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Please stop putting mythic leads in Trials.

  • Necrotech_Master
    I can only think people are complaining about this lead because they don’t realize it’s a guaranteed drop (which is understandable, since it’s the first, to my knowledge). What is frustrating is how many times I’ve run Bal Sunnar without getting that lead (and I actually like that dungeon and have been running it for the motif drops anyway). I’m dreading trying to grind for the mythic leads behind side bosses in the High Isle dungeons. Those aren’t guaranteed, are they? That will require organizing a group because I don’t want to impose on a PUG group. Ugh, I don’t even want the stupid greaves, but I DO want the beryl nix ox behind the Necrom Savior achievement. :persevere:

    But that’s not all! As annoying as tying to get those side boss leads may prove to be, at least I CAN grind for it, if I want to. What about all the lovely furnishing tickets locked behind treasure maps??? Why don’t more people complain about that? The only option is to waste one’s gold on lottery tickets treasure maps. If there is something more demoralizing in this game, I haven’t found it. I’d rather the furnishings be in CRATES, because then at least I could spend Gems or Seals. Instead it’s just RNG SOL. :disappointed:

    the one on side bosses in graven deep is not too bad, as it can drop from any of them, even on normal

    the technique i did was i just went in with a friend, mowed our way to the first side boss (which is before even the first regular boss and can be stealthed to), killed it, if we didnt get the drop, we left the dungeon, reset/repeat process

    was usually taking us about 5 min per attempt to get to and kill the first side boss in graven deep

    i dont believe there was any leads in earthen root enclave side bosses, but im guessing your talking about the lead in coral aerie (which was just annoying because it was only from the 4th side bosses, not any of the side bosses), for me it was soloable, but it made the dungeon take 3x longer lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Veinblood1965
    Well, ok. I spent the last two days (about 2 hours a day ingame) and not one NHoF found in the group finder. Nothing in zone either and i asked in zone off and on if anyone was forming a group or if anyone had experiance with .

    Soooo today I started a NHoF in Trial Group finder and it went reasonably well. took about 45 minutes to get 12 people and we only wiped 2 times on the last boss. Quite a few peeps knew the trial which was nice.

    The only hicup was one of our team disconnected and didn't come back prior to starting the run. I could not see him in the group to remove hom so we had to disband and reform. I also got a bug during one of the bosses were some sort of pop up screen kept popping up, I had to /reloadui.

  • Araneae6537
    I can only think people are complaining about this lead because they don’t realize it’s a guaranteed drop (which is understandable, since it’s the first, to my knowledge). What is frustrating is how many times I’ve run Bal Sunnar without getting that lead (and I actually like that dungeon and have been running it for the motif drops anyway). I’m dreading trying to grind for the mythic leads behind side bosses in the High Isle dungeons. Those aren’t guaranteed, are they? That will require organizing a group because I don’t want to impose on a PUG group. Ugh, I don’t even want the stupid greaves, but I DO want the beryl nix ox behind the Necrom Savior achievement. :persevere:

    But that’s not all! As annoying as tying to get those side boss leads may prove to be, at least I CAN grind for it, if I want to. What about all the lovely furnishing tickets locked behind treasure maps??? Why don’t more people complain about that? The only option is to waste one’s gold on lottery tickets treasure maps. If there is something more demoralizing in this game, I haven’t found it. I’d rather the furnishings be in CRATES, because then at least I could spend Gems or Seals. Instead it’s just RNG SOL. :disappointed:

    the one on side bosses in graven deep is not too bad, as it can drop from any of them, even on normal

    the technique i did was i just went in with a friend, mowed our way to the first side boss (which is before even the first regular boss and can be stealthed to), killed it, if we didnt get the drop, we left the dungeon, reset/repeat process

    was usually taking us about 5 min per attempt to get to and kill the first side boss in graven deep

    i dont believe there was any leads in earthen root enclave side bosses, but im guessing your talking about the lead in coral aerie (which was just annoying because it was only from the 4th side bosses, not any of the side bosses), for me it was soloable, but it made the dungeon take 3x longer lol

    Thank you for the insights, @Necrotech_Master :)
    I’ll have to look up where that first side boss is in Graven Deep. I know I did them all once but it was a long time ago… Yes, Coral Airie (all four of the 2022 dungeons are related to the High Isle story) and that sload final side boss… ugh. I’ll save that one for last and beseech Herma Mora that Filer Ool might save me from it!

