Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.3 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

PTS Update 43 - Feedback Thread for Class Sets

Community Manager
This is the official feedback thread for the new Class Sets. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance.
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on July 8, 2024 8:37PM
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
Staff Post
  • flizomica
    This is not related to balance, but I cannot get the persistent 5-piece visuals for the new class sets to trigger on all classes which hopefully is not intended. Dragonknight, Warden, Arcanist, and Sorc appear correctly. Necro, Nightblade, Templar do not appear correctly as far as I can tell.


    (Nightblade, not working)


    (Warden, yes working)
  • flizomica
    Additionally, I was also surprised to see that the new sets do not have a new armor weight/style (that is, they are identical in appearance to the previous sets). Because the set styles are named according to armor light/medium/heavy weights (e.g. "Nobility in Decay Helmet" vs. "Monolith of Storms Helm"), I assumed that the class sets would end up dropping in light/medium/heavy style variants.

    (And as a random side note, it would have been nice to see these three different class-specific style weights appear as one of the default armor options in the character creation screen, according to which class you choose. It's weird that we still have the Blackwood era armors there for all but the Arcanist.)

    For example, since Soulcleaver is the Nightblade medium style according to name convention, then perhaps Umbral Edge would be the Nightblade heavy style. It now also feels weird that the Umbral Edge set will drop in the Soulcleaver style, and same goes for all the other sets.

    At a minimum, I think the class set styles should be renamed if we are indeed going to get no additional armor weight variants.
  • Alaztor91
    Corpseburster needs to either have its 0.5 Cooldown removed OR have both the Cooldown and the explosion damage significantly increased. AoE should also be at least 7m(a melee attack has more range than an explosion? seriously?)

    No one is going to waste GCDs and spam Corpse consuming skills to proc a mediocre AoE explosion. First change makes the set attractive for skills that consume multiple Corpses at once, second change makes the set attractive for ''normal'' Corpse consuming skills.
  • Joy_Division
    I think it was a mistake to make these 5 piece set bonuses.

    We can only wear two of them, thus for people who actually want to be competitive, the class options are always going to be overshadowed by two of the other hundreds and hundreds of 5 piece sets out there. Here are sets that give us the potential opportunity to actually tap into our class identity.

    I don't understand why ESO as a game is so centered on 5 piece sets that 3 pieces just stopped being made, let alone a fun and competitive option. Are we afraid that some interesting theory-crafting or more competitive options might just become a thing?

    I also do not understand why the previous class sets, which somehow have drawbacks to them despite no being as good as other 5 piece sets, have not been updated.

    If you really want to make people as excited as they were when they heard of the coming of class based sets - and we were all legit excited - make them 3 piece bonuses and update the previous offerings.

    Win win for everyone, a more interesting game. A new facet of the game we could potentially explore.

    Just don;t get it.
    Edited by Joy_Division on July 8, 2024 10:27PM
  • tomofhyrule
    Feedback for the Class sets: Please go back to U40 when the styles were unlocked.


    For those who don't want to read the entire thread from a few patches ago: the Class Sets were first released in U40 and the styles were already previewable in the Outfit System (even though they were not yet obtainable in game). At that point they were unlocked and useable on any class, and also did not include FX. U41 then locked the styles by class and made it so that equipping 5+ body pieces of the style would give the same effect that you got from equipping 5+ pieces of the actual set.

    In a game where fashion and character design is a major concern for players, the changes in U41 to both lock the styles by class and add the set visual effects seems like a massive step backwards. There is no issue with the actual sets themselves being locked or having effects, but the style pages (particularly since no part of them except the weapons and the chest pages have class emblems) should be available to anyone.

    I understand that people have the whole idea of "we should have class identity," but expecting fashion to be the sole identity of the class is akin to thinking that Tales of Tribute was perfect for the PvP community - after all, it's technically true that playing cards against another player is a form of Player versus another Player... but ask the PvP community how they feel about that. Similarly, when people talk about class identity, it's not the fashion that they care about.

    Please make it so all characters (and companions!) can wear whichever set. If someone doesn't think that a DK should be able to wear a cuirass with a giant star on it, then they don't need to wear it. But nobody should take that option away from the people who do want to wear that.

    ...incidentally, I know a number of players that have been wholly uninspired to run IA because they can't use the styles. Opening this up would bring more interest into the IA again...
  • flizomica
    Feedback for the Class sets: Please go back to U40 when the styles were unlocked.


