ESOTU Console Launch - Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • middlemanjr17
    Soul Shriven
    I've been having these issues all day. Only getting 30 minutes of game play in before getting booted and have to wait for 20-30 minutes before it will allow me back in. Also having problems of invisible NPC's not being there and not able to interact with them. I messaged them about this issues and they had the audacity to tell me that the issues was my xbox and not them. They told me the generic stuff then told me to use wire instead of wifi (which I do) and then they told me that if I have more issues to contact Microsoft to get my hardware looked at. Pathetic.
  • schaun
    Soul Shriven
    Some administration reassurance sure would be nice. Anyone on damage control?
  • StormShadow
    Yogoda wrote: »
    i love how i can play on the EU server no problem but on NAi cant play at all. cant get pass the que but when i do i can play for 5 minutes then get kicked. makes no sense at all

    From what I was reading on Reddit yesterday, when it launched in the EU no one could get on the EU servers so they all made toons on the NA servers. So now we have people from the EU that are also clogging our NA login servers while the EU side doesn't have as much of a bottleneck.
  • DynastyDL513
    The people at zenimax obviously do not care about their customers....I got booted out at least 4 times today in which the last time i got booted screwed me and now i cant log in at all! I cant even enter a que. but then the EU server works?
    This is a horrible, tedious, screw-up on zenimax's part that needs to be fixed. People have paid a lot of money to be able to play the game, not to try to login for hours upon hours to only get unexpected internal errors!
    Please Zenimax, fix your game we payed 70 dollars for!
  • P4R4M3DIC
    Soul Shriven
    I think we can all agree when I say; after all of this blows over, the software/networking engineers, the customer support individuals and whoever else is involved is gonna go out and get AWBAR (absolutely wasted beyond all recognition).
  • tbaileysr
    Soul Shriven
    I can access the explorers pack but the other members of my family on the same gold account can not. Please fix this because I know you would not mislead my by not putting that in the description when I bought it. I have a very disappointed son right now.
  • NotHappy
    zigwiglig wrote: »
    I know there are issues today, but I was just kicked off with error code 318 for excessive messaging which is completely bogus seeing as how i dont care to message anybody and i turn off the chat channels.

    I had the same problem last night and was booted for the same thing 5 times even though I never talked to anyone. Seemed to happen when I would come across and AI or an object that wouldn't let me interact with it so I would keep hitting the A button. Also while hitting A to fight. Xbox One NA server.
  • BulletHead_Zed
    Soul Shriven
    Are you going to be adding a function to check other players so we can see there gear, lvl, character name and faction ect....?
    Also can we add visable hit points in battle so we can see the damage we are taking and giving?
    Can we see how much xp we get from a kill?
    Can we see how much xp we have so we can see how much to our next level?
  • xxsupermario69
    Soul Shriven
    What do we do if we got the 1500 crowns from gamestop put the code in and they do not show up in game?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi guys, we just updated the first post in this thread to add in some general issues we've been seeing over the past couple days including login issues, error 318, friends lists not populating, issues with Explorer's Pack or Imperial Edition items, and issues with crowns.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Bowlgreen
    Soul Shriven
    I am experiencing ridiculously long loading times in the queue to log in. It keeps switching my position in queue to random numbers and it's only been saying 1 second for approximate wait time. Any way to get around this?
  • NotHappy
    Just got booted again for spamming (so it says although I havn't even used chat.) Now the que says i am 815000 in line then it tells me I don't have an internet connection.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Bowlgreen wrote: »
    I am experiencing ridiculously long loading times in the queue to log in. It keeps switching my position in queue to random numbers and it's only been saying 1 second for approximate wait time. Any way to get around this?

