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PVP should be across the map of Tamriel

  • CurvedSwords123
    lagrue wrote: »
    linzion wrote: »
    lagrue wrote: »
    In ZOS eyes we are worth more

    I do not want to lose focus, but I confess that I find this statement rather funny

    Please help me where do you find this official statistic??
    Please, that's a serious question. Not a kind of sarcasm .. I'm curious and want to do research .. but I do not know this information. Or where to find it!

    It's plainly obvious. There's a reason we have more DLCs focusing on PVE content and Cyrodiil has been ignored for 3 years.

    You can laugh at my statement all you want, but clearly PVE is the focus to ZOS and more players play in PVE.

    IC and Cyrodiil are absolute dead zones half the time I enter them, whereas you'll almost never go 5 min in PVE without seeing another player. It's anecdotal, sure - but considering ES was always a PVE kind of series, it's obvious that it was going to rake in more PVE players over time.

    I haven't shared ur experience. The Lvl50/Champ cyrodil is always packed, even very late at night. I will say I usually see ppl while I'm lvling up or farming too. The question is would we see more or less players total by expanding PvP. Which I feel would enhance the PvE experience for ppl on PVP servers, and wouldn't affect PvE server guys at all.
  • CurvedSwords123
    Rhoric wrote: »
    No you don't know. I have been there since beta and it is far from dead

    Estimated 200,000 subs in 2017? They don't post actual numbers? I saw my friend try to give it another go in 2016. It's dead dude.
    Edited by CurvedSwords123 on April 28, 2017 4:40AM
  • linzion
    I confess that I did not know that there was such a militant preconceived division on the part of those who prefer pve, if it were contrary and would not have opened the topic. :/
    Edited by linzion on April 28, 2017 4:41AM
  • DaveMoeDee
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    linzion wrote: »
    those in favor of PVP are being very respectful as far as I'm reading.

    So pro OW PVPers calling anti OW PvPers carebears and noobs is "being very respectful" according to you?

    It is not respectful. Its intentionally insulting and demeaning to people just because they dont agree with your point of view.

    Its also the perfect example of one of the reasons many people dont want OW PVP. Many Pro OW PvPers repeatedly demonstrate that they can not be respectful to other people. It is simply the antithesis of their ideology.

    Keep up those kinds of comments and you'll get this thread moderated and possibly shut down

    We're advocating for choice. If u are sincerely that sensitive and wary of pro PvP guys, u should want a server split more so than anyone.

    Your "choice" would be to force PVP on everyone in the game everywhere. Thats not a choice. We have "choice" now.
    We can choose to PvP in the zones made for it and PvE in the zones made for that.

    As I stated before. I play and enjoy PvP in Cyrodill and IC (I have accumulated millions of AP across my characters) when I choose to do so and I can play in the other zones when I choose to do PvE. I do not want PvP everywhere with no choice whatsoever to participate or not.

    I sincerely doubt that ZoS will make a dedicated PvP server but that would be the only way this game would survive having PvP in all zones. If they do make separate servers (if that really is what you are advocating), they will be a barren wasteland and shut down in less than a year. Like it or not, people that enjoy PvP, are vastly outnumbered by players that dont want to PvP at all.

    U'r not being honest. Everyone would have a choice to join the server they would like. Explain how that is forcing PvP on everyone? U don't know what ZOS is willing to do. I bet u would have thought​ ZOS wasn't willing to drop the level restrictions from their PvE content a couple of months ago. Limiting choice is regressive. Past precedent proves my position leads to a much larger player base.

    Perhaps ZOS is well aware that separate open world PvP servers wouldn't have enough population to make it worth the infrastructure costs to maintain.

    Such a change also leads to an unsavory change in player demographics.
  • Phinix1
    linzion wrote: »
    PVP should be across the map of Tamriel
    It does not make sense AD to walk quietly as in a country walk in EP or DC territory
    Since this is a war, why is not pvp area the map of the enemy faction ??

    Go to Black Desert and you will see why. Hundreds of trolls with nothing better to do with their life than kill fishers and crafters and low levels questing all day, day after day, just to screw off and cause others a bad time. Look how well it worked for that game's subscriber numbers.

    Welcome to humanity. This is why we can't have nice things. But PVP it an unbalanced meta-chasing nerve grinder anyway so no great loss IMO.

    If people want YET ANOTHER pointless open world gank paradise go for pretty much ANY F2P Korean game NOT the Elder Scrolls RPG. You wouldn't look for raw meat in the produce section would you?

