PVP should be across the map of Tamriel

  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    The only reason I can see someone wanting this is to troll casuals or new players , there's a place for Pve and a place for PvP and it should stay that way
  • notimetocare
    Because it may surprise you, many common folk care nothing about the war. Also, the focus of the war is the Ruby Throne. Most fighting is going to be focused as it is in the actual pvp zone
  • Messy1
    No way. It's bad enough that we now have people dueling in banks and around wayshrines.

    I PvP rarely, and only to get enough AP to buy certain skills. The thought of PvP entering PvE areas gives me the shudders. Just...no.

    ZOS should take the time to designate dueling zones and open world PvP zones in each of the maps, but of course they won't because battlegrounds are coming . . .

    MY IDEA: Every major city in every zone should have a underground set of sewers/caverns just like (maybe not as big) as Imperial City sewers and there should be an Enforcer and Criminal system and for those who wish they can go in and do what they want etc . . .
  • MattT1988
    While the split server idea has merit, I don't know if ZOS would be willing to pile in the resources to let it happen. Open world PvP would be a horrible idea if you can't split the servers. A large chunk of the player base have no interest in PvP (nothing wrong with that by the way, it's not everybodies cup of tea) and would simply leave.

    By the way, why are people 'carebears' if they don't like PvP? I can understand the sentiment for people who are legit scared of PvP, but what about the people who aren't scared but simply don't like it? I don't like the PvP in this particular game but I don't mind the PvP in other games. I play this game for the co-op.

    I don't mind the idea of creating more fresh PvP only zones, maybe located on the borders of the factions? Maybe that can work I dunno. Maybe the border of Skyrim and High Rock could be interesting with the added challenge of having The Reachmen stuck in the middle. Maybe you could also have a Dominion beachhead established to the north of the map near the northern ocean to give the AD a presence there. I'm just brainstorming here.
    Edited by MattT1988 on April 28, 2017 11:43AM
  • FloppyTouch
    Because it may surprise you, many common folk care nothing about the war. Also, the focus of the war is the Ruby Throne. Most fighting is going to be focused as it is in the actual pvp zone

    That why DC npc are all over EP npc zones fighting the war? Do you play this game?

    I agree that's why I suggested the original poster make a clearer post about a PK toggle bc pvers miss understanding how this works
  • Daemons_Bane
    linzion wrote: »
    Even those who enjoy Role-play Elder Scrolls would have more fun.

    Having seen quite a lot of other mmo's, I HIGHLY doubt this.. There's nothing more annoying than a good wellplayed RP event that gets destroyed by a bunch of nobrained PvP'ers.. And it WILL happen

  • Haydenmango
    This would be great if they did it like WoW open world pvp on a normal server.

    For people who don't know how that works:
    You can choose to toggle on a PvP flag while playing which makes you targetable by players of other factions.
    You must wait 5 minutes after toggling it off for your PvP flag to go away and you are untargetable by other players again.
    Safe areas like cities could automatically toggle PvP flags off.

    People who want open world pvp can toggle it on and people who don't can toggle it off. Everyone wins! :D

    It prevents commonly presented issue like spawn/zone camping and unwanted pvp interaction.
    Edited by Haydenmango on April 28, 2017 11:41AM
    Haydenmango V16 Magicka Dragonknight Ebonheart Pact PC/NA

    I PvE AND PvP!

    I stream on twitch sometimes - https://www.twitch.tv/haydenmango/profile
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    No go PvP in the correct place it's annoying enough seeing dueling happening
  • Blacksmoke
    Sure but dump the pvpers in a diffrent server then, many others just want to quest and farm mats I dont care for fighting when I just want to quest in peace. If they would implement this on the regular server it willbe suicide. So expect this to happen in the next few monhts :"D
    Champion point: 645
    Ganlian Stormian - AD - Dungeon healer - Templar - Crafter
    Ondaril Stormian - AD - Trail DPS - Sorcerer
    Shagrod gro-Bolmog - AD - PVP - Dragonknight
  • Zyrudin
    Blacksmoke wrote: »
    Sure but dump the pvpers in a diffrent server then, many others just want to quest and farm mats I dont care for fighting when I just want to quest in peace. If they would implement this on the regular server it willbe suicide. So expect this to happen in the next few monhts :"D

    And that PvP-only server would be virtually a desert most of the time, given that I bet a significant number of the PvP population are PvE'rs getting Vigour, Warhorn, Barrier and Caltrops.
  • ZOS_JohanaB
    We've removed and edited a few comments for non constructive and inappropriate input. Please remember to follow the community rules in the future, as you continue to post.
    Staff Post
  • Kiralyn2000
    linzion wrote: »
    Even those who enjoy Role-play Elder Scrolls would have more fun.

