PVP should be across the map of Tamriel

  • Tandor
    Open world PvP in a PvE-centric game could only be remotely viable if there were separate PvP and PvE servers which isn't going to happen. Moreover, if it did, the forced PvP servers would be pretty much empty within a few months at most. Introducing open world PvP on the existing servers only would empty the servers even quicker.
  • Katahdin
    This has been discussed over and over and over.
    It wont happen.

    Here is a thought.

    Find a game that actually is designed for and offers open world PvP and play that instead of trying to turn ESO into something it was never designed to be and never will be.

    BDO offers exactly what you want. Play that instead of trying to force others to play the way you want to play.

    For the record. I enjoy PvP as well as PvE. I like to play each of them when I choose to, not when some epeen wants to gank my lowbie because he wants to feel OP. I can and do go to Cyro/IC when I want that game play and play in the rest of the game when I want PvE.
    Beta tester November 2013
  • DarcyMardin
    No way. It's bad enough that we now have people dueling in banks and around wayshrines.

    I PvP rarely, and only to get enough AP to buy certain skills. The thought of PvP entering PvE areas gives me the shudders. Just...no.
  • AcadianPaladin

    PvE only for me. If forced to endure PvP, I'm gone from ESO.

    The farther apart we can move PvP and PvE the better. Differing rules for how skills work so the two communities don't have to eat each others' 'balance' nerf buscuits and buffy bits. Different servers would allow PvEers like me to finally explore Cyrodiil in peace.

    PvP: X (insert class and/or skill) is overpowered. So nerf/buff/balance accordingly.
    PvE: X (insert class and/or skill) is overpowered. Who cares (within reason) since it doesn't affect other players.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • CurvedSwords123
    [snip] What are you talking about design? Did you read the earlier post of what the original bounty system was supposed to be? This is a game based on war between three factions, that's what the entire story is predicated on. If you like [snip] NPCs non stop that's ur business, but don't pretend open world PvP doesn't make sense in this context. [snip] Split the servers.

    [Edit to remove bait.]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on April 28, 2017 11:23PM
  • AzraelKrieg
    No global PvP. That would cause a large portion of the community to quit. There is also a lore reason as to why only Cyrodiil is PvP and the rest isn't. As the Three Banners War is only focused on the Ruby Throne, the leaders of the three factions decided that to avoid civilian casualties, the war would only be fought in Cyrodiil.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • Bouldercleave
    I vote yes!

    Killing some one should take 50% of their gold and a 2 pieces of their armor. EVEN is it's BOP.


    Until YOU get ganked and lose your stuff.
  • CurvedSwords123
    It only worked for every major MMO? Where's ur evidence for this mass exodus if Zenimax dare cater to a wider audience with server choices?
  • SydneyGrey
    And every wayshrine, bank, fence, blacksmith, etc. would have small groups of players sitting there just waiting for newbies to show up, so they can destroy them.

    No thanks. The day that happens is the day I find a different game to play.
  • CurvedSwords123
    NPC guards have always nullified that behaviour in past titles. Except maybe AoC. Again, u guys are neither being thoughtful or honest.
  • Bouldercleave
    [snip] What are you talking about design? Did you read the earlier post of what the original bounty system was supposed to be? This is a game based on war between three factions, that's what the entire story is predicated on. If you like [snip] NPCs non stop that's ur business, but don't pretend open world PvP doesn't make sense in this context. [snip] Split the servers.

    [Edit to remove bait.]

    Open world PvP would doom this game UNLESS the servers got split. Even then I'm not sure you could muster up enough full time PvPers to justify it.

    I think the server would be pretty much a ghost town. There is FAR too much land mass. You may go days without even seeing anyone else.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on April 28, 2017 11:27PM
  • CurvedSwords123
    It wouldn't. I'm not advocating to force u ppl out of ur safe spaces. There is no downside to a server split. It'll just cater to more ppl and bring in more players. Don't pretend u haven't heard the myriad criticisms of the lack of global PvP for a war game. And I haven't heard once of a lore element, that every faction pinky sweared to play nice except for in this small central region. Ridiculous. Split the servers.
  • CurvedSwords123
    Also to ur ghost town concern. In the past, PvP servers have been the most lively, PvE servers have been alive and well yet smaller, and RP servers have been the smallest but have very dedicated players. According to past precedent.
  • Bouldercleave
    It wouldn't. I'm not advocating to force u ppl out of ur safe spaces. There is no downside to a server split. It'll just cater to more ppl and bring in more players. Don't pretend u haven't heard the myriad criticisms of the lack of global PvP for a war game. And I haven't heard once of a lore element, that every faction pinky sweared to play nice except for in this small central region. Ridiculous. Split the servers.

