Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Blackwater Blade (EU)

  • HouLiGaN
    Valencer wrote: »
    Well, at least you guys have it back now. I was pretty sure AD wanted to hand it back anyway, putting it in Black Boot and all that. :)

    Was a lot of fun when we had it at Drakelowe!

    I thought you Guyz wanted to give it to ad, having it in Drake and stuff
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:30AM
  • Lisa_Lisa
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    Valencer wrote: »
    Well, at least you guys have it back now. I was pretty sure AD wanted to hand it back anyway, putting it in Black Boot and all that. :)

    Was a lot of fun when we had it at Drakelowe!

    I thought you Guyz wanted to give it to ad, having it in Drake and stuff

    Ad actually tried storming drake with 40+, meanwhile they lost alessia, the 40+ ad then wiped at the bridges xD
    So the scroll ended up in farragut for a while. Found its way to black boot at some point
    ~ Little Dragons ~

    Lisa Lisa - Templar
    Lisandrea - Former Empress - Nightblade
    Lisa Lisa II - Dragon Knight
    Lisa Lisa III - Sorcerer
    Kiss-Shot-Acerola-Orion - Nightblade
  • HouLiGaN
    Lisa_Lisa wrote: »
    HouLiGaN wrote: »
    Valencer wrote: »
    Well, at least you guys have it back now. I was pretty sure AD wanted to hand it back anyway, putting it in Black Boot and all that. :)

    Was a lot of fun when we had it at Drakelowe!

    I thought you Guyz wanted to give it to ad, having it in Drake and stuff

    Ad actually tried storming drake with 40+, meanwhile they lost alessia, the 40+ ad then wiped at the bridges xD
    So the scroll ended up in farragut for a while. Found its way to black boot at some point

    lol , xD, sounds like you Guyz where having some fun!!
  • Nallenil
    Lisa_Lisa <3

    -Fiery Thing on BWB :3
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:30AM
  • Nallenil
    Pro AP leaching method :3
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:30AM
  • Valencer
    1 pm... :D

    Edited by Valencer on August 6, 2015 11:22AM
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:30AM
  • Valencer
    Ah, you beat me to it!

    Don't mock my emperorship though, I'm the "LOL NOOB EMPEROR" already. :(
  • rokas.juodeikisb16_ESO
    I love how DC complain about night-capping, and just night-capped themselves.

    *Sarcastic clap*

    At least got Emperor slayer, thanks!
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:30AM
  • rokas.juodeikisb16_ESO
    pppontus wrote: »
    I know I'm good...
    Sosgaardiil VR14 Breton NB | Staada VR14 Breton Templar | Starstalker VR14 Altmer DK
    Kaalkrojun VR14 Breton Sorc | Mírage VR14 Imperial NB | Evelíne VR1 Imperial DK
    Lilíja VR5 Bosmer Templar Former Empress of Blackwater Blade
    Evelíne II VR1 Altmer Sorc Former Empress x2 of Blackwater Blade

    I'm sure you took emperor as a good player without any help from a train of other blues with 200+ CPs...


  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:29AM
  • rokas.juodeikisb16_ESO
    Not really, at the end you still play in a campaign full of new people, it's easy here, and you know it.

    No need to act so snob :*

    From what I've seen (not been here long) DC has the only farm groups on the campaign as well, which just makes me guess that they have the highest population of alt-chars on the campaign.

    Not to mention 90% of EP going to fight on the bridge for some reason leaving the blues all the breathing room they want.

    Interesting place!
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:29AM
  • rokas.juodeikisb16_ESO
    pppontus wrote: »
    Lol, talking about probably the only moderately competetive campaign that still exists out there. Haderus, Azura, Chillrend and Thornblade seem to be pumping out 3 new emperors a day. I'd actually say this is the only campaign where it's particularly hard to crown someone (when there's actual people online ofc).

    Not sure about emperor swapping, not been a thing for months, especially in Thornblade. It switches between AD EP and DC, but not often between players in the same alliance. But ques of 1h...

    Azura is just lag trains.

    Chillrend just destroyed by DC lagbraxus trains.

