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So.. What's the general feeling on the Morrowind Announcement?

  • SturgeHammer
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    Less happy after reading the road ahead. Yearly paid expansions sound... excessive, but I'll probably end up buying them anyway (probably in the collectors edition too).
    Edited by SturgeHammer on February 1, 2017 6:34PM
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • Jimbullbee85
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    The red majority is surprising but it's making me feel better :)
    Edited by Jimbullbee85 on February 1, 2017 6:35PM
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • roglog
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    one word

  • BomblePants
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    I'm cool, I certainly won't be cancelling my sub. I can't wait, the trailer had me grinning from ear to ear :)
  • Dasovaruilos
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    As of right now, 69% are happy.

    As I said, the unhappy ones are just way more vocal about it.

    I think people are overwhelmingly happy about this announcement. They just are not on the forums creating 100 threads saying the same happy things like the ones not happy are doing.
  • IrishGirlGamer
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    I'm beyond thrilled that Morrowind is being released. Yay!

    And I have a sub, and have subbed continuously since 2014, and will continue to sub into the future. Nothing about the Morrowind announcement is going to change that.

    While others feel as if they've been screwed, I honestly feel as if I've gotten my money's worth for my subs. Crafting bag, check. Experience, etc., increase, check. Crowns, check. I could say DLC as well, but I've used my crowns to purchase all the DLC so I own it and I still sub. But I understood what I was getting for my $15 and I was okay with it. And I understood, even expected, that what I got would change at some point.

    Right now the biggest benefit I get for my $15 is the crafting bag. If Zeni started selling that in the crown store, I might consider unsubbing. But I wouldn't question their business ethics; they just changed their subscription model and I'm reevaluating my choices.

    Edited by IrishGirlGamer on February 1, 2017 7:08PM
    Valar Morghulis.

    Someday I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull. Arya Stark

    You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well. Sansa Stark

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Desmond Tutu
  • BRogueNZ
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    I'm a little wary.

    I am curious as to how much the time and the place influenced my very fond memories of playing Morrowind.
    It was pretty much my first immersive gaming experience and I almost certain that feeling can't be replicated by anything other than a new game not an expansion or dlc

    same current cons, probably more of them.

    the pro's remain to be seen

    I can see battlegrounds being:
    - pre made vs random scrubs --The Crying Games
    - pre made vs pre made -- The Salt Wars

    ..not a sub
    Edited by BRogueNZ on February 1, 2017 7:22PM
  • Ojustaboo
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    hugocbp wrote: »
    As of right now, 69% are happy.

    As I said, the unhappy ones are just way more vocal about it.

    I think people are overwhelmingly happy about this announcement. They just are not on the forums creating 100 threads saying the same happy things like the ones not happy are doing.


    The mention of Morrowind is naturally going to get many people (myself included) excited. A lot of them will be on this forum, so it doesn't surprise me that with the mention of "Morrowind" many of us are so pumped up we couldn't really care less if it cost double.

    Those on the forum that haven't got the nostalgic wishes for Morrowind are probably a lot less, and I suspect these people will feel more miffed that Zenimax has appeared to go back on their word

    And as I've said elsewhere, they did say on a vid in 2015
    ESO Plus members, while you are a member you have access to the regions, so different dungeons, additional content, you're going to have access to that.

    note the additional content bit.

    So while there's loads of threads from them complaining, there's also a load moaning about the complainers, however I think they have a valid point even though I'm happy to pay.

    Forum posters are a tiny tiny amount of players overall and whether positive or negative, polls on here hardly ever show what the average player is thinking.

    Most players will either buy or stop playing without ever posting.

    I'm happy to take a walk through an older version (time wise) of Morrowind, but that is the ONLY reason that the expansion is worth it to me, I'm not knocking the work that's gone into it, I'm just not interested in the PvE side of things much. Plus I personally have no real interest in 4x4x4 battles (I know many PvPers are interested). Had I not played Morrowind, I would not be buying it.

    It's not about the money, £29.99 isn't much if you love the game, its simply that I have a ton of games bought in steam sales etc that I've yet to play and want to play, plus a load in my wishlist that I would rather spend my money on. It's not that I cant afford it, its more I've decided not to sub to more than one game at a time, and to only buy games that I really really want and intend to make use of over the next few months

    At the moment ESO is just (and only just) holding my interest. Still loads of problems with the game that need sorting, far far too much of PvE has been dumbed down so that you can button mash one skill and get through it (which is why I no longer have any interest in PvE) and I could go on.