    Now if only you (or Filer Ool, or anyone) would save me from treasure map leads, I shall have nothing further to complain about! :lol:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on June 27, 2024 9:57PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    I can only think people are complaining about this lead because they don’t realize it’s a guaranteed drop (which is understandable, since it’s the first, to my knowledge). What is frustrating is how many times I’ve run Bal Sunnar without getting that lead (and I actually like that dungeon and have been running it for the motif drops anyway). I’m dreading trying to grind for the mythic leads behind side bosses in the High Isle dungeons. Those aren’t guaranteed, are they? That will require organizing a group because I don’t want to impose on a PUG group. Ugh, I don’t even want the stupid greaves, but I DO want the beryl nix ox behind the Necrom Savior achievement. :persevere:

    But that’s not all! As annoying as tying to get those side boss leads may prove to be, at least I CAN grind for it, if I want to. What about all the lovely furnishing tickets locked behind treasure maps??? Why don’t more people complain about that? The only option is to waste one’s gold on lottery tickets treasure maps. If there is something more demoralizing in this game, I haven’t found it. I’d rather the furnishings be in CRATES, because then at least I could spend Gems or Seals. Instead it’s just RNG SOL. :disappointed:

    the one on side bosses in graven deep is not too bad, as it can drop from any of them, even on normal

    the technique i did was i just went in with a friend, mowed our way to the first side boss (which is before even the first regular boss and can be stealthed to), killed it, if we didnt get the drop, we left the dungeon, reset/repeat process

    was usually taking us about 5 min per attempt to get to and kill the first side boss in graven deep

    i dont believe there was any leads in earthen root enclave side bosses, but im guessing your talking about the lead in coral aerie (which was just annoying because it was only from the 4th side bosses, not any of the side bosses), for me it was soloable, but it made the dungeon take 3x longer lol

    Thank you for the insights, @Necrotech_Master :) I’ll have to look up where that first side boss is in Graven Deep. I know I did them all once but it was a long time ago… Yes, Coral Airie (all four of the 2022 dungeons are related to the High Isle story) and that sload final side boss… :persevere: I’ll save that one for last and beseech Herma Mora that Filer Ool might save me from it! :sweat_smile:

    Now if only you (or Filer Ool, or anyone) would save me from treasure map leads, I shall have nothing further to complain about! :lol:

    the first side boss in graven deep i think is at the 2nd mob, i believe theres 3 mobs before the first boss, the 2nd mob has a side path, you just have to go down that side path and enter a dwarven style hatch to get to the boss

    the coral aerie one should be slightly better now, because they increased the drop rate on that one from when i initially farmed for it (it took me 6 runs with the old drop rate)

    im not sure much i can offer on the treasure map leads, one of the most optimal ways i can see for treasure maps is when the archive vendor offers the treasure maps for a zone you want leads from, to buy up a lot of those

    its a painful process because you can only buy 1 box at a time, and the maps are unique so, its recommended you have a friend you can use the mail system to return the maps to you in the mail so you can bulk dig them up

    the only other way would be to buy treasure maps, but i know those can get expensive with gold, at least the archive has them at a fixed price
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Elsonso
    I can only think people are complaining about this lead because they don’t realize it’s a guaranteed drop (which is understandable, since it’s the first, to my knowledge). What is frustrating is how many times I’ve run Bal Sunnar without getting that lead (and I actually like that dungeon and have been running it for the motif drops anyway). I’m dreading trying to grind for the mythic leads behind side bosses in the High Isle dungeons. Those aren’t guaranteed, are they? That will require organizing a group because I don’t want to impose on a PUG group. Ugh, I don’t even want the stupid greaves, but I DO want the beryl nix ox behind the Necrom Savior achievement. :persevere:

    Maybe there are people who are thinking of the endless grinds elsewhere in the game for drop and leads and are afraid that it will be another endless drop scenario here, too. ZOS has only themselves to blame for that, but once word gets around, if it does, then it is easily overcome.

    Then there are other people, myself included, who just don't want to run the tria, what reason that may be. ZOS has notched it up by adding the lead to a trial, and locked two Achievements behind it. I don't accept this. They can go back to how they used to do it.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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