Auction House

  • Ulfgarde
    There needs to be an universal AH. Truth be told, individual guild stores are hell to navigate, especially with a lack of tools used to search things. Even though Awesome Guild Store fulfills that, ZOS should NOT ever rely on player base addons for utility.

    But I digress, the entire "Guild Store" idea with vendors is beyond ridiculous. Many guilds are incredibly competitive and place millions of gold in Deshaan and Craglorn just to get a weekly spot. Yes, it promotes hardcore competitiveness, and although I was doubtful of it in the beginning, it should most likely stay. But in a different fashion.

    Perhaps, there could be a single AH in towns with vendors where people bid to have a spot? Why don't 8 guilds max bid for reservation in a single place rather than spread everywhere in the game?

    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • DPG76
    I think that current guild stores would make even more money if it was centralised , they'll have to compete for prices yes but they'll also sell a bigger amount of stuff simply because the avalebility of everybody in game reaching your products .

    On the other hand i also think its just wrong to change the current system because a lot of people worked hard and payed a lots to get to work their guilshop wish i respect , but i find it easier to just consult 1 console instead of travelling all over the world to browse several stores just to compare prices .

    And finally its not a game breaker in both cases , so not really important for me to play this game
  • potirondb16_ESO
    The biggest issue about guild store right now is the inflation it creates, most people don't even bother about the average pricing of there gear and put it out there for a lot more then it's net Worth especially crafting material ... so overall a global price market would be really nice... removing guild vendore from there actual spot and put it all in one place would be a lost.

  • grom1024
    Sure, and I also posted that Guild Traders are more of a shortcut for the game than they are a necessity in terms of grinding out crafting mats.

    But what you're missing in cutting out text from my original post is this; you're focusing on the individual.

    Yes, I can only buy up a maximum of 150 *whatever item* and sell it. But then imagine an entire Guild of 500 members who want to monopolize the *new* AH feature. Then get many Guilds doing that as well.

    There would be Guild consortiums forming all over, and yes, they could easily monopolize the markets. It's happened before. WoW, SWG, etc., etc.

    Lets take example with commodity like Nightwood. You buy it and post 20K a stack at your guild. I have now choices. I could put it 21K a stack at AH and people will buy, because they are lazy to check your guild store. You will not buy from me because you will be at loss. Or I could post it on AH at 19K, and you will buy it from me very quickly to maintain monopoly. Now I have a good way to farm gold. I just gather Nightwood and sell it to your guild, until your guild inventory ends.

    For buying, I will not go to you, because that Nightwood at that price makes crafting writs unprofitable. I would rather sell Nightwood and buy resin or repair kits.

    For RNG protected things, I'll sell mine to buy yours. RNG in this game is reasonable comparing to others. So I just need to wait.

    The same with other things. If your guild is too greedy, it will be at loss. You actually have to sell cheaper than AH because Guild Store requires extra walking and extra clicks. You might set prices higher with your attempt to get monopoly, but that would only mean everyone will be selling at this price. You could not force people to sell cheap, while you are selling at high price. This breaks your argument. While you do not have monopoly on acquiring items, this effort will futile.
  • wayfarerx
    Zerok wrote: »
    wayfarerx wrote: »
    Is this a thing on console or something? I just don't see it on PC/NA. Sure there are large trade guilds and syndicates of multiple guilds and whatnot, but they can't run the whole market. I buy stuff that I think is a good deal and sell stuff for good prices all the time and I never collude with anyone.
    It's happening on PC. First material that comes to mind is nightwood. Only a few guilds sell large amounts of those at an excessive price. This is no coincidence.
    Zerok wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    How is my being good at farming any different or of less value than your being good at something else (be it PvP, PvE, ec)?
    It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to corner the nightwood market, because every single player has easy access to farm nightwood. it's not locked behind Orisinium DLC content, it's not locked behind a skill wall. Your argument is ridiculous.

    An item is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I list nightwood stacks at 5k because I KNOW the shortcut crowd (as I call them) will pay that premium instead of going to farm it themselves.

    I mean, it's high school can't corner a market really unless you can control the number of those items entering the market. I can't "prevent" other players from farming nightwood and undercutting me.
    That's not true and you know it perfectly well. I've seen the shortage of nightwood. Only a few guilds are selling those at outrageous prices, forcing players like me to lose my time grinding nightwood just to complete my daily crafting writs.