  • Akrasjel
    None of the options need more info.
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
    Houses: Strident Springs Demesne,

  • falcon_flame
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    I'm a subscriber currently, based on having come back to the game following a year's absence (Imperial City annoyed me, so I went back to Warframe). I looked at my options on getting the DLC I wanted - Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood without question and a maybe on Orsinium - and decided that the best way to get enough Crowns was a 6-month sub (because it came with the Crafting Bag as a bonus).

    Now that I've played the game again, I'm finding the Crafting Bag to be essential for a crafter (too many style stones on top of all the mats, tempers and trait stones and that' only going to increase!), but the only thing worth spending my Crowns on is buying the DLC as permanent content.

    This does leave a quandary in the future, between having the DLC and Crafting Bag (but no Chapter), or having the Chapter and maybe some DLC, because like a number of other people I'm not inclined to shell out twice. What I would really like to see is the Crafter's Bag separated from the Sub (brought into the main game ideally, but I'd still pay for it as a Crown store add-on)
    We've been dreaming, but who can deny,
    It's the best way of living, between the truth and the lie.

    PC-EU server, Ebonheart Pact
  • Jimbullbee85
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    hugocbp wrote: »
    As of right now, 69% are happy.

    As I said, the unhappy ones are just way more vocal about it.

    I think people are overwhelmingly happy about this announcement. They just are not on the forums creating 100 threads saying the same happy things like the ones not happy are doing.

    Yup hence the pole. I was angry but I felt I needed a general consensus to have a realistic perspective of it all :)
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    I and my wife both subscribe on our ESO accounts, and we've already pre-ordered our digital copies/upgrades for ESO: Morrowind.

    Now, I'm not going to delve into the huge argument about whether subscriber should get this Expansion for free or not. It's pretty clear from the amount of content that's going to be in Morrowind, that this is far more than the DLC we've received so far.

    Indeed, if Firor and Pete were serious when they claimed that they pretty much took ES3 Morrowind base-game, scaled it to ESO dimensions, then stuck it into the ESO game world; then this will truly be an Expansion as it will be like buying an entirely new game within another game.That in itself is worth $40 for me.

    But it seems pretty damn clear, by looking at the amount of content in say... Orsinuim/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood, then comparing that to what they claim is going to be in Morrowind; it should be obvious what the difference is between a DLC and an Expansion.

    Why all of the sudden are we NOW questioning and splitting hairs about the (very obvious) differences between a DLC and an Expansion? Oh, I know why; because people want every damn thing for free.

    ***... I got dragged into the argument... I digress.

    As I said at the top of this post, my wife and I both sub on our accounts. We get all of the DLC for free, but we still spend our Crowns to actually purchase the DLC, because who knows what minor calamity might cause us to have to cancel our subs, and we'd still love to be able to play that DLC content.

    But we've also been playing MMO's for decades. We're used to getting free DLC, but having to pay for Expansions, even in subscription-model MMORPG's. It's the nature of the beast. Companies don't mind giving out free smaller DLC packs, but the more content there is, the more it costs to create.

    So getting the smaller DLC for free, but having to pay for (what is obviously) a much larger, content-rich Expansion, that strikes us as quite reasonable.

    So yeah; I sub two accounts, I still buy every DLC "just in case" for two accounts, and I have no problem buying two digital upgrades for Morrowind.

    It's well worth it, and normal, IMO.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Stovahkiin
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    I love TES III Morrowind, so I'm stoked for this. And I've been a sub for a good while, I don't expect Zeni to give me a full blown expansion just for a measly sub. They obviously have and will continue to put quite a bit of work into it; people really need to grow a pair and stop complaining.
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
  • TerraDewBerry
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    danno8 wrote: »
    danno8 wrote: »
    Ourorboros wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    I can understand why some aren't impressed at all by this DLC being called an expansion and thus put behind an additional paywall, but I also have perspective.

    They gotta make money. I'd much prefer them charge for a proper expansion's array of content rather than push harder on the cash shop but give the expansion away at no extra charge.

    They have to make money somewhere.

    If only 10% of users sub, zos is making around $10 million/month. Do you really think only 10% sub for the crafting bad? It seems higher than that based on forum polls and group chat. How much does it cost to run this game? I have no experience here. Maybe it does cost more than 120 million a year, but I find that unlikely. Would you change your answer if you knew that zos was laughing all the way to the bank?

    Your numbers work out to 666,000 subscritions per month at $15 / month in order to get the $10,000,000 you stated. If that is only 10% of the population in the game, then you believe the game has 6.6 million players?

