Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Columbine prices are getting out of hand.

  • StaticWave
    There are 2 types of people who don't run out of columbine:

    1) People who don't participate a lot in PvP content
    2) People who don't play tanks

    If you don't fall into those 2 categories and still don't run out of columbine, then you aren't participating enough. I can burn through a stack of tri-pots in 2 hours of PvP or 2 hours of tanking (depending on how much I die).

    I think @gariondavey and a few more people suggested purchasable tri-pots with AP, and that's a fantastic idea tbh.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Turtle_Bot
    Yeah, PvP burns through an insane amount of tri-pots. Only times I wasn't struggling for those was when I took a break to concentrate on my studies so just collected daily log in (maybe a writ or 2) and after I do a long farming run around my farming spot that takes hours to collect enough materials for a few days of play.

    Of the couple thousand I built up from that time off, they lasted me all of about a week (maybe 10 days) as I was getting back into it.

    I don't do much tanking in terms of end game PvE (trials/vet dungeons), but even as a healer/dps I will run through a fair few pots each run to ensure I have enough resources to keep the group alive or when I inevitably have to tank as well since the tank usually ends up being another DD (pug groups especially).

    Tri-pots being purchasable with AP would be amazing, I could PvP and go and purchase another stack after a few hours and continue on playing. Like most PvPers I would likely still need to buy some from guild stores or do a small farming run to top up what I need, but it would be nowhere near as much as what is required currently.
  • SeaGtGruff
    With regard to style materials, while a lot of players do like to use the outfit system, it costs gold to apply an outfit style to each piece of gear, whereas crafting gear in specific styles eliminates the need to spend gold on outfit styles. Also, you can't apply an outfit style that you haven't learned yet, whereas you can request a crafter to create gear for you in styles you haven't learned yet. So style materials do continue to have some usefulness, even style materials that aren't required for crafting specific pieces of furnishings.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • AstroST
    OP asks for a thing because of his playstyle.
    People answer, I don't need it, I have so much of them, because of their playstile.

    I often don't understand people logic.
    Totally my fault I must admit.
  • Xandreia_
    AstroST wrote: »
    OP asks for a thing because of his playstyle.
    People answer, I don't need it, I have so much of them, because of their playstile.

    I often don't understand people logic.
    Totally my fault I must admit.

    Also the "just pick it up off the floor" never thought of that...
    StaticWave wrote: »
    There are 2 types of people who don't run out of columbine:

    1) People who don't participate a lot in PvP content
    2) People who don't play tanks

    If you don't fall into those 2 categories and still don't run out of columbine, then you aren't participating enough. I can burn through a stack of tri-pots in 2 hours of PvP or 2 hours of tanking (depending on how much I die).

    I think @gariondavey and a few more people suggested purchasable tri-pots with AP, and that's a fantastic idea tbh.

    I dont participate in pvp much except for a random bg and I dont play pve tank much but I use Tri pots alot on all my chars except for my stamsorc where I use weapon crit pots.

    I cant understand why people think all pots should be purchasable with a pvp currency and pve players that burn pots need to buy with gold?

    Why are some motifs and craft mats bought with pvp currency? Idk but if I want them I buy them with gold from pvpers and I dont complain about it.
  • Braffin
    XSTRONG wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    There are 2 types of people who don't run out of columbine:

    1) People who don't participate a lot in PvP content
    2) People who don't play tanks

    If you don't fall into those 2 categories and still don't run out of columbine, then you aren't participating enough. I can burn through a stack of tri-pots in 2 hours of PvP or 2 hours of tanking (depending on how much I die).

    I think @gariondavey and a few more people suggested purchasable tri-pots with AP, and that's a fantastic idea tbh.

    I dont participate in pvp much except for a random bg and I dont play pve tank much but I use Tri pots alot on all my chars except for my stamsorc where I use weapon crit pots.

    I cant understand why people think all pots should be purchasable with a pvp currency and pve players that burn pots need to buy with gold?

    Why are some motifs and craft mats bought with pvp currency? Idk but if I want them I buy them with gold from pvpers and I dont complain about it.

    Well, you buy a motif once per character but need a constant supply of mats for your consumables. Not that hard to figure the difference, isn't it?

    Btw, OP asked for an addition based on his experience as PvPer. Nobody is against adding the very same potions to NPC vendors, so also PvEers would be able to buy the stuff they need for their playstyle cheap.

