Alphashado wrote: »The problem with that idea is how it could falsely effect market values. You would all kinds of clowns listing things for outlandish prices or spamming the board with items they have no intention to sell. Plus there would have to be some kind of listing timer. Imagine how cluttered it would be if we had to rely on people to remove each listing themselves after an item sold.
The idea does have merit though. I like it. I think it could work. Perhaps a cap on listings, timers that made listings disappear, and a small listing fee to disuade trolling.
While I'm not sure on whether a mega server could handle an Auction House (persoanlly I think it will), I am sure that such rampant undercutting won't happen.thefreezingvoid wrote: »Unfortunately you can't have that on mega server, with hundreds of thousands of players using the same auction house. Not sure the exact economics of it, but more than likely items would become dirt cheap due to the rabid availability. Common items would become so cheap, due to constant undercutting, that items would posted for less than the vendor price.
Agreed, 25% is too highAlphashado wrote: »1. MUCH less of a cut. 25% is so high that it's simply a deterrent.
A thousand times yes! Just typing in what I'm looking for would be so much better than entering the same 4 fields at dozens of traders.2. A search browser. When you have hundreds (or thousands) of items to browse through, it is very practical to be able to type in exactly what you are looking for and hit "search".
Yes please!3. Information on what "sold". Getting a notification that something "sold" is okay, but when you have 30 items listed, it is a hassle trying to figure out what sold.