    No it's impossible to control 100% of the market for specific crafting materials, but if you control a fair share of it, you'll have a huge influence on the equilibrium price.

    Okay, let's talk about nightwood.

    This is a high-demand item due to how crafting writs work currently, and tends to be low-supply since people generally use what they have for their own writs and don't specifically farm it (some people obviously do, as we will see).

    I spent 20 minutes this morning hitting various traders on PC/NA looking for nightwood, here's what I found:
    • Elden Root: Lots available at 20g - 40g each, all but one trader was selling it.
    • Mournhold: Lots available at 15g - 125g each, every trader had it in stock.
    • Wayrest: Lots available at 18g - 75g each, with one joker selling at 475g each, every trader had it in stock.
    • Rawl'kha: Lots available at 19g - 50g each, every trader had it in stock.
    • Belkarth: Lots available at 19g - 80g each, about half the traders had it in stock.
    • Orsinium: 18g, only two traders had it available.

    I should note that my Master Merchant (tracking my one trade guild and a couple wilderness traders) set the average sale price at 17g each, with swings down to 10g each and up to 50g each.

    What this tells me is that people are generally not willing to pay the more than 20g - 30g per piece of nightwood, preferring to stay in the under 20g range or farm it themselves. Sometimes rich folks might drop 40g+ for some mats to complete a writ and be done but this appears to be more rare.

    What this does not say to me is that there is any kind of shortage or grand conspiracy to fix prices across the major trade locations. There are literally thousands and thousands of these mats for sale at a very wide range of prices from many guilds all across Tamriel.
    Edited by wayfarerx on July 21, 2016 4:29PM
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • Grao
    Zerok wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    Zerok wrote: »
    Krym wrote: »
    if that stretches your daily allowance maybe a game that doesn't require such a tremendous amount of time to play would be better suited.
    No because I believe the game should cater to the needs of the majority. And I feel that, on this issue, my interests are aligned with those of the majority, especially when it comes to implementing antitrust laws within the game to prevent what Makkir is doing.

    what prevents you from farming nightwood? Youll come back at me say you have better things to do, because you value the things you enjoy in game subtantially higher than what I and others enjoy. It's the same reason the pve crowd hates the pvp crowd (bc yhe latter cries for pvp nerfs that affect the pve group). You essentially want to nerf our content because its not fun fo you.

    The difference here versus RL is there is literally an endless supply of nightwood (respawn times aside) for those who will farm it themselves. Relying on a trade store is called convienence, and as with everything in life, that comes at a premium.
    The fact that some players with a huge capital can use their power to control the market to further increase their capital is what we call in the real world anti-competitive practices.

    It is not fair for the majority, therefore antitrust laws have to be put in place to prevent this from happening.

    You will probably respond something like "it's a game, who cares if there are anti-competitive practices?". Well, I care because grinding materials and over-paying for items is not fun. Yes, you're breaking my fun.

    Yes, we would break your fun just for the pleasure of stacking more gold. I am sorry, but controlling and playing the market in a game is very satisfying, it is fun in WoW, it is fun in EVE and it would be even more fun in ESO if they had an AH... Well, it would be more fun to those players that have the massive capital needed to play the market.

    The reason why AHs don't work in games or always suffer the same issues is simple, you can't make playing the economy well a TOS violation, that would be stupid and laughable and the TOS is the law in the game.
  • Grao
    Zerok wrote: »
    So much bad faith in this thread. I guess this should be expected because my proposal threatens the market position of the exploiters.

    However, I don't like the tone of certain people in this thread, therefore this will be my last post.

    Anyway, I believe this thread will be closed soon because of the said people.

    Wait... Wait...

    You do realize that those of us arguing against the implementation of an Auction House are doing so as very experienced players that in other games have indeed taken control over respective markets, right? We are not arguing against having an AH because the current system benefits us, but because we know exactly what we would do if this game had an AH.

    Calling us exploiters is pathetic, by the way. It just shows you have no idea what the word even means.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Grao wrote: »
    Zerok wrote: »
    So much bad faith in this thread. I guess this should be expected because my proposal threatens the market position of the exploiters.

    However, I don't like the tone of certain people in this thread, therefore this will be my last post.

    Anyway, I believe this thread will be closed soon because of the said people.

    Wait... Wait...

    You do realize that those of us arguing against the implementation of an Auction House are doing so as very experienced players that in other games have indeed taken control over respective markets, right? We are not arguing against having an AH because the current system benefits us, but because we know exactly what we would do if this game had an AH.