    Edited by Phinix1 on April 28, 2017 4:45AM
  • linzion
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    I'm with you. The lack of real world PvP outside of cyrodil sucks. Makes most of the game static and boring. All these beautiful landscapes and there is no real danger, just NPCs to contend with. Real world PvP would make this game dangerous and exciting.

    It isn't for you. You can go to your PvP zones.

    Or go play a game designed like that. This isn't it.

    Tamriel for everyone
    Tamriel One
    Tamriel Unlimited...
  • Lavennin
    linzion wrote: »
    Lavennin wrote: »
    Why would you not want PVP to be consensual, other than to prey upon the fishing folks/new players/people that are just minding their own business?

    Otherwise you can just send invite & duel like-minded players.

    There's simply no equal ground in non-consensual PVP. People tend to only attack when they are certain they've got the advantage. When I was leveling in WoW I never attacked anyone that was 3+ below my level because I'd feel bad. And those players never attacked me first. Those of the same level/weaker class never attacked first either, but minutes later their max level friends would come, hunting me down.

    Unless people somehow enjoy dying, I think non-consensual PVP pretty much equals ganking (with only a few exceptions).

    I do not like cowardly games either ...
    But I think how cool it would be to take care of the fear of the shade in the world of Nir haha
      Do not see any emotion in npc
    But my friend, I did not understand if you found this idea pleasant.

    No, I don't enjoy killing when there's a clear advantage, so I don't gank, and so I'd only be ganked (and who enjoys that?)

    Edited by Lavennin on April 28, 2017 4:45AM
  • CurvedSwords123
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    linzion wrote: »
    those in favor of PVP are being very respectful as far as I'm reading.

    So pro OW PVPers calling anti OW PvPers carebears and noobs is "being very respectful" according to you?

    It is not respectful. Its intentionally insulting and demeaning to people just because they dont agree with your point of view.

    Its also the perfect example of one of the reasons many people dont want OW PVP. Many Pro OW PvPers repeatedly demonstrate that they can not be respectful to other people. It is simply the antithesis of their ideology.

    Keep up those kinds of comments and you'll get this thread moderated and possibly shut down

    We're advocating for choice. If u are sincerely that sensitive and wary of pro PvP guys, u should want a server split more so than anyone.

    Your "choice" would be to force PVP on everyone in the game everywhere. Thats not a choice. We have "choice" now.
    We can choose to PvP in the zones made for it and PvE in the zones made for that.

    As I stated before. I play and enjoy PvP in Cyrodill and IC (I have accumulated millions of AP across my characters) when I choose to do so and I can play in the other zones when I choose to do PvE. I do not want PvP everywhere with no choice whatsoever to participate or not.

    I sincerely doubt that ZoS will make a dedicated PvP server but that would be the only way this game would survive having PvP in all zones. If they do make separate servers (if that really is what you are advocating), they will be a barren wasteland and shut down in less than a year. Like it or not, people that enjoy PvP, are vastly outnumbered by players that dont want to PvP at all.

    U'r not being honest. Everyone would have a choice to join the server they would like. Explain how that is forcing PvP on everyone? U don't know what ZOS is willing to do. I bet u would have thought​ ZOS wasn't willing to drop the level restrictions from their PvE content a couple of months ago. Limiting choice is regressive. Past precedent proves my position leads to a much larger player base.

    Perhaps ZOS is well aware that separate open world PvP servers wouldn't have enough population to make it worth the infrastructure costs to maintain.

    Such a change also leads to an unsavory change in player demographics.

    Or perhaps it's the loud anti PvP crowd on these forums that make them feel it has to be so regulated. How many active players are we at ATM 8 mil? Sure, splitting them may not be pleasant at first. But precedent shows this lvl of freedom leads to the highest amount of subs. Anybody saying they know there are more PvE players than not doesn't have evidence, it's just speculation. We'll see how ppl respond to these ideas in the coming days.
  • linzion
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    linzion wrote: »
    PVP should be across the map of Tamriel
    It does not make sense AD to walk quietly as in a country walk in EP or DC territory
    Since this is a war, why is not pvp area the map of the enemy faction ??

    Go to Black Desert and you will see why. Hundreds of trolls with nothing better to do with their life than kill fishers and crafters and low levels questing all day, day after day, just to screw off and cause others a bad time. Look how well it worked for that game's subscriber numbers.