    For those who don't want to read the entire thread from a few patches ago: the Class Sets were first released in U40 and the styles were already previewable in the Outfit System (even though they were not yet obtainable in game). At that point they were unlocked and useable on any class, and also did not include FX. U41 then locked the styles by class and made it so that equipping 5+ body pieces of the style would give the same effect that you got from equipping 5+ pieces of the actual set.


    Please make it so all characters (and companions!) can wear whichever set. If someone doesn't think that a DK should be able to wear a cuirass with a giant star on it, then they don't need to wear it. But nobody should take that option away from the people who do want to wear that.

    I completely agree with all of this and left the same feedback when this change happened.

    Something else that just occurred to me:
    • The current class sets have their corresponding style pages available.
    • Wearing 5 body style pages gives you the 5-piece visual set bonus too.
    • The new class sets have the same base armor style but a different 5-piece VFX.
    • How is the team planning on handling style pages for the new sets? Will they have the same model but different VFX if you equip enough of the style pages? Would this not make the grind completely ridiculous and pointless?
    • For example, what if I had 3/5 style pages from class set 1 and 2/5 style pages from class set 2. They would be the exact same model but have different VFX associated with the style name. Would I have to grind for 5/5 style pages for styles with identical models just to have a different VFX?

    • Remove the class restrictions as stated above.
    • Make the VFX a *separate* class-locked collectible and un-tie it from the class set styles.
    • If there are not going to be additional style variants (i.e. light/medium/heavy), then rename the set styles.
  • TheBardAtTheInn
    Can't wait to farm out 17 more style pages that all look exactly the same as the last batch but are named different and just have a different glowy effect so long as I have at least 5 visible and aren't wearing any collectibles. Yippee.

    It was disappointing enough that all of the class weapons are exactly the same save for the barely-visible class icon stickered onto them. The art department at ZOS is one of the few that seems like they genuinely show up to work every day; they could've at least been given resources to slap together new body style pages for this new batch of class sets.
    TheBardAtTheInn | PC/NA | CP 2600+ | For King and Covenant!
  • Thal
    Sorc stat lines 2-4 are all over the map for dps vs tanky… couple things could make it somewhat viable to at least play around with:

    All stat lines tied to pet/no pet (no pet dps/pet more tanky)
    Don’t count atronach ultimate as a pet. You don’t want to ultimate and lose all your extra damage if trying to use this set
  • TechMaybeHic
    I like the idea of the DK one, but heavy attacking for an execute when someone is going to be spazzing out to recover is not going to be great.

    Templar one, I think I would like if it didn't require you to stand in the 5 meter area again. Thought maybe we had moved on from this back when they made the restoring focus armor buff and HOT stick you you.

    5 pieces means you have to give up another set with less strict requirements and I feel that makes these unused mostly. Except NB. Always easy access
  • MafiaCat115
    This is a comment I originally made in the IA feedback threat, but I feel that it is just as applicable (probably moreso) here. It condenses some questions I've had, which also seem to be shared by some in the community.
    Hello, @ZOS_Kevin

    I have a few questions/observations about IA class set auras that I hope can either be answered or noted.
    1. Is it intended behavior to have it be that class weapon styles do not contribute to the class aura count for outfits? (Ex, chest, head, gloves, sword 1, sword 2 does not give the aura)
    2. Similar question, is it meant to be that hiding a class style helmet using Hide Helmets subtracts that helmet from the total leading to the aura?
    3. Are we going to get style pages for the new sets like Pyrebrand?
    4. If we do not get style pages for the new styles, will we be able to choose what aura we want active for our outfits if we use style pages from the original array of class sets?
    5. In the character select screen, the aura appears when you achieve it with style pages, but not with gear. Is it supposed to be one way or another for both of them?

    I have asked similar questions before but have yet to hear about whether or not these observations are intended or not. Even just a confirmation that they are intended, being worked on, or are unintended would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for all that you do.

    Still hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon in universe already thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • Theist_VII
    I think it was a mistake to make these 5 piece set bonuses…

    If you really want to make people as excited as they were when they heard of the coming of class based sets - and we were all legit excited - make them 3 piece bonuses and update the previous.

    Gonna throw my hat in for this one too.

    There is an overabundance of 5-piece sets in ESO. Some of these sets cast a long shadow over the majority of others. Sets like Essence Thief and Rallying Cry are night and day better than any other sets in the game for PvP, so by continuing down the path of 5-piece sets, all that’s doing is adding to the massive set graveyard that already exists within the game.

    Class sets could have been exciting like Willpower and Agility were back in the day, and still can, they just need to be revised into unique 3-piece sets.

