ZOS, Massive Spike in Ping/LAG in Recent Days - What Gives?

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • redeyedclyde
    MrGarlic wrote: »

    In the case of an anti -DDoS system, such as Akamai Prolexic system, it spoofs the IP of the intended target in order to 'attract' the route to it's servers, from there it will be send via Akamai backbone to the correct destination after it has analysed the data, adding overheads and latency.

    So, if ESO is using any anti-DDoS system with a front-end in Singapore, then it will capture any IP requests in the geographic location to it's servers.

    We had this happen in 2019 when ZOS started using Akamai and our Oceanic data was being routed through the nearest Akamai server, which was in Hong Kong. That was a huge detour to traffic and added 200ms to our ping to the USA. Eventually Akamai opened a server in Sydney Australia, which benefited Aussie, but added 20-30 ms to us Kiwis, compared to what we used to get.

    Kiwis tend to get the muck end of the stick when it comes to online gaming for sure, almost like punishment for living in one of the most beautiful countrysides on the planet. But if it's any consolation to you; your pings are generally better than in Perth (Western Australia) by a fair margin.
    MrGarlic wrote: »
    I'd like to hear Zos interpretation, but they never discuss security issues publicly.

    ^^^^ This. This is what escalates an annoying inconvenience into outright hostility. We all know it's not an easy task, and don't expect it to be done in a wee tick, but a little transparency and acknowledgement that there is a problem is not too much to ask for.

    After all, it is we players who keep the lights on and put food on the table, and you can only eat so many bowls of the proverbial for so long before you leave the table for good.

    If it was working, we wouldn't be here.
  • LadyGP
    Sootica wrote: »
    Since this most recent maintenance, ping has gone up about 50-100, with frequent spikes. My usual ping is 220-250 (Australia), now it is consistently 280s, going into 300-500 for many minutes at a go. I have tried 3 different computers, updated and restarted router, not working.
    What was changed during this most recent maintenance? Will this be fixed? :'(

    Edit to tag @silky_soft @MrGarlic who seem to have similar issues, exactly since this most recent maintenance Feb 10th. All 3 of us seem to play from Aus/NZ.

    Thats interesting. Since the maintenance my ping has gotten better South USA. I know they had that DDOS right after maintenance and their mitigation does introduce some more ping to the mix. Curious if it's a regional issue since you say you 3 are from the same area.
  • Rebooting
    I have also been getting a lot more issues then the usual lag spikes previously reported in this Thread, and in game performance issues since this last maintenance.

    First, this last even was unplayable, it would often take me more then 30 minutes in trying to log in, when I was able to log in more issues popped up, I would often been thrown in a zone loading screen for no apparent reason, same any time I use a door or Wayshrine, then I would get disconnected due to times out session, the few times I was in game I also get a lot of lag spikes, delay, freezing and game performance issues worst then ever. There is so much delay I can't even weave even if I try slowing it down to a turtle pace, the game doesn't follow the keyboard commands, I'm down to like 28K DPS max at times.

    For the last few days, things have gone from bad to worst, example, when I tried to log in last night, as I also tried this morning, after pressing play from the launcher the loading screen was to no ends, no sound, nothing, once I input my password I came across the same issue again, no sound and endless time spent in loading screen, once logged in I chose my main character to play, again no sound from the game endless time spent in loading screen, once in game no sound from the game at all, the entire experience from there was like a bad dream, the entire game behaved choppy and unplayable like I was experiencing the game at 5 FPS,, I logged out and proceeded to repair the game like I have done to many times in the pas week.

    Before someone strats pointing fingers at my set up, I use a 440Mbps connection tested and true (Canada, I'm on Rogers fiber optic internet), my computer is hard wired directly to the modem via ethernet, everything related to gaming is hard wired including my mouse and keyboard, my connection has been tested countless time, I'm the only person on this Modem connection and network period, it's my personnal gaming set up, no issues on my end. Issues start when I log Ito ESO, and only ESO, interesting coincidence.

