Make Maelstrom Weapons Tradable

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Weapons should be tradable for other weapons.

Only people who buy the dlc can acquire the gear, but everyone can get the specific weapons they want through trading.

Simple concept, no idea how hard it would be to actually implement without people exploiting it somehow.

Win win though. People still spend money for the new dlcs every few months, but the gear you want will be easier to get.
  • dday3six
    I'd prefer a token system with a special merchant for it. Then have both tokens and gear be in the drop table independent of one another. Also gear could be traded in for select amounts of tokens. A timed element could be added in as well. Something like a player can only get so many tokens per period of time, or the merchant is only available so many days a week.
  • Refuse2GrowUp
    I almost prefer they be sellable at this point. The number of people having other people run vMSA for them is out of control. Just make the weapons sellable so we can get some resemblance of a competitive leaderboard.
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  • Farorin
    Trade able, tokens, sell able, I don't even care, they just need to do something about them and other bind on pick-up drops so that we don't have to answer to RNGesus anymore.

    *edited because I forgot two words
    Edited by Farorin on March 7, 2016 4:30AM
  • Vaoh
    No! All of the sets in Maelstrom Arena should be Bind-on-Equip though.

    Master Weapons (yes, Maelstrom Weapons included) should never be tradeable in any way. You must earn these things. Sorry.
  • DDemon
    What I would like to see, is perhaps an NPC you could sell unwanted maelstrom weapons to, and in return you get a token, when you have, maybe 10 tokens, you can pick a weapon of choosing with a random trait.
    Edited by DDemon on March 7, 2016 10:42AM
  • Lucky28
    Make your overall score your "tokens" highers score better *** you can get. resets when you leave the arena.

    Puts a bit more meaning in your score, even for those who don't care about the leader boards .
    Edited by Lucky28 on March 7, 2016 10:52AM
  • Decado
    Doncellius wrote: »
    No! All of the sets in Maelstrom Arena should be Bind-on-Equip though.

    Master Weapons (yes, Maelstrom Weapons included) should never be tradeable in any way. You must earn these things. Sorry.

    Doesn't work that way, it had absolutely *** all to with earning and 100% due to luck

    I personally ran it 20+ times before giving up and earnt ONE resto staff

    A friend of my has ran it 8 times and has 4 weapons

    I know people who have every single weapons APART from
    The one they went.

    Saying must be earnt doesn't work my 20+ runs doesn't earn it but someone who gets lucky first attempt does?

    I say make a token system or for all I care make a vendor that only appears after you have competed arena and let us buy them, I no longer care to run a buggy crap solo arena which I hate and getting 0 luck because I need the weapon to complete my build
  • olsborg
    This would be very good, cause I hate pve and i rly want to get the malestrom bow, but I only pvp.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Paulington
    I have no problem with Master/Maelstrom weapons, BoP Trial gear and Undaunted gear being tradeable in the dungeon before you leave because as it stands so much gets wasted. However once you leave it should all be bound as normal.

    However, I believe that these items should drop but they should also be available via a currency/token system. In total I need six maelstrom fire staves in perfect traits and guess how many I've gotten after 250+ runs? Zero. The idea that ZOS think that is acceptable is something I don't want to entertain because they are smarter than that.

    Sort out the awful RNG with a currency/token system and my problem with PvE in this game is sorted, we don't need trading.
  • Samphaa
    I want a token system, you get a token at the end of each completion, you can take a lucky dip on the chest or save like 30 of them to get the weapon and trait you want.

    Has anybody had a maelstrom weapon that isn't Sharpened, precise or defending?
    Edited by Samphaa on March 7, 2016 11:35AM
  • DRXHarbinger
    Ummm no. For @Samphaa there are only 3 traits in these weapons.

    Earn them properly. It can be done on any class in the same time it's just practice. Do it once and you'll smash it time and time again. Plus you get a save feature soon.
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  • Samphaa
    Ummm no. For @Samphaa there are only 3 traits in these weapons.

    Earn them properly. It can be done on any class in the same time it's just practice. Do it once and you'll smash it time and time again. Plus you get a save feature soon.

    This isn't the issue, learning it and repeatedly beating it is the easy part, trying to get the weapon and trait you want after 50+ completions is the hard part. We're not moaning about completing it....we're moaning about having no possible way around bollocks RNG
  • Paulington
    Ummm no. For @Samphaa there are only 3 traits in these weapons.

    Earn them properly. It can be done on any class in the same time it's just practice. Do it once and you'll smash it time and time again. Plus you get a save feature soon.

