tglas234b14_ESO wrote: »Love the game, but I am randomly getting kicked every 5 minutes because the game is losing connection to my internet? This should not be the case because my PS4 is all setup and connected. I did a connection test on PSN and everything checked out. Is there any more information that I need to provide to help resolve this?
LostShepherds wrote: »Hey thanks for taking my money, and then giving me a very pretty dragon ring screen to look at for the last five hours.
Add servers, make money, become reliable and reputable game. Create revenue.. or contunue on this broken path and wait for the inevetable decline into bankruptcy so you can be purchased by a real MMO company...and the gamers can laugh at your failure whie another company makes a ton using your hard work.
I know there are issues today, but I was just kicked off with error code 318 for excessive messaging which is completely bogus seeing as how i dont care to message anybody and i turn off the chat channels.
i got a lot jesterday when last misions in grathwood + greenshade
blak silouete also a lot from jesterday ( 11/06/2015 ) 5x times code 318 + 2x ful out of the game sending auto report to sony .
2x mi horse not abel to spawn ( takes a long time then ith return )
2 x no music , need to end the game then restart
starting erea of the aldmeri on euro server stil hurting like hel
great mmo game
@dudenamedchris It's possible you got in combat with a Veiled Heritance member somewhere else. If you end up in combat with someone the disguise is supposed to hide you from, it breaks and disappears. ZOS are however working on a system whereby disguises are converted to costumes at the end of their associated quest (or something like that, details are not clear).dudenamedchris wrote: »My veiled inheritance disguise vanished after I started doing some storm quest near the beginning. Would like to report this bug and would like to have the disguise available since its hot
I exited Silums well dungeon and my screen was constantly shaking like a seizure. Unable to move my character or do anything at all. It would stop shaking when i opened the map and after several attempts managed to travel via wayshrine from there.
However upon travelling my character was invisible i was still unable to move or do anything only difference was there was no screen shake.
Affectively i am now unable to play my character