    Calling us exploiters is pathetic, by the way. It just shows you have no idea what the word even means.
    Well said, and a fine summation of my arguments, and the arguments of many people in this thread.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Grao
    Groomp wrote: »
    There needs to be an universal AH. Truth be told, individual guild stores are hell to navigate, especially with a lack of tools used to search things. Even though Awesome Guild Store fulfills that, ZOS should NOT ever rely on player base addons for utility.

    But I digress, the entire "Guild Store" idea with vendors is beyond ridiculous. Many guilds are incredibly competitive and place millions of gold in Deshaan and Craglorn just to get a weekly spot. Yes, it promotes hardcore competitiveness, and although I was doubtful of it in the beginning, it should most likely stay. But in a different fashion.

    Perhaps, there could be a single AH in towns with vendors where people bid to have a spot? Why don't 8 guilds max bid for reservation in a single place rather than spread everywhere in the game?

    The fact the game UI is terrible doesn't mean the system is terrible. Nothing guarantees that Zenimax will become competent and actually provide us with a user friendly UI if they decide to make an AH, but having an AH will, without a doubt, allow certain dedicated players to gain near unbreakable control over the market.
  • Holycannoli
    Makkir wrote: »
    Call us cronies, but your leeches. Its MMO welfare. You want tools like an AH from the in game government as you so call it (zos), instead of working for what you need? Sounds pretty reflective of RL if you ask me.

    No we don't want welfare (wtf kind of analogy is that?). We want the convenience of an auction house. Personally I don't have time to run around to all the guild kiosks looking for things. I don't even bother with it. There is a reason every other MMO has an auction house.
    The system to some degree is broken, but an AH isnt the answer. Heres a "for starters" list
    - Get a freaking job. Join a good trade guild and work hard at it

    Get a freaking job? I have one, plus school, so my time is limited.

    Or do you mean get a freaking job in game? Because if you do, you have to realize something important: this is a video game! Perhaps you're taking it way too serious. This is something you play here and there in your free time. That's what a non-basement-dwelling adult does. If you're "working hard' in a video game you have your life's priorities all wrong.

    Listen, I couldn't care less if people manipulate the market. They do it in real life and they do it in every MMORPG I've played over the past decade. I don't care. I just want to conveniently buy and sell items and not waste an entire gaming session running around browsing stores. You make money manipulating the market? Great for you. I get the convenience I want? Great for me. Where's the problem?

    And trade guilds are auction houses with limited customers.
  • AlnilamE
    The biggest issue about guild store right now is the inflation it creates, most people don't even bother about the average pricing of there gear and put it out there for a lot more then it's net Worth especially crafting material ... so overall a global price market would be really nice... removing guild vendore from there actual spot and put it all in one place would be a lost.

    I don't think the system creates inflation. I have seen prices rise and fall due to supply and demand.

    This is particularly clear when new motifs or new gear is introduced. The "I want it NOW" crowd, will pay whatever the asking price is, then folks that value their gold a bit more will wait for prices to fall or go farm stuff themselves.

    Certain min/max staples, like Robust Agility rings are always expensive because they are fairly rare, but if you are less picky, and go for Healthy or Arcane instead, you will find them pretty easily.

    The thing that amuses me most is when an item becomes popular and a by-product of people farming for that item just plummets in price. Like when Perfect Roe was introduced. Bait sky-rocketed in price for a while, while fish plummeted. When the tier 10 mats were first introduced in Wrothgar, Nightwood, Voidcloth and Voidsteel dropped in price to the point where it was easier to vendor them. Then people realized the writs were a good thing and they went up in price again.

    That tells me that the market is actually working as prices vary based on the popularity and availability of an item.
    The Moot Councillor
  • ScottK1994
    Not really relevant what they've said previously. I could name a million examples but I'll stick to a current MMO. World of Warcraft said they'd NEVER allow people to purchase high level characters... Lol. I disagree with doing that but that game is still in business lol

    Any successful gaming business caters to the majority of their customer base, they only cater to minorities in situations where they provide individually thousands of pounds a year. You know the type of games. Is that seriously the type of game you want eso to be? Working percect for 1%?

