Doncellius wrote: »No! All of the sets in Maelstrom Arena should be Bind-on-Equip though.
Master Weapons (yes, Maelstrom Weapons included) should never be tradeable in any way. You must earn these things. Sorry.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Ummm no. For @Samphaa there are only 3 traits in these weapons.
Earn them properly. It can be done on any class in the same time it's just practice. Do it once and you'll smash it time and time again. Plus you get a save feature soon.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Ummm no. For @Samphaa there are only 3 traits in these weapons.
Earn them properly. It can be done on any class in the same time it's just practice. Do it once and you'll smash it time and time again. Plus you get a save feature soon.
Paulington wrote: »
"Earn them properly", what is properly? In total I have spent over 10 entire real-life days trying to get a specific Maelstrom weapon (fire destro precise) and I have gotten absolutely none and yet I actually need six of them! Did I not "earn them properly" enough?
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
I'd prefer a token system with a special merchant for it. Then have both tokens and gear be in the drop table independent of one another. Also gear could be traded in for select amounts of tokens. A timed element could be added in as well. Something like a player can only get so many tokens per period of time, or the merchant is only available so many days a week.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »At this point, I don't care what the F they do as long as it is something. Several proposals or combinations of them make sense:
1. Eliminate BoP completely - Might be going to far. I do like the idea of some stuff being locked behind a skill/content wall to some degree. That being said, WGT/ICP have been out for a long time. That stuff should be BoE at this point.
2. Allow Crafters to change traits. Make it moderately difficult/expensive, but this seems like a really good option. Plus it just makes sense from a crafting standpoint. It could also act as a much needed gold sink, or heck, stick something in the crown store for a cash grab. I really dont care.
3. Make like items tradeable. One Maelstrom weapon for another, or Spell Power Cure for Spell Power Cure, that sort of thing. This would go so far to stopping the RNG frustration. Just got my second Pair of Divines Scathing Gloves. What a waste and I know there is someone out there with a belt that would love to trade.
4. Bind on Group. Another solid approach, but wouldn't do much for VMA.
4. The almighty token system. This seems like the simplest. It would keep things behind a content wall, it would require people to re-run content a reasonable amount, but it would lay out a clear path to get what you want. End of the day, that is what most of us are after. We want some end in sight to the grind.
I put in my dues for WGT. I had over 20 pieces of SPC before I finally got a pair of boots to complete a set. The traits are garbage, but whatever. I have recently started ramping up my grind on ICP for scathing and VMA for one freaking weapon, but the motivation is not there. It makes the content painful rather than rewarding. DO SOMETHING, ZOS!!!