    ZOS already intervened several times to lower market prices to make stuff more obtainable over the years. I see no reason not to adjust the price of columbine.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • StaticWave
    XSTRONG wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    There are 2 types of people who don't run out of columbine:

    1) People who don't participate a lot in PvP content
    2) People who don't play tanks

    If you don't fall into those 2 categories and still don't run out of columbine, then you aren't participating enough. I can burn through a stack of tri-pots in 2 hours of PvP or 2 hours of tanking (depending on how much I die).

    I think @gariondavey and a few more people suggested purchasable tri-pots with AP, and that's a fantastic idea tbh.

    I dont participate in pvp much except for a random bg and I dont play pve tank much but I use Tri pots alot on all my chars except for my stamsorc where I use weapon crit pots.

    I cant understand why people think all pots should be purchasable with a pvp currency and pve players that burn pots need to buy with gold?

    Why are some motifs and craft mats bought with pvp currency? Idk but if I want them I buy them with gold from pvpers and I dont complain about it.

    Truthfully, with the lack of content & QoL changes for PvP in the past few years, I don't think it hurts to throw a bone at PvPers and allow them to purchase tri-pots with their hard earned AP.

    There are many veteran PvPers like me who already participated in all sorts of PvE content out of necessity (farming gear or unlocking a title), and we would really appreciate it if we could just spend more of our free time doing activities we love, which is PvP, instead of wasting hours a day farming for mats only to burn through them in less than 2 hours lol.

    I've been able to sustain my potion reserve by using AP to buy stacks of Alliance Spell Draught and selling them to PvErs. I think it's fair that we ask for Alliance Tri pots so that we can continue doing what we love doing.

    Also, buying PvP motifs is a lot different than buying potions. You only have to buy a motif once, but you will have to constantly buy potions. Try fighting people in BGs for 2 hours and see just how fast you use up your potions lol.
    Edited by StaticWave on October 9, 2023 8:40AM
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Sheezabeast
    Letting you buy tripots with AP is a win-win, some pvpers are sitting on huge mountains of AP and would sell those potions for income. You'd see them on guild traders! Everyone benefits from it.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Paralyse
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • gariondavey
    I have been summoned!
    Yes, please add tri-restoration pots for AP!
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Turtle_Bot
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    Except you can, well not the loot boxes themselves, but you can buy everything that drops from them for gold in guild stores.
  • Paralyse
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    Except you can, well not the loot boxes themselves, but you can buy everything that drops from them for gold in guild stores.

    Correct, just as PvP players can buy crafted tripots for gold on guild stores.
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • Turtle_Bot
    Except you only need to buy the gear pieces or style pages once since they get added to your collections, while the pots are an ongoing cost that never ends.

    Like I said before, majority of PvPers would still be buying ingredients and pots from guild stores or doing farming runs, and the same would be true to PvE tanks as well, it just partially alleviates that constant ongoing cost that is forcing others to spend more time playing parts of the game they don't like just to have what they need to play the parts of the game they do like.
  • ApoAlaia
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    Edited by ApoAlaia on October 10, 2023 8:31AM
  • Braffin
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    1) They already intervene across the board. Never witnessed one of the countless nerfs to "lower the ceiling and raise the floor" within the last 10 years, so that more players may participate in endgame-content? There isn't a single reason, why they should leave out a single part of the game (namely trading), while "balancing" every other aspect.

    2) There is, as said before, a difference between consumables and almost every other item one may buy at a guild trader: While every other item has to be obtained once (think of monster helmets out of vet dungeons for example) to have access to it, consumables enforce a steady and ongoing supply to be used. How would you feel, if your monster helmet were destroyed automatically after a certain amount of time (let's say 100 fights) and has to be farmed again? That's exactly the situation of players, which are in dire need of columbine. There is in fact a difference between a limited grind and an endless one.
    Edited by Braffin on October 10, 2023 9:07AM
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • spartaxoxo
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    I disagree. There should be great rewards in all content. This incentivizes people to try new things and makes each activity feel fun and rewarding to the people who like it. A natural byproduct of this is that sometimes people will feel compelled to play content they don't enjoy for the sole purpose of getting the reward. When that happens, there are some things that should be taken into consideration about whether or not there should be any intervention, in my opinion.

    1) Is the amount of time they'd need to spend reasonable for the difficulty of the content itself?

