Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

login-servers down?

  • Bromburak
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.

    Which means the thread stickied at the top needs to stay there. I am sorry if anyone was suspended by mistake but I am disgusted that ZOS has such a lenient stance on cheating. It is encouraging the real cheaters and is hurting the trust and confidence people have in this game and ZOS.
    Edited by clayandaudrey_ESO on June 25, 2016 3:49PM
  • Falhael
    Mureel wrote: »
    How is people moaning about the DYES noticed by a mod and in the Dev Tracker but a whole load of people going WHAT??? over supposed speedhacking that we didn't do, well known and unknown players alike, not?


    Day 2 of absolute disregard underway.

    Also, what about all the people who do not use the forum?


    They did notice this thread. The other one concerning the topic got closed referring people to go to this one here. But forum mods probably have no way to do anything about it. Sad, but it's always like that. Maybe monday or tuesday we'll get something like " we're sorry, unfortunate events, blabla, but we're continuing our efforts, blabla, no eta"
  • Mureel
    HawkStan wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    Oh my word. Did you read any of this??

    MOST the people in here bar ONE person are saying that we haven't done this and *I ruddy well know I haven't* so please spare me this sort of thing.

    The poster you quoted literally said she/he didn't do it.

    I hope you never get accused of anything you haven't done.

    It feels awful, I can tell you.

    OR: Am I utterly misunderstanding your above reply??

    Dont think you understood him correctly. What he is saying is: the game/ZOS thought/thinks these guys are hackers. This means, ZOS doesnt ban people they think are hacking perm, but only for 72 hours. This means all legit hackers are only getting 72 hour bans too.
    Ofcourse in this case it is lucky, since a lot of non-hackers got banned, but thats not the point he is making.

    Also, did any of you guys get a reaction from ZOS/got unbanned yet? A reaction from ZOS in here, regarding these false bans would be appropriate.

    Oh okay, I'm sorry.

    Also no. It's weekend and nearly 11am in their time zone or earlier if I am we may be stuck waiting till the suspensions are void....but I personally am not letting it go because I don't want a past suspension on my record which I haven't earned.
  • JamieAubrey
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    That's nice to know, Perma ban me for something I haven't done due to a false positive

    I'd be the one to speak up IF I did use the 3rd party programme and take my punishment but since I haven't and haven't played much this past week I don't see why this has happened
    Edited by JamieAubrey on June 25, 2016 4:00PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.

    Which means the thread stickied at the top needs to stay there. I am sorry if anyone was suspended by mistake but I am disgusted that ZOS has such a lenient stance on cheating. It is encouraging the real cheaters and is hurting the trust and confidence people have in this game and ZOS.

    I think they're doing this to let people know they have a system in place and watch your butt . The 72 hour maybe a safeguard to fully investigate if the system is in fact working . They could press the permanent ban button anytime if they find out in that 72 hrs it was in fact 100% third party software abuse .
  • Mureel
    I have been usimg all these game mechanics that are being talked and I'm still in game.

    As have obviously many other people.

    I'm glad you weren't affected because this really sucks.
  • Elsonso
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Mureel
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.

    Which means the thread stickied at the top needs to stay there. I am sorry if anyone was suspended by mistake but I am disgusted that ZOS has such a lenient stance on cheating. It is encouraging the real cheaters and is hurting the trust and confidence people have in this game and ZOS.

    I think they're doing this to let people know they have a system in place and watch your butt . The 72 hour maybe a safeguard to fully investigate if the system is in fact working . They could press the permanent ban button anytime if they find out in that 72 hrs it was in fact 100% third party software abuse .

    So you think there are appropriately ranked people there to handle this on the weekend after 5pm on a Friday and who would have it all sorted before the suspensions are up?

    I doubt that. I quite literally had to make a load of phone calls and emails and so on and describe what I was doing (picking flowers sort of and talking to my kid) before they emailed me and said good news! Looks like you had a latency Spike which set off our cheat detection so we're sorry, here's a free week of ESO+

    I quite literally had to wait out the weekend and got it sorted so late on the Tuesday that I missed our raid and was back in game Wednesday.

    I didn't cheat then and I didn't now.

    I know you didn't say anyone DID but this is not nice here and it's literally down to other people cheating so badly, and ZOS is rightly trying to stop it so hard, that some are getting caught in the net who haven't.

    It sucks.
  • Mureel
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.
    Edited by Mureel on June 25, 2016 4:10PM
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I would not hold my breath for an apology.
  • Mureel
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I would not hold my breath for an apology.
    You really think so? After all these people? Gosh I hope you're wrong.