    Ok, now you just sound condescending. Insulting people is really not the way to get this point across.
  • CurvedSwords123
    Stop being so sensitive. My possession of a contrarian opinion isn't reason for censorship. As a matter of fact didn't u tell another guy his opinion was only valid until he got ganked?
    Edited by CurvedSwords123 on April 28, 2017 1:06AM
  • TheNuminous1
    Good to see some ppl up for game reform, and the injection of some life and authenticity to this "war". The PvE [snip] crowd is always so onerous and loud.

    Yep cause pve people are the ones that cry and call for such drastic changes that cause them to remake entire toons they worked so hard on. Cause pve people cry balance so often
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on April 29, 2017 12:17AM
  • Kiralyn2000
    Congratulations on demonstrating why people find pvpers (or at least their most vocal examples) to be unpleasant to be around. The constant sneering, trash talk, etc..... so charming.
  • CurvedSwords123
    I'm advocating for a server split. Ur counterpoints are ridiculous. How would a server split force ppl to remake characters? Zenimax is capable of reform, just look at Tamriel unlimited.
  • CurvedSwords123
    Congratulations on demonstrating why people find pvpers (or at least their most vocal examples) to be unpleasant to be around. The constant sneering, trash talk, etc..... so charming.

    What's a PvP player called? A player. What's a PvE militant called? A [snip]. It's ur ilk that has the stigma. Like, u'r so opposed to player made conflict, u refuse to acknowledge my server split suggestion wouldn't affect ur safe space.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on April 29, 2017 12:16AM
  • Bouldercleave
    Stop being so sensitive. My possession of a contrarian opinion isn't reason for censorship. As a matter of fact didn't u tell another guy his opinion was only valid until he got ganked?

    He wanted to get gold and armor on kills - If it happened to him, you don't think he would rage? yeah right.

    Well, I WAS actually on your side for a while there - but you lost me. Good job on proving why PvPers are universally loathed by PvEers.
  • Eshelmen
    I'm down for it. Just to see the constant carnage and pve players cry for help in world chat. It would be hilarious.
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • CurvedSwords123
    Stop being so sensitive. My possession of a contrarian opinion isn't reason for censorship. As a matter of fact didn't u tell another guy his opinion was only valid until he got ganked?

    He wanted to get gold and armor on kills - If it happened to him, you don't think he would rage? yeah right.

    Well, I WAS actually on your side for a while there - but you lost me. Good job on proving why PvPers are universally loathed by PvEers.

    It's not ur position to know the contents of the other player's mind. It's an old school of thought that the potential for substantial loss would make ur day to day activities more exciting. I don't buy into that because I think with the time commitment we put into these characters, it would be overtly cruel and drive players away. That's my position, u don't know his position though, he may enjoy it. It's a valid position that deserves digging deeper on. As for you. I'm not concerned with losing you. I'm tired of being attack by PvE militants when someone advocates for choice. It's undeniable this kind of freedom was for the benefit of the MMO classics. It's also very difficult to justify the 'hands off rule on our land' from a lore perspective (for warring factions). What's so offensive about the potential for player choice in to how they want to experience Tamriel?
    Edited by CurvedSwords123 on April 28, 2017 1:31AM
  • CurvedSwords123
    Eshelmen wrote: »
    I'm down for it. Just to see the constant carnage and pve players cry for help in world chat. It would be hilarious.