    Welcome to humanity. This is why we can't have nice things. But PVP it an unbalanced meta-chasing nerve grinder anyway so no great loss IMO.

    If people want YET ANOTHER pointless open world gank paradise go for pretty much ANY F2P Korean game NOT the Elder Scrolls RPG. You wouldn't look for raw meat in the produce section would you?

    As I already said, I like The Elder Scrolls since the Arena game
  • Rhoric
    Rhoric wrote: »
    No you don't know. I have been there since beta and it is far from dead

    Estimated 200,000 subs in 2017? They don't post actual numbers? I saw my friend try to give it another go in 2016. It's dead dude.

    Thats just it. It isn't a sub game anymore. So like I said you don't know.
  • CurvedSwords123
    Rhoric wrote: »
    Rhoric wrote: »
    No you don't know. I have been there since beta and it is far from dead

    Estimated 200,000 subs in 2017? They don't post actual numbers? I saw my friend try to give it another go in 2016. It's dead dude.

    Thats just it. It isn't a sub game anymore. So like I said you don't know.

    I know they were forced to go free to play years ago. Find me a credible source stating an active player base of over 2 million. That's a tiny population.
  • Rhoric
    You have only been here for a couple days. This change you want is not gonna happen.
  • Scragnew60
    Soul Shriven
    They need to make a dlc that where that zone is pvp. You get more gold for quest and from npcs and you get like double the nodes from silk and ore. Kinda of like a risk reward scenario.
  • linzion
    Rhoric wrote: »
    You have only been here for a couple days. This change you want is not gonna happen.
    I played two years ago friend, but that does not mean anything ... this is just an idea ...
    Since you are not of the administration, it does not seem logical or acceptable to you. Since nobody knows anything about the plans of the game owners right?...
    Edited by linzion on April 28, 2017 4:59AM
  • Lavennin
    Lavennin wrote: »
    Why would you not want PVP to be consensual, other than to prey upon the fishing folks/new players/people that are just minding their own business?

    Otherwise you can just send invite & duel with like-minded players.

    There's simply no equal ground in non-consensual PVP. People tend to only attack when they are certain they've got the advantage. When I was leveling in WoW I never attacked anyone that was 3+ below my level because I'd feel bad. And those players never attacked me first. Those of the same level/weaker class never attacked first either, but minutes later their max level friends would come, hunting me down.

    Unless people somehow enjoy dying, I think non-consensual PVP pretty much equals ganking (with only a few exceptions).

    Well, all PvP would be consensual as long as u elected (with undecided regulations) to be on a PvP server. It would allow for more player made conflict throughout the whole world, rather than static NPC grinding. It would be immersive because it would give the sense of a prevalent war. It would be exciting because u would never know what kind of trouble u'd experience day to day. The world would no longer be static. Yes, ganking would be an issue every now and then but that is the nature of the Beast. I'd argue u'd get more satisfaction from killing someone that ganked u, than an NPC monster on ur quest to-do list. you suggest we have PVP/PVE/RP servers? Have to disagree with that.

    I wasn't saying I didn't have a choice in WoW. And I do enjoy PVP in general. But it was from that game that I learnt what people enjoyed to do--the honorable duels I imagined never even happened once.

    In all the games I've played, ganking was never just a problem happened from time to time. It was pretty much the norm.
  • Gilvoth
    this would be Great!
    please do it.
  • CurvedSwords123
    Lavennin wrote: »
    Lavennin wrote: »
    Why would you not want PVP to be consensual, other than to prey upon the fishing folks/new players/people that are just minding their own business?

    Otherwise you can just send invite & duel with like-minded players.

    There's simply no equal ground in non-consensual PVP. People tend to only attack when they are certain they've got the advantage. When I was leveling in WoW I never attacked anyone that was 3+ below my level because I'd feel bad. And those players never attacked me first. Those of the same level/weaker class never attacked first either, but minutes later their max level friends would come, hunting me down.

    Unless people somehow enjoy dying, I think non-consensual PVP pretty much equals ganking (with only a few exceptions).

    Well, all PvP would be consensual as long as u elected (with undecided regulations) to be on a PvP server. It would allow for more player made conflict throughout the whole world, rather than static NPC grinding. It would be immersive because it would give the sense of a prevalent war. It would be exciting because u would never know what kind of trouble u'd experience day to day. The world would no longer be static. Yes, ganking would be an issue every now and then but that is the nature of the Beast. I'd argue u'd get more satisfaction from killing someone that ganked u, than an NPC monster on ur quest to-do list. you suggest we have PVP/PVE/RP servers? Have to disagree with that.

