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It's time to revert the listing time back to 30 days.

  • CrazyKitty
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    The 14 day listing limitation is just a pain that ZOS did not need to impose on the player base. The end result is fewer people are participating in trade guilds and are playing less and not farming for anything anymore because nothing is selling at a value that justifies the time to acquire the items that used to sell quickly. And anything that is valued at over 100k is a total waste of time to list in guild stores now.
  • Veinblood1965
    Bithabus wrote: »
    If it doesn't sell in a few days then it's overpriced.

    This is untrue, on high priced items like the Arena Gladiator Costume for example only a FEW people are actually looking for one at any given time and since they take 50 days to get the proofs to buy the price is just going to be high.

    These are about 400k on PS5 NA server. Do you think 100k gold is worth 50 days of quests?200k? At some price point it's not worth my time to obtain the item.

    Personally I think that higher priced items do need 30 days to sell simply because in that 30 day time frame someone who is looking for one has more time to find mine in a trader. It's always been the case, the smaller priced items sell fast. Same in real life actually. Of course you can sell a Lamborghini for $10,000 all day long or you can sell one for $400,000 in a month. For $10,000 though nobody is going to make one. You need more time to sell them at $400,000 though since only a handful of people in a months time span who have the money are looking for that exact car and model.
    Edited by Veinblood1965 on August 6, 2024 6:35PM
  • Highwayman
    Is the arena gladiator costume really a lamborghini level status symbol? I feel so proud now!

    Or is the comparison meant that the costume is a unique brand that cannot be acquired other than going through you? If so thanks for all your hard work, oh wait I got it myself.

    Or was the intent to compare price range of 400k units of currency? Then why a low end of 100k for the costume and 10k for the lambo? Oh, because you can 100% get a used lambo for 100k.

    I don't really understand this comparison...
  • CrashTest
    No, keep us at 14 days
    LPapirius wrote: »
    Bithabus wrote: »
    If it doesn't sell in a few days then it's overpriced.

    Not true. People just aren't buying anything these days.

    Not true. I'm still selling a lot. I'm not going to say what exactly I'm selling because competition is crazy now, so I'll just say if you have adjusted to the new market, you are fine.
  • ArzyeL
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    Yep, it's time to revert this. Although not the main reason for the state of the economy right now, it certainly does not help.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Aurielle wrote: »
    I didn’t vote because I honestly don’t care, but I will say this: if your item hasn’t sold in 15 days, it likely will not sell in 30 days. Before the change, I simply disregarded any item listed for longer than a week as “too expensive,” and I suspect many others are the same. If my stuff doesn’t sell within a few days of listing, then I know I’ve priced it too high or listed something that isn’t in demand.

    yeah this is my sentiment

    for "buying" items i dont care how many days are left on its listing, i do compare it to the avg + decide what im willing to pay out for it

    i dont like paying more than 25-30k for motifs unless its a rare exception when its the only chapter i have left to complete a motif for example

    i usually try to list items for the avg price of sales ive seen, if i have no data i might hold onto it until i do have some data or ask in a guild chat

    if an item is returned to me, ill dock like 20-30% off the previous price i listed it at and relist it until it sells lol, i was doing this before too, but now i can get it sold faster because it will be returned to me faster
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Rikkadir
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    It would be really helpful if when an item has expired, the message in the mail told us which Guild it had expired from, instead of just reading 'From Guild'.
    I need to repost it to a different Guild.

  • LadyLethalla
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    I hate that the Rewards for the Worthy expire after like 5 days. Can't open one per day anymore for the geodes. :#
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • DenverRalphy
    Rikkadir wrote: »
    It would be really helpful if when an item has expired, the message in the mail told us which Guild it had expired from, instead of just reading 'From Guild'.
    I need to repost it to a different Guild.


    Heck, I'd like to take that one step further. When I get an Item Sold mail, I'd like it to tell me which guild trader it sold from and how long ago. Without addons, I gotta slough through pages upon pages of guild history to figure it out.
  • LaintalAy
    No, keep us at 14 days
    Edited by LaintalAy on August 12, 2024 8:02PM
  • Bethgael
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    Aurielle wrote: »
    I didn’t vote because I honestly don’t care, but I will say this: if your item hasn’t sold in 15 days, it likely will not sell in 30 days. Before the change, I simply disregarded any item listed for longer than a week as “too expensive,” and I suspect many others are the same. If my stuff doesn’t sell within a few days of listing, then I know I’ve priced it too high or listed something that isn’t in demand.