    2) Are the things they want essential to basic gameplay or purely cosmetic?

    3) Is incentivizing players in this manner necessary to maintaining the health of the activity?

    The tripots have unsatisfactory answers for all three of those questions. Because they are consumable, they can't spend a reasonably short amount of time getting it and then never look back. It's an ongoing process. They are essential to basic gameplay and not merely cosmetic. And their current scarcity is not necessary to maintaining the health of picking mats.

    So, they definitely should intervene in this case, imo.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on October 10, 2023 9:41AM
  • Galeriano
    XSTRONG wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    There are 2 types of people who don't run out of columbine:

    1) People who don't participate a lot in PvP content
    2) People who don't play tanks

    If you don't fall into those 2 categories and still don't run out of columbine, then you aren't participating enough. I can burn through a stack of tri-pots in 2 hours of PvP or 2 hours of tanking (depending on how much I die).

    I think @gariondavey and a few more people suggested purchasable tri-pots with AP, and that's a fantastic idea tbh.

    I dont participate in pvp much except for a random bg and I dont play pve tank much but I use Tri pots alot on all my chars except for my stamsorc where I use weapon crit pots.

    I cant understand why people think all pots should be purchasable with a pvp currency and pve players that burn pots need to buy with gold?

    Why are some motifs and craft mats bought with pvp currency? Idk but if I want them I buy them with gold from pvpers and I dont complain about it.

    "Alot" have a different meaning for different people. There are people who use 600 tripots per day and they will say it's not alot and there are people who use that amount per month ad say it's alot.

    Nobody said all pots should be purchasable with AP, discussion was only about tristat potions. And this method was proposed only because when corn flower price in the past got out of hand, creating spell power pots purchasable with AP perfectly solved that issue. That method was only brought up as an example but for some reason it trigerred some people into focusing only on it and turning large part of the thread into some wierd PvE vs PvP battle.

    It's like asking why are some sets, motifs, collectibles etc PvE exclusive and force people into running PvE even if they don't want to. I think if prices of certain PvP items would suddenly start increase tenfold some people would start complaining.
    Edited by Galeriano on October 10, 2023 12:18PM
  • Four_Fingers
    Current price for existing ap pots is 720 ap per pot.
    So 600 pots would be 432,000 ap which for someone who regularly plays PvP would be no problem.
    But unless you offer for gold as well, I can just see the posts from PvE only players objecting now.
  • Tieberion
    Can I toss in the newbie question here? I know it's a harvestable resource, but uis there a certain potion or drink that makes it so expensive right now?
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Tieberion wrote: »
    Can I toss in the newbie question here? I know it's a harvestable resource, but uis there a certain potion or drink that makes it so expensive right now?

    They're used more useful things compared to most other alchemy plants, for ex. in desirable potions like tri-stat restore potions, immovability stealth detection potions as well as desirable food recipes like bewitched sugar skulls.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • Galeriano
    Tieberion wrote: »
    Can I toss in the newbie question here? I know it's a harvestable resource, but uis there a certain potion or drink that makes it so expensive right now?

    I would say columbine got more expensive due to multiple factors one of the more important ones being hybrydisation which pushed people more into effectively using both resources and You cannot make a potion that restores magicka and stamina without columbine atm.
    Edited by Galeriano on October 10, 2023 1:00PM
  • ApoAlaia
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    I disagree. There should be great rewards in all content. This incentivizes people to try new things and makes each activity feel fun and rewarding to the people who like it. A natural byproduct of this is that sometimes people will feel compelled to play content they don't enjoy for the sole purpose of getting the reward. When that happens, there are some things that should be taken into consideration about whether or not there should be any intervention, in my opinion.

    1) Is the amount of time they'd need to spend reasonable for the difficulty of the content itself?

    2) Are the things they want essential to basic gameplay or purely cosmetic?

    3) Is incentivizing players in this manner necessary to maintaining the health of the activity?

    The tripots have unsatisfactory answers for all three of those questions. Because they are consumable, they can't spend a reasonably short amount of time getting it and then never look back. It's an ongoing process. They are essential to basic gameplay and not merely cosmetic. And their current scarcity is not necessary to maintaining the health of picking mats.

    So, they definitely should intervene in this case, imo.

    Under that premise at the very least Hakeijo should be made available for gold too.

    Quid pro quo.