    Update I'm in five trading guilds, none have traders. ALL have over 1 million in the bank. Lol.
    Edited by ScottK1994 on July 21, 2016 6:41PM
  • kargen27
    If they don't have traders they are not a trading guild. Our social guild gets a trader almost every week (missed one week in last four months) with nowhere near a million gold. Whoever is suppose to be securing a trader for those guilds you are in isn't doing what they should. They need to get out in the world and find a trader. You don't need a trader in one of the top high traffic areas to be able to sell a lot of items. Some people in fact actually seek out the out of the way traders first. Kind of a Walmart vs mom and pop thing where they decide to support the little guy.

    As for the majority base there is no way of knowing where the majority stands on this issue. A very small percentage of players actually post to these forums and this issue is usually split mostly even when a thread gets posted. You are lucky if you get twenty peoples opinions in a thread like this and twenty is nowhere near a majority.

    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • grom1024
    kargen27 wrote: »
    As for the majority base there is no way of knowing where the majority stands on this issue. A very small percentage of players actually post to these forums and this issue is usually split mostly even when a thread gets posted. You are lucky if you get twenty peoples opinions in a thread like this and twenty is nowhere near a majority.

    Let's add AH to the game and let people vote with their feet. This would be most objective research. :wink:
  • Skcarkden
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

  • Alurria
    Why do you insist on making a WoW clone? The guild trader system works very well, quit being lazy and hunt down what you want.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

    you could do what i think most people do... i know i did - loot the recipe. if its for a writ it will be a green recipe, they really aren't hard to find.

    edit to add.... i'm not in a trading guild and i think the system works just fine as it is - give or take a tweak of the ui.
    Edited by jedtb16_ESO on July 22, 2016 10:46AM
  • Skcarkden
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

    you could do what i think most people do... i know i did - loot the recipe. if its for a writ it will be a green recipe, they really aren't hard to find.

    edit to add.... i'm not in a trading guild and i think the system works just fine as it is - give or take a tweak of the ui.

    for someone who has the nerve to call anyone who wants a proper trading system lazy, you sure do like to hand out lazy responses.

    loot the recipe.... why didn't i think of that? Oh wait, i did. I wouldn't be trying to buy something if i could never find it. Maybe i should say the name of it 3 times as if it's like Bettlejuice and will appear.

    you think it's fine now, i don't. yet you're hard set to prevent it from being truly useful. almost as if you have an agenda.

    anyone can claim they aren't in a guild for profit, while actually being in one so forgive me if i won't take your word for it.
  • Hallothiel
    Re: recipies.

    Can buy most from chef/brewer in that area. Or as others have said, just loot it. Doesn't take that much effort.
  • Grao
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

    Provisioning is the easiest profession to level in this game. I always end up having it max level before my character reaches level 30... And from the moment you have it fully leveled you only need a couple of high level recipes which you can find in every good guild store.

    And of course you are not going to find raw materials... Not when one of the best ways to make a profit in ESO is selling gold refinements. >.>
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

    you could do what i think most people do... i know i did - loot the recipe. if its for a writ it will be a green recipe, they really aren't hard to find.

    edit to add.... i'm not in a trading guild and i think the system works just fine as it is - give or take a tweak of the ui.

    for someone who has the nerve to call anyone who wants a proper trading system lazy, you sure do like to hand out lazy responses.

    loot the recipe.... why didn't i think of that? Oh wait, i did. I wouldn't be trying to buy something if i could never find it. Maybe i should say the name of it 3 times as if it's like Bettlejuice and will appear.

    you think it's fine now, i don't. yet you're hard set to prevent it from being truly useful. almost as if you have an agenda.

    anyone can claim they aren't in a guild for profit, while actually being in one so forgive me if i won't take your word for it.

    And yes, I am on a Trading Guild and have millions of gold in my account. If there was an AH though, I would have even more gold as I'd have, with a few friends with just as deep pockets, completely taken over the market for gold refinement materials. 4 Items we can easily monopolize and play with the price? Easy... I had monopoly of every gem in the market in WoW and it wasn't that hard, ESO would be easy compared.
    Edited by Grao on July 22, 2016 11:45AM
  • idk
    The biggest issue about guild store right now is the inflation it creates, most people don't even bother about the average pricing of there gear and put it out there for a lot more then it's net Worth especially crafting material ... so overall a global price market would be really nice... removing guild vendore from there actual spot and put it all in one place would be a lost.

    Inflation? Please do explain in detail as I have not seen any inflation on anything. I have not seen any inflation of anything in game.

