ESOTU Console Launch - Known Issues

  • Ifantis
    Well I did log in for about 5 minutes after a hard restart now I'm unable to get in at all you guys probably should have stuck to a single player game I'm so glad I took off work the next couple of days to sit in a queue that's broken I'm even more irritated that I blew 15 bucks assuming that subs would get server priority like most games but apparently that's not the case there is really no excuse for this you should have had an open beta to do a proper stress test instead of assuming the players that would have bought the game I tried to get into beta and never got a code and there should have been a point that you let everyone log on for stress reasons
  • lucdogs
    Soul Shriven
    Trying to log in from Xbox one no such luck even tho it tells me number in queue and wait time 1 sec way to drop the ball I think we customers should get in game money or gear or something for this blunder
  • hoppypoppy1
    Soul Shriven
    I'm getting a message that says "You have been placed into the que log-in. Thank you for your patience. Position in Queue: 1 Approximate wait time: 1 second." I've been waiting for thirty minutes... Please fix.
  • Ifantis
    Oh yea another issue is that when you do get in the game lags and my pets are left running place for a bit then it just closes the game and drops out to the home screen on xbox one then it's another hour of trying to log back in I still think it's worse since your fix
  • MrKindlyWolf
    Soul Shriven
    It kicks me out after about 20 minutes and the game crashes- either leaving me on a stuck screen with a loud noise (mostly just background music most of the time) or sending me directly to Xbox one home. Please let me know zenimax if this is a personal problem where I can fix, or if it's something else?
    I should also mention that my internet access is great for Xbox live.

    I should also mention that login times or extremely unpleasant, as it takes about 10 minutes to get to my character selection screen. I've tried emailing customer support however the responses seems to only be generic problem solvers like "turn your Xbox off and back on" or do a "switch to the EU server then back to the NA server" (I am playing on the NA server)

    im getting the same issue
  • fanny2469
    Soul Shriven
    why let this game out with all these issue. i took the week off from work to play it spent $160 on 2 Imperial edition for me and my GF i have all my stuff from it hers doesn't work at all. or even show up. we have played maybe 5 hours together if that. since it came out. been kicked out about 10 times for error code 318 for excessive messaging. yet never sent a chat message. then have to go sit in the queue for "1 second" which is really 5-15 mins. just to name a few of the many issues. you should have found alot or most of these in a beta test. i loved the idea of this game and the graphics and story of what little i have gotten to play but when am i really going to be able to play and enjoy this and get my money worth.or when i can get something for my money or money back...
  • KolfelltharHolyfog
    Soul Shriven
    If you are having the black players issue or invisible NPC's, fast traveling resolves this 9 times out of 10. If you get stuck on a mount or in a menu, pushing the start button then exiting the start menu will resolve this issue as well. I'm on Xbox One and these are the work around a I've had to come up with to play the frustrating game. Still a fantastic game though lol
  • larson233
    Soul Shriven
    this isnt fixed im going on strike

    Edited by larson233 on June 11, 2015 5:21AM
  • Ifantis
    Pretty sure Bethesda made the laggiest game in history
  • lkbng
    Soul Shriven
    Did anyone notice when the queue actually did work it had a number of almost 400,000?
    Thats an awfully lot of people trying to play on their "mega server"
    I think they slightly underestimated what their server could handle.
    This is ridiculous.
  • Darkxxxdrag0n
    Im having an issue when i try and expand my screen so all 4 corners match my tvs corners it auto resets to the default setting no matter what i do.
  • Darkxxxdrag0n
    Jerkowicz wrote: »

    Meesterchef, based on my experience, I believe the problem you are encountering is that the screen adjustments have not been set to their appropriate limits for your monitor/TV. If you haven't already, try going into Options, and choosing Adjust Screen under the Video settings. If you push the white limiting corners out to the edges, this should resolve the problem. If not, then I have no idea.

    I have the same issue as him and I have set the option to adjust screen edges to max settings, but it auto changes back to default settings every time. It is actually extreamly annoying esp when you're trying to play on a 60 inch tv, if i wanted to play on a small screen id play on pc!
  • Darkxxxdrag0n
    And if I go ahead and pony up an additional $15 a month, will my game experience improve? Or just stay this way?

    You'll still have the same issues! And prob worse you may not get the 1500 crowns!
  • sandcrab1317
    Soul Shriven
    I've run into many issues. Not even ones dealing with the games performance, but things that destroy the game in many ways. I am however still enjoying my time in the game so please dont let this comment reflect on my opinion of the game as a whole.

    1. You name your character, just to have your PSN id shown to all players instead thus making any kind of rp moot because all characters are some form of Xxbootyeat3r52xX. I think your character name should be shown instead.

