Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Blackwater Blade (EU)

  • Maestro_of_Rancor
    Soul Shriven
    Blackwater has been a lot of fun - more so than Vet. (No lag, no instagib etc.)

    Made some friends, made more enemies.

    Yesterday we had some pretty epic fights at Arrius, and later at Ash.
    [EP] Maestro of Rancor - R3x Gobbo / Shareella Darkheart - R2x NB / Abjatha the soul drinker - R2x Templar
    [AD] Maestro of Rancor's Wife - V5 Sorc
    [DC] Maestro of Rancor's Girl - V1 Sorc - Maestro of Anonymity V1 NB - Ebonheart Traitor V1 Templar

  • Merlight
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    Nallenil wrote: »
    And then there are champion points.... just saying...

    Meaning that people won't stay to play non-vet for champ points?? That's were all the fun is, keeping your chars that turned vet so u can grind on enlightment ;P ..

    Maybe Nallenil meant that because CP apply but are not to be gained in non-vet, people who only play non-vet pvp, but don't "grind on enlightenment", are getting comparatively weaker every day. I wonder whether there'll be a point where the power gap outstrips all the fun...
    EU ‣ Wabbajack nostalgic ‣ Blackwater Blade defender ‣ Kyne wanderer
    The offspring of the root of all evil in ESO by DeanTheCat
    Why ESO needs a monthly subscription
    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
    Their idea of transparent, at least when it comes to communication, bears a striking resemblance to a block of coal.lordrichter
    ... in the balance of power between the accountants and marketing types against the artists, developers and those who generally want to build and run a good game then that balance needs to always be in favour of the latter - because the former will drag the game into the ground for every last bean they can squeeze out of it.Santie Claws
  • Master_Fluff
    I haven't noticed any difference between playing with and without champion points. I have one account with and one without points.
    Halcyon Black
  • HouLiGaN
    I have noticed a slight difference, on my Dk that is a S&B Build, Tank all the way to the Bone... Haven't got many Cp tho, I guess someone with hundreds of Cp has got a way bigger difference then someone with like 10-15 on each side .. Maybe Cp system should of been set automatically off when entering Non-Vet Cyro, I mean one of the reason people like the PvP is for the stat balance etc and stuff ..
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on July 17, 2023 7:12AM
  • Lisa_Lisa
    pppontus wrote: »
    I do think they should disable champion points in non-vet. No matter how big or small they are, there is no point in having them if the campaign is supposed to be even stats and all?

    Yeah I agree they have no place in non-vet.

    ~ Little Dragons ~

    Lisa Lisa - Templar
    Lisandrea - Former Empress - Nightblade
    Lisa Lisa II - Dragon Knight
    Lisa Lisa III - Sorcerer
    Kiss-Shot-Acerola-Orion - Nightblade
  • Valencer
    Wait, they're going to reduce scrolls down to 1 point? That's way too low considering the difficulty required to capture and hold one (and reclaiming them).
  • Etaniel
    Leandor wrote: »
    pppontus wrote: »
    Leandor wrote: »
    pppontus wrote: »
    It seems a bit strange with the whole 3 alliance system sometimes on BWB, a lot of people just want to put all their forces in one direction whenever they have a chance so it ends up being 2v1 all the way to the scroll gates which is .. interesting. Like AD/EP just stop fighting on their side for the entire evening and just focus all efforts on us, I understand the need to dethrone and I thank y'all for that compliment, as someone said "if they push hard to dethrone you then you scared them" :# but generally 2v1s stop when ash is yellow and ales is red, or that's the idea of it.. but anyway, BWB is plagued by scroll mania and I can't wait for the PvP changes that make the scrolls just give 1 point :)
    Welcome to Azura, where blue and yellow zergs and blobs systematically try (and succeed) to make it a 2 faction campaign. Well, enjoy.
    Oh no, I'm staying .. I'm not going to any zergball campaign, which is exactly all the vet campaigns. :)
    True. Sad thing is the hypocrisy of the so called top players like the different flavours of "squad". Show videos on forums with two man groups and play a 24 player zerg the second they switch off the stream... I'm constantly laughing my backside away when I see them make another of those "we don't blob" claims.