    So yeah, blackwater seems to be the only fun place to play at.
    pppontus wrote: »
    You seem to forget that you started the whole conversation by saying that I was a hypocrite for complaining about the AD nightcap, but I guess that'd require some thinking.. anyway, I expect you to be emperor here soon and legitimately, since it's so easy. I'm looking forward to it! :)

    Not going for emperor, would have to spend most of my time farming bananas...
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:29AM
  • Praeficere
    Too many a frivolous folk here lament and grumble on ever so obtusely, sprouting enmity for they who morning/night cap, exploit, abuse unintended game mechanics and so forth, yet a fair number of those here are in no doubt culpable of said - as you all do hold it to be- sins of humanity! If you're going to babble in a terribly nauseatingly fashion, the utmost least you could do is keep the hypocritical and pompous spatter in truth.
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:29AM
  • laksikus
    Now thats *** up.

    Yellow Exploits Scroll without taking Glade or Warden. I hope those cheater get banned
    Ocys, Draconic Overlord II, Yumha and Lirazz.

    I hope many report them

    Edited by laksikus on August 10, 2015 1:23AM
  • ced30
    laksikus wrote: »
    Ocys, Draconic Overlord II

    Funny how the same names keep comin over and over when someone's talking about exploits in bwb.
    Not even surprised to be honest.
    No-one escapes the chains!

    Afro Nînja - magicka nb (DC)
    Silvester Staline - magicka nb (DC)
    It's a trâp - stam dk tank (DC)
    Lord Vuiton - Argonian blazing shield templar (Dc)

    [Video] Major Trap! eso Stam Dk tank pvp =>
  • pppontus
    Edited by pppontus on November 8, 2021 3:28AM
  • Valencer
    They tried Alma Ruma before that, but were stopped. Just pathetic...

    Honestly, these guys really just don't give a *** so I think the only thing we can hope for is ZOS doing something about it.
    Edited by Valencer on August 10, 2015 6:27AM
  • Merlight
    How's this even possible? Weren't there barriers added like a year ago?
    EU ‣ Wabbajack nostalgic ‣ Blackwater Blade defender ‣ Kyne wanderer
    The offspring of the root of all evil in ESO by DeanTheCat
    Why ESO needs a monthly subscription
    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
    Their idea of transparent, at least when it comes to communication, bears a striking resemblance to a block of coal.lordrichter
    ... in the balance of power between the accountants and marketing types against the artists, developers and those who generally want to build and run a good game then that balance needs to always be in favour of the latter - because the former will drag the game into the ground for every last bean they can squeeze out of it.Santie Claws
  • Lisa_Lisa
    Its a shame some people have to resort to such underhand "tactics" *cough*. Hopefully Zenimax receive the reports and deal with the perpetrators accordingly.

    What makes it worse is they did it when DC had pretty much no one online, the first time they tried they had a raid meet up with Draconic to bring the scroll over the gate -.- Before that they had a raid take Bleakers so that EP couldn't port to Aleswell to help, probably the raid that met up with the scroll snatchers since they got wiped by us at Aleswell.
    Sadly for them @MrTride rode over and dented ad's forces for DC.

    But inevitably AD tried again an hour later and succeeded after we'd all logged :/

    The effort they put into doing it the first time makes it seem like they're proud they can take a scroll by glitching, while no one is there to really defend.

    Luckily next patch this wont be possible, I guess we have to hope they don't keep doing it until then.
    Edited by Lisa_Lisa on August 10, 2015 11:35AM
    ~ Little Dragons ~

    Lisa Lisa - Templar
    Lisandrea - Former Empress - Nightblade
    Lisa Lisa II - Dragon Knight
    Lisa Lisa III - Sorcerer
    Kiss-Shot-Acerola-Orion - Nightblade
  • laksikus
    Sadly the next Patch also removes the totally legit way to hide behind gate untill its closed and get the scroll then.
    Edited by laksikus on August 10, 2015 4:25PM
  • laksikus
    Thats what they got last night for exploiting our scroll.
    Thx Reds for bringign it back to us
  • Denmaras
    I'm glad we could get the scroll back to where it actually belongs. I was playing a bit on AD with friends yesterday. Stated my opinion on zone chat. And reported the specific ones afterwards. But I doubt anything will happen. They will simply go on like this. I doubt a barrier at a temple can stop them or all the other exploiters.
    Ebonheart Pact [EU]
    Walpurgá Sorc VR16 | Denmaras DK VR16 | Marie Chase NB VR7

    Hopesfire - Little Dragons - Trueflame
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