    Sets that look like this.

    1. 5% Cost Reduction on Dawn’s Wrath abilities.
    2. After casting a Dawn’s Wrath ability, increase the damage of your next direct damage skill by 10%.
    3. When you deal damage with a Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 40 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage and a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy, but you cannot refresh Sunlight.
    Edited by Theist_VII on July 9, 2024 2:27AM
  • Decimus
    Tested the Necromancer class set Corpseburster... very disappointed.

    For this set to work in PvP, absent a strong corpse consuming offensive ability... the radius should be atleast 8m (or cooldown removed so it can explode multiple corpses).

    Even in a 1v1 situation when able to camp the corpses and recasting Detonating Siphon every few seconds, hitting the explosion is a pain and doesn't provide enough of a benefit. A hard to land proc that deals 3-4k damage (running 4 Grave Lord abilities for a +40% modifier on it) at most is simply not worth running.

    This set was worth around 3% damage on CMX at the end of the duels I did - in comparison sets like Maarselok can get to around 10% and when it comes to 5p sets you can easily get 14-15% from sets like Way of Fire or Plaguebreak.

    Very disappointing.

    Another potential solution would be significantly increasing the tooltip damage but adding a longer cooldown to the explosion. There just isn't a good way to spam a corpse consumer ability in PvP, and in PvE any build would rather run a set like Azureblight than this for AoE damage.
  • umagon
    I like the concept of umbral edge but it needs one small change. After testing the set; as functions now if the umbral riposte is not consumed in the 3 second time window you have to wait 6 secs before it can be reactivated. I think it should be changed to 6 seconds where umbral riposte is active. And keep the limiting factor that it can only occur once every 6 seconds.

    The reason I suggest this is that the boss attacks are not always fast enough to actually activate it inside the 3 second time window. And from what I saw their aoe and dots attacks don’t activate it; which makes sense because they are aoe and dots. But makes the set inconsistent if the propose is to provide some form of defense, alongside of keeping one target debuffed with major vulnerability every 6 seconds.

    Also, the animation is really cool, I like the shadow mist trails or whatever it is when you move around and the shadow ghost that goes and attacks the target. Maybe consider making the shadow mist trail always active.
  • Ezhh
    Given that the first sorc set was basically unusable, I had high hopes... but this new set has a serious identity crisis and I don't know who it's actually intended for. Can sorc please get a class set that has some use, or can the vision for what this set is meant to be used for be explained?

    Also not a big fan of the new sets all being the same style as the other ones, again partly because the first sorc set looked abysmal, awkward and clunky. Big heavy awkward hands with a robe and hood is, at least for me, not good. Alternative styles that added the class glow would have been a very nice thing.
    Edited by Ezhh on July 9, 2024 4:18AM
  • RaptorRodeoGod
    Ezhh wrote: »
    Given that the first sorc set was basically unusable, I had high hopes... but this new set has a serious identity crisis and I don't know who it's actually intended for. Can sorc please get a class set that has some use, or can the vision for what this set is meant to be used for be explained?

    Also not a big fan of the new sets all being the same style as the other ones, again partly because the first sorc set looked abysmal, awkward and clunky. Big heavy awkward hands with a robe and hood is, at least for me, not good. Alternative styles that added the class glow would have been a very nice thing.

    The new Sorc set performs on par with Ansuul's Torment's non-proc condition for DPS, it should stay as is since it gives additional defensive bonuses.
    Add a Scribing skill that works like Arcanist beam.
    Veteran players have been alienated and disengaged from Overland since One Tamriel, due to the lack of difficulty, and pushed into dungeons and trials; the minority of content in the Elder Scrolls Online. We can't take the repetition anymore, fix Overland engagement for Vet players. I don't even care if it's not combat related anymore, just make Overland engaging again.
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. Make a self debuff mythic. Literally anything at this point.
  • ZhuJiuyin

    In addition to Ansuul's bonus being more practical, and not losing 5 sets of bonuses due to pets, Sorc can more freely choose whether to bring pets.
    Yes, Beacon of Oblivion is indeed as good as Ansuul. lamo
    Either increase the 5sets bonus to increase the damage to monsters by 30%, or change the 2 and 4sets bonuses. Otherwise Beacon of Oblivion is just awkward, neither a tank nor a DPS.
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • IncultaWolf
    Decimus wrote: »
    Tested the Necromancer class set Corpseburster... very disappointed.