    Are you referring to the" Banana Squad", "Smurf Squad" and "Commie Squad"? Even if you aren't, it seems insulting that you would generalize the (potential) behaviour of some to three entire guilds..
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on July 17, 2023 7:12AM
  • Lisa_Lisa
    Yesterdays PvP was absolutely fantastic, probably the most enjoyable time I've had on any video game.

    Thank you to all the EP that supported my crowning, you guys are awesome ^.^Also i'm very happy AD and DC pushed hard, it was great fun trying to defend what we had and DC's attack on Arrius was brutal :P

    It really was brilliant :D
    ~ Little Dragons ~

    Lisa Lisa - Templar
    Lisandrea - Former Empress - Nightblade
    Lisa Lisa II - Dragon Knight
    Lisa Lisa III - Sorcerer
    Kiss-Shot-Acerola-Orion - Nightblade
  • HouLiGaN
    Lisa, sorry to cut your wings or anything but we weren't pushing that hard, and plus, our orginised groups were afking, while you were having fun getting aleswell, me and my guilds group was at rayles taking pics, and we were having a fun time at it aswell, so we can agree we were all having fun xD !!

    Plus the only reason you Guyz Did anything was because our randoms wanted to get a yellow scroll and then you guys pushed on us.. So no orginised groups, no randoms .. What did you expect?? Hence with red success and all it just extended you run going and taking yellow scrolls also.
    Anyway, I don't wanna sound bad or anything. I wish you happy leads and all... But just try and notice who you are up against before coming in Eso forum hopping around with happineS.

  • Escadero
    And the Oscar goes to .... Pv(E)P
    "Die Definition von Wahnsinn ist, immer wieder das Gleiche zu tun und andere Ergebnisse zu erwarten."
    Albert Einstein
  • Lisa_Lisa
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    Lisa, sorry to cut your wings or anything but we weren't pushing that hard, and plus, our orginised groups were afking, while you were having fun getting aleswell, me and my guilds group was at rayles taking pics, and we were having a fun time at it aswell, so we can agree we were all having fun xD !!

    Plus the only reason you Guyz Did anything was because our randoms wanted to get a yellow scroll and then you guys pushed on us.. So no orginised groups, no randoms .. What did you expect?? Hence with red success and all it just extended you run going and taking yellow scrolls also.
    Anyway, I don't wanna sound bad or anything. I wish you happy leads and all... But just try and notice who you are up against before coming in Eso forum hopping around with happineS.

    Well, sorry for being happy.
    ~ Little Dragons ~

    Lisa Lisa - Templar
    Lisandrea - Former Empress - Nightblade
    Lisa Lisa II - Dragon Knight
    Lisa Lisa III - Sorcerer
    Kiss-Shot-Acerola-Orion - Nightblade
  • HouLiGaN
    Lisa_Lisa wrote: »
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    Lisa, sorry to cut your wings or anything but we weren't pushing that hard, and plus, our orginised groups were afking, while you were having fun getting aleswell, me and my guilds group was at rayles taking pics, and we were having a fun time at it aswell, so we can agree we were all having fun xD !!

    Plus the only reason you Guyz Did anything was because our randoms wanted to get a yellow scroll and then you guys pushed on us.. So no orginised groups, no randoms .. What did you expect?? Hence with red success and all it just extended you run going and taking yellow scrolls also.
    Anyway, I don't wanna sound bad or anything. I wish you happy leads and all... But just try and notice who you are up against before coming in Eso forum hopping around with happineS.

    Well, sorry for being happy.