    I wasn't saying I didn't have a choice in WoW. And I do enjoy PVP in general. But it was from that game that I learnt what people enjoyed to do--the honorable duels I imagined never even happened once.

    In all the games I've played, ganking was never just a problem happened from time to time. It was pretty much the norm.

    Fair enough. Seems like a lot of ppl had trouble with griefers in past games. Still, keep in mind that the split doesn't have to affect u if u don't want it to. And if there were appropriate disensetives to griefing, and perhaps incentives for ur faction mates to defend territory. Don't u think it could be a fun system to make an alt under to shake things up a bit? I'm no developer but I have a strong sense of what made my favourite games from the past exciting and immersive. I'll concede it would be a difficult thing to pull off though.
    Edited by CurvedSwords123 on April 28, 2017 5:08AM
  • Phinix1
    Never gonna happen. Totally the wrong game for it.
  • Lavennin
    A tag/toggle would be good. I support that.

    Or is it something an addon can accomplish? Auto-accept duel requests?

    Just don't split the player base, and don't make anyone the unwilling ganking victim.
  • linzion
    Lavennin wrote: »
    A tag/toggle would be good. I support that.

    Or is it something an addon can accomplish? Auto-accept duel requests?

    Just don't split the player base, and don't make anyone the unwilling ganking victim.

    Someone said a buff, I agree it would be very smart

    I imagine a passive
  • linzion
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    Never gonna happen. Totally the wrong game for it.
    I do not agree. That was until the advertisement in 2014.
  • FloppyTouch
    Lavennin wrote: »
    A tag/toggle would be good. I support that.

    Or is it something an addon can accomplish? Auto-accept duel requests?

    Just don't split the player base, and don't make anyone the unwilling ganking victim.

    I agree don't split the player base that will be a huge fail an open world pvp server would be almost empty.

    Best option is a toggle that has a cool down of say 15-30 mins where you can't turn it off after turning it on to stop people from exploiting. PK modes have been very successful is mmorpg in the past and has no effect at all on pvers.

    These modes offer incentives like more gold or exp to try to get more people to join.

    Safe spots are great too like each major town in each area is a safe place where even if you have PK mode on you can't kill. To stop people from camping towns you can give them immunity after leaving a town for a few seconds.

    I can't see any pver being against this bc it would affect you in no way at all. More options is never a bad thing to have in an mmo ever. If you start catering to only one play style you loose other people and make a smaller game. A PK mode offers a more hard core pve mode for pvp players making it more rewarding.

  • SanSan
    This will never happen and for that i am glad.
  • linzion
    SanSan wrote: »
    This will never happen and for that i am glad.
    Never know. Do not limit your happiness to so little companion
  • Lavennin
    Lavennin wrote: »
    A tag/toggle would be good. I support that.

    Or is it something an addon can accomplish? Auto-accept duel requests?

    Just don't split the player base, and don't make anyone the unwilling ganking victim.

    I agree don't split the player base that will be a huge fail an open world pvp server would be almost empty.

    Best option is a toggle that has a cool down of say 15-30 mins where you can't turn it off after turning it on to stop people from exploiting. PK modes have been very successful is mmorpg in the past and has no effect at all on pvers.

    These modes offer incentives like more gold or exp to try to get more people to join.

    Safe spots are great too like each major town in each area is a safe place where even if you have PK mode on you can't kill. To stop people from camping towns you can give them immunity after leaving a town for a few seconds.

    I can't see any pver being against this bc it would affect you in no way at all. More options is never a bad thing to have in an mmo ever. If you start catering to only one play style you loose other people and make a smaller game. A PK mode offers a more hard core pve mode for pvp players making it more rewarding.
    Agreed. I would also like to see the second part of Justice system implemented, but excluding lesser crimes. So murderers will be brought to justice by both guards and other players, but new players can still get rich by stealing from every nightstand. I hope that includes DB assasins, but I'm not sure how pvers would feel about that. (And stage 4 vampires/transformed werewolves. I may be alone in this, but I really feel something is missing with the current DB & vampires & ww mechanics).

  • linzion
    Lavennin wrote: »
    A tag/toggle would be good. I support that.

    Or is it something an addon can accomplish? Auto-accept duel requests?