    2.the chat system and inability to freely text chat. At first this was a deal breaker. But after playing it for a few days the voice chat idea is actually kind of refreshing, and makes me actually speak to other people. However a majority of players have an abundance of ambient noise or loud music blaring through the headset making any kind of public conversation nearly impossible in a town.

    3.this issue however is actually a game glitch. While playing with some friends a bunch of npcs and enemies weren't showing up for them but they were still being attacked by the enemies.

    Honestly if the first issue were solved it would fix 90% of the issues with the game so far. Most of the smaller issues will work themselves out over time. I would appreciate someone of consequence to get this message and hopefully understand what i'm trying to get across.
    Thank you for you're time.
  • AngelKingB005TY
    Soul Shriven
    What is going on with this infinite load screen? (Xbox one console)
  • Enodoc
    @ZOS_GaryA is it possible to sticky a redirect to this thread at the top of General? That may help cut down a bit on some of the posts there.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • sadownik

    trimman wrote: »
    love the game . I understand about these issues. Hope they have the console version figured out soon. Cant wait to play the expensive version downloaded on xbox one. They worked fast on the pc version . I am sure they will be just as hard working on the console version. Till then I will play the pc version.

    Are you high? Can i have some too? Fast working on pc version is so wrong that when ive read these words a small daemon occured laughed hard and then dissapeared.

  • Astrid_Ironfang92
    Is it correct that achievements earned on PC don't unlock the Xbox achievements automatically? Do I have to go and redo all of those achievements on a different character to get my gamerscore?
    Gamertag: Astrid IronFang
    Server: European
    Guild: Dungeons n Dragonknights
  • DGurnham
    Soul Shriven
    Hello I have loved the game so far but one issue that I am having is with the third person camera, it is offset to the right which is ruining the feel/view for me I would really appreciate it if you could add an option to centre the the camera so that you view in line with your character, thanks again for an awesome game!
  • northweststi
    Soul Shriven
    The most aggravating situation related to invisible NPC's is when all the enemies in a area are invisible and is impossible for you to defend yourself. The insufferable lag that happens quite often makes combat near impossible. I love the game when it briefly runs smoothly for a couple minutes.

    -Xbox one
  • cph1972
    Is there any update on the delivery of crowns issue yet? I bought ESO Plus on Tuesday 6pm GMT but haven't received the 1500 crowns as yet.

    I have submitted a support ticket but got a stock/automated email in reply telling me to take it up with Microsoft Support. My only recourse there seems to be to apply for a refund - which isn't what I want to do - I want ESO plus and my crowns?

    So any ETA on a fix?

    Or do I need to get the refund and re-buy?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    DGurnham wrote: »
    Hello I have loved the game so far but one issue that I am having is with the third person camera, it is offset to the right which is ruining the feel/view for me I would really appreciate it if you could add an option to centre the the camera so that you view in line with your character, thanks again for an awesome game!

    If you hold down on the D-pad then pull back on the right analog stick, this will zoom the camera out a bit and center it directly behind your character.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • CJAX568
    Soul Shriven
    Took 3 days off from work just to geek out on this game. Been staring at a load screen all morning...
  • Enodoc
    If you hold down on the D-pad then pull back on the right analog stick, this will zoom the camera out a bit and center it directly behind your character.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno camera horizontal/vertical position settings already exist in the PC version, so why are they not in the console version? Will they be added soon?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Warriorash
    Soul Shriven
    On xbox one when I press A to start it freezes and makes a stutering noise and then crashes
  • Warriorash
    Soul Shriven
    Please reply I cant get past the the press start button without it freezing. Is this to do with my xbox or is it the servers please help I am getting worried.
  • Enodoc
    Warriorash wrote: »
    Please reply I cant get past the the press start button without it freezing. Is this to do with my xbox or is it the servers please help I am getting worried.
    @Warriorash your best bet is to submit a support ticket at as that will create a ticket and can provide you with a personal response (in theory).
    Support is likely overwhelmed right now though, so it may take a while for them to get back to you, and the first reply will likely be a copy-paste "stock response".
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • luzpteb17_ESO
    Warriorash wrote: »
    Please reply I cant get past the the press start button without it freezing. Is this to do with my xbox or is it the servers please help I am getting worried.

    It would be wise to mention when you attempted to log in and if that was your first try getting into the game or if you were just returning.
  • Warriorash
    Soul Shriven
    I love the game bit the bugs are soooooo anoying. Cant load game.
  • gravitynil
    Soul Shriven
    I am being kicked to the xbox home screen every few minutes no matter what I am doing. I have tried just about everything to fix it and it is still doing it. My boyfriend didn't get kicked to home screen on the same console instead the game would disconnect and crash on the disconnected screen. I had no problems the first day but since yesterday it is happening constantly. I have not been able to play for more than 10 mins without being kicked since yesterday morning.
    Edited by gravitynil on June 11, 2015 4:58PM
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