    I think you need to rethink your numbers.

    Ignore the 10% number. Just say that there are ~700k subscribers to ESO Plus. We can't know the real answer to that, so it is as good of a guess as any.

    Well then my guess of 100,000-200,000 subscribers is just as valid, or just as wrong.

    I have no idea how many people play ESO, but I did find this article about it. So, if that holds true, maybe 1.5 million players.. and no real way to know how many of those players are subscribers.
  • Jimbullbee85
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    Akrasjel wrote: »
    None of the options need more info.

    You going to vote then?
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • Elsonso
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    Less happy after reading the road ahead. Yearly paid expansions sound... excessive, but I'll probably end up buying them anyway (probably in the collectors edition too).

    My thought is that if I drop ESO Plus, the Collector's Edition sounds like a good deal. So, while I am happy for Morrowind, it is pretty close to the only thing coming in 2017 that I am interested in.

    I am looking for any change in direction from them between now and when my subscription runs out to see if there is any reason at all to keep it going. If they stay the course, like I expect them to do, I really can't see any reason to subscribe for the entire year. The first 9 months are an ESO Plus dead zone: Homestead, Morrowind, Dungeon Pack.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Lookstowindwards
    I'm not a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    Can somebody kindly clear this up for me.

    How big is this expansion supposed to be. What I mean by that, is it just a one off thing like orsinium with a short story line, a dungeon or 2 and some new craftsble sets and some world bosses. Or is it more likely to be something huge? As in a whole new world type thing with hundreds to do.

    Ps I didn't play Morrowind originally

    Thats what will make me decide if Im happy or not:
    By now my cancelled sub will remain cancelled, and I will carefully follow the reviews on "Morrowind".
    Would it be as big as the original Morrowind, it would be more then worth its 40€, but if its just like 2xOrsinium (or even less, more like 1,5 times Orsinium, given the fact that Zenimax is talking about 30 hours), then:
    a) I would not think it is worth that much money,
    b) clearly the people talking about Zenimax ripping off their subscribers would be right.

    We will see, as of date Im looking forward to see Morrowind again, but I will wait with preorder till we know more (size etc.).

    Time will tell.
  • altemriel
    I'm not a subscriber and I'm happy
    the feeling of hypetrain choochoo!! :smiley:
  • phairdon
    I'm not a subscriber and I'm happy
    Looking forward to the expansion. Most likely going to buy a physical copy.

    Dammit, I am a subscriber...hit the wrong option :#
    Edited by phairdon on February 1, 2017 8:46PM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Jimbullbee85
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    I and my wife both subscribe on our ESO accounts, and we've already pre-ordered our digital copies/upgrades for ESO: Morrowind.

    Now, I'm not going to delve into the huge argument about whether subscriber should get this Expansion for free or not. It's pretty clear from the amount of content that's going to be in Morrowind, that this is far more than the DLC we've received so far.

    Indeed, if Firor and Pete were serious when they claimed that they pretty much took ES3 Morrowind base-game, scaled it to ESO dimensions, then stuck it into the ESO game world; then this will truly be an Expansion as it will be like buying an entirely new game within another game.That in itself is worth $40 for me.

    But it seems pretty damn clear, by looking at the amount of content in say... Orsinuim/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood, then comparing that to what they claim is going to be in Morrowind; it should be obvious what the difference is between a DLC and an Expansion.

    Why all of the sudden are we NOW questioning and splitting hairs about the (very obvious) differences between a DLC and an Expansion? Oh, I know why; because people want every damn thing for free.

    ***... I got dragged into the argument... I digress.

    As I said at the top of this post, my wife and I both sub on our accounts. We get all of the DLC for free, but we still spend our Crowns to actually purchase the DLC, because who knows what minor calamity might cause us to have to cancel our subs, and we'd still love to be able to play that DLC content.

    But we've also been playing MMO's for decades. We're used to getting free DLC, but having to pay for Expansions, even in subscription-model MMORPG's. It's the nature of the beast. Companies don't mind giving out free smaller DLC packs, but the more content there is, the more it costs to create.

    So getting the smaller DLC for free, but having to pay for (what is obviously) a much larger, content-rich Expansion, that strikes us as quite reasonable.

    So yeah; I sub two accounts, I still buy every DLC "just in case" for two accounts, and I have no problem buying two digital upgrades for Morrowind.

    It's well worth it, and normal, IMO.

