The Impenetrable Trait & Item Sets

  • Morathras
    remove training and prosperous from endgame gear
  • OdinForge
    Impen although not desirable for PvE, is still far more valuable to us on endgame gear than say prosperous or training. It's largely desirable at the moment for PvP builds. It's especially annoying for alliance war based gear drops to not have the chance to get one in impen.

    I don't know when I'll ever see another bloodspawn helmet in the vendor, I missed the last chance to buy one. I've farmed the dungeon numerous times on and off since 1.5 and can never get a drop. Even with the new AP vendor, because of how it currently works dungeon farming for drops is still very important. But without impen loot drops, it's hard to justify "wasting" the time.
    The Age of Wrobel.
  • altemriel
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
  • Egonieser
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Is there some hidden community that's really excited about the prospect of getting a dropped item with Prosperous or Training?

    Hey it's quite good for a grind build and while leveling, but I agree, trial and dungeon sets should not have that trait as most people who do it have already done their grinds.
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

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    PC - EU
  • Sargentwilko51
    Thank you so much for asking this question!!!

    Impen should be in all end game loot tables (including trial gear).

    Training and Preposterous (may know this as prosperous) need to go from monster sets, trial drops, max level dungeon specific drops (vICP, vWGT, vCOA, new sets from new dungeons, etc), vMA.

    While looking at this...

    Maybe MA and DSA weapons can have trails that benefit that weapon type on them (WTB powered vMA axe)??

    It would make the grindfest a just slightly more palatable.

    But seriously, it is comforting to hear that this is actually being talked about and considered.
  • rhapsodious
    Egonieser wrote: »
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Is there some hidden community that's really excited about the prospect of getting a dropped item with Prosperous or Training?

    Hey it's quite good for a grind build and while leveling, but I agree, trial and dungeon sets should not have that trait as most people who do it have already done their grinds.

    Training is good for, well, training up to a higher level, so I don't mind it dropping on lower-level gear.

    Prosperous, however, severely needs to be reworked in order to have use. As is, getting anything in Prosperous is like getting an item that fell in poop. The item itself might be useful, but it still smells. If you use it, it's despite the poop and not because of it. Either ZOS needs to rework the trait, or it needs to be craft-only. That way you at least aren't surprised by the poopy smell.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Training & prosperous have a purpose and they are almost always crafted by players toward that purpose.

    Removing them would be great, I get instantly disappointed when I see those traits pop up.

    Adding Impenetrable is the perfect substitute.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Ishammael
    Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop

    Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials

    Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

  • NeillMcAttack
    Of course Impen is a valid trait with regards drops anywhere. Not everyone draws an imaginary line and decides that they will only play either PvE or PvP. Those of us that enjoy all aspects of the game are the only ones that suffer when we are un-able to acquire trial and monster sets in Impen.

    And of course prosperous and training should be removed from end game gear. Imagine running something for your 30 time, finally getting the last set piece and realizing it has training. At max level it is completely useless.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
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    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • CromulentForumID
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    For ALL sets in the game regardless of where they drop (trials, dungeons, undaunted chests, vendor bags, pvp mails) remove prosperous and training and replace with impenetrable and sturdy. VMA weapons should only drop sharpened, precise, defending, and powered for resto staves.

    Adding impenetrable back in place of the other traits doesn't hurt your chances of getting divines pieces for your pve gear and only encourages more people to do the content you have created. A lot of my friends that exclusively pvp would actually probably be interested in checking out the new trials and vet dungeons if they drop impen gear so its useful for them.

    I agree with this. Do the stuff you see in the quote.
  • sirinsidiator
    Maybe instead of locking items to one specific trait, you could extend the crafting system to allow items to be converted to a different trait? Then it wouldn't matter what traits are on the loot table. Same could be done for the style of an item. It should be even more expensive than upgrading something to legendary. For example consume multiple items of the same type/set + require a lot of trait mats and maybe also be tied into the trait research system. - My Addons - The Vault (Early updates and experimental projects) - My patreon - My blog
  • Hekaterin
    Add Impenetrable to ALL gear drops, please remove Prosperous and Training !
    There's no telling the frustration of getting prosperous or training on endgame gear drops when you honestly won't ever use them for any endgame content anyway :( only feels like a waste.
  • DPShiro
    Remove Training and Prosperous, but don't add Impenetrable please.
    Keep Impenetrable on PVP sets for those that play that mode, but don't force us PVE players to get that crap.
    I'd rather have well fitted or something equally useless than Impenetrable.
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  • Kalebron
    I say you guys should just decide about what makes sense from this point forward. If you play the game, then you know nobody likes prosperous or training unless they craft it themselves for that specific reason.
  • Solariken
    Yes please add impenetrable and remove prosperous/training.