    Those who farm tel var set the price for it and it has gotten out of hand so is nigh time something is done about it (in other words it sells for the highest price people are prepared to pay for it, same as everything else that is tradeable).

    Alternatively as people are asking for tri-pots being for sale rather than columbine then prismatic glyphs (which are still consumables and are still essential for gameplay) instead of Hakeijo.

    Otherwise is just devaluing an activity (engaging on daily writs) just because some people refuse to engage with it yet still feel entitled to set the going rates for things.

    Edited by ApoAlaia on October 10, 2023 1:17PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Tieberion wrote: »
    Can I toss in the newbie question here? I know it's a harvestable resource, but uis there a certain potion or drink that makes it so expensive right now?

    Bewitched Sugar Skulls
    Tri-restoration Potion
    Heroism Potion
    Edited by spartaxoxo on October 10, 2023 1:08PM
  • spartaxoxo
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    I disagree. There should be great rewards in all content. This incentivizes people to try new things and makes each activity feel fun and rewarding to the people who like it. A natural byproduct of this is that sometimes people will feel compelled to play content they don't enjoy for the sole purpose of getting the reward. When that happens, there are some things that should be taken into consideration about whether or not there should be any intervention, in my opinion.

    1) Is the amount of time they'd need to spend reasonable for the difficulty of the content itself?

    2) Are the things they want essential to basic gameplay or purely cosmetic?

    3) Is incentivizing players in this manner necessary to maintaining the health of the activity?

    The tripots have unsatisfactory answers for all three of those questions. Because they are consumable, they can't spend a reasonably short amount of time getting it and then never look back. It's an ongoing process. They are essential to basic gameplay and not merely cosmetic. And their current scarcity is not necessary to maintaining the health of picking mats.

    So, they definitely should intervene in this case, imo.

    Under that premise at the very least Hakeijo should be made available for gold too.

    Quid pro quo.

    Those who farm tel var set the price for it and it has gotten out of hand so is nigh time something is done about it (in other words it sells for the highest price people are prepared to pay for it, same as everything else that is tradeable).

    Otherwise is just devaluing an activity (engaging on daily writs) just because some people refuse to engage with it.

    No, because Hakeijo is necessary to the health of Imperial City. So much so they actually removed it from Wrothgar. Daily writs would still be valuable regardless of Columbine price. Hakeijo is one of the only reasons to bother with IC anymore.

    The closest equivalent is the way transmutes used to only be reasonably available to Cyrodiil, and then they added it to the Random Dungeons.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on October 10, 2023 1:16PM
  • ApoAlaia
    Braffin wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    1) They already intervene across the board. Never witnessed one of the countless nerfs to "lower the ceiling and raise the floor" within the last 10 years, so that more players may participate in endgame-content? There isn't a single reason, why they should leave out a single part of the game (namely trading), while "balancing" every other aspect.

    2) There is, as said before, a difference between consumables and almost every other item one may buy at a guild trader: While every other item has to be obtained once (think of monster helmets out of vet dungeons for example) to have access to it, consumables enforce a steady and ongoing supply to be used. How would you feel, if your monster helmet were destroyed automatically after a certain amount of time (let's say 100 fights) and has to be farmed again? That's exactly the situation of players, which are in dire need of columbine. There is in fact a difference between a limited grind and an endless one.

    Nothing stops a player from engaging on the 'endless grind'. is not limited to some players, is available to all.

    My playing day consists on two hours of doing daily writs, picking up surveys and stocking the trader(s) then other stuff can happen.

    If a player wants to skip the first couple of hours and focus on the 'other stuff' that's fine too, they just have to be prepared to pay for the privilege of being exempt from the 'endless grind'.
  • ApoAlaia
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    I disagree. There should be great rewards in all content. This incentivizes people to try new things and makes each activity feel fun and rewarding to the people who like it. A natural byproduct of this is that sometimes people will feel compelled to play content they don't enjoy for the sole purpose of getting the reward. When that happens, there are some things that should be taken into consideration about whether or not there should be any intervention, in my opinion.

    1) Is the amount of time they'd need to spend reasonable for the difficulty of the content itself?

    2) Are the things they want essential to basic gameplay or purely cosmetic?

    3) Is incentivizing players in this manner necessary to maintaining the health of the activity?

    The tripots have unsatisfactory answers for all three of those questions. Because they are consumable, they can't spend a reasonably short amount of time getting it and then never look back. It's an ongoing process. They are essential to basic gameplay and not merely cosmetic. And their current scarcity is not necessary to maintaining the health of picking mats.