    Ofcourse it would be. It would also be extremely exciting to mount a player made resistance to invading aldmeri players who are harassing ur noobs. Do I get that ppl have had bad experiences? Sure. There would have to be substantial protection for new players by powerful NPCs guards. But the potential for lively player made content. Totally worth it imo.
  • colig
    Hmm. This idea reminds me of a game I used to play a while back. The pvp system was such that everyone who wanted it had to set a tag on their profile to enable it; by default pvp was off. So you had a world shared by pvers and pvpers and only the pvpers could kill and attack other pvpers with the tag active. Once you became a pvper, the setting would be permanent. Also, if you killed someone, you could take everything from their inventory. The majority of people did not opt for this.
  • jlboozer
    No, PvP got us nerfed!
  • CurvedSwords123
    colig wrote: »
    Hmm. This idea reminds me of a game I used to play a while back. The pvp system was such that everyone who wanted it had to set a tag on their profile to enable it; by default pvp was off. So you had a world shared by pvers and pvpers and only the pvpers could kill and attack other pvpers with the tag active. Once you became a pvper, the setting would be permanent. Also, if you killed someone, you could take everything from their inventory. The majority of people did not opt for this.

    I don't think loot stealing is preferred by most. If I were to hazard a guess, I also think a PvP toggle would make u less competitive compared to the guys who are progressing without resistance. Vanilla WoW had it right imo, u die, u don't lose anything, u'r either on a PvP server, or u r not. But the idea of travelling anywhere, killing any enemy u want, knowing anything could happen while u were exploring, that's what made that game what it was for years and years.
    Edited by CurvedSwords123 on April 28, 2017 1:41AM
  • Aidence
    Casterial wrote: »
    Originally, the bounty system idea was this. A player collects bounty from another that has it in the world by simply hunting them and killing them. This was scrapped.

    Yea, the Enforcer system, that would've been cool if people couldn't just camp the Outlaw refuge to do it. But I feel a cool way to introduce non-Cyrodiil, non-dueling PvP would be to rework the Fighter's Guild Bounty Hunter passive quests. You talk to an NPC in the Wayrest, Eldenroot, or Mournhold Fighter's Guild hall (which one would depend on Alliance) who will assign you a quest to kill X number of different alliance players in your faction's territory. Don't want to deal with that? Fine, have an option which starts turned off to allow AvA outside of Cyrodiil. If you want to fight for your life, just turn it on. It would also turn a useless passive into one that would be really cool. What would the rewards be? A good amount of AP, lots of gold, and maybe a new achievement or two.
    For a new dawn under Covenant rule!!!
  • linzion
    I want an immersive Elder Scroll since the single-player RPG was abandoned.
    I'm surprised pro-PVE opinions are so violent ...
    Well ... I understand that this is just a limited and unknown form of idea about administration or programming ...
    There is nothing wrong or complicated in that, it only takes a little programming time that I know they are capable of.

    The mass that likes pvp is as big as those who like PVE ... soon nobody is without fun ... and ZOS does not run out of money on this good idea.
    Do not be selfish or violent friends pro-PVE this is just a game
  • CurvedSwords123
    Aidence wrote: »
    Casterial wrote: »
    Originally, the bounty system idea was this. A player collects bounty from another that has it in the world by simply hunting them and killing them. This was scrapped.

    Yea, the Enforcer system, that would've been cool if people couldn't just camp the Outlaw refuge to do it. But I feel a cool way to introduce non-Cyrodiil, non-dueling PvP would be to rework the Fighter's Guild Bounty Hunter passive quests. You talk to an NPC in the Wayrest, Eldenroot, or Mournhold Fighter's Guild hall (which one would depend on Alliance) who will assign you a quest to kill X number of different alliance players in your faction's territory. Don't want to deal with that? Fine, have an option which starts turned off to allow AvA outside of Cyrodiil. If you want to fight for your life, just turn it on. It would also turn a useless passive into one that would be really cool. What would the rewards be? A good amount of AP, lots of gold, and maybe a new achievement or two.

    I can support an idea like this. PvP chaos without rhyme or reason will lead to a game like AoC. Organized lore friendly PvP freedom will lead to a game like vanilla WoW. I'm a proponent of seperate servers. It's a tried and true formula. But if we can start exchanging ideas with details and justifications like u just did, this thread will become productive real quick.
  • linzion
    game MMO TERA is a great example of what I'm talking about ...
    I do not play anymore because I met Skyrim years ago ... and I never had time to play TERA .... even more because there was ESO ... then ...

    Well ... but there it is exactly as I say .. it has PVP / PVE and PVE only
    But I do not like that oriental game design or the weak history .....

    I like the Elder Scroll Story and made me an adult full of fantasies about the world of Nir. <3
    Edited by linzion on April 28, 2017 1:49AM
This discussion has been closed.