    PLEASE also consider giving us the ability to re-trait our own gear via crafting. This is how everyone truly wins and you add more depth and freedom to the game.
  • Ghost-Shot
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Remove Training and Prosperous, but don't add Impenetrable please.
    Keep Impenetrable on PVP sets for those that play that mode, but don't force us PVE players to get that crap.
    I'd rather have well fitted or something equally useless than Impenetrable.

    Ignore this guy please. More people doing the content is a good thing, and at least impen will give you more benefit than well fitted by saving you a bit of gold on repairs. If you are dodging enough in pve to need well fitted you're doing it wrong.
    Edited by Ghost-Shot on July 15, 2016 8:38PM
  • Sandman929
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Remove Training and Prosperous, but don't add Impenetrable please.
    Keep Impenetrable on PVP sets for those that play that mode, but don't force us PVE players to get that crap.
    I'd rather have well fitted or something equally useless than Impenetrable.

    You'd rather have something you consider useless...and everyone considers useless, than have something that others don't consider useless. Interesting.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Sounds good to me
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • rhapsodious
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Remove Training and Prosperous, but don't add Impenetrable please.
    Keep Impenetrable on PVP sets for those that play that mode, but don't force us PVE players to get that crap.
    I'd rather have well fitted or something equally useless than Impenetrable.

    Not everyone wants to run a set that can only be obtained by PVP in PVP, though. Some sets work well in both modes, or can be obtained by one but work well in the other. I use Black Rose for PVE tanking but you can only get it from IC, a PVP zone. Likewise, things like monster sets or SPC are equally useful in PVP and PVE, but the latter can only be obtained in PVE. Adding Impenetrable back to PVE sets would make a lot of people happy.
  • AllPlayAndNoWork
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    a lot of sets we want use in PvP aren't used in PvP as the traits are pretty poor, this would be a fantastic idea. It would certainly broaden the build spectrum in PvP.
  • Tavine
    Yes please no more Training and Properous on endgame gear. Impen sounds fine for me, at least there you have a certain way to use these traits.
  • raidentenshu_ESO
    End the immortality of guards. They should be killable.
  • Sigma957
    Yes add Impen to all end game sets from trials, undaunted etc and remove prosperous/ training from any cp160 set gear :smile:
  • rhapsodious
    End the immortality of guards. They should be killable.

  • UltimaJoe777
    I'd like to take a moment to remind those saying Impenetrable has no use in PvE that it acquired the OLD effect of Sturdy, which reduces Durability loss. This helps people save money and kits on repairs, making it good for grinding alongside Training.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
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  • Tryxus
    End the immortality of guards. They should be killable.

    Can you please remain on-topic, this is a very important conversation here
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • MatioFrench
    I am all for your plan in the original post with one exception: why limit the trials gear to not having impenetrable as a trait? All end game gear/sets should have impenetrable as a possible trait and not have training or prosperous. Those traits are good in certain situations but definitely not in end game content.

    Thanks for listening!

    Also, is divines really in the Golden's trait possibilities. Ever since Dark Britherhood released, even though it was advertised that divines was a possibility from her, all we've seen in PS4 is infused. ???
  • Cinnamon_Spider
    Remove training and prosperous and add impenetrable to all drops.
    Cinn #SorcLivesMatter
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  • UltimaJoe777
    End the immorality of topic derailers. They should be more on topic.

    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on July 15, 2016 9:04PM
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • LocoAztec
    Remove training and prosperous from all dungeon and Trial drops. Leave Impen on the crafted, PVP, and Telvar sets. If it needs to be added to replace I vote for not placing it in the Trials loot table.
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