Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 4, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)


  • Boutique_All
    There are soo many other options for auction house many examples...why they did this one is beyond me.

    1. Searchable by keyword accross all guilds
    2. Ability to choose stack size and stacks for sale
    3. Ability to choose auction durration
    4. Larger..much larger populations
    5. Sell page that allows player to compare against like searches
    6. ...just ease of use in general...soo many examples from other games...soo many ...why?
  • Daracon_Rage

    and fix it so at least the filters actually work in browse.
  • jeholden11rwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Alphashado wrote: »
    The problem with that idea is how it could falsely effect market values. You would all kinds of clowns listing things for outlandish prices or spamming the board with items they have no intention to sell. Plus there would have to be some kind of listing timer. Imagine how cluttered it would be if we had to rely on people to remove each listing themselves after an item sold.

    The idea does have merit though. I like it. I think it could work. Perhaps a cap on listings, timers that made listings disappear, and a small listing fee to disuade trolling.

    Of course there would be a set amount of listings per person and then a character limit. Also you could filter it into sections similar to what the auction houses have (I understand this would require players to use the feature correctly). The benefits of a written message board system mean that the player has to be actively in the game to physically trade their items, in turn means more social interaction among players as well as more active players on at a given time as they need to be logged in to be able to respond to selling/buying items.

    I am wholeheartedly against auction house based systems now as they tend to remove social interaction and also provide an easy win for botters to peddle items as well. I have played a few older games with self created "Stores" or similar message board systems where you could "List" an item but could not physically buy it without interacting with the player and they worked fine, one major concern would be the massive population limit as there are no separate servers.
    Edited by jeholden11rwb17_ESO on April 24, 2014 5:23AM
  • MasterSpatula
    Can't for the life of me figure out why 2 and 3 aren't already in. And #1? That 25% goes way past "gold sink" and all the way to "F you, sellers!"
    Edited by MasterSpatula on April 24, 2014 5:49AM
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Bansheedragon
    In my personal opinion the whole damn game economy needs a total revamp.
    Forcing people into mega guilds just to be able to participate in the game economy is completely absurd and major design flaw in my opinion.
    I could on at length about this particular topic, but since this is specifically about the guild store I will stop here and keep to the topic at hand.

    I completely agree with the OP suggestions here.
    I have used the guild store a few times myself, but most of the time I just vendor stuff, simply because its not worth the hassle to use the store.
    And I'm sure many others think the same way, which leaves the guild store full of items that nobody buys, but none of the items that people would buy.

    When trying to search for something specific, I get a long list of items that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm searching for.

    And when I finally do sell something I get a mail thats basically just saying "you sold something heres your money", but no way to tell what I sold.
    It has left me with the impression that this was something that was added as an afterthought rather than as an important part of the game design.

    The sales tax is just insane as well.
    With a 25% sales tax, I sometimes try to calculate that into the sales price, only to end up with numbers that are so far above the value of the item I end up not posting it as it would not be worth it.

    I appreciate ZOS trying to make a game thats different, but I see no reason to change something thats actually working so radically that people either dont understand it or dont use it.
    Edited by Bansheedragon on April 24, 2014 6:34AM
  • LadyDestiny
    I totally agree on this one. Guild store is just plain bad and needs so many improvements. I hate standing there forever trying to find things because there is no way to filter or search not to mention how everything ends up in the materials category. Nothing is neatly categorized or alphebetized. Look for guar eggs and you get a million listings of gear, potions, treasure maps etc. Extremely annoying and time consuming. Another thing is to fix the guild store search bug. so sick and tired of having to reload ui everytime I back out of the store to check my own gear or bank and then to go back into the store to find the search option is missing. This is not an occasional bug either. It happens everytime and has been like this since beta.
  • Soloeus
    1. Much smaller cut.
    2. Guild gets actual profit from the fee.
    3. Guild master can adjust the fee.
    4. Players can post a "WTB List."

    Within; Without.
  • Jeremy
    First I would like to see them consolidated with public access.

    Then I would like to see more precise browsing tools put in place.
  • Blackwidow
    I want city AHs that are not connected to other AHs.

    I hate the guild stores.
  • Phantax
    Easy answer for me...
    Just get rid of them. Give us a global auction house/market place. Would help for a more vibrant dynamic economy. Would add another reason to craft high end gears. Would also bring the community closer together instead of slitting it into all these mini economies.
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • shane.horneb14_ESO
    I am so frustrated with the guild stores. Thank you for posting this thread Alphashado I hope we can keep people adding to this.