    Having seen quite a lot of other mmo's, I HIGHLY doubt this.. There's nothing more annoying than a good wellplayed RP event that gets destroyed by a bunch of nobrained PvP'ers.. And it WILL happen

    See, that's the thing that confuses me about this the most. From everything I've ever seen about "immersion" (i.e, all complaints about "such-and-such broke my immersion! game ruined!"), MMO pvp is about as far from "immersive" as anything I can imagine. People acting completely out-of-character/things that don't "fit" the world, constant stuff reminding you you're playing a game, etc.

    Of course, everything I've learned about immersion, I learned on the Skyrim/FO4 forums - so any hint of a HUD on the screen ("that's not part of the world, it reminds me this is a game, my character wouldn't know that!"), any instances of seeing your character in third person, any hint of soundtrack ("my character's not carrying a radio, or a bard, with him! where's that music coming from!"), etc, etc, etc. Anything that takes the player "out of the moment" or that breaks the "realism"..... /eyeroll
    Based on that, I can't imagine any MMO could ever be immersive, just by their nature.
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on April 28, 2017 1:11PM
  • Arundo
    It should yes.

    Origninal zones should be open for PVP but zones from your faction should be well guarded against the other factions. New zones should be contested like Cyro.
  • JKorr
    I'd leave the game if they made open world pvp mandatory. Two accounts, 16 characters and counting, many, many hours playing, all dlc bought outright for both accounts, subbed since early release, 9 trait crafters, motifs, recipes, everything; I'd walk away. I don't want to pvp; until official announcements were made that you could ignore pvp completely by staying out of Cyrodiil I didn't even look at this game. Even with "toggles" or "flags"; people already cause hassles and issues by dueling in banks, near wayshrines, and crafting areas. If there was pvp allowed everywhere, it would be complete garbage.

    I'd happily join in to ask for a separate instance/separate server for pvp all the time everywhere slaughter anyone even your own faction people. Anyone who picked that server/instance would know what to expect. They could throw in an automatic portal to Boethiah's Proving Grounds for anyone who wants to duel to keep them out of the pve areas. Honestly though, going by previous threads about this, I doubt many "hard core" pvpers would use it. No pve players going there for pve reasons to gank.

    They could then come up with any excuse then to make a pve only instance of Cyrodiil; all the armies went on strike and suspended the fighting because the ruler's didn't pay them on time; they ran out of sweetrolls and no battles can start until fresh supplies arrive, or even a time glitch that sends players to before the war started to do pve quests, find skyshards, explore, and farm mats..... Could even make it that the pvp aspects like caltrops and whatever couldn't be earned in the pve instance.
  • ParaNostram
    Never gonna happen, I don't use this phrase lightly but it would "ruin the game" (and mind you back in WoW I was a part of a RP PvP guild that thrived on in world PvP, we the Dusk Watch went on patrols and fought against the Horde back on Twisting Nether)
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • Idinuse
    linzion wrote: »
    Even those who enjoy Role-play Elder Scrolls would have more fun.

    Having seen quite a lot of other mmo's, I HIGHLY doubt this.. There's nothing more annoying than a good wellplayed RP event that gets destroyed by a bunch of nobrained PvP'ers.. And it WILL happen

    See, that's the thing that confuses me about this the most. From everything I've ever seen about "immersion" (i.e, all complaints about "such-and-such broke my immersion! game ruined!"), MMO pvp is about as far from "immersive" as anything I can imagine. People acting completely out-of-character/things that don't "fit" the world, constant stuff reminding you you're playing a game, etc.

    Of course, everything I've learned about immersion, I learned on the Skyrim/FO4 forums - so any hint of a HUD on the screen ("that's not part of the world, it reminds me this is a game, my character wouldn't know that!"), any instances of seeing your character in third person, any hint of soundtrack ("my character's not carrying a radio, or a bard, with him! where's that music coming from!"), etc, etc, etc. Anything that takes the player "out of the moment" or that breaks the "realism"..... /eyeroll
    Based on that, I can't imagine any MMO could ever be immersive, just by their nature.

