I think I have completed 10 runs of the arena and 7 of those I got a Maelstrom weapon. Not too sure on what exactly they were. From what I remember, I got 2 bows, 2 2Hers, at least 1 resto, and maybe a 1H & S. So my drop rate is 70% based on my 10 runs. I think after I completed my 6th run, 5 of the 6 times I got a weapon drop.
LegendaryArcher wrote: »- 70 runs
Voriak Solkyn chest:
- 38x helmets (!!!), more than half of them well-fitted
- 10x random gear
- 9x jewelry, 8x with Healthy trait
- 9x daggers
- 2x 1h mace
- 1x 1h axe
- 1x 1h sword
Never seen a Destruction Staff, Healing Staff, 2h Maul or Bow.
Lots of time invested in a *** solo arena instead of spending time having fun with friends in dungeons and trials, because the weapons do make a huge difference when it comes to DPS. It's not a minor buff for the min-maxers. Still no guarantee I will ever get any of those. It's like I'm still at day 1 trying my luck. 70 runs for nothing.
Gave up. Dropped ESO Plus subscription and won't purchase any more Crowns until effort and invested time are rewarded.
LegendaryArcher wrote: »Am I really the only one bothered by this? I understand that only <1% can complete vMA in the first place, but doesn't the fact that IF you complete it you get absolute *** bother you?
LegendaryArcher wrote: »So, today I thought to myself, maybe those 70 runs were just a bad streak... some people are getting 9 weapons in 10 runs... quite a few based on this thread. Maybe the 71st run is gonna be different...
Sorry ZOS, if you want my money, you have to work for it! I have enough lying around here willing to spend on ESO, since I really love the Elder Scrolls universe in general. So far, I have never felt so good and proud cancelling a subscription in my entire life and would encourage everyone getting *** over by Maelstrom to do the same! And if I could return all the Crown Store purchases I made during last year, I would.
KoshkaMurka wrote: »
Why exactly? Some of the rewards are BiS items, and some people enjoy minmaxing their chars as much as possible.
jyates214b14_ESO wrote: »Maelstrom weapons are given to me like candy on Halloween: 2 precise destros, 2 restos, 2 precise axes, 1 sword, 1 mace, 1 bow, 1 great sword sharpened, and 3 shields, + whatever weapon I got in the weekly rewards today.
Guess how many pieces of arcane succession jewellery I've gotten. 0
Now guess what I'm actually trying to get...
RNG hurts, can blow through that arena in less than an hour, to get *** on by the last two chests.
And don't get me started on spell power cure from WGT 75+ runs and I have 1 piece.
Edit: And another thing!
I feel as if Maelstrom weapons are underpowered. Two Leki's dual wield with the weapon power enchant = 300 weapon power, 2 Maelstrom dual wield = 189 weapon power.
Nirnhorned staves > Maelstrom destro staves, and you can use it as a 1 piece to add to another set bonus. Also the wall of elements buff is STILL laughable. My Lightning flood still hits roughly double wall of elements.
Maelstrom Resto staves are a joke 400 magicka back IF regen crits, every 4 seconds. You make back about what the spell would cost to cast, if you are lucky. But that's over the full almost 20 second duration.
Maelstrom Axes' bleed consumes the buff to next DOT attack. Also refer to dual wield problem.
Maelstrom shield is restricted to the permafrost set, and has legit no unique buffs.
2Hs and Bows are the only ones I see as worthwhile, and bows really only so in PvE.
Master weapons kicked these's weapons asses.
So for those of you that don't have these weapons yet, don't worry they really aren't worth it. And thank you ZOS for giving us a "worthwhile" reward. AND making all the sets BoP so I can't even make back the cost of potions it takes to do this content.
/rant over.
Funny that you think the staves suck and that WoE is laughable. Wrobel ended up being right, now things really do melt in Wall of Elements!
jyates214b14_ESO wrote: »
Lightning flood tooltips at 3400 (not counting the 10k+ synergy) while WoE is at 1800, even adding in the extra 1200 per weave you're not even matching the damage on lightning flood and thats not taking into consideration that lightning flood lasts 2 seconds longer. Not quite sure why I would make the change... But I've been wrong before so I'll try it.
Granted WoE has a larger area of effect, but I can place lightning flood across an area.
You're capable of stacking them, and it's not that hard to work into a build.
Spearshard wrote: »
I think the point they're trying to make is that for a long while now, even with the destro staff, WoE just isn't worth the cost to cast. It's expensive, weak and too short a duration.