    A lot of other people have issues but not reporting them, as they wait to see in the side lines what will come from what is being reported.

    These above issues from what I hear and read do not affect everyone, hard to say if it's related to country of origin, zones, or even in game instances.
    Edited by Rebooting on February 12, 2025 5:58PM
  • LadyGP
    Rebooting wrote: »
    I have also been getting a lot more issues then the usual lag and in game performance issues since this last maintenance.

    First, this last even was unplayable, it would often take me more then 30 minutes in trying to log in, when I was able to log in more issues popped up, I would often been thrown in a zone loading screen for no apparent reason, same any time I use a door or Wayshrine, then I would get disconnected due to times out session, the few times I was in game I also get a lot of lag spikes, delay, freezing and game performance issues worst then ever. There is so much delay I can't even weave even if I try slowing it down to a turtle pace, the game doesn't follow the keyboard commands, I'm down to like 28K DPS max at times.

    For the last few days, things have gone from bad to worst, example, when I tried to log in last night, as I also tried this morning, after pressing play from the launcher the loading screen was to no ends, no sound, nothing, once I input my password I came across the same issue again, no sound and endless time spent in loading screen, once logged in I chose my main character to play, again no sound from the game endless time spent in loading screen, once in game no sound from the game at all, the entire experience from there was like a bad dream, the entire game behaved choppy and unplayable like I was experiencing the game at 5 FPS,, I logged out and proceeded to repair the game like I have done to many times in the pas week.

    Before someone Strats pointing fingers at my set up, I use a 440Mbps connection tested and true, my computer is hard wired directly to the modem via ethernet, everything related to game is hard wired including my mouse and keyboard, my connection has been tested countless time, I'm the only person on this Modem connection and network period, it's my personnal gaming set up, no issues on my end. Issues start when I log Ito ESO, and only ESO, interesting coincidence.

    A lot of other people have issues but not reporting them, as they wait to see in the side lines what will come from what is being reported.

    These above issues from what I hear and read do not affect everyone, hard to say if it's related to country of origin, zones, or even in game instances.

    You might have said it and I missed it... but if you're okay with it can you give a country you play from? Curious if it is related to the above 3 people who mentioned something about NZ/Aus having issues.
  • Rebooting
    LadyGP wrote: »
    You might have said it and I missed it... but if you're okay with it can you give a country you play from? Curious if it is related to the above 3 people who mentioned something about NZ/Aus having issues.

    Canada, I'm on Rogers fiber optic internet
  • LadyGP
    Rebooting wrote: »

    Canada, I'm on Rogers fiber optic internet

    Hm... Interesting so not related to the above 3 or 4 people.

    What (if any) add-ons do you run.

    I'm starting to wonder if it might be helpful to list the add-ons users are running when they have issues. Clearly add-ons aren't the main problem here as I play with ZERO add-ons and have the issues BUT there is no denying anymore that add-ons just add to the problem.

    Wonder if there are more add-ons doing shady things like Bandits did/was.
  • Rebooting
    [quote="LadyGP;c-8266554"What (if any) add-ons do you run. [/quote]

    Already covered that one several times, I ran the game with out any AddOns for a while in an attempt to illuminate potential problematics, no change in the game performance issues, same lag spike issues, freezing etc...
  • Rebooting
    I will add,

    In the attempts in trying to figure out what the problem might be, I reached out to my service provider to test my connection (several times actually) lucky me, the last time I did it so happened that the person who took my call was one of the IT managers, I learned on that day that managers also have to take calls directly to solve issues, this was not an upscale.

    During the call, that person asked me why I was so concerned and requesting the tests, so I informed him it was related to in game performance issues, lucky me again, he says he's also a gamer so I didn't have to get into further detail, he knew what I was talking about, FPS and ping, during the call I was asked if he could have full access of my rig remotely, I agreed, needless to say, he tested the *** out of rig and connection several times over the course of the call, results where that my connection had no issues or fluctuations of any kind, in fact it was solid as can be for a gamer.

