Buffing Dragon Blood's healing percentage to over 100% (renamed)

  • bigereard

    Thank you for the test!

    Major defile is 30%, minor is 15%.
    both of them can be boosted with defile champion to 40% and 20%.

    So at least we know that battle spirit is no longer stack additively with major minor & (hopefully) minor defile in 2.1.2
    This is a good news for selfhealing build, total -110% healing taken is.... just...... bad....

  • Saturn

    Added a new Edit to the thread...

    EDIT 5 - After Update 7:

    19468 / 19401 = 100.3%..
    Edited by Saturn on August 31, 2015 7:46PM
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Zsymon
    No one will ever use a build like that though, so I don't see the problem.
  • Saturn
    Zsymon wrote: »
    No one will ever use a build like that though, so I don't see the problem.

    Well I am using this setup on Live and its very good :p
    Edited by Saturn on September 1, 2015 12:29AM
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Isbilen
    Saturn wrote: »

    Well I am using this setup on Live and its very good :p

    And your Flame Lash is doing tens of damage, so watch out enemies!
  • bigereard

    woa 100% dragon blood achievable

    what setup do you use?

    with that 100% build what max health you can achieve?
    I imagine this build with 40k+ health will be very hard to kill

    Actually I don't understand why people mock speciality build, especially in MMO...
  • Bashev
    That was tested when all bonuses were additive but I think that ZoS changed them to be multiplicative and now it wont be possible..
    Because I can!
  • Zachy_B
    Good job man
  • Saturn
    Bashev wrote: »
    That was tested when all bonuses were additive but I think that ZoS changed them to be multiplicative and now it wont be possible..

    Did you not just read what the picture said? I literally got 100.3% of my missing health returned on a Khajiit Dragonknight on the NA Live server yesterday. They didn't fix anything.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Saturn
    bigereard wrote: »

    woa 100% dragon blood achievable

    what setup do you use?

    with that 100% build what max health you can achieve?
    I imagine this build with 40k+ health will be very hard to kill

    Actually I don't understand why people mock speciality build, especially in MMO...


    100 points in Blessed: Increases the effectiveness by any healing you initiate by 25%.
    100 points in Quick Recovery: Increases the effectiveness of healing received by 16%
    7% from Rapid Mending since im wearing 7 heavy armour pieces: Increases healing received by 1% per piece of Heavy Armour equipped.
    8% increased healing from having Coagulating Blood active: Also grants Major Fortitude and Minor Vitality, increasing Health Regeneration by 20% and healing received by 8% for 23s.
    12% from having a Draconic Power ability active (in this case Coagulating Blood): Increases healing received by 12% while a Draconic Power ability is active.
    30% increased healing taken from Igneous Shield (activated before using the selfheal): The shield also grants Major Mending, which boosts the effects of your healing abilities by 30% for 7 seconds.
    10% from the Ritual Mundus Stone: Increases healing effectiveness by 5%. Further increased by 32.5% from 5 pieces of Epic Divines traited piece of gear = 13.25%.
    2 pieces of Yokeda, 4% increased healing.
    4 pieces of Unassailable, 8% increased healing.
    5 pieces of Twilight's Embrace, 10% additional healing: When you are healed, gain 10% additional healing.

    Yeah I don't get the mocking either, it's like you aren't good enough if you don't play a boring cookie-cutter build, all of which are having trouble after Update 7, at least from what I can tell by all the complaining in my PvP guild. Originiality should be embraced more, especially considering those who do something different and are successful at it always spawn copycats, which leads to those types of builds becoming the new cookie-cutter.

    Sidenote: Inside Cyrodiil I have about 34k health or so, but I also have 25k magicka, which means I can do more than just absorb damage. Usually I tend to be the initator for fights, while I set up my friends to take out the enemy players. You can do some neat combos with Dragon Leap and Meteor, lol. Actually anything with a meteor after it is usually pretty good :p

    Side-sidenote: I don't actually use this exact setup in Cyrodiil, it's more of a setup that get's me some of the way there. With my pvp setup I get about 80% out my missing health returned, in PvP it's about 40%. The complete maxing out to get 100% missing health returned was more of an exercise really. But I will definitely use it in PvP as it is not that hard to swap between the two styles, as it's just changing out one Mundus and a few Champion Points.
    Edited by Saturn on September 1, 2015 4:11PM
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Francescolg
    ...to the critics:

    And do not forget: This build is just a max. example! Many things are possible "in between".