    So, they definitely should intervene in this case, imo.

    Under that premise at the very least Hakeijo should be made available for gold too.

    Quid pro quo.

    Those who farm tel var set the price for it and it has gotten out of hand so is nigh time something is done about it (in other words it sells for the highest price people are prepared to pay for it, same as everything else that is tradeable).

    Otherwise is just devaluing an activity (engaging on daily writs) just because some people refuse to engage with it.

    No, because Hakeijo is necessary to the health of Imperial City. So much so they actually removed it from Wrothgar. Daily writs would still be valuable regardless of Columbine price. Hakeijo is one of the only reasons to bother with IC anymore.

    The closest equivalent is the way transmutes used to only be reasonably available to Cyrodiil, and then they added it to the Random Dungeons.

    They removed it from Wrothgar because it was never intended to drop from heavy sacks in that zone.

    it was a bug and eventually they fixed it. Nothing to do with the economy of any given zone.

    IC also has the gear coffers that can be significantly more profitable than hakeijo.

    Transmutes cannot be traded so is not in any way an equivalent. People still have to farm their own transmutes, and Cyro remains by far the most efficient way to do so, more so if one wants to store transmutes (50 per geode vs 10) because of not having ESO+ for instance (500 limit).
  • sarahthes
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    1) They already intervene across the board. Never witnessed one of the countless nerfs to "lower the ceiling and raise the floor" within the last 10 years, so that more players may participate in endgame-content? There isn't a single reason, why they should leave out a single part of the game (namely trading), while "balancing" every other aspect.

    2) There is, as said before, a difference between consumables and almost every other item one may buy at a guild trader: While every other item has to be obtained once (think of monster helmets out of vet dungeons for example) to have access to it, consumables enforce a steady and ongoing supply to be used. How would you feel, if your monster helmet were destroyed automatically after a certain amount of time (let's say 100 fights) and has to be farmed again? That's exactly the situation of players, which are in dire need of columbine. There is in fact a difference between a limited grind and an endless one.

    Nothing stops a player from engaging on the 'endless grind'. is not limited to some players, is available to all.

    My playing day consists on two hours of doing daily writs, picking up surveys and stocking the trader(s) then other stuff can happen.

    If a player wants to skip the first couple of hours and focus on the 'other stuff' that's fine too, they just have to be prepared to pay for the privilege of being exempt from the 'endless grind'.

    I do writs on 19 characters almost every day, and farm in what free time I have outside of that. I still cannot keep up with my own columbine use.

    I would love if AP tripots became available. I'd probably spend a lot more time in cyrodiil.
  • Braffin
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    1) They already intervene across the board. Never witnessed one of the countless nerfs to "lower the ceiling and raise the floor" within the last 10 years, so that more players may participate in endgame-content? There isn't a single reason, why they should leave out a single part of the game (namely trading), while "balancing" every other aspect.

    2) There is, as said before, a difference between consumables and almost every other item one may buy at a guild trader: While every other item has to be obtained once (think of monster helmets out of vet dungeons for example) to have access to it, consumables enforce a steady and ongoing supply to be used. How would you feel, if your monster helmet were destroyed automatically after a certain amount of time (let's say 100 fights) and has to be farmed again? That's exactly the situation of players, which are in dire need of columbine. There is in fact a difference between a limited grind and an endless one.

    Nothing stops a player from engaging on the 'endless grind'. is not limited to some players, is available to all.

    My playing day consists on two hours of doing daily writs, picking up surveys and stocking the trader(s) then other stuff can happen.

    If a player wants to skip the first couple of hours and focus on the 'other stuff' that's fine too, they just have to be prepared to pay for the privilege of being exempt from the 'endless grind'.

    If the described playstyle suits you and you get your fun out of it, that's fine.

    Nonetheless a lot of other players (namely PvPers and tanks) currently struggle with playing the game how they want, because a single basic ingredient of the needed potions got dominant above all others due to (halfway-abandoned) hybridization and the following changes to potion-meta.

    Last time that happened with corn flowers (around 2017, if I remember correctly) ZoS reacted by inventing alchemy satchels to IC vendors. I expect a similar approach this time.