    For this set to work in PvP, absent a strong corpse consuming offensive ability... the radius should be atleast 8m (or cooldown removed so it can explode multiple corpses).

    Even in a 1v1 situation when able to camp the corpses and recasting Detonating Siphon every few seconds, hitting the explosion is a pain and doesn't provide enough of a benefit. A hard to land proc that deals 3-4k damage (running 4 Grave Lord abilities for a +40% modifier on it) at most is simply not worth running.

    This set was worth around 3% damage on CMX at the end of the duels I did - in comparison sets like Maarselok can get to around 10% and when it comes to 5p sets you can easily get 14-15% from sets like Way of Fire or Plaguebreak.

    Very disappointing.

    Another potential solution would be significantly increasing the tooltip damage but adding a longer cooldown to the explosion. There just isn't a good way to spam a corpse consumer ability in PvP, and in PvE any build would rather run a set like Azureblight than this for AoE damage.

    This sums up my experience as well, the cooldown needs to be removed, or the damage needs to be increased. If balance reasons are a concern, just put a cap on how many corpses can explode at once.
  • Turtle_Bot
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    This is the official feedback thread for the new Class Sets. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance.

    @ZOS_Kevin I am curious, can we get some developer comments in regards to the design of the class sets, their intended function, purpose, and idea behind them? In particular the Sorcerer Class sets.

    I am asking because this is the second time now where there seems to be a large discrepancy between the sets, not only in usability, but in terms of the design and even as far as the themes of the skill lines these sets are supposed to represent.

    For example:
    The sorc sets:
    - The first set (Monolith of Storms) is a completely unusable (worse than even year 1 base game overland sets) generic proc set with such horrendous trigger conditions for its proc that it's not even viable in a roleplay or "for fun" aspect. The set is this way because it doesn't know what it wants to be, the skills it requires being used to meet the proc conditions are back bar skills, but the set itself wants to be on the front bar for the most consistent uptime and proc chances.
    - The second set (Beacon of Oblivion) seems to be just a completely generic stat based set that is also confused about what it wants to do. The 2-4 piece bonuses look like they want the set to be for a tanky support and the 5th piece reinforces this when running pets, but when not running pets, the set is trying to be for PvE DPS, but this is partially nullified by the 2-4 piece bonuses where only 1 of these lines buffs DPS.

    Both of these sets are not only very generic (boring), but they seem to be anti-synergistic with the skill lines they are supposed to be designed around (storm calling is utility and elemental magic, daedric summoning is summoning based magic). It's almost like these 2 sets were designed for the other skill line (monolith summons things, beacon is mixed offense/defense stats) than the skill line they were released for.

    The plar sets are another example, but at least thematically they relate to their respective skill lines (even if they still need to be made much easier to use).

    Compare them to the NB or DK sets:
    - The first DK set (Basalt-Blooded Warrior) provided strong and synergistic utility and survival based effects for simply using any ability from the related skill line (made somewhat wonky due to bugs, but at least it is still usable and thematic to the skill line revolving around survival and constant casting of ultimate abilities).
    - The second DK set (Pyrebrand) is a pure flame damage DPS set that provides additional, easy to use DoT (one of DK's main focuses for DPS) with the option for additional burst execute damage (something DK was lacking a bit) that is tied to the number of active DoTs applied to the target.

    - The first NB set (Soulcleaver) focused on buffing NBs stats (healing, damage, sustain, etc) at the cost of draining ultimate upon casting. This provided huge stats (with no restrictions) with the same kiss-curse theme that the skill line already has (emphasized in the design of offering and siphoning strikes abilities in that line).
    - The second NB set (Umbral Edge) focuses on buffing the NB's shadow magic to enhance mitigation and debuff enemies, once again, synergizes with what the skill line is designed around.

    All 4 of these sets for these 2 classes are insanely easy to proc with practically zero hoops to jump through to get their effects and on top of that, they also synergize very well with, and enhance what their skill lines were already trying to do and not just thematically, but mechanically too.

    At the bare minimum, these 4 sets reflect the main theme of their respective skill lines and are easy to use even for roleplaying or fun builds.

    This concern was raised numerous times (and went completely unaddressed) during the U40 PTS cycle (the first class sets), but this needs addressing, since it seems that the feedback from then has been completely ignored in favor of "more of the same".
    I appreciate that you want to include non-pet sorcs (of which I am one) when designing things for sorcs (and you did an amazing job with the design of the class script), but the class sets are now 2/3 that have completely missed the mark for their design, even as far as the theme of the sets themselves that seem like they were designed for different skill lines that is leaving players unable to find a place where they would ever be used.