    If you are talking about people posting items for an absurd amount, that happens regardless of the trading mechanism so it is not an argument that supports anything. With a central trading kiosk I have seen players post crafted and non crafted items for many times what it actually sells for and of course it never sells.
  • Elsonso
    The biggest issue about guild store right now is the inflation it creates, most people don't even bother about the average pricing of there gear and put it out there for a lot more then it's net Worth especially crafting material ... so overall a global price market would be really nice... removing guild vendore from there actual spot and put it all in one place would be a lost.

    Inflation? Please do explain in detail as I have not seen any inflation on anything. I have not seen any inflation of anything in game.

    If you are talking about people posting items for an absurd amount, that happens regardless of the trading mechanism so it is not an argument that supports anything. With a central trading kiosk I have seen players post crafted and non crafted items for many times what it actually sells for and of course it never sells.

    Inflation is there, at least on PC NA, but it is not that bad. When I started, iron ore sold for 16 g each. Almost all the mats were in that range. Things have spread out a bit and iron ore sells for somewhere around 20 g now.

    Inflation is driven by people farming gold to pay for the kiosks, coupled with what is likely more gold in the market due to more players. It balances out because the kiosks are removing that excess gold.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

    you could do what i think most people do... i know i did - loot the recipe. if its for a writ it will be a green recipe, they really aren't hard to find.

    edit to add.... i'm not in a trading guild and i think the system works just fine as it is - give or take a tweak of the ui.

    for someone who has the nerve to call anyone who wants a proper trading system lazy, you sure do like to hand out lazy responses.

    loot the recipe.... why didn't i think of that? Oh wait, i did. I wouldn't be trying to buy something if i could never find it. Maybe i should say the name of it 3 times as if it's like Bettlejuice and will appear.

    you think it's fine now, i don't. yet you're hard set to prevent it from being truly useful. almost as if you have an agenda.

    anyone can claim they aren't in a guild for profit, while actually being in one so forgive me if i won't take your word for it.

    where did i use the word 'lazy'? i was just pointing out something to you that you may have missed.

    despite your cynicism i am not in a trading guild.... for one simple reason - it is not necessary for making a lot of gold. i farm things that people are likely to want to buy....then i sell them via world chat.

    it's really easy.

    by doing that i often make more on an item that i was expecting - back in the day it was perfect roe. world shout 'wts perfect roe x10' and get 8 or 10 people whispering offers - take the highest bid - you have your auction, a real auction not a phoney auction house that can be easily manipulated.

    or maybe that is your agenda - you want an auction house that you can manipulate.
  • Viveun
    I thoroughly enjoy the current trade system. I easily spend 75% of my game play strictly on the market. I’m good at it – nay, I’m better than that. It’s fun to me. I do enjoy being a multi-millionaire. And I would not be the least bit hindered if we switched to a global AH. Why? Because I have the capital to dominate it, and I would no longer need to worry about investing millions of my personal wealth to keep my guild’s trading stall (did I mention that trader bids are the most ingenious and successful gold sink I’ve ever seen employed in an MMO?).

    I tell you the first thing I’d do. I’d buy every robust agility ring on the market immediately. You would never see them priced below 200k again. I’d take advantage of the short deflation that would occur on gold tempers as all supply became centralized and I would hoard them. Sharpened elegant swords? Mine. I would have so much fun doing what I enjoy doing, and the casual player would suffer for it.

    And I know all the non-traders who look down on my kind of game play would immediately label me as malicious and manipulative simply because my “grind” is different than theirs. But that’s really not it at all. I actually go out of my way to help my community with navigating the current system, securing traders, and growing their own wealth. I simply find the highest entertainment value in ESO comes with playing the market, and this would not change with the implementation of an AH.

    Now if we could talk about the actual issue here, which is not inaccessibility. It’s the poorly designed UI that almost punishes console users due to a complete lack of mods. ZOS please give us a search mechanic at the bare minimum for goodness sake. There’s no excuse for the utter lack of functionality after all this time.
    Edited by Viveun on July 22, 2016 1:16PM
  • Skcarkden
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

    you could do what i think most people do... i know i did - loot the recipe. if its for a writ it will be a green recipe, they really aren't hard to find.

    edit to add.... i'm not in a trading guild and i think the system works just fine as it is - give or take a tweak of the ui.

    for someone who has the nerve to call anyone who wants a proper trading system lazy, you sure do like to hand out lazy responses.