    This is not always the case. I am not a hugely active trader, but what I sold over the last 6-7 years of the time I have been trading were largely gold mats, leftover motifs and furnishing plans, and luxury furnishings at a small markup for people (like me) who look back and go "aw, [swearword], the item I wanted to buy was 2 weeks ago and I forgot/got busy/had a family emergency etc and missed it and now I have to wait another YEAR?"

    Now the mats value has tanked for other reasons, and that's fine, but for the others: Before the change I found that these items only sell if someone's looking for them, regardless of markup (and yes, in the last month or so I have listed more than 2 items for various prices to see if I'm just imagining this. Lower priced luxury items did not sell any faster--even the few I sold at cost + the listing cost + 100gp). Smaller markups only help if there's a lot of competition, which for the rarer items, there isn't. I also found the average sale-time point before the change was 21 days. The ones that are currently selling tend to sell at either the time I list them (almost immediately, as if someone's tracking them), or close to expiration, if they sell at all.

    These are the items that regularly get returned to me, and it's not the pricing that's the factor, it's the "niche-iness". And because I do not do a high volume of gold, the double-listings and fewer sales and expensive nauture of some of the items means I'm more "penalised" for these sales than someone who, say, does high gold volumes and farms for the joy of trading (and yes, some people on these games play the economy for fun and the gold intake is just a way of keeping score. I'm okay with that--so long as not bots/no literal cheating).

    Now, part of this is the psychology of the rotating luxury items. Some people will just have the gold and buy immediately, others will go "er, no, not at that markup. I can wait." But for others, they go "don't have that now, but I can get x gold in x weeks" or they get determined to wait out the year and it takes about 3-6 weeks for their FOMO to kick in. By that time, I've decided not to list again because I'm not a "wealthy" trader and that listing fee, doubled, actually does bite, and I can usually use the item myself. [I'm also poor IRL so have trouble getting past that poverty mindset of fee wastage but that's my own issue].

    In any event, it's neither accurate or helpful to say "Your prices are too high" as if that's a factor 100% of the time. The luxury furnisher's prices are not decreasing, even if the market is.
    Edited by Bethgael on August 7, 2024 9:44AM
    Ingame ID: Bethgael PC NA/EU but mostly NA
  • Mathius_Mordred
    No, keep us at 14 days
    It doesn't really make a lot of difference, if you item doesn't sell within a day or two then it's not going to get found on TTC unless it's specifically searched for. It will then only be found if someone happens to be browsing your guild store in a town somewhere and happens to see it. 2 weeks is plenty long enough. I think they should have reduced the listing fee though.
    Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at https://skyrimredshirts.co.ukJoin Skyrim Red Shirts. Free trader. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama-free social group enjoying PVE questing, PvP, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
  • barney2525
    THIS gave me a good laugh

    <Snipped due to Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation>

  • SpiritKitten
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    It doesn't really make a lot of difference, if you item doesn't sell within a day or two then it's not going to get found on TTC unless it's specifically searched for. It will then only be found if someone happens to be browsing your guild store in a town somewhere and happens to see it. 2 weeks is plenty long enough. I think they should have reduced the listing fee though.

    If your guild has diligent officers, the guild store listings get uploaded at least once or more times a day to TTC.
  • AlnilamE
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    It's definitely increased the micro-managing required to clear inventory slots, which is the main reason I trade.

    I have a lot of stuff that is not needed by everyone, like duplicate furnishing plans that I get while trying to get the stuff I'm missing after a 2-year gap. Having to get a char to the bank so I can deal with stuff that's expired is very annoying.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Aliniel
    No, keep us at 14 days
    Just put in another option for 30 days. Problem solved.
  • Horny_Poney
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    Aliniel wrote: »
    Just put in another option for 30 days. Problem solved.