    Also, an apology will go further with so many than empty stuff like crowns etc. No one likes feeling like everyone thinks they cheated. It's extremely unpleasant.
    Edited by Mureel on June 25, 2016 4:14PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Mureel wrote: »
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.

    Which means the thread stickied at the top needs to stay there. I am sorry if anyone was suspended by mistake but I am disgusted that ZOS has such a lenient stance on cheating. It is encouraging the real cheaters and is hurting the trust and confidence people have in this game and ZOS.

    I think they're doing this to let people know they have a system in place and watch your butt . The 72 hour maybe a safeguard to fully investigate if the system is in fact working . They could press the permanent ban button anytime if they find out in that 72 hrs it was in fact 100% third party software abuse .

    So you think there are appropriately ranked people there to handle this on the weekend after 5pm on a Friday and who would have it all sorted before the suspensions are up?

    I doubt that. I quite literally had to make a load of phone calls and emails and so on and describe what I was doing (picking flowers sort of and talking to my kid) before they emailed me and said good news! Looks like you had a latency Spike which set off our cheat detection so we're sorry, here's a free week of ESO+

    I quite literally had to wait out the weekend and got it sorted so late on the Tuesday that I missed our raid and was back in game Wednesday.

    I didn't cheat then and I didn't now.

    I know you didn't say anyone DID but this is not nice here and it's literally down to other people cheating so badly, and ZOS is rightly trying to stop it so hard, that some are getting caught in the net who haven't.

    It sucks.

    Yes I absolutely do believe there are people working on this right now . The cheats engine gave Zennimax a huge black eye . I expected them to release this on a weekend with no warnings to catch as many people as possible at once and gather the most data in one shot . Wouldn't you ambush the very same people that went out of their way to destroy something you created ? No one I play with has been effected at all and we use major expedition buffs and potions . So like I said before , I think it's a terrible ordeal if you are innocent but I don't see a lot of innocent players I play with having your experience .
  • Elsonso
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I have said this before, and please do not take this the wrong way, but if you don't want to be thought of as a cheater, pretty much the last thing you want to do is come into the forums and say that this is the second time you were caught by the "anti-cheat" system. Especially if you don't want people to think of you as a cheater.

    This is one case where the ZOS policy against talking about disciplinary actions works in your favor...
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I would not hold my breath for an apology.
    You really think so? After all these people? Gosh I hope you're wrong.

    Also, an apology will go further with so many than empty stuff like crowns etc. No one likes feeling like everyone thinks they cheated. It's extremely unpleasant.

    Yes I really think so. I am also thinking you are protesting just a tad to much.
  • Mureel
    Mureel wrote: »
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.

    Which means the thread stickied at the top needs to stay there. I am sorry if anyone was suspended by mistake but I am disgusted that ZOS has such a lenient stance on cheating. It is encouraging the real cheaters and is hurting the trust and confidence people have in this game and ZOS.

    I think they're doing this to let people know they have a system in place and watch your butt . The 72 hour maybe a safeguard to fully investigate if the system is in fact working . They could press the permanent ban button anytime if they find out in that 72 hrs it was in fact 100% third party software abuse .

    So you think there are appropriately ranked people there to handle this on the weekend after 5pm on a Friday and who would have it all sorted before the suspensions are up?

    I doubt that. I quite literally had to make a load of phone calls and emails and so on and describe what I was doing (picking flowers sort of and talking to my kid) before they emailed me and said good news! Looks like you had a latency Spike which set off our cheat detection so we're sorry, here's a free week of ESO+

    I quite literally had to wait out the weekend and got it sorted so late on the Tuesday that I missed our raid and was back in game Wednesday.

    I didn't cheat then and I didn't now.

    I know you didn't say anyone DID but this is not nice here and it's literally down to other people cheating so badly, and ZOS is rightly trying to stop it so hard, that some are getting caught in the net who haven't.

    It sucks.

    Yes I absolutely do believe there are people working on this right now . The cheats engine gave Zennimax a huge black eye . I expected them to release this on a weekend with no warnings to catch as many people as possible at once and gather the most data in one shot . Wouldn't you ambush the very same people that went out of their way to destroy something you created ? No one I play with has been effected at all and we use major expedition buffs and potions . So like I said before , I think it's a terrible ordeal if you are innocent but I don't see a lot of innocent players I play with having your experience .

    I think you make sense in a way, but that doesn't make this the right way to do things.

    Please let me call your attention to the start of thus thread and the first comments in it.

    No one at first here had any reason to think they were suspended hence the thread title.