    As it currently stands, the generic shock damage based proc sets (such as overwhelming surge (base game), aurorans thunder and thunder caller) and the summon based proc sets (such as aegis caller, maw of the infernal (base game) and mad tinkerer) are all better than either of these 2 class sets in every single way, even down to something as simple as the theme of those sets for role play aspects.

    I'd like to see the sorcerer class sets reworked to better focus on the themes and abilities of their respective skill lines.

    Monolith of Storms should be all about lightning magic (not summons) similar to what you have designed for the non-pet part of the scribing class script for sorcerer. Let the design of the set reflect this, where instead of summoning things, make the wearer become the monolith that lashes out at nearby enemies to deal additional shock damage. Let the 2-4 piece bonuses reflect the utility of the skills within this line via crit chance, armor, penetration and speed (to represent crit surge and lightning form, the utility skills of that line).
    • Monolith of Storms:
      • (2 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
      • (3 items) Adds 1487 Armor
      • (4 items) Adds 1486 Offensive Penetration
      • (5 items) Dealing damage with a Storm Calling Ability applies "Herald of the Storm" to you for 7 seconds. While Herald of the Storm is active, dealing direct shock damage has a 50% chance to deal 680 Shock damage around you and the target, scaling off of the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage and grants you a stack of Storm Wind for 4 seconds (max 5 stacks). Each stack of Storm Wind increases your movement speed by 1%. The shock damage from this set can only occur once every 1 second.
        After Herald of the Storm ends, you cannot gain this effect for 8 seconds.
    This set is designed to allow the wearer to become a true beacon for the storm they are calling forth. This set focuses around the lightning theme of the Storm Calling skill line and ties in with the shock damage, mobility and armor that the active skills in this line are trying to do.

    Beacon of Oblivion should be all about the pets and summoning magic that the daedric summoning skill line is based around. Have the set summon additional pets and/or buff the classes existing pets.
    • Beacon of Oblivion:
      • (2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
      • (3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
      • (4 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
      • (5 items) Increases the damage your pets deal by 2%
      • (5 items) When you activate a non-ultimate Daedric Summoning ability, Summon an Atronach to your side for 12 seconds. The Atronach attacks all nearby enemies dealing 478 physical or shock damage every 2 seconds and increases the damage your pets deal to enemies it hits by 8%. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds and the damage and type of Atronach scales off the higher of your max magicka or stamina (Storm Atronach that deals shock damage if max magicka is higher, Air Atronach that deals physical damage if max stamina is higher).
    This set is designed to have the wearer more closely reflect their ties to oblivion by summoning additional daedra and buffing their summoned daedra even further.

    If you really want to include non-pet sorcs with this set, then having a single line as part of the 5th piece of the set such as the following would help allow non-pet sorcs to use their best PvE ultimate without losing their buffs/damage when doing so:

    (5 items) If you do not have a non-ultimate pet active, Summon Storm Atronach and its morphs do not count as "Active Pets" when summoned.
  • Lalothen
    Beacon of Oblivion's 2- & 4-piece stat lines are terrible, please change them. Also I'm failing to see the relevance of providing additional defensive buffs when a sorc has a pet active, particularly when there's literally nothing in this set that you can't get elsewhere from better designed sets not suffering some weird identity crisis - and far more quickly too. As things stand the set has little relevance anywhere.

    As a Sorc main, please give me a reason to engage with IA on my actual Sorc. I literally only went in there to max out new skill lines before because Monolith of Storms is so poor it's not worth grinding for. If Beacon of Oblivion goes live as it is, that'll be another IA set not worth bothering with. Meanwhile other classes are getting semi-interesting sets that, importantly, aren't suffering from set-role dysphoria.
  • TheRedRavenTR
    DK class set Pyrebrand's execute mechanic should work with 'medium atacks' like maarselok and vateshran 2H to be considered viable in PvP. Enemy will heal from execute range while your heavy atack charges...
  • EF321
    DK set has very weird delay on HA proc, between when visuals show and actual damage numbers pop up, at the very end of explosion animation.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Corpsebuster is really bad. Stacking all weapon damage and I don't see much higher than a 5k tooltip, which is not enough to warrant running this over more reliable burst sets. Not to mention, it felt impossible to land with a tiny radius, and no way to reliably place corpses (especially if you're running GLS).