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • TheBonesXXX
    Should have made the game seamless to begin with. The bounty system was this but pvers pitched a fit.

    Im all for a pvp flag option and a ffa faction.
  • coop500
    Oh hell no. no no no! If ZOS did that they may as well have just stolen my money. I paid for a PVE game with optional PVP, not a PVP game where high level players get to pick on, rob, tea bag, mock, murder and just suck the fun out of the game for all newer players and people who are just not good at PVP.

    I bought this game because it was a MMO that did not encourage me hating every player in existence because of PVP. Not so they can turn it around and turn it into a old players pick on new weaker players.

    Edit: People saying this would make the game more interesting are clearly people who want to pick on noobs and the unexperienced, getting ganked and steamrolled by jerks is not lively, it's just a annoyance that will cause people to quit and for good reason.

    We want to play a game to have fun, not go to school again and get picked on by bullies in a game world.
    Edited by coop500 on April 28, 2017 1:50PM
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • MagnusBlackmane
    Yes it would have solid lore base, but it would demolish the gameplay.

    So... Just NO. This would ruin the game for the new players, because there is always THAT guy, that would troll new players because he can... bah, a whole guild worth of people probably. Also, bans would only go so far...

    "You're trying too hard... do it at 80%, never 100%. Relax." - My sensei.
    Server: EU PC
    Dracart - AD Khajiit, Currently Stamina Nightblade
  • coop500
    Yes it would have solid lore base, but it would demolish the gameplay.

    So... Just NO. This would ruin the game for the new players, because there is always THAT guy, that would troll new players because he can... bah, a whole guild worth of people probably. Also, bans would only go so far...

    Oh yes there will be hoards of bored elite players that will gank noobs and loners just for giggles. There will be guilds dedicated to noob murdering. And don't even get me started on people losing gold and equipment because of them.

    You know when I get a little bored of a game, the first thing I want to do is help noob players, but most of the gaming community overall are turds and would just do what I said above.
    Edited by coop500 on April 28, 2017 1:57PM
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • EdmundTowers
    As someone who enjoys both pvp and pve. I like the way ESO separated pve from pvp. Ive played games that didn't, and it just consisted of max gear/max level tweeks picking on new players trying to level up/trying to enjoy the story. That is more immersion breaking than anything.

    I see no point in ZOS risking their pve player base by doing this. Besides, My pvp fix is already satisfied by cyrodiil and soon we will have battlegrounds.

    Also, we already have a zone that mixes pve and pvp in eso. Its called imperial city. The place is mostly dead.
    Co GM of Imperium of the Eagle, PvP Guild NA PC, ~Aldmeri Dominion~
    Tyrael Allynna Aldmeri Magplar
  • Daemons_Bane
    We already have a zone that mixes pve and pvp in eso. Its called imperial city. The place is mostly dead.

    That should be quite a good example then.. If such a place already exists, and seems to not work, maybe don't make it worldwide :smile:

  • coop500
    Exactly, that's a good point on that, the sewers and the city are pretty much dead, me and a group went there once and we killed the NPC mobs, there is hardly anyone else there besides the stray guy wanting to turn in his blue key shards or the annoying gankers of these key people.
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Emmagoldman
    We shouldnt think of eso as solely what type of players are the most, but how the game can evolve to fit different niches. Even pers will get board of a million story lines of dungeons. Id love to see more complex housing, though its not my thing. Id love to see craftable jewlery or player constructed villages as well. Alo g with small pvp zones in each zone

    Again, just have it where you can flag. Type /pvp. Dont want to pvp? you wouldnt have to. Even most of the time pvpers would have it off. So pvers dont worry!

    How it was in fallen earth
    *You cant unflag for 15 minutes after. So if you gank, you're now flagged.
    *diminishing ap to prevent exploits
    *social tab created to see who is flagged in different regions.

    Think outside of pvp. Rpers could do A lot. You could have a bar fight in your house. Guild wars, town defense, scavanger hunt, bar fights, vampire hunt, ect

    Example, naked bar fight. Cmon now, anything better on a friday night?