    The 1 second wait time and random numbers are a visual error, but you are indeed in the proper queue.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • stickmenz
    What about the LOGIN issue which has been significantly reported on the PS4 forums: if you were in the BETA you cannot login and it says your account is currently linked to another PS4 account and you cannot delink.
  • JNEZ
    Soul Shriven
    How do you unlock items on PS4? I can't destroy, sell, or put items in a bank because it keeps saying they are locked.
  • Fenrin
    Soul Shriven
    wait time is one second eh, that was like 20 mins ago
  • jessicaslack12
    I wish my issues were as simple que times. I have owned the game for almost 48 hours and have yet to see the log in screen thanks to Beta. So yeah.
  • joshdabamf
    Soul Shriven
    So the login queue is fixed? Your telling me I paid 80 bucks for a game I have to wait an hour to long into? Cause that's how long I've been position # 16900
  • SnipersLaww
    Soul Shriven
    What about those of us that had the explorers pack and imperial pack with the digital preorder.. it didnt work so bought it again with crowns. (the imperial works now through the crown purchase) Will we get reimbursed?

    Also I think the mail system could use some improving. We should be able to select group members or guild members or friends and have the option to "Send Mail" that way and also from the Send Mail menu we should be able to select from a list of our friends (and obviously have it open for people not on our list) that way we can send mail easier. Right now it is just a pain to send items and such to friends through the mail because I have to use the on-screen keyboard and also try to remember how to spell their gamertag and which actual characters they used for it.
  • Rayzerwyr
    Soul Shriven
    Just wanted to say... The so called [RESOLVED] issue of the NA server crash is nowhere near resolved. I have been trying to log in since 10 minutes after the final post and I either get Position: 1 Wait time: 1 second and sit forever. Or I get a countdown starting around 15-18k and get timed out. This is unacceptable. At least if there are going to be issues they should be in-game issues, not the inability to even log on.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    stickmenz wrote: »
    What about the LOGIN issue which has been significantly reported on the PS4 forums: if you were in the BETA you cannot login and it says your account is currently linked to another PS4 account and you cannot delink.

    We're working on a fix for this, and will add it to the first post for visibility.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • jessicaslack12

    We're working on a fix for this, and will add it to the first post for visibility.

  • CrazyNinjaSloth
    Soul Shriven
    I logged off of my ESO character, on the Xbox One, at about 6:30 EST. About 15 minutes later, I tried to log back on and it kept saying I was first in queue and only had a 1 second wait. Well I waited about 5-10 minutes and it wouldn't log me in. I closed the game and "quit" it from the Xbox Home. Tried again. Same problem. Reset the Xbox, same problem. Did a hard reset on my Xbox, same problem. So at about 7:15 EST, I gave up. Well now it's 4 and a half hours later and I've tried again and again, and it still won't work. I can't log on to play my game and I'm getting so fed up with this. I've been waiting so long that it's burning the pictures into my TV screen.
  • slim313
    Soul Shriven
    Let's me log in after about ten minutes, then while in game for 5 minutes kicks me right back out saying I don't have a connection to the server. Has done this to me twice.
  • Ifantis
    The issues were bad before your "fix" a little bit ago, however ive been stuck on a queue of 1 that says 1 sec wait time that keeps jumping to 50000 then to 800000 then back to position 1 in queue, not sure what you guys did but you made it so that instead of trying to log in 4 or 5 times that I try once and never am able to log in
  • Dantlan
    Soul Shriven
    They said that those are random numbers so you actually don't know your number, just pray to log in and play moré than 5 minutes
  • aragorn2006
    Soul Shriven
    Really enjoying the game so far. Played on PC as well and I prefer the console, well done zos.
    Sure there were issues but as always the zos team is on top of things and keeping engaged with the community.
    Much appreciated and keep it up! !
  • death4life09
    Soul Shriven
    what about the game crashing and returning me to Xbox one home screen i'm not the only one with this problem and you have yet to acknowledge it.
  • wisetooth
    Soul Shriven
    What is up with the log in queue? One minute it is at 290 and the next it is at 801457 also wait time for both say 1 second.... really?
  • dudenamedchris
    Once the server went backup I had zero problems and enjoyed a lag-free game. Good work you guys and ilookfirward to you're awesome product
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