Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Maintenance extention

  • Tra_Lalan
    I mean is it that hard to inform us sooner about the extension? Or is the +4hours something that came up on the last minute of scheduled time?
  • Concrete
    Don't really care about the event (is meh prizes), or the tickets (already have 12).

    I'm a bit concerned about losing the daily log in reward though.
  • Melissa1414
  • Anifaas
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    You must not have played WoW in the 2000's.

    That was 2 decades ago. Blizzard's maintenance has been mostly smooth and predictable since Cataclysm in 2010, 5 years after the game launched. How old is ESO?
  • robwolf666
    Oh, so this is why I can't log on, glad I came and had a look before just moaning about it.
    Back to YT for a bit then...
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    Why they do not extent it aerlier rather than the last minute :(

    they dont know its going to take longer until they know its going to take longer
  • dragonlord500
    Looks like Zos needs to hire more developers to do the correct time of maintenance.
    Guild master of Darkness of Sanguinaris. Birthday is December 4th.
  • LouisaB75
    Bye bye Mizzi Thunderboots - shouldn't have been ill at the beginning of the month I guess. Don't really care about the exent, but it's not much of an extension for those of us in the EU is it?

    Aw, that is so awful to miss out on that. I was trying to remember what the final day of the month offers but to miss out on the houseguest is just wrong. I am so sorry for you and hope you are at least feeling better now.

    I am just going to miss out on event tickets today and probably tomorrow since I will be working until after the event is over, unless I am able to quickly hop into the game at lunchtime tomorrow.

    This length of maintenance is dreadful, it is the entire day. I should have logged in at 6am this morning before work but I was a good girl and did my exercises like normal instead of playing the game. I should have been naughty and skived off to play instead.

    If I were you I would put in a ticket and see if they say anything about it. To miss out on the best freebie gift of the month because of their maintenance is really unfair.
  • TaSheen
    Anifaas wrote: »
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    You must not have played WoW in the 2000's.

    That was 2 decades ago. Blizzard's maintenance has been mostly smooth and predictable since Cataclysm in 2010, 5 years after the game launched. How old is ESO?

    I can remember lengthy maintenances after Cata dropped.

    The one thing I wish ZOS would do that Blizzard did is put the patches up with links a few days ahead. I really hate messing with the launcher on the day of a patch; just let me download from a link without extra crap in between, and spread it over a couple of freebie sessions (i'm on satellite, with free bonus time between 2 am and 8 am - it would be REALLY nice if I didn't have to use not-free data to download large patches).

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • EmEm_Oh
    Non-Patch maintenance tends to be an unpredictable situation.

    However, I'm sure most of you have not completed all your Merlin Trials. Go finish those. :)
  • TaSheen
    What's "Merlin Trials"?

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Grendalism

    Perhaps as a compensation for those that have been significantly affected (I.e. effectively missing a day’s login/play), allow todays daily gift to be accessible tomorrow (as well as tomorrow’s).

    Oh, and a free 2x event ticket for all wouldn’t go amiss.
    Building stuff on EU-PS4 since 2015
  • Ragged_Claw
    LouisaB75 wrote: »
    Bye bye Mizzi Thunderboots - shouldn't have been ill at the beginning of the month I guess. Don't really care about the exent, but it's not much of an extension for those of us in the EU is it?

    Aw, that is so awful to miss out on that. I was trying to remember what the final day of the month offers but to miss out on the houseguest is just wrong. I am so sorry for you and hope you are at least feeling better now.

    I am just going to miss out on event tickets today and probably tomorrow since I will be working until after the event is over, unless I am able to quickly hop into the game at lunchtime tomorrow.

    This length of maintenance is dreadful, it is the entire day. I should have logged in at 6am this morning before work but I was a good girl and did my exercises like normal instead of playing the game. I should have been naughty and skived off to play instead.

    If I were you I would put in a ticket and see if they say anything about it. To miss out on the best freebie gift of the month because of their maintenance is really unfair.

    Aww thanks for your kind words! I hadn't thought about putting in a ticket, it's definitely worth a try.
    PC EU & NA
  • Schneckor
    Soul Shriven
    What a way to pervert daylies or dayly rewards 😔
  • Brakkish
    These times help me prepare; for when the day comes servers are down for good.

    Built in practice. Thank you ZOS!
    CP2332 +3100 hrs spent in BGs. US PS5 - Nine PVP Tanks - toons named variations of "Combat Medic" I like long walks on the beach. What's PVE?
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    Schneckor wrote: »
    What a way to pervert daylies or dayly rewards 😔

    that is a weird accusation.
  • BergisMacBride
    Another extended downtime for ZOS, color me shocked.

    Guess I’ll just play more GW2 today since that game almost never goes down (last time in NA was 2016, lol).

    GW2 has some issues like all MMOs, but their backend structure and processes set the standard by which all other MMOs should be judged, IMO.
  • Sikon
    In other MMOs you could refund your money for stuff like this...
    "Both light and shadow can be deadly, though only one chases the other.""Eyes open and walk with the shadows."
  • Major_Soulless
    im sorry but 14 hours is ridiculous and thats before we even get into the lack of communcation as per usual.

    replacing the servers on eu didnt take this long for the record.
    This is ridicolus...

    After such long downtime of the game Zos really need to show us paying players what is going on in these maintenance.