  • coop500
    People find exploits in everything though, we should not give them the chance. Look at guild banks, how long did it take for people to make whole groups dedicated to robbing players of their hard earned gold and items? What do you think people with this mindset will do? There will always be loopholes and there will always be people to find them. So in a perfect world, yes pvp would be fun, if people behaved themselves it would be awesome, but that's now how people roll.
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Zyrudin
    We shouldnt think of eso as solely what type of players are the most, but how the game can evolve to fit different niches. Even pers will get board of a million story lines of dungeons. Id love to see more complex housing, though its not my thing. Id love to see craftable jewlery or player constructed villages as well. Alo g with small pvp zones in each zone

    Again, just have it where you can flag. Type /pvp. Dont want to pvp? you wouldnt have to. Even most of the time pvpers would have it off. So pvers dont worry!

    How it was in fallen earth
    *You cant unflag for 15 minutes after. So if you gank, you're now flagged.
    *diminishing ap to prevent exploits
    *social tab created to see who is flagged in different regions.

    Think outside of pvp. Rpers could do A lot. You could have a bar fight in your house. Guild wars, town defense, scavanger hunt, bar fights, vampire hunt, ect

    Example, naked bar fight. Cmon now, anything better on a friday night?


    Disagree with flags. Whole different server altogether.
  • Kodrac
    Rhoric wrote: »
    No you don't know. I have been there since beta and it is far from dead

    Estimated 200,000 subs in 2017? They don't post actual numbers? I saw my friend try to give it another go in 2016. It's dead dude.

    Yep. The PvP servers are dead. You need to accept you are part of a minority.
  • EdmundTowers
    We already have a zone that mixes pve and pvp in eso. Its called imperial city. The place is mostly dead.

    That should be quite a good example then.. If such a place already exists, and seems to not work, maybe don't make it worldwide :smile:

    Once, I got the telvar I wanted, I haven't been back there. When I have a goal in mind, like gaining levels, gaining gold/telvar, completing a quest, etc; having the risk of it being interrupted by an enemy player did not make it more interesting. It just made it annoying.

    To the people suggesting a flag system like WoW. We sorta have that in ESO with dueling. I would rather have ZOS work on expanding the dueling system to include no cp and group duels then to have them implement a whole new system. Another thing they can do, would be to add a "Dueling" personality, to let people show everyone around them that they're looking for a fight.
    Co GM of Imperium of the Eagle, PvP Guild NA PC, ~Aldmeri Dominion~
    Tyrael Allynna Aldmeri Magplar
  • faerigirl
    I think a split between PvE and PvP servers would be the best bet. U know? Like all the most successful classic MMOs? If memory serves me correctly, the PvP servers in those games were always the most lively.

    PvPers are hands down the biggest cry babies in MMO's today. I've seen PvP open world split server in MMO's fail because most players go to the PvE side then all the PvPers cry about not having anyone to gank...I mean play with.

    So I vote NO on open world PvP even on a split server NO.

    There are so many good open world PvP titles out now that we don't need it anywhere outside Cyrodiil.

    Albion Online
    Black Desert Online
    Blade & Soul
    Camelot Unchained
  • linzion
    linzion wrote: »
    Even those who enjoy Role-play Elder Scrolls would have more fun.

    Having seen quite a lot of other mmo's, I HIGHLY doubt this.. There's nothing more annoying than a good wellplayed RP event that gets destroyed by a bunch of nobrained PvP'ers.. And it WILL happen
    Imagine with me a role play scene.
    Think of this scene as something that the player chooses to participate or not ...
    Using the imagined buff active or passive in certain regions marked as dangerous. Or I still know that a channel separation is possible ...

    I see many quest in which we get only in one place until the quest is finished those in which we go to the background and it only remains ghosts (npc) ... so I imagine that can be done to "channel" in which only Those signed with the buff Active view and interact with such a "fight"

    I have a vampire character (AD) ....
    My friend a werewolf character (DC) ...
    On a full moon night on EP maps.

    Or even ... as in the elder scroll lore ... picture High Elves in a fight for territory against the humans Imperials as well as this in the reports in skyrim lorebook ...

    So much could be imagined arising from the contexts in the morrowind lore, oblivion, Skyrim <3
This discussion has been closed.