    I will specify, that although I pay for a 400Mbps line, this service provider pushes trough at least 440-450Mbps at all times to ensure I will always have a solid 400Mbps connection with out any compromise. I tested my connection again before posting the above reply and it showed 440Mbps.

    I will add, that I played WoW for years on this same rig, with ZERO issues, ZERO lag, Zero in game performance issues. I will add that I also play other games, again, with ZERO issues, ZERO lag, Zero in game performance issues.

    I have done everything I can on my end, time and time again over the years, It's not me, it's ESO.
  • LadyGP
    Rebooting wrote: »
    I will add,

    In the attempts in trying to figure out what the problem might be, I reached out to my service provider to test my connection (several times actually) lucky me, the last time I did it so happened that the person who took my call was one of the IT managers, I learned on that day that managers also have to take calls directly to solve issues, this was not an upscale.

    During the call, that person asked me why I was so concerned and requesting the tests, so I informed him it was related to in game performance issues, lucky me again, he says he's also a gamer so I didn't have to get into further detail, he knew what I was talking about, FPS and ping, during the call I was asked if he could have full access of my rig remotely, I agreed, needless to say, he tested the *** out of rig and connection several times over the course of the call, results where that my connection had no issues or fluctuations of any kind, in fact it was solid as can be for a gamer.

    I will specify, that although I pay for a 400Mbps line, this service provider pushes trough at least 440-450Mbps at all times to ensure I will always have a solid 400Mbps connection with out any compromise. I tested my connection again before posting the above reply and it showed 440Mbps.

    I will add, that I played WoW for years on this same rig, with ZERO issues, ZERO lag, Zero in game performance issues. I will add that I also play other games, again, with ZERO issues, ZERO lag, Zero in game performance issues.

    I have done everything I can on my end, time and time again over the years, It's not me, it's ESO.

    Gotcha. I understand where you are coming from. I too have had a ton of issues (just see my like...100+ posts in this thread). There is def a group of us who are getting hit with some unknown issues on the ZoS side and the sever/client just aren't in sync (rubber banding and the fast fw speed up when things catch up).

    Fingers crossed the engineers are able to identify the problem and give us an update on what is going on. But to your point... yes its not really a you problem (unless you throw add-ons on then it's just compounding the problem.

    What I've noticed is users who don't have the issue can run add-ons no problem.

    Those of us who do have this issue better never think for a second about installing an add-on or its game over for us.
  • Sootica
    Sootica wrote: »
    Since this most recent maintenance, ping has gone up about 50-100, with frequent spikes. My usual ping is 220-250 (Australia), now it is consistently 280s, going into 300-500 for many minutes at a go. I have tried 3 different computers, updated and restarted router, not working.
    What was changed during this most recent maintenance? Will this be fixed? :'(

    Edit to tag @silky_soft @MrGarlic who seem to have similar issues, exactly since this most recent maintenance Feb 10th. All 3 of us seem to play from Aus/NZ.

    When I tried a VPN, the ping was reduced from 280s to 230s for some periods, but will still have unstable periods of 300s. I never used VPN before as each time I tested them, they didn’t seem to make meaningful difference for me. This time, however, it did. This is consistent with the previous mention of additional hops that somehow appeared after the latest maintenance.

    So my question is, what changed the connecting route? @Rebooting’s report means it is unlikely related to ISP. Could zos please look into their side?
  • Rebooting
    At the risk of being booted out and locked out of my account for being up front and honest (we where warned to to be honest or else), it's time to call it for what it is.

    When it comes down to lag, or lag spikes and ping, I often find my game play at 4-5 fps with a ping in 999 red during Vet Boss fight, Vet for me is a "no joy" at this point as it's nearly impossible to predict where players or the Boss will be, or what the Boss will do during the fight, even with years of experience in this game, especially with the highly mobile Bosses, by the time I try to adjust and forecast what's going on, I often find myself dead with out knowing what really happened, other players in my Guilds are also having issues, so they brief me on the specifics of my death, we have on many occasion walked away from game time like doing trials or Dungeons due to in game performance issues, it was unplayable, Trilling!