    Agree. And while at it, also add a “never expire” option. This idea of expiring items never made sense to me.
  • Marko21xx
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    I didn't see any comments about this in the discussion.. I'm a returning player so why did we have this change?

    Not a fan.. xD .. The social and trading parts of the game are really fun to me.. not the only ones ofc.. so it's weird coming back and seeing this mess.. I guess not many ppl realize that most part of sellers are not good at it.. they panic.. just a little pressure and they lower their prices.. causing this snowball that is everyone trying to undecut eachother.. which means less ppl selling, then they don't have gold to buy from the next seller etc.. and in the end the casual seller and buyer are broke..

    .. maybe the 14 days limit wouldn't be a problem if that didn't happen as some have already said "my items tend to sell in less than 14 days".. so imo it's more about the way players think/act rather than the time limit but the time limit itself is the cause of this behavior..

    The only "good" part of this is that I'm trying new things.. and learning more.. I'd like to be getting more gold ofc lol
  • boi_anachronism_
    So i dont think it has impacted "normal" items sales like mats or most motifs that much. The price drop for those has more to do with the massive influx of said items into the market due to things like farming ink and events.

    That said it does definitely impact large ticket items like monster helms, rare motifs, rare recipes, cyphers ect. The trend has generally become to just try and sell a lot of those items in zone chat because a lot of these things don't sell in that 2 week window. If im selling something in the 1m price range i dont want to pay to keep relisting it or cut it down by 30% to sell it. That is in turn impacting guild traders. This has been a topic of some discussion in my larger trading guild. Now im a raider predominantly. I dont spend time flipping for the most part but i do need money to support raiding. If i spend 3 days farming a monster helm style page the cost should reflect that.

    I think maybe if they made it so items priced over 300k or something could have a longer listing time that might help. Just kinda spitballing here.
  • OsUfi
    No, keep us at 14 days
    The more time goes on, the more I like the 14 day timer. It makes me relist, adjust prices, and actually get poop sold rather than leaving it sit for a month when it's clearly not going to sell.
  • CrashTest
    No, keep us at 14 days
    If im selling something in the 1m price range i dont want to pay to keep relisting it or cut it down by 30% to sell it. That is in turn impacting guild traders.
    That's the problem. A lot of people and guilds are severely overestimating the value of their items, so they don't make sales. I guarantee any seller having sales issues will sell if they simply understand the market has changed and adjust. The same goes for any guilds who are still bidding in 100mil+ for kiosks. That is unsustainable and you will die then other guilds will take your place with lower bids which is what we see happening right now.

    If sellers still stubbornly cling to high prices hoping to sell at old prices or a slight discount, they'll be replaced too and they actually lose money because the value of their items is dropping more and more the longer they wait to sell.
  • boi_anachronism_
    CrashTest wrote: »
    If im selling something in the 1m price range i dont want to pay to keep relisting it or cut it down by 30% to sell it. That is in turn impacting guild traders.
    That's the problem. A lot of people and guilds are severely overestimating the value of their items, so they don't make sales. I guarantee any seller having sales issues will sell if they simply understand the market has changed and adjust. The same goes for any guilds who are still bidding in 100mil+ for kiosks. That is unsustainable and you will die then other guilds will take your place with lower bids which is what we see happening right now.

    If sellers still stubbornly cling to high prices hoping to sell at old prices or a slight discount, they'll be replaced too and they actually lose money because the value of their items is dropping more and more the longer they wait to sell.

    No thats not what im getting at. Some expensive items have a high price point because they are rare, hard to get and or highly sought after. Like people spend hours and hours searching cyrodiil for the war tort recipe for weeks. I have spent multiple hours a day farming dungeons for a monster helm drop, last time i did that it was over 60 clears to get one. Take that in for a second. For a more difficult dlc dungeon we are talking 25-30 mins a run. On top of time to clear the hm which for some like coral airie is a lot of work. Heck look at the drowned mariner chest motif. Its expensive because not many people are skilled enough to clear hm consistently enough to farm to get the drop and because of that there arent as many to go around. You are effectively paying someone to do something you either cant or dont want to put the time in to do. Time is money. You deserve to be paid appropriately for that time. To say different is asinine. Prices for items that require huge amounts of time to aquire do not adjust and they shouldnt. People are just going to zone chat to sell instead. Im never going to low ball sell something I put in 25+ hrs to get, i'll simply sit on it until i find someone offering a fair price.

