's the best proof for versality of this skill three. Anyhow, why does everybody treat their opinion as dogma and don't let other options? WW is ment for DPS/PVP/whatever? Nice, but maybe let people decide how they use it and play as they like to? Besides... one morph is too much to ask?

    Edited by KwarcPL on April 30, 2017 10:33AM
  • KwarcPL
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Is that why they get 10k resistance bonuses for transforming? Or how about more stam return for heavy attacks? What about that passive that let's them stay in WW form longer if they are being hit, or giving the whole group major brutality?

    Exactly, WW have a lot of deffensive perks, ideal for tanks.
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    @OP, sadly, I think the reason werewolf tanking won't exist is because of what @br0steen highlighted. Don't even get me started on how simple it would be to fix tremorscale, though...

    I'm not sure. If we can complain about something making WW way too much OP, it's prolonging transformation or 10k resisntace boosts, not posibility of tanking.
    Edited by KwarcPL on April 30, 2017 10:33AM
  • CrazyWolf712
    usmcjdking wrote: »

    Werewolf is for nothing.

    If werewolf is for nothing, then how come I have completed all vet dungeons and vet Maelstrom as a werewolf? Werewolf is designed for PvE content as a tankish dps build. They are only good in PvP if you specifically build them for that or if you go as a werewolf group.
  • Queo
    I wish WW had a taunt. My wife and i both play as a WW and i tank/heal i hate going into WW during dungeon cause i cant keep aggro off her, even though WW is super strong and has great survivability
  • CrazyWolf712
    Queo wrote: »
    I wish WW had a taunt. My wife and i both play as a WW and i tank/heal i hate going into WW during dungeon cause i cant keep aggro off her, even though WW is super strong and has great survivability

    That's how my husband and I both are. We both are tank/dps werewolf hybrid builds and will use werewolf in all dungeons except for a select few bosses. Our other group members have adapted to our style of dungeon running, which is why queuing for randoms leads to pissed off metas who don't understand our characters. XD
    Edited by CrazyWolf712 on June 10, 2017 1:44PM
  • oibam
    Werewolf is for dpsing not tanking.

    Play how you want?

    Ah sorry, that was a marketing gag.
  • oibam
    btw there is a set which aplies taunt on damage from charge abilities, unfortunately the wolf pounce doesn't count as a charge
  • Enslaved
    Reason why WW should not have taunting skill
  • max_only
    KwarcPL wrote: »
    And that's a bad decision by ZOS. Most of the passives lend themselves VERY well to tanking. The ONLY thing needed to make this viable is making a taunt available in Werewolf form.

    That's so true... a lot of perks are really deffensive (increase physical resistance, improve stamina recovery, heal or prolong boost). I believe it's very tanky, but without taunt it's less useful during rally in a group.
    max_only wrote: »
    There is already a thread on this topic sharing the first page with this one...

    Link would be quite useful ;)

    Anyway it doesn't matter now. Here's my opinion ::

    As a tank who just so happens to also be a werewolf, please no.

    To elaborate, I'm tired of light bow spammers popping werewolf in vet dungeons, if they add the taunt that just makes my life harder... if there was a way for werewolf to passively benefit tanks, I'd love it. As it is, keeping the ult on my bar for the 12% stam regent seems like a waste now, but might be necessary come the update.
    Edited by max_only on May 3, 2017 6:32AM
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Sharee
    I just treat WW as a 15 second ult. Taunt, transform, do some DPS, then transform back when the taunt is expiring. Since one of my sets is Salvation, it doesn't take all that long to recharge the ult.

    However that's just for the relatively easy content, i likely wouldn't do this for anything serious.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    max_only wrote: »
    As a tank who just so happens to also be a werewolf, please no.

    To elaborate, I'm tired of light bow spammers popping werewolf in vet dungeons, if they add the taunt that just makes my life harder... if there was a way for werewolf to passively benefit tanks, I'd love it. As it is, keeping the ult on my bar for the 12% stam regent seems like a waste now, but might be necessary come the update.
    That's a good point. My thinking is one of the morphs needs a taunt rolled into it, so it's something you have to actually build for.
  • brandonv516
    Anyone tried equipping ice staff and transforming into WW and doing heavy attacks? Not ideal of course but maybe it taunts?
  • idk
    Queo wrote: »
    I wish WW had a taunt. My wife and i both play as a WW and i tank/heal i hate going into WW during dungeon cause i cant keep aggro off her, even though WW is super strong and has great survivability

    That's how my husband and I both are. We both are tank/dps werewolf hybrid builds and will use werewolf in all dungeons except for a select few bosses. Our other group members have adapted to our style of dungeon running, which is why queuing for ransoms leads to pissed off metas who don't understand our characters. XD

    Your not pissing off players who pull solid dps that meta builds bring. They can carry group through most dungeons.
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