    The rubber banding issues has lessen on my end and doesn't appear as often any more, but still, lag spikes, freezing and choppy game play at 4-5 fps with a ping in 999 red is my daily plague.

    Every time I play I have to predict what will happen by reference, knowledge, years of experience and a crystal ball to try to figure out the situation, in other words, "I play on full instinct pretty much all the time during Boss fights", it's far from being pleasant or relaxing.

    This last event was unplayable, I could rarely log in, when I did it was in the early morning, then I faced getting timed out and booted out, witch happened pretty much every time, what's the fun in that, the only up side is that I pretty much had everything that was being offered, apart from bonus XP, shish!

    According to several conversations with the outside world over the years, IT peeps witch included the IT manager who last tested my rig and connection, it all comes down to this, "poor or below par quality servers and server software", including not rebooting the servers often enough simply adds to the mess.

    I don't blame the Devs at all, in fact I feel for these people, they do what they are told, the decisions and orders come form the top, everyone needs a job and wants to keep there jobs, so they do as they are told, work with what you have, tread carefully with what you say (witch may or may not include not fully disclosing specifics), or we will find someone who will, I really feel for these people, it's one of the reasons I'm still here.

    Business 101 according to these large corporations is money comes first, as long as the Subs keep coming in, they will milk it for what ever it will yield, then move on.

    IMHO, and having played big titles like WoW for years on end, ESO had the potential to be at the top and remain at the top with long running games like WoW, what the hell went wrong, they could have made a lot more money.

    The only reason I'm still partially playing ESO these days is that I have a lot of time and money/subs invested in this game, what I built is entirely in game presence, Sub crowns etc, my primary home reflect that, I refer to it as "my journey trough Tamriel", I have put years in building this account, but my patience is wearing thin.

    Update 35 was a fiasco, so many peeps and playing partners fled, guilds folded over night, content creators where warn out, still, they did not walk it back, I lost 35k DPS on that update, issues persist, nothing seems to get addressed or fixed to ensure quality game play long term, the top people just don't get it, let alone care, gaming is a passion.
  • LadyGP
    Rebooting wrote: »
    At the risk of being booted out and locked out of my account for being up front and honest (we where warned to to be honest or else), it's time to call it for what it is.

    When it comes down to lag, or lag spikes and ping, I often find my game play at 4-5 fps with a ping in 999 red during Vet Boss fight, Vet for me is a "no joy" at this point as it's nearly impossible to predict where players or the Boss will be, or what the Boss will do during the fight, even with years of experience in this game, especially with the highly mobile Bosses, by the time I try to adjust and forecast what's going on, I often find myself dead with out knowing what really happened, other players in my Guilds are also having issues, so they brief me on the specifics of my death, we have on many occasion walked away from game time like doing trials or Dungeons due to in game performance issues, it was unplayable, Trilling!

    The rubber banding issues has lessen on my end and doesn't appear as often any more, but still, lag spikes, freezing and choppy game play at 4-5 fps with a ping in 999 red is my daily plague.

    Every time I play I have to predict what will happen by reference, knowledge, years of experience and a crystal ball to try to figure out the situation, in other words, "I play on full instinct pretty much all the time during Boss fights", it's far from being pleasant or relaxing.

    This last event was unplayable, I could rarely log in, when I did it was in the early morning, then I faced getting timed out and booted out, witch happened pretty much every time, what's the fun in that, the only up side is that I pretty much had everything that was being offered, apart from bonus XP, shish!

    According to several conversations with the outside world over the years, IT peeps witch included the IT manager who last tested my rig and connection, it all comes down to this, "poor or below par quality servers and server software", including not rebooting the servers often enough simply adds to the mess.

    I don't blame the Devs at all, in fact I feel for these people, they do what they are told, the decisions and orders come form the top, everyone needs a job and wants to keep there jobs, so they do as they are told, work with what you have, tread carefully with what you say (witch may or may not include not fully disclosing specifics), or we will find someone who will, I really feel for these people, it's one of the reasons I'm still here.