    Hey my apologies for sounding mean ;P
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on July 17, 2023 7:12AM
  • Valencer
    Grats, Lisa. Hope you enjoyed emperorship, and hopefully next time (if ever) you'll put in the skill points into the emperor skill tree a bit sooner. ;)
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    Lisa, sorry to cut your wings or anything but we weren't pushing that hard, and plus, our orginised groups were afking, while you were having fun getting aleswell, me and my guilds group was at rayles taking pics, and we were having a fun time at it aswell, so we can agree we were all having fun xD !!

    Plus the only reason you Guyz Did anything was because our randoms wanted to get a yellow scroll and then you guys pushed on us.. So no orginised groups, no randoms .. What did you expect?? Hence with red success and all it just extended you run going and taking yellow scrolls also.
    Anyway, I don't wanna sound bad or anything. I wish you happy leads and all... But just try and notice who you are up against before coming in Eso forum hopping around with happineS.

    If this is about yesterday... AD and DC just played terribly. No need to be salty about it. Trying to zerg down Aleswell and Alessia (and nothing else) over and over until they gave up. Im pretty sure it was only your guild group trying to actually do anything useful by cutting off Bleakers (even hitting Chalman once or twice, I seem to recall?). Meanwhile, AD lost its' 2nd place because it let DC sit on top of 2 of its' home keeps the whole day while they were obsessed with Sejanus (and Alessia once they lost that keep).
    Just too bad today's morning cap has to taint the good effort EP has put into this campaign. The fools can't help themselves sometimes. :s
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on July 17, 2023 7:11AM
  • Valencer
    Not yet, but I'd say we deserve it...
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on July 17, 2023 7:11AM
  • HouLiGaN
    So the Big Bad wolf then Huffed and Puffed and Blew the little Pigies Houses Down ...

    Last Night Was Intresting.. The Above Statement, States my Position on Last night's Events..
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on July 17, 2023 7:11AM
  • Valencer
    EP's scrolls got PvDoored in the morning by AD and DC. Theyve been in Rayles and Black Boot the whole day so yeah, a pretty big point loss there. Other than that, it's mostly business as usual.
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on July 17, 2023 7:11AM
  • Valencer
    Well, I wasn't there, but from what I hear it was like a handful of EP defending against 2 bars of AD and 2 bars of DC. :p

    Don't you dare bring Dragonclaw into this, you godless smurf! That EP home keep has suffered so much.
  • HouLiGaN
    @Valencer I don't really know who's home keep it is, but some say it's Dc'S, Brindle is Ad's and Drake is Ep's..
    I can imagine it's yours Cus of the name like Dragonclaw and you Guyz represent a dragon..

    Could anyone enlighten this with some facts ? Not only by the name ? Like an article or smthng ??
  • Merlight
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    @Valencer I don't really know who's home keep it is, but some say it's Dc'S, Brindle is Ad's and Drake is Ep's..
    I can imagine it's yours Cus of the name like Dragonclaw and you Guyz represent a dragon..

    Could anyone enlighten this with some facts ? Not only by the name ? Like an article or smthng ??
    I guess you're referring to the last name, as DC have Forts (Dragonclaw), AD have Castles (Brindle) and EP have Keeps (Drakelowe). But apart from the name, I sometimes look at it this way: if you want to go from Chalman to Dragonclaw, you have to pass through a gate, i.e enter DC territory. Same for Ash->Brindle, entering AD territory. Alessia->Drakelowe have Ze Bridge instead of a gate, but you get my point ;)
    EU ‣ Wabbajack nostalgic ‣ Blackwater Blade defender ‣ Kyne wanderer
    The offspring of the root of all evil in ESO by DeanTheCat
    Why ESO needs a monthly subscription
    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
    Their idea of transparent, at least when it comes to communication, bears a striking resemblance to a block of coal.lordrichter
    ... in the balance of power between the accountants and marketing types against the artists, developers and those who generally want to build and run a good game then that balance needs to always be in favour of the latter - because the former will drag the game into the ground for every last bean they can squeeze out of it.Santie Claws
  • HouLiGaN
    Thank you for that info, yeah I get your point , makes a lot of sense now that you put it that way !!
    Edited by HouLiGaN on July 16, 2015 9:58AM
  • JamilaRaj
    Comrades, let's face it: our cherished little campaign is no longer what it used to be; it has turned into the same garbage as vets we have fled from, because ZOS has screwed up precisely what had made it intriguing:

