Yes with the current layout the economy is a mess. Prices flux every hour. I have seen Blue items sell for cheaper than Green ones. In the Real world the economy would crash daily from people selling items very cheap to someone else selling it for 10x that amount the next zone over.Yes I do know there are people out there that just want to make some quick gold or they just want to dump items they have found. Those people won't have a major effect of the market overall. I know not everyone can be please and have all the Ideas stated here be put into the game. The problem will be figuring out ideas seem feasible to make the community as a whole happy.One solution would be to set up a different type of guild system for people dedicated to an auction house, a Merchant Guild. These designated player guilds would have no access to the pvp guild achievements or skills, and might allow a larger player base of a few thousand.
Problems associated with Guilds as they currently stand in ESO;
1. The Guild - Having a 500 person cap on members in a Guild is ludicrous when you are expecting a player base in the hundreds of thousands to millions. Raise the player cap or eliminate it entirely. If you intend the only place to have an auction house style system for trading wares to be within the confines of a Guild structure then the players require this to be as large as possible to provide the best chance of items being sold.
2. The Guild Store - This is quite possibly the worst system introduced in any MMO of stature ever. Honestly. For starters the blindingly ridiculous omission of a "search" function is dumbfounding. I would like to search for a rune named Makderi. Oh I have to scroll through 300 pages of 100 items? No thank you very much. Next you have the Materials subsection. Choosing this lists all items that can be either made into something or stripped down. That's bad coding full stop. If I wanted to see pieces of armor I would choose that heading. Fixing this could actually mean you don't even need the "search" function, as by merit it would slim the amount of items being shown down adequately.
3. The Guild Experience - If I join a Guild on character A that doesn't necessarily mean I want to be in that Guild on character B. This is a major problem for the "Elitist" Guilds who strive to have their member base as being only the best of the best. In many of the Guilds it is unheard of to have a Guild-ed alternate character unless they meet the prerequisites of joining as a whole member. Please limit Guilds per character not account. By virtue this would also serve to eliminate the displaying of our login handles to the entire population of the ESO world.
4. Small Guilds - There are cases in the MMO world where a small group of friends who like to adventure together may want to create a Guild for the purpose of maintaining an easy to see list of which friends are currently online and for the sharing/pooling of resources. Not everyone however knows 10 individual account holders in order to be able to open the functionality of the guild. If a Guild can be created with a single player then why the arbitrary limit of 10 people to unlock the Guild Bank. If 4 people makes a group, 4 people should make a Guild.
5. Guild Store Pricing Structure - Who ever came up with this was high. It's just that terrible. If I have an item that I would like to sell for 50 gold I have to first pay a percentage of my item's price to list it. OK I can deal with this although I think your margins are way off; 25% is shockingly high. I then have to pay the house cut. I'm not sure why this is here. The "house" did nothing to promote the sales of my wares and it would imply that I have a choice of selling locale (which is not the case as without a Guild one cannot sell wares aside from flash trading in chat channels). The house cut should be removed and the listing cost should be commensurate with the item level/rarity or lowered to a standard 10%. I would be happy to pay a somewhat higher listing fee for a Legendary item versus a common item.
6. Guild Store Email Notifications - Email notifications are a novel idea however they are substantially lacking information. A simple addition of item X has sold would make things so much easier for those of us who are in business. I make a multitude of items for selling to my fellow players and in many cases I list them at the same prices across the board. Oh that's a blue homemade glyph OK 80 gold. A green weapon OK 50 gold etc. Receiving an email notification without knowing what item actually sold means I am not able to gauge how the market is moving. What sells and when helps players to modify their workflow to best satisfy the market. Another nicety may also be to add in a line detailing who bought the item. This can help with the furthering of business as players may then be able to thank them for doing business (a common courtesy) or even approach them about furthering a business relationship.
I'm sure I have more but as I'm not currently online due to maintenance it will have to wait.
jeholden11rwb17_ESO wrote: »At the very least a proper search function for the guild store (The current filters don't even work I find weapons/armor while filtering for "Materials"), even better a search box that you can type in.
Also for those more active trader/crafter in the game, an in game message board for trading would be excellent a simple bulletin board to sell/buy items. This way you can sell items without having to constantly spam chat. and you can post items you want to buy as well. The message board serves the purpose of those people who like to haggle. You can whisper the person buying/selling the item and then meet up to trade to avoid the Store or C.O.D cuts.
esonlineub17_ESO3 wrote: »I'd like to see a server-wide auction house, but I realize that it might not work in this game. It works well in SWTOR, but doesn't work so well in GW2.
FezzikVizzini wrote: »This is just crazy.