    Just don't split the player base, and don't make anyone the unwilling ganking victim.

    I agree don't split the player base that will be a huge fail an open world pvp server would be almost empty.

    Best option is a toggle that has a cool down of say 15-30 mins where you can't turn it off after turning it on to stop people from exploiting. PK modes have been very successful is mmorpg in the past and has no effect at all on pvers.

    These modes offer incentives like more gold or exp to try to get more people to join.

    Safe spots are great too like each major town in each area is a safe place where even if you have PK mode on you can't kill. To stop people from camping towns you can give them immunity after leaving a town for a few seconds.

    I can't see any pver being against this bc it would affect you in no way at all. More options is never a bad thing to have in an mmo ever. If you start catering to only one play style you loose other people and make a smaller game. A PK mode offers a more hard core pve mode for pvp players making it more rewarding.
    Oh this it's beautiful .. that's what I'm talking about \o/
  • linzion
    Lavennin wrote: »
    Lavennin wrote: »
    A tag/toggle would be good. I support that.

    Or is it something an addon can accomplish? Auto-accept duel requests?

    Just don't split the player base, and don't make anyone the unwilling ganking victim.

    I agree don't split the player base that will be a huge fail an open world pvp server would be almost empty.

    Best option is a toggle that has a cool down of say 15-30 mins where you can't turn it off after turning it on to stop people from exploiting. PK modes have been very successful is mmorpg in the past and has no effect at all on pvers.

    These modes offer incentives like more gold or exp to try to get more people to join.

    Safe spots are great too like each major town in each area is a safe place where even if you have PK mode on you can't kill. To stop people from camping towns you can give them immunity after leaving a town for a few seconds.

    I can't see any pver being against this bc it would affect you in no way at all. More options is never a bad thing to have in an mmo ever. If you start catering to only one play style you loose other people and make a smaller game. A PK mode offers a more hard core pve mode for pvp players making it more rewarding.
    Agreed. I would also like to see the second part of Justice system implemented, but excluding lesser crimes. So murderers will be brought to justice by both guards and other players, but new players can still get rich by stealing from every nightstand. I hope that includes DB assasins, but I'm not sure how pvers would feel about that. (And stage 4 vampires/transformed werewolves. I may be alone in this, but I really feel something is missing with the current DB & vampires & ww mechanics).
    This "real danger" would make everything very dynamic
  • Humphie
    Good to see some ppl up for game reform, and the injection of some life and authenticity to this "war". The PvE carebear crowd is always so onerous and loud.

    Yep cause pve people are the ones that cry and call for such drastic changes that cause them to remake entire toons they worked so hard on. Cause pve people cry balance so often

    If your dungeon NPCs would wear Viper ot Velidreth or heavy armor, you would cry the loudest.
  • Osteos
    The toggle system worked well in swtor. I never had any issue and I didn't pvp in that game. Open world pvp would make sense storywise and would add a lot to the game.

    It would take quite a bit to implement though. A lot of skills would need to be changed, example you heal yourself with bol and accidentally heal a nearby flagged ally which in turn flags you. That would be a problem that would need to be addressed.

    I do like @Aidence idea for fighters guild bounty hunter. It could help avoid the issues I brought up.
    NA PC
    Former Vehemence Member
    Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault
  • colig
    colig wrote: »
    Hmm. This idea reminds me of a game I used to play a while back. The pvp system was such that everyone who wanted it had to set a tag on their profile to enable it; by default pvp was off. So you had a world shared by pvers and pvpers and only the pvpers could kill and attack other pvpers with the tag active. Once you became a pvper, the setting would be permanent. Also, if you killed someone, you could take everything from their inventory. The majority of people did not opt for this.

    I don't think loot stealing is preferred by most. If I were to hazard a guess, I also think a PvP toggle would make u less competitive compared to the guys who are progressing without resistance. Vanilla WoW had it right imo, u die, u don't lose anything, u'r either on a PvP server, or u r not. But the idea of travelling anywhere, killing any enemy u want, knowing anything could happen while u were exploring, that's what made that game what it was for years and years.

    You are not signing up for this because it is easy. You are signing up for this because it's fun for you and 'immersive', to put it in your terms. It's intentionally harsh because you don't want 'carebears' as you put it to try it, and complain about being ganked all the time. Only hardcore players like yourselves will be able to handle the pressure of constantly being under threat.
    Edited by colig on April 28, 2017 6:20AM
This discussion has been closed.