    Business 101 according to these large corporations is money comes first, as long as the Subs keep coming in, they will milk it for what ever it will yield, then move on.

    IMHO, and having played big titles like WoW for years on end, ESO had the potential to be at the top and remain at the top with long running games like WoW, what the hell went wrong, they could have made a lot more money.

    The only reason I'm still partially playing ESO these days is that I have a lot of time and money/subs invested in this game, what I built is entirely in game presence, Sub crowns etc, my primary home reflect that, I refer to it as "my journey trough Tamriel", I have put years in building this account, but my patience is wearing thin.

    Update 35 was a fiasco, so many peeps and playing partners fled, guilds folded over night, content creators where warn out, still, they did not walk it back, I lost 35k DPS on that update, issues persist, nothing seems to get addressed or fixed to ensure quality game play long term, the top people just don't get it, let alone care, gaming is a passion.

    4-5 fps even on the most outdated hardware is hard to pull off..

    I'd be curious to know your system specs, game settings, and add-ons. It's hard to guage why you're getting that bad of an experience. I get the high lag/spikes but that low of an fps... theres something deeper going on.
  • Rebooting
    Like I wrote previously, my set up and connection has been thoroughly inspected and tested several times by IT people, I got the validation and information I was looking for, I turned the page off that one.

    You right, "theres something deeper going on" it's on ESO end.
  • Sootica
    Sootica wrote: »

    When I tried a VPN, the ping was reduced from 280s to 230s for some periods, but will still have unstable periods of 300s. I never used VPN before as each time I tested them, they didn’t seem to make meaningful difference for me. This time, however, it did. This is consistent with the previous mention of additional hops that somehow appeared after the latest maintenance.

    So my question is, what changed the connecting route? @Rebooting’s report means it is unlikely related to ISP. Could zos please look into their side?

    I have now submitted a ticket, and in the process, I found ESO's diagnostic report which I ran and attached to my ticket. There is a ping test at the end of the report and mine shows it's timed out to Bethesda launcher (see below). The report also shows connections to d.akamai.net. In an earlier comment from @MrGarlic, it was mentioned that Akamai is an anti -DDoS system? I'm not familiar with the technical details, but I wonder whether the latest maintenance is affecting some users because ESO tried to have different route.

    Pinging launcher.bethesda.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
  • LadyGP
    Rebooting wrote: »
    Like I wrote previously, my set up and connection has been thoroughly inspected and tested several times by IT people, I got the validation and information I was looking for, I turned the page off that one.

    You right, "theres something deeper going on" it's on ESO end.

    I'm not doubting you or the people who have inspected your system. Before I was a software eng. I worked in IT and I've seen every situation possible. It could be absolutley possible that your in-game settings are causing an issue, or add-ons, or a memory issue... or if you have an intel cpu like I used to.,.. that could be causing the problem.

    As for the last posty ou just made yes that is their DDOS protection. TBF when that is up I just assume performance is going to be bad. For a lot of people it doesn't hurt them but I'm right on the edge latency wise so when it gets added in it's... (poop) for me.

    Lastly, not sure what that IP is... you should be doing "tracert".

    It's common to get a few timeouts from hops to hops due to how some of the echos and stuff work.
    Edited by LadyGP on February 13, 2025 12:06AM
  • silky_soft
    I've contacted my ISP, again, to see what they are able to do on their end. Even though they said it's outside their network. But will specifically try and target ESO for best routing.

    My in game ping is now over 300, from 220/240 and I've changed nothing. This mega downtime something different happened and it's full lag spiking me out. Making it impossible to even get damage off to these low ping ahk spammers in bg.
    I have no will left to help with lag until high action per minute devs play via a vpn from Asia or Oceania to NA and live stream thier experience of thier actions being declined by the server because they are out of frame.
  • LadyGP
    silky_soft wrote: »
    I've contacted my ISP, again, to see what they are able to do on their end. Even though they said it's outside their network. But will specifically try and target ESO for best routing.