    Because forum etiquette dictates to search issue and post on existing post rather than start new threads, looking for login error is how I, and several others ended up here.

    We had no reason to believe anything other than something was wrong with login and we all got letters an hour or a little more after the fact so we had no idea until then.

    Look at any of the people actually banned and the rage, you'll find an entirely different scenario.

    None of us bar one knew what had happened because (as far as I can tell though I can only truly speak for myself) we had no reason to believe we would be suspended.
  • Mureel
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I would not hold my breath for an apology.
    You really think so? After all these people? Gosh I hope you're wrong.

    Also, an apology will go further with so many than empty stuff like crowns etc. No one likes feeling like everyone thinks they cheated. It's extremely unpleasant.

    Yes I really think so. I am also thinking you are protesting just a tad to much.

    How much would you protest if you were accused of something you didn't do?

    My main guild is in raid right now without me and you think anyone would do that to themselves to poke npcs with a knife faster?

    I am trying to respond to being treated like dirt nicely.

    If you want to call that protesting then go right ahead.

    I hope it never happens to you.

    Edited to add, it's a 72 hour suspension anyway and 1/4 over already. This too shall pass, but the point is it shouldn't be happening like this in the first place.
    Edited by Mureel on June 25, 2016 4:27PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.

    Which means the thread stickied at the top needs to stay there. I am sorry if anyone was suspended by mistake but I am disgusted that ZOS has such a lenient stance on cheating. It is encouraging the real cheaters and is hurting the trust and confidence people have in this game and ZOS.

    I think they're doing this to let people know they have a system in place and watch your butt . The 72 hour maybe a safeguard to fully investigate if the system is in fact working . They could press the permanent ban button anytime if they find out in that 72 hrs it was in fact 100% third party software abuse .

    So you think there are appropriately ranked people there to handle this on the weekend after 5pm on a Friday and who would have it all sorted before the suspensions are up?

    I doubt that. I quite literally had to make a load of phone calls and emails and so on and describe what I was doing (picking flowers sort of and talking to my kid) before they emailed me and said good news! Looks like you had a latency Spike which set off our cheat detection so we're sorry, here's a free week of ESO+

    I quite literally had to wait out the weekend and got it sorted so late on the Tuesday that I missed our raid and was back in game Wednesday.

    I didn't cheat then and I didn't now.

    I know you didn't say anyone DID but this is not nice here and it's literally down to other people cheating so badly, and ZOS is rightly trying to stop it so hard, that some are getting caught in the net who haven't.

    It sucks.

    Yes I absolutely do believe there are people working on this right now . The cheats engine gave Zennimax a huge black eye . I expected them to release this on a weekend with no warnings to catch as many people as possible at once and gather the most data in one shot . Wouldn't you ambush the very same people that went out of their way to destroy something you created ? No one I play with has been effected at all and we use major expedition buffs and potions . So like I said before , I think it's a terrible ordeal if you are innocent but I don't see a lot of innocent players I play with having your experience .

    I think you make sense in a way, but that doesn't make this the right way to do things.

    Please let me call your attention to the start of thus thread and the first comments in it.

    No one at first here had any reason to think they were suspended hence the thread title.

    Because forum etiquette dictates to search issue and post on existing post rather than start new threads, looking for login error is how I, and several others ended up here.

    We had no reason to believe anything other than something was wrong with login and we all got letters an hour or a little more after the fact so we had no idea until then.

    Look at any of the people actually banned and the rage, you'll find an entirely different scenario.

    None of us bar one knew what had happened because (as far as I can tell though I can only truly speak for myself) we had no reason to believe we would be suspended.

    Again though , I'm not the one that made the program or pushed the suspension button . I'm neutral . All I do know is programs don't discriminate . They're software . Why aren't we all getting suspended for lag spikes and expedition buffs ? Things smell fishy here especially for people that have this happen more then once . Picking flowers may sound innocent enough but I've been around long enough to see the harvesting bots and speed hacks crafters use . PvP is not the only place third party software effects people ...

    But to avoid speculation and cloak and dagger theories , I'd avoid the forums on it . Because while many like me would like to believe nice people are innocent flower pickers caught up in a lag spike , you're going to find many wagging fingers instead . As stated before , avoiding this topic is more in your favor then ZOS's .
  • Mureel
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I have said this before, and please do not take this the wrong way, but if you don't want to be thought of as a cheater, pretty much the last thing you want to do is come into the forums and say that this is the second time you were caught by the "anti-cheat" system. Especially if you don't want people to think of you as a cheater.