    I'd propose removing the cooldown, but adding a cap to the number of corpses that can explode (say, 5 or 6). The amount of times you'll even manage to get that many corpses in one small area is pretty slim, but it would lead to fun interactions with things like Graveyard, Potency, and Animate Blastbones.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on July 9, 2024 1:39PM
  • lnigo
    Hi, just dropping off some feedback. When proccing Nobility in Decay's Beautiful Corpse, and then further consuming it with Corpseburster's 5-pc bonus active, it does not trigger an explosion. I'm hoping this isn't intentional. Thanks anyway.
  • Ezhh
    Ezhh wrote: »
    Given that the first sorc set was basically unusable, I had high hopes... but this new set has a serious identity crisis and I don't know who it's actually intended for. Can sorc please get a class set that has some use, or can the vision for what this set is meant to be used for be explained?

    The new Sorc set performs on par with Ansuul's Torment's non-proc condition for DPS, it should stay as is since it gives additional defensive bonuses.

    Only any PvE sorc DD who cares about maximizing dps is still using pets, because it's better dps. I'd love to see non-pet sorc close the gap, but needing to slot a set to help with the dps discrepancy isn't a solution.

    Also perfected Ansuul has four useful bonuses for dps besides the overall percentage increase to dps, and often isn't even used because things like Riptide are regarded as better. A DD sorc set that compares to Ansuul if you drop important skills and then has non-dps bonuses instead of dps ones just doesn't cut it.

    This is before we even talk about how boring a flat stat increase set is compared to what some other classes get.
    Edited by Ezhh on July 9, 2024 2:55PM
  • Firstmep
    With the Templars Aetheric Lancer, I think it would be better if we could pick up the spear as we walk over it, rather having to hit with an aedric spear ability while inside.
    When picked up, we could get the 300 weapon and spell damage, and the next aedric spear hit would trigger to lance to fire.
    Why? Pvp is simply too mobile to ask us to stand in a small circle for any duration, making this too clunky to use.
    In pve my proposed change would have no negative effect whatsoever, and in fact would be an improvement, since we dont want to fire off an aedric spear ability, not even blazing spear in execute range, as it is simply a damage loss, so we could still benefit from the weapon and spell damage even in execute range.
  • Alchimiste1
    I would consider reworking the nb set. Unless the dodge component of the set is broken(broken good I mean) I don’t think it will be good outside of 1v1s
  • i_azazei_i
    These sets need to be made into 3/4-piece sets instead. they just aren't good enough to be 5-piece sets.
  • acastanza_ESO
    The Sorc set is joining Monolith of Storms as an instant-decon set with basically no redeeming qualities.
    At bare minimum the 5PC bonus needs to be changed to 8% damage that doubles against Monsters. Having only one class set in the entire game handicapped by giving absolutely nothing against player enemies is lame at best and straight up insulting at worst.

    In reality though both this set and Monolith need to be completely reworked. They simply aren't what Sorc wants or needs, and do nothing to integrate with the actual playstyle of the class.

    Also; ALL sorc effects that key off a pet being summoned or not need to ONLY count non-ultimate pets. Summoning your Atro ult and switching off your damage buffs, is completely pants-on-head.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on July 9, 2024 5:39PM
  • Theist_VII
    DK class set Pyrebrand's execute mechanic should work with 'medium atacks' like maarselok and vateshran 2H to be considered viable in PvP. Enemy will heal from execute range while your heavy atack charges...

    Pretty much this.

    If Pyrebrand lands with a fully charged heavy attack requirement, the set will be dead on arrival.

    It’s hard enough to land a fully charged destruction staff hit in the first place, near impossible in execute, and you don’t have enough time post-fossilize to guarantee it. That’s not even counting the players that will just block your heavy.

    Hoping this gets changed because I’m a fan of the set, and concept, it just needs to be playable.
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    Beacon of Oblivion:

    Cool set, seems strong and nice to see something for solo PvE.

    An issue with it is diminishing returns on heavy attack builds from the 5pc being in the same category as Empower, to the point where I can get basically the same DPS and defensive stats by tweaking a more generic setup, only I don't have the very significant limitation of not being able to use any pets, especially the Atro ultimate.


    Slightly tweaked infallible mage setup, to match/exceed health and mitigation bonus:


    I know this isn't specifically a heavy attack set, but as it is obviously solo PvE Sorc focused, there is significant overlap there.


    Make the 5pc a flat modifier, or weapon/spell damage buff, but with a "while battle spirit is inactive" flag, as in the reverse of Rallying Cry, if possible. This way all builds will benefit, regardless of how much other stuff they have into the "damage to monsters" category.
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