    My in game ping is now over 300, from 220/240 and I've changed nothing. This mega downtime something different happened and it's full lag spiking me out. Making it impossible to even get damage off to these low ping ahk spammers in bg.

    Yeah, after doing some testing I know part of my problem is just a bad route my ISP decides to take to the DC. I didn't have any luck getting my ISP to get me in touch with one of their engineers to change the route (it's a smaller local company).

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • kmufc77b16_ESO
    This is getting extremely tiring now, logging on every night and having a ping that starts off at 60 then goes to 999+ then back to 60 and so on continuously. This is not my setup i have no issues anywhere else. What the hell is going on with these Servers ZOS? This has been going on for weeks now. Played ESO for years and ive never had this problem, there is a serious routing issue going on here or a constant attack on your servers either way this is unacceptable. Its all well posting a letter a few months back saying a DDOS attack has happened where is the update all these months later????
    Edited by kmufc77b16_ESO on February 13, 2025 8:44PM
  • Sootica
    silky_soft wrote: »
    I've contacted my ISP, again, to see what they are able to do on their end. Even though they said it's outside their network. But will specifically try and target ESO for best routing.

    My in game ping is now over 300, from 220/240 and I've changed nothing. This mega downtime something different happened and it's full lag spiking me out. Making it impossible to even get damage off to these low ping ahk spammers in bg.

    This is my exact experience. After submitting a ticket, zos suggested some generic steps, like flashing dns, opening new ports etc, none worked. The only thing that worked is using vpn to change the route. Even so, there are periods of ping spikes that last quite long. We shouldn’t always need a vpn to connect, and I hope zos bring back previous connection route.
  • kmufc77b16_ESO
    Sootica wrote: »

    This is my exact experience. After submitting a ticket, zos suggested some generic steps, like flashing dns, opening new ports etc, none worked. The only thing that worked is using vpn to change the route. Even so, there are periods of ping spikes that last quite long. We shouldn’t always need a vpn to connect, and I hope zos bring back previous connection route.

    Ive done all this, this is there problem not ours!
  • MrGarlic
    Rebooting wrote: »
    Like I wrote previously, my set up and connection has been thoroughly inspected and tested several times by IT people, I got the validation and information I was looking for, I turned the page off that one.

    You right, "theres something deeper going on" it's on ESO end.

    Sorry if this has been suggested or attempted by you previously, but I have seen this problem before and it was a relatively easy fix. (If you have already done these, I will apologise and climb back in my box)

    If I was approaching your problem as a tech, I would do the following;
    1. Re-seat your graphics card. (After updating software, which I assume you have already done anyway.)
    2. Exchange your RAM modules, swap them and then run each of them separately. Software tests on RAM are often unable to locate actual RAM failures, based on my own experiences. I don't trust software testing of RAM.

    If you have a spare old Video card laying around, swap that in and try that for a bit.

    Good luck

    As an addendum: You may have an overheating issue. If you are able, download 'Core Temp' or similar to monitor your CPU temps while you are gaming. Your OS might be throttling your CPU (or graphics drivers might be throttling your graphics card) when it gets too hot.
    Edited by MrGarlic on February 13, 2025 10:18PM
    'Sharp Arrows'Mr.Garlic
    Hidden by darkness, a shadow in the night,A sped arrow dissecting the gloom,Finding it's target, such delight.
  • LadyGP
    MrGarlic wrote: »

    Sorry if this has been suggested or attempted by you previously, but I have seen this problem before and it was a relatively easy fix. (If you have already done these, I will apologise and climb back in my box)

    If I was approaching your problem as a tech, I would do the following;
    1. Re-seat your graphics card. (After updating software, which I assume you have already done anyway.)
    2. Exchange your RAM modules, swap them and then run each of them separately. Software tests on RAM are often unable to locate actual RAM failures, based on my own experiences. I don't trust software testing of RAM.