    This is one case where the ZOS policy against talking about disciplinary actions works in your favor...

    This is Name Removed from customer support. I have good news! I have spoken with the Terms of Service departement and your account has been reinstated. You are good to login at any moment and continue playing.

    I do apologize for the interruption in your game play. It looks like the latency and rubberbanding you described may have triggered a some hack triggers we have in place.

    There you go. They also gave me a free respec as I missed the cheap respec window over this and a free week of eso.

    So seriously when some people say they didn't do anything - it is possible they haven't.
  • Rarok_Yariy
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I would not hold my breath for an apology.
    You really think so? After all these people? Gosh I hope you're wrong.

    Also, an apology will go further with so many than empty stuff like crowns etc. No one likes feeling like everyone thinks they cheated. It's extremely unpleasant.

    Yes I really think so. I am also thinking you are protesting just a tad to much.

    How much would you protest if you were accused of something you didn't do?

    My main guild is in raid right now without me and you think anyone would do that to themselves to poke npcs with a knife faster?

    I am trying to respond to being treated like dirt nicely.

    If you want to call that protesting then go right ahead.

    I hope it never happens to you.

    Edited to add, it's a 72 hour suspension anyway and 1/4 over already. This too shall pass, but the point is it shouldn't be happening like this in the first place.

    I would come say my peace one time and leave it at that on a public forum. I would protest a lot to the people that matter. I know that is not possible on a weekend and I do feel sorry for you. I hate that you are missing out on things on game. It's just my opinion that you are not doing yourself any favors.
  • Rohamad_Ali

  • Rarok_Yariy


  • Mureel
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Thornen wrote: »
    I have the same Account Suspended

    Also got an email saying I was banned for 72 hours for Speedhacking :open_mouth:

    I've never even cheated/hacked a game in my life and I wouldn't do it in ESO and risk losing 2+ years of progress just to get an extra bit of speed

    More disappointing that its a 72 hour ban rather than permanent, guess it really is a ok to cheat in this game...

    A 72 hour ban allows them to make mistakes. They can always upgrade the ban to Permanent, on review, or drop the ban, give them a few thousand Crowns, and apologize.

    Except crowns aren't going to cut it. I feel that we need an apology here in thread or on the forum.

    A real one. I don't like being thought of as a cheater and I don't want any suspension on my record that I didn't earn.

    I would not hold my breath for an apology.
    You really think so? After all these people? Gosh I hope you're wrong.

    Also, an apology will go further with so many than empty stuff like crowns etc. No one likes feeling like everyone thinks they cheated. It's extremely unpleasant.

    Yes I really think so. I am also thinking you are protesting just a tad to much.

    How much would you protest if you were accused of something you didn't do?

    My main guild is in raid right now without me and you think anyone would do that to themselves to poke npcs with a knife faster?

    I am trying to respond to being treated like dirt nicely.

    If you want to call that protesting then go right ahead.

    I hope it never happens to you.

    Edited to add, it's a 72 hour suspension anyway and 1/4 over already. This too shall pass, but the point is it shouldn't be happening like this in the first place.

    I would come say my peace one time and leave it at that on a public forum. I would protest a lot to the people that matter. I know that is not possible on a weekend and I do feel sorry for you. I hate that you are missing out on things on game. It's just my opinion that you are not doing yourself any favors.

    Well you and I aren't the same people and I feel for the rest of the folks to whom this has happened and maybe it makes me stupid or naive or whatever but I don't care. I'd rather be considered stupid than a dirty cheat any day of the week.

    Maybe it's the Mom in me but I really believe that the people who came to this thread seeking help for a log in issue only to find they were suspended were blindsided for doing nothing wrong and I care about it because it matters.

    I feel badly for all of those affected by this shituation, not just myself.
  • Mureel

    Oh hunny. I'm sorry you felt you had to do that. :-(
  • Uzdo
    I didn't expect Zenimax to make good anti cheat cuz they can't fix lags in PvP since launch and their game could be easily cheated with Cheat Engine
  • Mureel
    Hagebutte wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    How is people moaning about the DYES noticed by a mod and in the Dev Tracker but a whole load of people going WHAT??? over supposed speedhacking that we didn't do, well known and unknown players alike, not?


    Day 2 of absolute disregard underway.

    Also, what about all the people who do not use the forum?


    They did notice this thread. The other one concerning the topic got closed referring people to go to this one here. But forum mods probably have no way to do anything about it. Sad, but it's always like that. Maybe monday or tuesday we'll get something like " we're sorry, unfortunate events, blabla, but we're continuing our efforts, blabla, no eta"

    Oh did it? The one about the VMA run ya mean?