    I believe that the vendor is vital to a good experience in the game. Why work at crafting if it is a huge pain just to get your item sold or find the materials.
    The Vendor filters need a vast improvement.
    This is what I would like to see change as soon as possible.
    1. Can you at least fix the current terrible filters until other changes get added?
      There is nearly no difference between using the all items filter versus the materials filter.
    2. There should be subcategories for the materials by crafting skills.
    3. Search function on sale items.
      Why have a search function for my bags and not the for sale items? Searching my bag is nice, but if you feel that I need to search my bag for something doesn't it seem that the store might be even more overwhelming? Search or the lack of search is a major oversight and should be an important item to fix quickly.
    4. Price history should be kept.
      At the most basic level I should be able to list an item and have the price I listed it as come up rather than having to remember what I successfully sold it for last time or have to dig through my mails to look it up. Oh wait, I can't do that because my mail doesn't tell me that.
    5. Email from sale should say what the item sold is.
      Getting an email saying that I sold something is more than useless. I would be happier if the gold was just dumped in my bank and I never got the email. It adds zero value. But if you add the information like what I sold then I have information I can use. Would you please add the sold item to the email?
    6. Lower the vendor fee.
      The 25% vendor fee is outrageous. The fee does not promote the use of the vendors, it just drives them away. The fee needs to be lowered. Even better though is to have the fee go to the guild. Let the guild adjust the fee and then guilds can be part of a more dynamic economy.

    There are so many other things that can be improved on just with the vendor store and I think these things need to be a priority as high as quest bugs. I've enjoyed playing the game so far and will continue to for some time.The stores are terribly underdeveloped. With the great stories and quests that are in the game it appears to not have been on anyone's list of things that need to work, but MMO's with good economies are important to the longevity of the game. Just as important as good quests, end game content, and good guild system.
  • Jade1986
    1. A keyword search option that is implemented officially. I do not, nor will I ever use add ons.

    2. Fix the damned filter. When I search for materials, I don't expect armor, weapons, potions, food etc to come up, I expect mats, that is all.
  • Bushy808ub17_ESO
    The immense lack of functionality regarding a system like this is disheartening. Hastily thought out, heastily built. Poor quality.
  • AlexDougherty
    Unfortunately you can't have that on mega server, with hundreds of thousands of players using the same auction house. Not sure the exact economics of it, but more than likely items would become dirt cheap due to the rabid availability. Common items would become so cheap, due to constant undercutting, that items would posted for less than the vendor price.
    While I'm not sure on whether a mega server could handle an Auction House (persoanlly I think it will), I am sure that such rampant undercutting won't happen.

    What happens is that people have a rough idea how much something should sell for, if they see someone selling at too small a price they buy it, and put it back on with a mark up so they make a profit. Used to happen all the time on SWTOR, people will only accept a certain degree of undercutting.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • eltheria_ESO
    Read the OP and totally agree.
  • FakeMessiah
    Soul Shriven
    I say:

    1) Universal alliance based item broker - not trading guils

    2) Search browser that you can search by
    a) NAME (partial or full),
    b) Level/Rank (without messing for Rank 1 items of level 45 or rank 3)
    c) Armor/Weapon type (same for foods-potions-elixirs-materials)

    3) Combination of all the above in a kind of advanced/refined search.

    4) Info on the email of what item has been sold

    It is impossible to lose 2-3 hours only to put some items to sell or find some items to purchase. Especially for us players that can play 2 hours max on a daily basis. By far this is the most difficult broker system I ever saw on an MMO.

    Please work on it fast.

  • hibbles
    well its nearly 2016 and I doubt anyone checks these older treads. as a new player to eso via game console I am having a real hard time wanting to stay with a game that I have grown to love since morrowind. my 1st complaint is that who ever rights for eso needs to find a new job. every single thing about how this game works is ambiguous and relies solely on trial and for the guild store. look eso you need to put in big capital letters that the listing fee is a 10% non-refundable fee. this should be an option that can be turned on or off until the player is use to having 50,000 gold disappear from their inventory because you fail to explain your game.

    to cut to the chase-- "a warning you are losing 10% of the transaction that is non-refundable" in the real world A) you would be in prison for fraud or B) at the bottom of the Potomac river wearing cement shoes
  • Defilted
    Feedback on what was sold is all the needs to be added.
    XBOX Series X

  • IrksomeSolid09
    Two things I would like to see are from what guild store the item sold from in the payment notification, and being able to change the listing price without canceling the items. However I also agree to wanting a search option when browsing, I have accidently bought the wrong item on one or two occasions because the item was next to something that looked or was spelled similar.
  • phreatophile
    Alphashado wrote: »
    1. MUCH less of a cut. 25% is so high that it's simply a deterrent.
    Agreed, 25% is too high
    2. A search browser. When you have hundreds (or thousands) of items to browse through, it is very practical to be able to type in exactly what you are looking for and hit "search".
    A thousand times yes! Just typing in what I'm looking for would be so much better than entering the same 4 fields at dozens of traders.
    3. Information on what "sold". Getting a notification that something "sold" is okay, but when you have 30 items listed, it is a hassle trying to figure out what sold.
    Yes please!

    The cut should be lower, but is less of an issue, it simply inflates the price of goods and inflates the price of guild traders.

    2 and 3 would constitute basic functionality that has yet to be achieved.

    I would only add that more than 30 slots would be nice.

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