    I have never and will probably never play a game with these long down times during maintenance, ESO is one of a kind.

    I play games where they doing maintenance while game is still online and playable.
  • duagloth
    Lol . first time for all of you?
    Edited by duagloth on November 28, 2023 7:49PM
  • Major_Soulless
    duagloth wrote: »
    Lol . first time for all of you?

    Wish it was so i can quit but i have too much time invested to do so now
  • Drammanoth
    Okay, this is long.

    I will however, say that ZOS has at least prolonged the Gates of Oblivion - which might not have happened like... EVER.

    Before it was "have some maintenance. Oh, it's prolonged. Ah well."

    This time they have actually shown good will.

    Don't kill me - as much as I am willing to point ZOS' flaws, everyone deserves to be given their due.

    That said, let ZOS do their job and we'll occupy ourselves with other things.
    My wishlist for ESO
    >>weapons: Polearms, Unarmed, Crossbow

    >>Sorc's Twilight - perched animation

    >>a skill line - a guild having this - to enable us to increase % gold gain for donating Ornate gear (another gold sink in order to gain more pennies - but over time it would pay off)

    II.Overland Mechanics
    >>new skill lines - Adventure (enable climbing, increase flora and fauna harvesting chances)

    >>tree climing in Grahtwood / Malabal Tor / Greenshade, etc. (with tall trees)

    >>rock climbing in Glenumbra / Rivenspire / Stonefalls, etc. (with tall peaks)

    >>restoration of destroyed cities, eg. Satakalaam, Aswala, Gil-Var-Delle, etc. Making them permanently restored, maybe with some traders OR minor quest hubs.

    >>a way to make Overland more challenging - for those who want

    III.CP 2.0
    >>Craft Tree development -->

    >>a mount OF CHOICE (eg. horse, senche, quasigryph) for every 1200 CP in respective colours
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to gold gain from every source for 900 CP collected on Craft
    >> a permanent 5% attack / defence bonus for 900 CP collected on Warfare
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to health/stam/mag regen and 5% health/stam/mag increase for 900 CP on Fitness

    III.Replayable content in overland
    >>dynamic pocket rifts to Oblivion - eg. to Vaermina's in Stormhaven, Boethiah's in Deshaan, Hircine's in the Rift OR in Bankgorai, etc. to get Daedric Sets relevant to the Prince, something like Oblivion rifts in Blackwood / the Deadlands

    >>Pyandonea - we had some quests WITH Maormer (Summerset, High Isle) - maybe we could meet them there? Poke poke, nudge nudge, wink wink, eh ZOS?

    >>Norg-Tzel - for Mara's sake, ZOS, REMOVE it from the list please!


    >>story mode for dungeons - sometimes I don't want to do a dungeon quest with sprinters. They will rush from boss to boss and leave without saying a thing. I'd love to enjoy the time, even though I've done a dungeon many times

    (the ideas are also inspired by other Forum Users' posts)
    >>possibility to research traits on Companions' equipment so that we could change the traits

    >>pet battles! We collect SO MANY pets, and yet they are just a cosmetic. What a HUGE potential lies within those tiny beats!

    >>ASOC - a new server in Asia and Oceania. If people have a bad ping there, it would be great if they had a server reaching their places more easily. And hey, it would make THREE servers, not two.

    >>highlighting WBs that are being engaged

    >>possibility to dye barding

    >>possibility to switch UI between guild bank<-->bank<-->guild trader

    >>display the dialogue options so that we can see which answer the NPC is reacting to
  • robwolf666
    Grendalism wrote: »

    Perhaps as a compensation for those that have been significantly affected (I.e. effectively missing a day’s login/play), allow todays daily gift to be accessible tomorrow (as well as tomorrow’s).

    Oh, and a free 2x event ticket for all wouldn’t go amiss.

    Seriously? You want compensation for free stuff? 🤨
  • Idinuse
    AriokoSan wrote: »
    11pm 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    And the one day in the work week I'm free. Bad luck. Just SMH. Other companies do maintenance and even patches with the servers running, but it is what it is. I didn't sink thousands of dollars into a company's product for nothing, right? I mean one would take this from any producer, manufacturer or provider too amiright.
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Nebs
    I realize ESO doesn't have a currency that would be universally desired by players like other online games, but other online games will often compensate players for extended server maintenance times.

    There's plenty of options for the dev team to use through, or maybe even a collection of things like Seals of Endeavor, Transmute Geodes, or even things like XP scrolls. A lot of players won't be just missing out on the event, but their daily check-in, too.

    I think a lot of people could use some goodwill right now. It costs nothing to compensate players.
  • Warhawke_80
    I've been spending the day watching cheesy fantasy movies....I mean it beats losing your mind because you can't log in....
    ““Elric knew. The sword told him, without words of any sort. Stormbringer needed to fight, for that was its reason for existence...”― Michael Moorcock, Elric of Melniboné
  • daim
    Cool. It was my last day of ESO+ today.
    And I mean literally as I just ran out.
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • ghost_bg_ESO
    my ticket is on >> in-game support >> item issues >> missing item - Daily reward+
  • Lexalious
    don't care one bit about dailies or event or rewards. i just wanted to play the game but i am told i can't. much sad
This discussion has been closed.