    Thank you!!
  • Mureel
    Mureel wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I guess you do misunderstand his post because he didn't say that anyone here was cheating.
    But the fact to penalize cheating with a temp ban only confirms once again how harmless ZOS deals with cheating in general.

    Which means the thread stickied at the top needs to stay there. I am sorry if anyone was suspended by mistake but I am disgusted that ZOS has such a lenient stance on cheating. It is encouraging the real cheaters and is hurting the trust and confidence people have in this game and ZOS.

    I think they're doing this to let people know they have a system in place and watch your butt . The 72 hour maybe a safeguard to fully investigate if the system is in fact working . They could press the permanent ban button anytime if they find out in that 72 hrs it was in fact 100% third party software abuse .

    So you think there are appropriately ranked people there to handle this on the weekend after 5pm on a Friday and who would have it all sorted before the suspensions are up?

    I doubt that. I quite literally had to make a load of phone calls and emails and so on and describe what I was doing (picking flowers sort of and talking to my kid) before they emailed me and said good news! Looks like you had a latency Spike which set off our cheat detection so we're sorry, here's a free week of ESO+

    I quite literally had to wait out the weekend and got it sorted so late on the Tuesday that I missed our raid and was back in game Wednesday.

    I didn't cheat then and I didn't now.

    I know you didn't say anyone DID but this is not nice here and it's literally down to other people cheating so badly, and ZOS is rightly trying to stop it so hard, that some are getting caught in the net who haven't.

    It sucks.

    Yes I absolutely do believe there are people working on this right now . The cheats engine gave Zennimax a huge black eye . I expected them to release this on a weekend with no warnings to catch as many people as possible at once and gather the most data in one shot . Wouldn't you ambush the very same people that went out of their way to destroy something you created ? No one I play with has been effected at all and we use major expedition buffs and potions . So like I said before , I think it's a terrible ordeal if you are innocent but I don't see a lot of innocent players I play with having your experience .

    I think you make sense in a way, but that doesn't make this the right way to do things.

    Please let me call your attention to the start of thus thread and the first comments in it.

    No one at first here had any reason to think they were suspended hence the thread title.

    Because forum etiquette dictates to search issue and post on existing post rather than start new threads, looking for login error is how I, and several others ended up here.

    We had no reason to believe anything other than something was wrong with login and we all got letters an hour or a little more after the fact so we had no idea until then.

    Look at any of the people actually banned and the rage, you'll find an entirely different scenario.

    None of us bar one knew what had happened because (as far as I can tell though I can only truly speak for myself) we had no reason to believe we would be suspended.

    Again though , I'm not the one that made the program or pushed the suspension button . I'm neutral . All I do know is programs don't discriminate . They're software . Why aren't we all getting suspended for lag spikes and expedition buffs ? Things smell fishy here especially for people that have this happen more then once . Picking flowers may sound innocent enough but I've been around long enough to see the harvesting bots and speed hacks crafters use . PvP is not the only place third party software effects people ...

    But to avoid speculation and cloak and dagger theories , I'd avoid the forums on it . Because while many like me would like to believe nice people are innocent flower pickers caught up in a lag spike , you're going to find many wagging fingers instead . As stated before , avoiding this topic is more in your favor then ZOS's .

    I don't know but I posted my email from them the first time they did whatever with the new hack defender whatever thing.

    Also I'm just more of a keep on something till it's solved. Not a waiting in the wings kind of girl.

    I don't think patience is a virtue, I think stating outright mea culpa and handling it is a virtue.

    Edited to add, I also said I was sort of picking flowers and talking to my kid and mostly standing around. It's not as though I was super speed harvesting for goodness sake.

    I even pointed that out, that my harvest for the time I was there was super low, because I was only kinda wasting time there and they can see from log on to boot how many things I've picked up.
    Edited by Mureel on June 25, 2016 4:55PM
  • Ashtaris
    The thing that gets me is that implementing new anti-cheat software just before the weekend without thoroughly testing it and no support people around to help could be the most idiotic thing they (ZOS) could possibly do. I mean really? That's just a PR nightmare waiting to happen.
  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    When we eliminate the variables and have but the invariables, we, begin to see a picture. Jess mentioned 3p software. What does this include? Could it be the software required to manage peripherals such as razer cloud stuff? Could of this triggered the anti bad people overlord? What do the affected people have in common?

    I ask this because maybe an un-installation of whatever triggered the bad person catcher thingy ,could, help prevent such thingy from doing it again.
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