    "Earn them properly", what is properly? In total I have spent over 10 entire real-life days trying to get a specific Maelstrom weapon (fire destro precise) and I have gotten absolutely none and yet I actually need six of them! Did I not "earn them properly" enough? I haven't done vMA in over six weeks simply because I cannot face it any longer. I've been running it since November praying to get what I want and every time RNG says no.

    There's no difference other than our sanity if a token system is implemented. Let's say 20 clears and you are guaranteed the specific weapon you want in the exact trait you want. That's still 120 clears total for me to gear my characters but a lot less than the 250+ I've done for absolutely nothing. The difference is in working towards a clearly achievable goal instead of putting your nose to the grindstone and hoping it stops soon.

    That level of RNG is not fun and with the trait system ESO entertains a better solution is needed with currency/tokens being the obvious answer.
  • Flak

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  • Riga_Mortis
    I would Definately like to see less BoP and more BoE equipment/weapons, meaning more trading ingame, especially with text chat coming to consoles.
    XBOX 1X
  • Azarath_tiberius
    Paulington wrote: »

    "Earn them properly", what is properly? In total I have spent over 10 entire real-life days trying to get a specific Maelstrom weapon (fire destro precise) and I have gotten absolutely none and yet I actually need six of them! Did I not "earn them properly" enough?

    This! So much this.

    People don't actually get it and defend this disgusting RNG system... I've been doing arena non stop for the last 4 weeks. Never even seen a fire staff drop, not even in the 3 weekly leaderboard rewards I get. Is that not enough? And don't even get me started when the reward from the final chest is "Helm of Glory" with well-fitted trait, which is not even sellable!

    Just because someone got what he wanted in the first 10 tries OR even if he got it with his 200000nd run that doesn't mean that "that's the justifiable amount to actually be rewarded".. Get your **** together ffs. Not everyone has the time OR the will to go through such grind (like we don't have enough things to grind..).

    On a side note. There's been a lot of threads about RNG in the last week, so if we keep pushing we might finally get an answer.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno this is the 2nd or 3rd time (but not the final) I'm tagging you in such a thread about RNG. Can you please pass it to someone in itemization team? Your RNG system is quite frustrating.
  • ChuckyPayne
    Maybe only for AP at PVP merchant but never for gold. (for PVP players)
    End content rewards never would be tradeable.
    Or maybe trade in group, share loot with other party members.
  • GaldorP
    I agree that a token system for Maelstrom Weapons would be great.

    For example:

    - 10 tokens for each completion of Veteran Maelstrom Arena + up to 10 bonus tokens depending on how good your score was
    • Completion with no score (not in one go): 10 tokens
    • Completion in one go with score below 75'000: 12 tokens
    • Score of 75'000-149'999: 14 tokens
    • Score of 150'000-224'999: 16 tokens
    • Score of 225'000-299'999: 18 tokens
    • Score of 300'000 or higher: 20 tokens
    - Trade in 30 tokens for a two-handed weapon of your choice (2-handed sword, maul, or axe, bow, flame staff, frost staff, lightning staff, or restoration staff) with a random trait of 3 (precise, sharpened, or defending).

    - Trade in 15 tokens for a one-handed weapon of your choice (sword, mace, axe, or dagger) or a shield with a random trait of 3 (precise, sharpened, or defending on weapons; infused, divines, or impenetrable on shield).

    I also think that all normal set items obtained from Maelstrom Arena chests (not the Maelstrom Weapons!) should be tradable (bind on equip).
    Edited by GaldorP on March 7, 2016 12:16PM
  • damtotb16_ESO
    I think it's fine as it is now. Sorry guys gotta earn it :)
  • Alorier
    No no no people on this game want stuff for free theses weapons should not be tradable earn stuff on here , I have to PvP and PvE to get the items I need so get out of your comfort zone and earn these
  • DRXHarbinger
    The set items should be (except the shield at the end) no reason for us not to be able to. They aren't game changing (permafrost is kind of good) but we all have tons and tons of these Decon trash items now. Same for the dailies in wrothgar the amount of briarheart I accumulated trying to get the final ring was unreal. But weapons just no. Not to mention I'd want over 1m gold for an inferno staff. You wouldn't be able to buy them.
    PC Master Race

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  • MaxwellC
    Nope why should a high end weapon obtained from a solo trial become available to everyone who hasn't tried?
    I'm all for trading 1 or 2 maelstroms in for one particular one that you want but that's it.
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  • Polysemy
    Yeah uhh why should my hard work be wasted on plebs who dont even know how to use the gear properly... Im all for making weapons attainable (not easier to get) through token systems or other systems that require dedication and time but buying Maelstrom weapons? No No No.
    Grade A ***
  • Nifty2g
  • Dubhliam
    dday3six wrote: »
    I'd prefer a token system with a special merchant for it. Then have both tokens and gear be in the drop table independent of one another. Also gear could be traded in for select amounts of tokens. A timed element could be added in as well. Something like a player can only get so many tokens per period of time, or the merchant is only available so many days a week.