    The difference between a dlc and an expansion is based on their track record IMO. If you add thieves guild to dark Brotherhood theres not much difference in size to Orsinium when you combine the two. Then there is the petty excuse of shadows of the hist after that. Is there no justification to be worried about how much content we'll recieve from the Morrowind expantion when you consider ZOS's track record on recent dlc content and their complete disregardence to subs since the crafting bag?
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • LordTareq
    I'm not a subscriber and I'm happy
    I like it. I play the game since beta and I don't have a sub (sometimes I purchase 2 months or so, but I'm not a permanent subscriber).
    To all the negativity from subscribing people upset they have to pay for the expansion; would you rather they didn't launch an expansion of this scope and just continue with the smaller DLC's you get for 'free'? I mean you can even stop your sub for 3 months or so, and still play, and then buy the expansion from the money you saved.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    I'm a subscriber and I'm happy
    I and my wife both subscribe on our ESO accounts, and we've already pre-ordered our digital copies/upgrades for ESO: Morrowind.

    Now, I'm not going to delve into the huge argument about whether subscriber should get this Expansion for free or not. It's pretty clear from the amount of content that's going to be in Morrowind, that this is far more than the DLC we've received so far.

    Indeed, if Firor and Pete were serious when they claimed that they pretty much took ES3 Morrowind base-game, scaled it to ESO dimensions, then stuck it into the ESO game world; then this will truly be an Expansion as it will be like buying an entirely new game within another game.That in itself is worth $40 for me.

    But it seems pretty damn clear, by looking at the amount of content in say... Orsinuim/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood, then comparing that to what they claim is going to be in Morrowind; it should be obvious what the difference is between a DLC and an Expansion.

    Why all of the sudden are we NOW questioning and splitting hairs about the (very obvious) differences between a DLC and an Expansion? Oh, I know why; because people want every damn thing for free.

    ***... I got dragged into the argument... I digress.

    As I said at the top of this post, my wife and I both sub on our accounts. We get all of the DLC for free, but we still spend our Crowns to actually purchase the DLC, because who knows what minor calamity might cause us to have to cancel our subs, and we'd still love to be able to play that DLC content.

    But we've also been playing MMO's for decades. We're used to getting free DLC, but having to pay for Expansions, even in subscription-model MMORPG's. It's the nature of the beast. Companies don't mind giving out free smaller DLC packs, but the more content there is, the more it costs to create.

    So getting the smaller DLC for free, but having to pay for (what is obviously) a much larger, content-rich Expansion, that strikes us as quite reasonable.

    So yeah; I sub two accounts, I still buy every DLC "just in case" for two accounts, and I have no problem buying two digital upgrades for Morrowind.

    It's well worth it, and normal, IMO.

    The difference between a dlc and an expansion is based on their track record IMO. If you add thieves guild to dark Brotherhood theres not much difference in size to Orsinium when you combine the two. Then there is the petty excuse of shadows of the hist after that. Is there no justification to be worried about how much content we'll recieve from the Morrowind expantion when you consider ZOS's track record on recent dlc content and their complete disregardence to subs since the crafting bag?
    Or, you could re-read what I wrote, and realize that the amount of content they claim is in Morrowind would roughly equal Orsinium + TG + DB, and still have more content after that.

    That's a good definition of an Expansion to me vs. what a regular DLC would be.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Dexter411
    I'm a subscriber and I'm not happy
    1. They can not keep balance between magicka and stamina set ups. They can not balance 3 classes and overall game. Why add another class?
    2. I have seen speculations about rising CP cap for gear. Keep in mind that when vr16 came THEY COULD DID NOT SCALE OLD SETS. Why? Were was logic in this? We had to wait A LONG TIME to get vr16 versions of ours favorite sets, cmon. VMA grind is already pain in the a...
    3. Speaking of long time, many big "balance" changes are made once on a couple of months. Some skills are broken or near useless. Why not just work on something that already is in game instead of pushing so much content into game

    Many people already give ZOS suggestions on many things yet most was ignored.

    CE users got small punishment, 3 days or 7 week or whatever it is a joke for someone that was or is using 3rd party program.
    Exploiters got the same, keep everything get rich and get 3 days of from ESO. Really?

    People get excited like little kids about new content and absolutely forget about those things mentioned above. In the end, most people will buy Morrowind and roll with the flow. Why am I even writing this?

    P.S. I love to get max level(cp160) gear with training gear, resto staff for pure stamina build and many more. I am very happy as many others. Fix is really simple yet, where is it?
  • Jimbullbee85
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    Even if you feel within the minority please place your vote. Its early days and although the red win so far there's plenty of time to change things :)
    Edited by Jimbullbee85 on February 1, 2017 8:54PM
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • Jimbullbee85
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    I and my wife both subscribe on our ESO accounts, and we've already pre-ordered our digital copies/upgrades for ESO: Morrowind.