    - they buffed players' stats and enabled them to spam skills perpetually (among other things speed buffing skills)
    - they reworked provisioning and introduced consumable scaling, which further compounded the above power creep
    - that also made NPC guards relatively weaker
    - on top of it, they actually nerfed NPC guards' damage output
    - as though NPC guards were not already reduced to a joke, they totally forgot to buff them to withstand buffed damage from siege engines (which was buffed barely enough to make up for players' power creep)

    Result: instead of slow, tactical gameplay where resources mattered, keeps even more so and, especially, death, we have yet another deathmatch arena.
    Thought it would eventually succumb to horrors of P2W, but you have exceeded expectations and ruined it in advance, ZOS, shame on you!
    Edited by JamilaRaj on July 16, 2015 4:28PM
  • HouLiGaN
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    Comrades, let's face it: our cherished little campaign is no longer what it used to be; it turned into the same garbage as vets we have fled from, because ZOS has screwed up precisely what had made it intriguing:

    - they have buffed players' stats and enabled them to spam skills perpetually (among other things speed buffing skills)
    - they reworked provisioning and introduced consumable scaling, which further compounded the above power creep
    - that also made NPC guards relatively weaker
    - on top of it, they actually nerfed NPC guards' damage output
    - as though NPC guards were not already reduced to a joke, they totally forgot to buff them to withstand buffed damage from siege engines (which was buffed barely enough to make up for players' power creep)

    Result: instead of slow, tactical gameplay where resources mattered, keeps even more so and, especially, death, we have yet another deathmatch arena.
    Thought it would eventually succumb to horrors of P2W, but you have exceeded expectations and ruined it in advance, ZOS, shame on you!

    Don't know, I've been in Non vet since October, kind of like how it is now. The only thing I do not like in Non-Vet is the Cp points everyone has, It's in fashion nowadays to see a DK full of CP points going around just tanking everything..

    We have them Ep has them even Ad...
    That's the only thing I don't like. The it's takes like 5-6 new players with no CP points to take down one of these guyz .

  • JamilaRaj
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    Comrades, let's face it: our cherished little campaign is no longer what it used to be; it turned into the same garbage as vets we have fled from, because ZOS has screwed up precisely what had made it intriguing:

    - they have buffed players' stats and enabled them to spam skills perpetually (among other things speed buffing skills)
    - they reworked provisioning and introduced consumable scaling, which further compounded the above power creep
    - that also made NPC guards relatively weaker
    - on top of it, they actually nerfed NPC guards' damage output
    - as though NPC guards were not already reduced to a joke, they totally forgot to buff them to withstand buffed damage from siege engines (which was buffed barely enough to make up for players' power creep)

    Result: instead of slow, tactical gameplay where resources mattered, keeps even more so and, especially, death, we have yet another deathmatch arena.
    Thought it would eventually succumb to horrors of P2W, but you have exceeded expectations and ruined it in advance, ZOS, shame on you!

    Don't know, I've been in Non vet since October, kind of like how it is now. The only thing I do not like in Non-Vet is the Cp points everyone has, It's in fashion nowadays to see a DK full of CP points going around just tanking everything..

    We have them Ep has them even Ad...
    That's the only thing I don't like. The it's takes like 5-6 new players with no CP points to take down one of these guyz .

    Well, CPs are basically invisible levels, most of all invisible to the devs themselves. Players with CPs fit the campaign as veterans would. I would beat a dead horse if I said they should be disabled (and even though CS could kinda work after some tweaks, if they removed it from the game altogether and sticked with VRs (assuming they would not use VRs as tool to obsolete gear before each DLC launch), they would drastically improve the game with next to no effort).
    Edited by JamilaRaj on July 17, 2015 4:56AM
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