    loot the recipe.... why didn't i think of that? Oh wait, i did. I wouldn't be trying to buy something if i could never find it. Maybe i should say the name of it 3 times as if it's like Bettlejuice and will appear.

    you think it's fine now, i don't. yet you're hard set to prevent it from being truly useful. almost as if you have an agenda.

    anyone can claim they aren't in a guild for profit, while actually being in one so forgive me if i won't take your word for it.

    where did i use the word 'lazy'? i was just pointing out something to you that you may have missed.

    despite your cynicism i am not in a trading guild.... for one simple reason - it is not necessary for making a lot of gold. i farm things that people are likely to want to buy....then i sell them via world chat.

    it's really easy.

    by doing that i often make more on an item that i was expecting - back in the day it was perfect roe. world shout 'wts perfect roe x10' and get 8 or 10 people whispering offers - take the highest bid - you have your auction, a real auction not a phoney auction house that can be easily manipulated.

    or maybe that is your agenda - you want an auction house that you can manipulate.

    i mistook your response to me as being the original person i was responding to, my bad.

    My agenda would be an actual ability to buy things i'm after without the irony if having better luck to just go hunt it myself.

    I'm so glad you are in a position to boast about being able to type out sales. I made the mistake of going for console to hang out with friends, if i'd known how crap the trading would be i might have just gone PC, or none and save myself the commitment. Perhaps we should argue that trading in chat should be banned as it circumvents the bizarre system they have going here if we really wanna fight against non-issues.

  • Semner
    ScottK1994 wrote: »
    Above are some people with hundreds of thousands of gold and are worried that they'll seem less rich in a working system.

    Trade is broken. Don't lie. It's broke

    I read this far into the topic and had to stop from laughing. Hundreds of thousands of gold is rich? Hahahaha. Oh man, dude, if you only knew. If you only knew.
  • grom1024
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all.

    For recipes, just check a tavern. They sell recipes for provisioning writs. Usually one vendor for drinks and other for food recipes. These vendors might be located in different buildings in some cities. At least it works on PC version.
  • Viveun
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    My agenda would be an actual ability to buy things i'm after without the irony if having better luck to just go hunt it myself.

    I'm so glad you are in a position to boast about being able to type out sales. I made the mistake of going for console to hang out with friends, if i'd known how crap the trading would be i might have just gone PC, or none and save myself the commitment. Perhaps we should argue that trading in chat should be banned as it circumvents the bizarre system they have going here if we really wanna fight against non-issues.

    An issue which could be resolved by improving the functionality of our current UI. It is frustrating digging through hundreds of listings for a specific recipe/motif.

    I also really enjoy the community on console and hang out with friends. I'm merely representing the unpopular villain in this argument. I see a lot of people who want a global AH demonizing my playstyle - when that's really all it is, a difference in playstyle. No more inferior or superior to yours. I think I can speak for a lot of players who fall on my spectrum when I say that the integration of a global AH would not be to do the detriment of the wealthy. We would adjust. But the economy would suffer. Hyperinflation is the inevitable downfall of all MMO economies. The current system just makes that progression slower.
  • Makkir
    grom1024 wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    As for the majority base there is no way of knowing where the majority stands on this issue. A very small percentage of players actually post to these forums and this issue is usually split mostly even when a thread gets posted. You are lucky if you get twenty peoples opinions in a thread like this and twenty is nowhere near a majority.

    Let's add AH to the game and let people vote with their feet. This would be most objective research. :wink:

    I don't walk into MacDonalds and rally the customers to vote that they serve shrimp. If you don't like what ZOS servers on it's platter...then, well, WoW has an auction house.
  • Makkir
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    jircris11 wrote: »
    why do people keep making these darn threads? the answer is always no, get off your lazy bum and search for your item XD

    Alright then, tell me right now where i can find all the provisioning writ recipes on PS4 NA. Nothing says 'broken system' than accepting a daily writ that demands you make something you first need to find the recipe to unlock, but to do that you have to spend a lifetime searching vendors with no real way of even knowing if ANYONE is even selling it all. I go to plenty of vendors and notice they usually stick to a theme, weapons, armour, refined materials, no raw smithing mats etc.

    to this day i have NEVER completed a provisioning writ because of this broken system.

    Why do you keep complaining about a simple request for a very basic feature that every other MMO has the right idea to implement? Lemme guess, you're in one of the guilds taking advantage of everyone?

    You dont have to craft the food yourself btw. You can spend less than like 300 gold to buy a few of the food/drinks you need.
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