    Now, I'm not going to delve into the huge argument about whether subscriber should get this Expansion for free or not. It's pretty clear from the amount of content that's going to be in Morrowind, that this is far more than the DLC we've received so far.

    Indeed, if Firor and Pete were serious when they claimed that they pretty much took ES3 Morrowind base-game, scaled it to ESO dimensions, then stuck it into the ESO game world; then this will truly be an Expansion as it will be like buying an entirely new game within another game.That in itself is worth $40 for me.

    But it seems pretty damn clear, by looking at the amount of content in say... Orsinuim/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood, then comparing that to what they claim is going to be in Morrowind; it should be obvious what the difference is between a DLC and an Expansion.

    Why all of the sudden are we NOW questioning and splitting hairs about the (very obvious) differences between a DLC and an Expansion? Oh, I know why; because people want every damn thing for free.

    ***... I got dragged into the argument... I digress.

    As I said at the top of this post, my wife and I both sub on our accounts. We get all of the DLC for free, but we still spend our Crowns to actually purchase the DLC, because who knows what minor calamity might cause us to have to cancel our subs, and we'd still love to be able to play that DLC content.

    But we've also been playing MMO's for decades. We're used to getting free DLC, but having to pay for Expansions, even in subscription-model MMORPG's. It's the nature of the beast. Companies don't mind giving out free smaller DLC packs, but the more content there is, the more it costs to create.

    So getting the smaller DLC for free, but having to pay for (what is obviously) a much larger, content-rich Expansion, that strikes us as quite reasonable.

    So yeah; I sub two accounts, I still buy every DLC "just in case" for two accounts, and I have no problem buying two digital upgrades for Morrowind.

    It's well worth it, and normal, IMO.

    The difference between a dlc and an expansion is based on their track record IMO. If you add thieves guild to dark Brotherhood theres not much difference in size to Orsinium when you combine the two. Then there is the petty excuse of shadows of the hist after that. Is there no justification to be worried about how much content we'll recieve from the Morrowind expantion when you consider ZOS's track record on recent dlc content and their complete disregardence to subs since the crafting bag?
    Or, you could re-read what I wrote, and realize that the amount of content they claim is in Morrowind would roughly equal Orsinium + TG + DB, and still have more content after that.

    That's a good definition of an Expansion to me vs. what a regular DLC would be.

    Sorry mate I do understand your perspetive and I respect it. I love the game, you love the game and despite our differences we are both trying to keep the game alive :)
    Edited by Jimbullbee85 on February 1, 2017 9:02PM
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • Gargath
    I'm not a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    I can start subscription again only if the Morrowind is to be included to ESO+.
    With the extra charge for Morrowind I won't sub for sure, because I see no reason, I already played most of the content.
    That isn't Skyrim, if you are MMO subscriber then any extra content offered for cash is a scam.
    I'm sure that after release it will be included to ESO+ very soon, they will see their mistake with low sales on this :).
    Edited by Gargath on February 1, 2017 9:06PM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Recremen
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    I'm only "on the fence" in that I feel they have taken away too much from ESO+ while giving back too little. We were told access to all DLC, and that DLC would be quarterly. That has now changed, so something about ESO+ should change as well, whether it be a reduced price or adding more exclusive features to bring it back up to its advertised value.

    The Morrowind update looks like it will be a blast other than that little sticking point.
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Jimbullbee85
    I'm a subscriber and I'm on the fence
    So far I get the impression that the sub is dead for alot of people although the red wins the night. ZOS could I please have all the previos DLC added to my account and put the crafting bag in the crown store? You'll get more money out of me that way and then I'll be on par with everyone else.
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • Danikat
    I'm not a subscriber and I'm happy
    Less happy after reading the road ahead. Yearly paid expansions sound... excessive, but I'll probably end up buying them anyway (probably in the collectors edition too).

    I wouldn't be surprised if that goes the way of '4 DLCs a year'. An expansion a year does sound excessive, but if they aim for that and end up with an expansion every 2 years, or even every year and a half it would probably be a good balance. I doubt I'd get the collectors editions of all of them, I may not even pre-order all of them but I'll probably get them eventually.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Dajazzmani
    Soul Shriven
    I'm not a subscriber and I'm happy
    Two words: Cliff Racers! >:) had to go there.....
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