    Besides that I don't see, how farming mats or doing daily writs would be affected by this change. Farming would be the very same as before, especially if I decide not to interact with the trading system. And daily writs could even yield an alternative solution for the problem at hand, for example by adjusting the amount of columbine given by them. As far as trading goes, nothing would change either: You're free to sell all tradeable items for the highest price possible.

    Sure, the best solution would be an overhaul of the entire alchemy craft, but something like that can't be done quick. Meanwhile our best option is to make those potions buyable through AP/gold/Tel-Var/EA-currency.

    If you think any other of the game's systems would be even affected by this change, then plz show me how, because I don't see it.

    Sounds more like "I can't have my things, so you shall not get yours." tbh.
    Edited by Braffin on October 10, 2023 2:04PM
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • ApoAlaia
    Braffin wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    Paralyse wrote: »
    PvP players buying tripots for AP? No argument from me. I don't think this is a problem.

    So why won't ZOS let me buy AP loot boxes for gold? I don't PvP much anymore, but if I want AP loot boxes, I need to go to Cyro and farm AP.

    The last thing I want ZOS to do is directly interfere in the market via price fixing schemes to artificially lower or raise the prices of certain mats, especially when done only to please a certain segment of the player base. This is a very slippery slope and can cause major damage to the game's economy if done haphazardly.

    They're already doing this with Chromium Grains and Chromium Platings, and even that is a change which they state was done only after a lot of thinking and much discussion internally due to the large impact it will have on the game's economy with regards to the relative value of JC mats.

    Artificial price caps or manipulation of spawn rates will discourage both farmers and sellers, and with Crown gifting disabled, the last thing players need right now is to have yet another sustainable and reliable source of gold income taken away from them.


    Compelling players to engage with activities that they do not enjoy is always going to be a source of friction, if they are to 'intervene' in order to reduce friction then do it across the board.

    1) They already intervene across the board. Never witnessed one of the countless nerfs to "lower the ceiling and raise the floor" within the last 10 years, so that more players may participate in endgame-content? There isn't a single reason, why they should leave out a single part of the game (namely trading), while "balancing" every other aspect.

    2) There is, as said before, a difference between consumables and almost every other item one may buy at a guild trader: While every other item has to be obtained once (think of monster helmets out of vet dungeons for example) to have access to it, consumables enforce a steady and ongoing supply to be used. How would you feel, if your monster helmet were destroyed automatically after a certain amount of time (let's say 100 fights) and has to be farmed again? That's exactly the situation of players, which are in dire need of columbine. There is in fact a difference between a limited grind and an endless one.

    Nothing stops a player from engaging on the 'endless grind'. is not limited to some players, is available to all.

    My playing day consists on two hours of doing daily writs, picking up surveys and stocking the trader(s) then other stuff can happen.

    If a player wants to skip the first couple of hours and focus on the 'other stuff' that's fine too, they just have to be prepared to pay for the privilege of being exempt from the 'endless grind'.

    If the described playstyle suits you and you get your fun out of it, that's fine.

    Nonetheless a lot of other players (namely PvPers and tanks) currently struggle with playing the game how they want, because a single basic ingredient of the needed potions got dominant above all others due to (halfway-abandoned) hybridization and the following changes to potion-meta.

    Last time that happened with corn flowers (around 2017, if I remember correctly) and ZoS reacted by inventing alchemy satchels ti IC vendors. I expect a similar approach this time.

    Besides that I don't see, how farming mats or doing daily writs would be affected by this change. Farming would be the very same before, especially if I decide not to interact with the trading system. And daily writs could even yield an alternative solution for the problem at hand, for example by adjusting the amount of columbine given by them.

    Sure, the best solution would be an overhaul of the entire alchemy craft, but something like that can't be done quick. Meanwhile our best option is to either make those potions buyable through AP/gold/Tel-Var/EA-currency.

    If you think any other of the game's systems would be even affected by this change, then plz show me how, because I don't see it.

    Sounds more like "I can't have my things, so you shall not get yours:" tbh.

    I do what I have to do to not be dependant on others for supplies.

    I am not immune to being cross at the hypocrisy though, of being told when something is available exclusively from activities I loathe that 'I should be grateful for it' and that 'forcing players to engage in all activities is necessary for the health of the game' then threads like this one crop up and the same people go 'except in this case, in this case they should totally make an exception, is only right if they do'.

    Either way I am going to step out because this is going nowhere. Ultimately ZOS will do what ZOS will do.

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