    I mean what would you consider a "fair" price for 25hrs of work? Seriously. Are you going to ask 100k for a war tort receipt or an aethric cypher? Things that you can literally spend years playing and never see? Hmm
    Edited by boi_anachronism_ on August 7, 2024 8:02PM
  • darvaria
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    I'm not in a trade guild atm but I voted yes because enough player have said that sales have gone down significantly.

    Why NOT bring it back? You haven't see any support for the change.
  • Dax_Draconis
    No, keep us at 14 days
    CrashTest wrote: »
    If im selling something in the 1m price range i dont want to pay to keep relisting it or cut it down by 30% to sell it. That is in turn impacting guild traders.
    That's the problem. A lot of people and guilds are severely overestimating the value of their items, so they don't make sales. I guarantee any seller having sales issues will sell if they simply understand the market has changed and adjust. The same goes for any guilds who are still bidding in 100mil+ for kiosks. That is unsustainable and you will die then other guilds will take your place with lower bids which is what we see happening right now.

    If sellers still stubbornly cling to high prices hoping to sell at old prices or a slight discount, they'll be replaced too and they actually lose money because the value of their items is dropping more and more the longer they wait to sell.

    No thats not what im getting at. Some expensive items have a high price point because they are rare, hard to get and or highly sought after. Like people spend hours and hours searching cyrodiil for the war tort recipe for weeks. I have spent multiple hours a day farming dungeons for a monster helm drop, last time i did that it was over 60 clears to get one. Take that in for a second. For a more difficult dlc dungeon we are talking 25-30 mins a run. On top of time to clear the hm which for some like coral airie is a lot of work. You deserve to be paid appropriately for that time. To say different is asinine. Prices for items like that do not adjust and they shouldnt. People are just going to zone chat to sell instead. Im never going to low ball sell something I put in 25+ hrs to get, i'll simply sit on it until i find someone offering a fair price.

    All items are worthless until someone exchanges gold for them.
  • darvaria
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    Exactly WHY were the listings changed to 14 days?
    Edited by darvaria on August 7, 2024 7:56PM
  • EdjeSwift
    Antiquities Addict
  • OsUfi
    No, keep us at 14 days
    darvaria wrote: »
    I'm not in a trade guild atm but I voted yes because enough player have said that sales have gone down significantly.

    Why NOT bring it back? You haven't see any support for the change.

    31% of people in this threads poll support the change.
  • boi_anachronism_
    CrashTest wrote: »
    If im selling something in the 1m price range i dont want to pay to keep relisting it or cut it down by 30% to sell it. That is in turn impacting guild traders.
    That's the problem. A lot of people and guilds are severely overestimating the value of their items, so they don't make sales. I guarantee any seller having sales issues will sell if they simply understand the market has changed and adjust. The same goes for any guilds who are still bidding in 100mil+ for kiosks. That is unsustainable and you will die then other guilds will take your place with lower bids which is what we see happening right now.

    If sellers still stubbornly cling to high prices hoping to sell at old prices or a slight discount, they'll be replaced too and they actually lose money because the value of their items is dropping more and more the longer they wait to sell.

    No thats not what im getting at. Some expensive items have a high price point because they are rare, hard to get and or highly sought after. Like people spend hours and hours searching cyrodiil for the war tort recipe for weeks. I have spent multiple hours a day farming dungeons for a monster helm drop, last time i did that it was over 60 clears to get one. Take that in for a second. For a more difficult dlc dungeon we are talking 25-30 mins a run. On top of time to clear the hm which for some like coral airie is a lot of work. You deserve to be paid appropriately for that time. To say different is asinine. Prices for items like that do not adjust and they shouldnt. People are just going to zone chat to sell instead. Im never going to low ball sell something I put in 25+ hrs to get, i'll simply sit on it until i find someone offering a fair price.

    All items are worthless until someone exchanges gold for them.

    So in otherwords unless you are at you're 9-5 your time has no value. So time spent in school, no value. Time at the gym, no value, designing a website for yourself, no value, editing a vid, spending time with family. I dont think you understand the concept of value. Time spent on x is time not spent on y.