    I'd also prefer a token system with boxes that contain only a certain type of weapon. Much like IC sets and Tel Var.

    Such a token system could then be introduced in the WGT and ICP vaults with Shacles and Embers. It is so annoying to get multiple pieces of boots or shoulders if you never got a chest piece, even a well-fitted one.
    Edited by Dubhliam on March 7, 2016 1:20PM
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • idk
    First, No. Master weapons should never be tradable. They are a reward for the worthy, those that can compete the content should be the only ones having a chance for them.

    Second, the complaints about how expensive they'd be would offer great entertainment.
  • JayhawK
    I would love to sell my weapons instead of just deconstructing them
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    No. Plain and simple. Whats the point in having something challenging that offers great rewards if you can just buy it from someone. I have not even completed the first stage of VMA and I am okay with that and you will never see me asking ZOS to make special rewards like that BoE. The point is that these rewards are meant to be shown off as an accomplishment and something you earn. Not have everyone running around with one because they had enough gold to buy one. And yes you can argue that the costume or title is good enough as a reward to show off but its not. Not everyone likes to wear costumes or polymorphs. If they make these BoE then whats the point of even running vMA when you can have someone else do it for you. But that's just my opinion.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    At this point, I don't care what the F they do as long as it is something. Several proposals or combinations of them make sense:

    1. Eliminate BoP completely - Might be going to far. I do like the idea of some stuff being locked behind a skill/content wall to some degree. That being said, WGT/ICP have been out for a long time. That stuff should be BoE at this point.

    2. Allow Crafters to change traits. Make it moderately difficult/expensive, but this seems like a really good option. Plus it just makes sense from a crafting standpoint. It could also act as a much needed gold sink, or heck, stick something in the crown store for a cash grab. I really dont care.

    3. Make like items tradeable. One Maelstrom weapon for another, or Spell Power Cure for Spell Power Cure, that sort of thing. This would go so far to stopping the RNG frustration. Just got my second Pair of Divines Scathing Gloves. What a waste and I know there is someone out there with a belt that would love to trade.

    4. Bind on Group. Another solid approach, but wouldn't do much for VMA.

    5. The almighty token system. This seems like the simplest. It would keep things behind a content wall, it would require people to re-run content a reasonable amount, but it would lay out a clear path to get what you want. End of the day, that is what most of us are after. We want some end in sight to the grind.

    I put in my dues for WGT. I had over 20 pieces of SPC before I finally got a pair of boots to complete a set. The traits are garbage, but whatever. I have recently started ramping up my grind on ICP for scathing and VMA for one freaking weapon, but the motivation is not there. It makes the content painful rather than rewarding. DO SOMETHING, ZOS!!!
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on March 7, 2016 11:38PM
  • beamy93
    At this point, I don't care what the F they do as long as it is something. Several proposals or combinations of them make sense:

    1. Eliminate BoP completely - Might be going to far. I do like the idea of some stuff being locked behind a skill/content wall to some degree. That being said, WGT/ICP have been out for a long time. That stuff should be BoE at this point.

    2. Allow Crafters to change traits. Make it moderately difficult/expensive, but this seems like a really good option. Plus it just makes sense from a crafting standpoint. It could also act as a much needed gold sink, or heck, stick something in the crown store for a cash grab. I really dont care.

    3. Make like items tradeable. One Maelstrom weapon for another, or Spell Power Cure for Spell Power Cure, that sort of thing. This would go so far to stopping the RNG frustration. Just got my second Pair of Divines Scathing Gloves. What a waste and I know there is someone out there with a belt that would love to trade.

    4. Bind on Group. Another solid approach, but wouldn't do much for VMA.

    4. The almighty token system. This seems like the simplest. It would keep things behind a content wall, it would require people to re-run content a reasonable amount, but it would lay out a clear path to get what you want. End of the day, that is what most of us are after. We want some end in sight to the grind.

    I put in my dues for WGT. I had over 20 pieces of SPC before I finally got a pair of boots to complete a set. The traits are garbage, but whatever. I have recently started ramping up my grind on ICP for scathing and VMA for one freaking weapon, but the motivation is not there. It makes the content painful rather than rewarding. DO SOMETHING, ZOS!!!

    All solid ideas, except, of course, number 1 which you pointed out. It's not that its a bad idea, it's just the devs would never go for it. No one would waste money on content-less dlc like orsinium when the op gear is BOP and you could just buy it for gold.
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