    If you have a spare old Video card laying around, swap that in and try that for a bit.

    Good luck

    As an addendum: You may have an overheating issue. If you are able, download 'Core Temp' or similar to monitor your CPU temps while you are gaming. Your OS might be throttling your CPU (or graphics drivers might be throttling your graphics card) when it gets too hot.

    This is kind of what I was thinking too. There is something... deeper...going on. Like yes ZoS has issues but... not like that.
  • redeyedclyde
    This is kind of nuts.

    There are enough people around the globe on varying platforms that are experiencing the same issues, and yet the conversation keeps going back to the basic local hardware troubleshooting that in most cases has already been done several times, as the prophecy dictates.

    For the Xbox and PSN users who have already run the checklist multiple times, reinstalled, switched consoles, even switched connections and geographic locations; should they de-solder and re-solder the APU?

    Forgive me if I sound a little short here, but having the same problem suddenly occur at the same time to a few hundred, a few thousand maybe, possibly more, players on different platforms; for that to be caused by a local issue... I can't even begin to calculate the odds. We're talking astronomical odds here, like DSP being fiscally responsible or getting a regular job level of unlikely.

    Edited by redeyedclyde on February 14, 2025 3:07AM
    If it was working, we wouldn't be here.
  • madman65
    Lag is VERY bad in Reaper`s March, I actually stop playing for the night.
  • LadyGP
    This is kind of nuts.

    There are enough people around the globe on varying platforms that are experiencing the same issues, and yet the conversation keeps going back to the basic local hardware troubleshooting that in most cases has already been done several times, as the prophecy dictates.

    For the Xbox and PSN users who have already run the checklist multiple times, reinstalled, switched consoles, even switched connections and geographic locations; should they de-solder and re-solder the APU?

    Forgive me if I sound a little short here, but having the same problem suddenly occur at the same time to a few hundred, a few thousand maybe, possibly more, players on different platforms; for that to be caused by a local issue... I can't even begin to calculate the odds. We're talking astronomical odds here, like DSP being fiscally responsible or getting a regular job level of unlikely.

    I guess I phrased what I was trying to say poorly in my above post.

    Like, we know there is an underlying issues with ESO for... idk 30% of us? There is clearly something there... we get that.

    What I am saying is... that person having the typical issues but then on top of that all the additional stuff they threw in... like 3 fps... to me screams like a CPU over heating as well. The stuff they described doesn't sound like the well documented ESO issue we have here... is what I'm saying.

    Multiple things can be going on at the same time. I have an absolute beast of a system and my network is industrial style hardware (I have a CCNA)... I know for a fact the issue I am having isn't because of my stuff. At a minimum it's an issue between my ISP and ESO DC and then ESO being able to handle the blips.

    Sorry.. this thread is like... 120 pages or something... it's hard when new people come in to get the perspective of what we all are saying without reading our last 50 posts or something we put in here.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Still not fixed?

  • redeyedclyde
    LadyGP wrote: »

    I guess I phrased what I was trying to say poorly in my above post.

    Sorry.. this thread is like... 120 pages or something... it's hard when new people come in to get the perspective of what we all are saying without reading our last 50 posts or something we put in here.

    No, no. You're good. I guess I didn't phrase it so well. This was more a 'look up and curse the sky' comment, not directed at any of the users.

    As you say, there's 120 pages of historical and current discussion over the subject, some of the periods covered I remember being affected and the fix was waiting for the next maintenance period and not to on the client end.

    I suppose running local tests and tinkering with hardware gives us something to do while we wait, so yeah that's something.

    If it was working, we wouldn't be here.
  • LadyGP
    Edited by LadyGP on February 14, 2025 3:24PM
  • Jestertoo
    I just figured out yesterday my Lenovo laptop was running on the built in intel ARC card , not the nvidia mobile chip.
    You have to tell windows to select the nvidia because the intel is the default.
    FPS jumped from 20 to 50fps 4k with a 60hz refresh.

    Just a heads up if this might be a similar situation.
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