    And yes people will pay appropriately. There is just a smaller pool so it takes longer to find a buyer. That simple. I mean this is painfully basic. If you have ever worked in the fine arts or anywhere that sells collectibles you would know this. I mean how many people sell a first edition comic for example the first day they list it? Damn near no one unless you wildly low ball yourself. The overwhelming majority of what i sell i do well under market value but when i do have something expensive im going to be fair to myself.
    Edited by boi_anachronism_ on August 7, 2024 8:53PM
  • Dax_Draconis
    No, keep us at 14 days
    CrashTest wrote: »
    If im selling something in the 1m price range i dont want to pay to keep relisting it or cut it down by 30% to sell it. That is in turn impacting guild traders.
    That's the problem. A lot of people and guilds are severely overestimating the value of their items, so they don't make sales. I guarantee any seller having sales issues will sell if they simply understand the market has changed and adjust. The same goes for any guilds who are still bidding in 100mil+ for kiosks. That is unsustainable and you will die then other guilds will take your place with lower bids which is what we see happening right now.

    If sellers still stubbornly cling to high prices hoping to sell at old prices or a slight discount, they'll be replaced too and they actually lose money because the value of their items is dropping more and more the longer they wait to sell.

    No thats not what im getting at. Some expensive items have a high price point because they are rare, hard to get and or highly sought after. Like people spend hours and hours searching cyrodiil for the war tort recipe for weeks. I have spent multiple hours a day farming dungeons for a monster helm drop, last time i did that it was over 60 clears to get one. Take that in for a second. For a more difficult dlc dungeon we are talking 25-30 mins a run. On top of time to clear the hm which for some like coral airie is a lot of work. You deserve to be paid appropriately for that time. To say different is asinine. Prices for items like that do not adjust and they shouldnt. People are just going to zone chat to sell instead. Im never going to low ball sell something I put in 25+ hrs to get, i'll simply sit on it until i find someone offering a fair price.

    All items are worthless until someone exchanges gold for them.

    So in otherwords unless you are at you're 9-5 your time has no value. So time spent in school, no value. Time at the gym, no value, designing a website for yourself, no value, editing a vid, spending time with family. I dont think you understand the concept of value.

    Nothing in the game has any real-world value. It's just a game and no one forced you to spend however many hours it took to farm for a rare item in the hope you can sell it for a price you arbitrarily deem it is worth. If you think an item you are selling in game isn't worth less than 1m gold, then great. Just don't complain when no one is willing to pay what you are asking for. Lower your price until a buyer decides it is worth parting with their gold or happily store it away knowing your hard work is sitting in your inventory.
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    Yes, revert us to 30 days
    LPapirius wrote: »
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    hiyde wrote: »

    Do I think the listings change was the prime factor in this? Absolutely not. But it is absolutely being pointed to as part of the reason long-time traders are departing/taking a break right now.

    So clearly the numbers the OP posted don't correlate with the premise, but since we're actually discussing the effects of the listing change, I ask you a few questions.

    What about the listing changes made the long term traders go?
    Was it the repeat listing?
    The loss of gold due to relisting?
    Needing to do more work?

    Followed up by:
    Even if the listing changes were to go back to 30 days how would this change anything?
    Would things that weren't selling miraculous start selling?

    Or is it possible that some of them chose to quit rather than adapt?

    I've chosen to quit relisting any items anymore. It's simply not worth it anymore. The gold you get out of anything is too little to justify the effort to list it. And don't even think about listing anything like an atherial cypher or a specialty armor style that is worth 1-4 million gold. Something rare and expensive will never sell in this market and you'll just lose your listing fees over and over and over and over again, even if you list at less than 50% of it's value three months ago.

    Likewise. I'm just not listing anything for sale anymore. I've left 2 of the three trade guilds I was in. I either use the motifs or whatever on a secondary toon or decon the item or sell it to the trade vendor for pennies.

    This has radically reduced my play time and enjoyment I can get out of the game. I'm only here now until something similar is released. Hoping AoC will go live soon so I can forget about ZOS and ESO forever.
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