licenturion wrote: »Added not they omitted in the tweet but said in stream: Only on current gen. So PS5 and series X.
Not the decade ancient last gen console
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
PS4 and Xbone support mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4, so this is probably less about not being able to support the older gen, and more about pushing people to upgrade. Which I think is a perfectly-good enticement, but YMMV.
More so that many mods create more work for the cpu or increase graphic so it might look good doing quests it become an lag feast on an weak system in a trial or in Cyrodil.dk_dunkirk wrote: »
PS4 and Xbone support mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4, so this is probably less about not being able to support the older gen, and more about pushing people to upgrade. Which I think is a perfectly-good enticement, but YMMV.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
PS4 and Xbone support mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4, so this is probably less about not being able to support the older gen, and more about pushing people to upgrade. Which I think is a perfectly-good enticement, but YMMV.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
PS4 and Xbone support mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4, so this is probably less about not being able to support the older gen, and more about pushing people to upgrade. Which I think is a perfectly-good enticement, but YMMV.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
I've lost track of the number of times I've pointed out there's nothing stopping this, only to be told that it couldn't be done because "reasons."
First, I hope this puts that notion to rest.
MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »Since the PTS is PC only how is that going to work?
We've been told that there will be a means for developers to emulate console behavior and limitations on PC. That's what U45 is for: to give us tools like this in preparation for addons coming to console in a future update (not 45).
In any case, the reaction from many addon devs have been along the lines of, "this is just more work for us". I, for one, would prefer that more QoL features that addons are responsible for get baked into the base game, rather than relying on players to implement and maintain them ourselves.
DenverRalphy wrote: »While I do miss some of my favorite QOL add-ons from my PC days, one thing I'm not looking forward to is the inevitable volatile chaos that comes with DPS Meter add-ons.
The meanings of words and phrases DO often change or expand over time. That's just how languages work. I mean gay originally just meant happy, now it means other things as well. It's not anyone trying to "change" a definition, it's that word being expanded to mean different things.
colossalvoids wrote: »Also good mods should go base game or the feature needs more time in a design oven and zos shouldn't rely on creators solely to fix every inconvenience or bad design decision.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I'm a little nervous about this change.
One the one hand, some of the economic add-ons and combat add-ons seem detrimental to the environment that console has fostered. Prices are pretty stable here although slightly down a little too much and there isn't any comments like "I did 80% of the group's DPS" because it's not possible to make those sorts of comments. I'm not really excited to have to compete with lazy writ, for example.
On the other hand, there's some big ones that will make life way easier like knowing where treasure chests are. There's a number of QOL features that add-ons provide that would make console better.
Overall, I am hopeful that this change will be a net positive.