    Cunning DKs will be happy with just 60-80% self healing, WHICH is enough to exel in PvP.
    What the thread editor did, was just to show the max. values! Of course, nobody will stick to that but look out for 50%+ heal buffs, or just to get that "little extra" to become independent from any healer / forced group play
  • Bashev
    Saturn wrote: »

    Did you not just read what the picture said? I literally got 100.3% of my missing health returned on a Khajiit Dragonknight on the NA Live server yesterday. They didn't fix anything.
    It is not in Cyrodiil and you do not have the healing debuf. That means a build that you sacrifice everything for healing in cyro it will be 50% missing health and if somebody put another healing debuf on you --> game over. Or you have to purge and then heal.
    Because I can!
  • bigereard
    Pessimist scenario:

    If my calculation not wrong, with the latest set up + battle spirit (-50% overall heal) + major-minor defile + 100 point in defile champion (-60% healing taken), you'll get about 32,08% missing health healing.

    let's say your health is 40k, someone throw pulsar on you, so your health is 36 k and you start healing at 30% health (below 30% health is vulnerable to increased damage), you'll have 25.2 k missing health, thus you will heal 8.084 k health (with max armor and cyrodiil damage debuff, it's 32.336k Effective Health).

    In this case templar might be superior with their cheap purifying ritual, and it's remove 5 condition instead 2
    So if their heal can reach 45k when crit (maybe about 28 k when not crit), with 50% critical chance, -50% overall heal in cyrodiil, you'll get average 18.25 k heal (73k Effective Health) with less resource than dragon blood.

    And you might consider breton for templar with their 10% magicka (increase healing) and 3% cost reduction (more spam)
  • Saturn
    Bashev wrote: »
    It is not in Cyrodiil and you do not have the healing debuf. That means a build that you sacrifice everything for healing in cyro it will be 50% missing health and if somebody put another healing debuf on you --> game over. Or you have to purge and then heal.

    Read what @Francescolg wrote just before your comment..

    This clearly wasn't about just PvP, and in PvP it is still good.
    Edited by Saturn on September 2, 2015 1:43AM
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Saturn
    bigereard wrote: »
    Pessimist scenario:

    If my calculation not wrong, with the latest set up + battle spirit (-50% overall heal) + major-minor defile + 100 point in defile champion (-60% healing taken), you'll get about 32,08% missing health healing.

    let's say your health is 40k, someone throw pulsar on you, so your health is 36 k and you start healing at 30% health (below 30% health is vulnerable to increased damage), you'll have 25.2 k missing health, thus you will heal 8.084 k health (with max armor and cyrodiil damage debuff, it's 32.336k Effective Health).

    In this case templar might be superior with their cheap purifying ritual, and it's remove 5 condition instead 2
    So if their heal can reach 45k when crit (maybe about 28 k when not crit), with 50% critical chance, -50% overall heal in cyrodiil, you'll get average 18.25 k heal (73k Effective Health) with less resource than dragon blood.

    And you might consider breton for templar with their 10% magicka (increase healing) and 3% cost reduction (more spam)


    That is certainly true, with the PTS test setup I got near 50k selfheals (note that this is a selfheal), which would be roughly 25k in pvp (a bit more actually, since Twilight's Embrace isn't effected by battle spirit debuff), I wouldn't consider the defile debuffs to any of my calculations though, as all of the debuffs are short in duration and cannot be constant, but again that is a "pessimist scenario". In short Templars will definitely be able to outheal DK's with this setup, however, I personally think DKs are a lot more survivable, but that is just my opinion.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • dlepi24
    Aunatar wrote: »
    1) you can't kill anyone with your dragon blood
    2) all your build is centered about maximing 1 skill, you won't deal any effective dmg; i could stand in front of your flame lash spamming vigor at 100% HP
    3) a dps templar could do the same using only 2 skills, purifying ritual and then breath of life, any magicka class can use a class shield+healing ward (apart from NB's who can directly go invisible right after)
    I am saying it not because I think DK's are "too OP", DK is in fact dead in PTS; if you don't believe me, just download it and play it, you'll see only sorcs and NB's, plus some brave templars who figured out their class isn't that bad now (finally!), but no DK's.
    I'm saying it because it's SO dangerous to give any other argumentation (valid or not) to the "nerf any class which isn't NB" army.
    Yes, I have a sorc and a NB which I will use in 2.1, and a DK which will be forced to be PvE stuff only.

    Yeah, guys. DK is dead and can't do anything in PvP. No more nerfs needed, please! Don't mind me, I'm just going to go back to 1vXing like a champ on my stam DK.
  • Saturn
    dlepi24 wrote: »

    Yeah, guys. DK is dead and can't do anything in PvP. No more nerfs needed, please! Don't mind me, I'm just going to go back to 1vXing like a champ on my stam DK.

    Damn, where is the LOL button when you need it. Seriously though, some players play their class so well you'd think that class was OP.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
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